From 859e65deb544f039ff4a889da0a8047a0b8c9ca2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Webster <>
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 04:34:34 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] New positioning code, eliminating a lot of extra, unnecessary

git-svn-id: c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
 src/os2/frame.cpp    |   1 -
 src/os2/toplevel.cpp | 175 ++++++--------------------------
 src/os2/window.cpp   | 237 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 src/os2/wx23.def     |   6 +-
 4 files changed, 152 insertions(+), 267 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/os2/frame.cpp b/src/os2/frame.cpp
index a273ada371..c2e3d87c83 100644
--- a/src/os2/frame.cpp
+++ b/src/os2/frame.cpp
@@ -1079,7 +1079,6 @@ bool wxFrame::HandleSize(
         bProcessed = GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent);
-        AlterChildPos();
     return bProcessed;
 } // end of wxFrame::HandleSize
diff --git a/src/os2/toplevel.cpp b/src/os2/toplevel.cpp
index 6be4e147df..55794c5bfe 100644
--- a/src/os2/toplevel.cpp
+++ b/src/os2/toplevel.cpp
@@ -291,6 +291,7 @@ bool wxTopLevelWindowOS2::CreateDialog(
                       ,SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE | SWP_ZORDER | SWP_SHOW
+    ::WinQueryWindowPos(GetHwnd(), GetSwp());
     m_hFrame = m_hWnd;
     return TRUE;
@@ -501,152 +502,6 @@ wxTopLevelWindowOS2::~wxTopLevelWindowOS2()
 } // end of wxTopLevelWindowOS2::~wxTopLevelWindowOS2
-//  IF we have child controls in the Frame's client we need to alter
-//  the y position, because, OS/2 controls are positioned relative to
-//  wxWindows orgin (top left) not the OS/2 origin (bottom left)
-void wxTopLevelWindowOS2::AlterChildPos()
-    //
-    // OS/2 is the only OS concerned about this
-    //
-    wxWindow*                               pChild = NULL;
-    wxControl*                              pCtrl = NULL;
-    RECTL                                   vRect;
-    SWP                                     vSwp;
-    if (GetAutoLayout)
-        //
-        // Auto layouts taken care of elsewhere
-        //
-        return;
-    ::WinQueryWindowRect(GetHwnd(), &vRect);
-    for (wxWindowList::Node* pNode = GetChildren().GetFirst();
-         pNode;
-         pNode = pNode->GetNext())
-    {
-        wxWindow*                   pChild = pNode->GetData();
-        ::WinQueryWindowPos(pChild->GetHWND(), &vSwp);
-        vSwp.y += (vRect.yTop -;
-        if (pChild->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxControl)))
-        {
-            pCtrl = wxDynamicCast(pChild, wxControl);
-            //
-            // Must deal with controls that have margins like ENTRYFIELD.  The SWP
-            // struct of such a control will have and origin offset from its intended
-            // position by the width of the margins.
-            //
-            vSwp.y -= pCtrl->GetYComp();
-            vSwp.x -= pCtrl->GetXComp();
-        }
-        ::WinSetWindowPos( pChild->GetHWND()
-                          ,HWND_TOP
-                          ,vSwp.x
-                          ,vSwp.y
-                          ,
-                          ,
-                          ,SWP_MOVE
-                         );
-        ::WinQueryWindowPos(pChild->GetHWND(), &vSwp);
-        pChild = NULL;
-    }
-    ::WinQueryWindowPos(GetHwnd(), &m_vSwpClient);
-} // end of wxTopLevelWindowOS2::AlterChildPos
-void wxTopLevelWindowOS2::UpdateInternalSize(
-  wxWindow*                         pChild
-, int                               nChildWidth
-, int                               nChildHeight
-    int                             nWidthAdjust = 0;
-    int                             nHeightAdjust = 0;
-    int                             nPosX;
-    int                             nPosY;
-    bool                            bNewYSize = FALSE;
-    bool                            bNewXSize = FALSE;
-    //
-    // Under OS/2, if we have a srolled window as the child, the
-    // scrollbars will be SIBLINGS of the scrolled window.  So, in
-    // order to be able to display the scrollbars properly we have to
-    // resize the scrolled window.  Of course, that means dealing with
-    // child windows of that window as well, because OS/2 does not
-    // tend to put them in the right place.
-    //
-    if (nChildHeight !=
-        bNewYSize = TRUE;
-    if (nChildWidth !=
-        bNewXSize = TRUE;
-    if (bNewXSize || bNewYSize)
-        pChild->SetSize( 0
-                        ,0
-                        ,nChildWidth
-                        ,nChildHeight
-                       );
-    if(bNewYSize)
-    {
-        //
-        // This is needed SetSize will mess up the OS/2 child window
-        // positioning because we position in wxWindows coordinates,
-        // not OS/2 coordinates.
-        //
-        pChild->MoveChildren( - nChildHeight);
-        pChild->Refresh();
-    }
-    if (pChild->GetScrollBarHorz() != NULLHANDLE ||
-        pChild->GetScrollBarVert() != NULLHANDLE)
-    {
-        if (bNewXSize || bNewYSize)
-        {
-            pChild->GetSize( &nChildWidth
-                            ,&nChildHeight
-                           );
-            if (pChild->GetScrollBarHorz() != NULLHANDLE)
-                nHeightAdjust = 20;
-            if (pChild->GetScrollBarVert() != NULLHANDLE)
-                nWidthAdjust = 20;
-            pChild->GetPosition( &nPosX
-                                ,&nPosY
-                               );
-            ::WinSetWindowPos( pChild->GetHWND()
-                              ,HWND_TOP
-                              ,nPosX
-                              ,nPosY + nHeightAdjust
-                              ,nChildWidth - nWidthAdjust
-                              ,nChildHeight - nHeightAdjust
-                              ,SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE
-                             );
-        }
-        if (bNewYSize && !m_sbInitialized)
-        {
-            //
-            // Only need to readjust child control positions of
-            // scrolled windows once on initialization.  After that
-            // the sizing takes care of things itself.
-            //
-            pChild->MoveChildren(nHeightAdjust);
-            m_sbInitialized = TRUE;
-        }
-        if (bNewXSize || bNewYSize)
-        {
-            //
-            // Always refresh to keep scollbars visible.  They are
-            // children of the Toplevel window, not the child panel.
-            //
-            pChild->Refresh();
-        }
-    }
-    //
-    // This brings the internal "last size" up to date.
-    //
-    ::WinQueryWindowPos(GetHwnd(), &m_vSwpClient);
-} // end of wxTopLevelWindowOS2::UpdateInternalSize
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // wxTopLevelWindowOS2 client size
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -739,6 +594,34 @@ bool wxTopLevelWindowOS2::Show(
         ::WinQueryWindowPos(m_hWnd, &m_vSwpClient);
         ::WinSendMsg(m_hFrame, WM_UPDATEFRAME, (MPARAM)~0, 0);
         ::WinEnableWindow(m_hFrame, TRUE);
+        //
+        // Deal with children
+        //
+        MoveChildren( -;
+        //
+        // Need to handle the case of a single child that not a control
+        // as this is probably a panel with its own children
+        //
+        if (GetChildren().GetCount() > 0)
+        {
+            for (wxWindowList::Node* pNode = GetChildren().GetFirst();
+                 pNode;
+                 pNode = pNode->GetNext())
+            {
+                wxWindow*                   pChild = pNode->GetData();
+                if ( GetChildren().GetCount() == 1 &&
+                    !pChild->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxControl))
+                   )
+                    pChild->MoveChildren( -;
+                pChild->Refresh();
+                pChild = NULL;
+            }
+        }
diff --git a/src/os2/window.cpp b/src/os2/window.cpp
index 935143f040..61e1e63601 100644
--- a/src/os2/window.cpp
+++ b/src/os2/window.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 // Name:        windows.cpp
 // Purpose:     wxWindow
 // Author:      David Webster
@@ -767,6 +766,7 @@ void wxWindowOS2::SetScrollbar(
     SBCDATA                         vInfo;
     ULONG                           ulStyle = WS_VISIBLE | WS_SYNCPAINT;
     SWP                             vSwp;
+    SWP                             vSwpOwner;
     RECTL                           vRect;
     HWND                            hWndParent;
     HWND                            hWndClient;
@@ -789,6 +789,7 @@ void wxWindowOS2::SetScrollbar(
         hWndClient = hWndParent;
     ::WinQueryWindowPos(hWndClient, &vSwp);
+    ::WinQueryWindowPos(hWnd, &vSwpOwner);
     if (nPageSize > 1 && nRange > 0)
@@ -805,6 +806,18 @@ void wxWindowOS2::SetScrollbar(
         ulStyle |= SBS_HORZ;
         if (m_hWndScrollBarHorz == 0L)
+            //
+            // Since the scrollbars are usually created before the owner is
+            // sized either via an OnSize event directly or via sizers or
+            // layout constraints, we will initially just use the coords of
+            // the parent window (this is usually a frame client window). But
+            // the bars themselves, are children of the parent frame (i.e
+            // siblings of the frame client.  The owner, however is the actual
+            // window being scrolled (or at least the one responsible for
+            // handling the scroll events). The owner will be resized later,
+            // as it is usually a child of a top level window, and when that
+            // is done its scrollbars will be resized and repositioned as well.
+            //
             m_hWndScrollBarHorz = ::WinCreateWindow( hWndParent
@@ -822,11 +835,22 @@ void wxWindowOS2::SetScrollbar(
+            //
+            // The owner (the scrolled window) is a child of the Frame's
+            // client window, usually.  The scrollbars are children of the
+            // frame, itself, and thus are positioned relative to the frame's
+            // origin, not the frame's client window origin.
+            // The starting x position is the same as the starting x position
+            // of the owner, but in terms of the parent frame.
+            // The starting y position is 20 pels below the origin of the
+            // owner in terms of the parent frame.
+            // The horz bar is the same width as the owner and 20 pels high.
+            //
             ::WinSetWindowPos( m_hWndScrollBarHorz
-                              ,vSwp.x
-                              ,vSwp.y
-                              , - 20
+                              ,vSwp.x + vSwpOwner.x
+                              ,(vSwp.y + vSwpOwner.y) - 20
+                              ,
                               ,SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE | SWP_SHOW | SWP_ACTIVATE | SWP_ZORDER
@@ -849,6 +873,18 @@ void wxWindowOS2::SetScrollbar(
         ulStyle |= SBS_VERT;
         if (m_hWndScrollBarVert == 0L)
+            //
+            // Since the scrollbars are usually created before the owner is
+            // sized either via an OnSize event directly or via sizers or
+            // layout constraints, we will initially just use the coords of
+            // the parent window (this is usually a frame client window). But
+            // the bars themselves, are children of the parent frame (i.e
+            // siblings of the frame client.  The owner, however is the actual
+            // window being scrolled (or at least the one responsible for
+            // handling the scroll events). The owner will be resized later,
+            // as it is usually a child of a top level window, and when that
+            // is done its scrollbars will be resized and repositioned as well.
+            //
             m_hWndScrollBarVert = ::WinCreateWindow( hWndParent
@@ -866,12 +902,28 @@ void wxWindowOS2::SetScrollbar(
+            ::WinQueryWindowPos(hWnd, &vSwpOwner);
+            //
+            // The owner (the scrolled window) is a child of the Frame's
+            // client window, usually.  The scrollbars are children of the
+            // frame, itself and thus are positioned relative to the frame's
+            // origin, not the frame's client window's origin.
+            // Thus, the x position will be frame client's x (usually a few
+            // pels inside the parent frame, plus the width of the owner.
+            // Since we may be using sizers or layout constraints for multiple
+            // child scrolled windows, the y position will be the frame client's
+            // y pos plus the scrolled windows y position, yielding the y
+            // position of the scrollbar relative to the parent frame (the vert
+            // scrollbar is on the right and starts at the bottom of the
+            // owner window).
+            // It is 20 pels wide and the same height as the owner.
+            //
             ::WinSetWindowPos( m_hWndScrollBarVert
-                              ,vSwp.x + - 20
-                              ,vSwp.y + 20
+                              ,vSwp.x + vSwpOwner.x +
+                              ,vSwp.y + vSwpOwner.y
-                              , - 20
+                              ,
                               ,SWP_ACTIVATE | SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE | SWP_SHOW
             ::WinSendMsg( m_hWndScrollBarVert
@@ -1523,6 +1575,55 @@ void wxWindowOS2::DoMoveWindow(
                       ,SWP_ZORDER | SWP_SIZE | SWP_MOVE | SWP_SHOW
+    if ( == 0 && == 0 && m_vWinSwp.fl == 0)
+        //
+        // Uninitialized
+        //
+        ::WinQueryWindowPos(GetHwnd(), &m_vWinSwp);
+    else
+    {
+        int                         nYDiff = - nHeight;
+        //
+        // Handle resizing of scrolled windows.  The target or window to
+        // be scrolled is the owner (gets the scroll notificaitons).  The
+        // parent is usually the parent frame of the scrolled panel window.
+        // In order to show the scrollbars the target window will be shrunk
+        // by the size of the scroll bar widths (20) and moved in the X and Y
+        // directon.  That value will be computed as part of the diff for
+        // moving the children.  Everytime the window is sized the
+        // toplevel OnSize is going to resize the panel to fit the client
+        // or the whole sizer and will need to me resized. This will send
+        // a WM_SIZE out which will be intercepted by the ScrollHelper
+        // which will cause the scrollbars to be displayed via the SetScrollbar
+        // call in CWindow.
+        //
+        if ( pParent->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxGenericScrolledWindow)) ||
+             pParent->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxScrolledWindow))
+           )
+        {
+            int                     nAdjustWidth  = 0;
+            int                     nAdjustHeight = 0;
+            SWP                     vSwpScroll;
+            if (GetScrollBarHorz() != NULLHANDLE)
+                nAdjustHeight = 20L;
+            if (GetScrollBarVert() != NULLHANDLE)
+                nAdjustWidth = 20L;
+            ::WinQueryWindowPos(GetHWND(), &vSwpScroll);
+            ::WinSetWindowPos( GetHWND()
+                              ,HWND_TOP
+                              ,vSwpScroll.x
+                              ,vSwpScroll.y + nAdjustHeight
+                              , - nAdjustWidth
+                              , - nAdjustHeight
+                              ,SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE
+                             );
+            nYDiff += 20;
+        }
+        MoveChildren(nYDiff);
+        ::WinQueryWindowPos(GetHwnd(), &m_vWinSwp);
+    }
 } // end of wxWindowOS2::DoMoveWindow
@@ -4018,6 +4119,7 @@ void wxWindowOS2::MoveChildren(
                           ,SWP_MOVE | SWP_ZORDER
+        ::WinQueryWindowPos(GetHwndOf(pWin), pWin->GetSwp());
         if (pWin->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxRadioBox)))
             wxRadioBox*     pRadioBox;
@@ -4062,6 +4164,8 @@ void wxWindowOS2::MoveChildren(
 //  3)  The controls are children of a panel, which in turn is a child of
 //      a frame.
+//      The panel may be one of many, in which case the same treatment
+//      as 1 applies. It may be the only child, though.
 //      This is the nastiest case.  A panel is created as the only child of
 //      the frame and as such, when a frame has only one child, the child is
 //      expanded to fit the entire client area of the frame.  Because the
@@ -4102,12 +4206,16 @@ int wxWindowOS2::GetOS2ParentHeight(
-    // Case 3 -- this is for any window that is the sole child of a Frame.
-    //           The grandparent must exist and it must be of type CFrame
-    //           and it's height must be different. Otherwise the standard
-    //           applies.
+    // Case 3a -- One of many Frame children.  Will be positioned normally
+    //
+    else if (pParent->GetChildren().GetCount() > 1)
+        return(pParent->GetClientSize().y);
+    //
+    // Case 3b -- this is for any window that is the sole child of a Frame.
+    //            The grandparent must exist and it must be of type CFrame
+    //            and it's height must be different. Otherwise the standard
+    //            applies.
@@ -4142,111 +4250,6 @@ int wxWindowOS2::GetOS2ParentHeight(
 // OS/2 needs a lot extra manipulation to deal with layouts
 // for canvas windows, particularly scrolled ones.
-void wxWindowOS2::OS2Layout(
-  int                               nWidth
-, int                               nHeight
-    //
-    // Frames laying out canvas windows need the held.
-    // Dialogs or Frames laying out child controls do not.
-    //
-    if (IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxFrame)))
-    {
-        RECTL                       vRectFrame;
-        RECTL                       vRectClient;
-        RECTL                       vRectChild;
-        RECTL                       vRectHorz;
-        RECTL                       vRectVert;
-        SWP                         vSwpFrame;
-        SWP                         vSwpClient;
-        SWP                         vSwpChild;
-        SWP                         vSwpHorz;
-        SWP                         vSwpVert;
-        wxFrame*                    pFrame = wxDynamicCast(this, wxFrame);
-        bool                        bNewYSize = FALSE;
-        bool                        bNewXSize = FALSE;
-        ::WinQueryWindowPos(pFrame->GetFrame(), &vSwpFrame);
-        ::WinQueryWindowPos(GetHwnd(), &vSwpClient);
-        if ( != pFrame->GetSwpClient()->cy)
-            bNewYSize = TRUE;
-        if ( != pFrame->GetSwpClient()->cx)
-            bNewXSize = TRUE;
-        for (wxWindowList::Node* pNode = GetChildren().GetFirst();
-             pNode;
-             pNode = pNode->GetNext())
-        {
-            wxWindow*               pChild = pNode->GetData();
-            int                     nWidthAdjust = 0;
-            int                     nHeightAdjust = 0;
-            if ( pChild->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxGenericScrolledWindow)) ||
-                 pChild->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxScrolledWindow))
-               )
-            {
-                if(bNewYSize)
-                {
-                    //
-                    // This is needed SetSize will mess up the OS/2 child window
-                    // positioning because we position in wxWindows coordinates,
-                    // not OS/2 coordinates.
-                    //
-                    pChild->MoveChildren(pFrame->GetSwpClient()->cy -;
-                    pChild->Refresh();
-                }
-                ::WinQueryWindowPos(pChild->GetHWND(), &vSwpChild);
-                //
-                // Reset the child window size to account for scrollbars
-                //
-                if (pChild->GetScrollBarHorz() != NULLHANDLE)
-                    nHeightAdjust = 20;
-                if (pChild->GetScrollBarVert() != NULLHANDLE)
-                    nWidthAdjust = 20;
-                ::WinSetWindowPos( pChild->GetHWND()
-                                  ,HWND_TOP
-                                  ,vSwpChild.x
-                                  ,vSwpChild.y + nHeightAdjust
-                                  , - nWidthAdjust
-                                  , - nHeightAdjust
-                                  ,SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE
-                                 );
-                //
-                // Reset the scrollbar sizes...they will be all messed up after
-                // auto layouts
-                //
-                if (pChild->GetScrollBarHorz() != NULLHANDLE)
-                {
-                    ::WinSetWindowPos( pChild->GetScrollBarHorz()
-                                      ,HWND_TOP
-                                      ,vSwpClient.x + vSwpChild.x
-                                      ,vSwpClient.y + vSwpChild.y
-                                      , - 20
-                                      ,20
-                                      ,SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE | SWP_SHOW | SWP_ACTIVATE | SWP_ZORDER
-                                     );
-                }
-                if (pChild->GetScrollBarVert() != NULLHANDLE)
-                {
-                    ::WinSetWindowPos( pChild->GetScrollBarVert()
-                                      ,HWND_TOP
-                                      ,vSwpClient.x + vSwpChild.x + - 20
-                                      ,vSwpClient.y + vSwpChild.y  + 20
-                                      ,20
-                                      , - 20
-                                      ,SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE | SWP_SHOW | SWP_ACTIVATE | SWP_ZORDER
-                                     );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        ::WinQueryWindowPos(GetHwnd(), pFrame->GetSwpClient());
-    }
-} // end of wxWindowOS2::OS2Layout
   wxWindow*                         pWinBeingCreated
diff --git a/src/os2/wx23.def b/src/os2/wx23.def
index dd05b8a7b0..e7c596211e 100644
--- a/src/os2/wx23.def
+++ b/src/os2/wx23.def
-;From library:  H:\Dev\Wx2\WxWindows\lib\wx.lib
+;From library:  F:\DEV\WX2\WXWINDOWS\LIB\wx.lib
   ;From object file:  dummy.cpp
     ;PUBDEFs (Symbols available from object file):
@@ -1777,7 +1777,7 @@ EXPORTS
-  ;From object file:  H:\DEV\WX2\WXWINDOWS\src\common\extended.c
+  ;From object file:  F:\DEV\WX2\WXWINDOWS\src\common\extended.c
     ;PUBDEFs (Symbols available from object file):
@@ -5810,7 +5810,7 @@ EXPORTS
-  ;From object file:  H:\DEV\WX2\WXWINDOWS\src\common\unzip.c
+  ;From object file:  F:\DEV\WX2\WXWINDOWS\src\common\unzip.c
     ;PUBDEFs (Symbols available from object file):