From 1b55cabf505902af2275a5ae796acacae7073882 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robin Dunn <>
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 08:29:02 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Added wxEditor from Dirc Holtwic Some tweaks and fixes Some
 distrib updates

git-svn-id: c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
 utils/wxPython/BUILD.txt               |  39 +-
 utils/wxPython/CHANGES.txt             |   3 +
 utils/wxPython/demo/            |   4 +-
 utils/wxPython/demo/        |  42 ++
 utils/wxPython/demo/      |  20 +-
 utils/wxPython/distrib/    | 164 +++++++
 utils/wxPython/distrib/wise.aut        |   7 +
 utils/wxPython/distrib/wxPython.rsp    |   2 +
 utils/wxPython/distrib/wxPython.wse    |  20 +
 utils/wxPython/distrib/wxPython.wsm    | Bin 33 -> 33 bytes
 utils/wxPython/lib/editor/.cvsignore   |   4 +
 utils/wxPython/lib/editor/  |  18 +
 utils/wxPython/lib/editor/    | 619 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 utils/wxPython/lib/editor/ | 210 +++++++++
 utils/wxPython/lib/editor/ |  60 +++
 utils/wxPython/src/msw/windows.cpp     | 106 ++++-
 utils/wxPython/src/msw/      |   9 +
 utils/wxPython/src/windows.i           |   3 +
 18 files changed, 1304 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 utils/wxPython/demo/
 create mode 100644 utils/wxPython/distrib/
 create mode 100644 utils/wxPython/distrib/wise.aut
 create mode 100644 utils/wxPython/lib/editor/.cvsignore
 create mode 100644 utils/wxPython/lib/editor/
 create mode 100644 utils/wxPython/lib/editor/
 create mode 100644 utils/wxPython/lib/editor/
 create mode 100644 utils/wxPython/lib/editor/

diff --git a/utils/wxPython/BUILD.txt b/utils/wxPython/BUILD.txt
index 0e58de5372..210a1e1a15 100644
--- a/utils/wxPython/BUILD.txt
+++ b/utils/wxPython/BUILD.txt
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ below.)
    You can use whatever flags you want, but these work for me.
    For Win32 systems I use Visual C++ 6.0, but 5.0 should work.  The
-   build utility currently does not support any other win32
+   wxPython build utility currently does not support any other win32
    compilers.  Be sure to copy include/wx/msw/setup0.h to
    include/wx/msw/setup.h and edit it for the options you want.
@@ -46,13 +46,14 @@ below.)
    variable named WXWIN to be the path to the top of the wxWindows
 3. If you are working from a copy of the code retrieved from CVS, then
    you will find wxPython in $WXWIN/utils/wxPython.  If you are
    working from the tar.gz or .zip files then you will probably want
    to unpack wxPython in the $WXWIN/utils directory and rename the new
    directory to wxPython (or use a symlink.)  If you want to keep it
    in a separate directory then you can change where the tool
-   expects to find it by creating a file named build.local (see step 6
+   expects to find it by creating a file named build.local (see step 7
    for more examples about build.local,) containing something like
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ below.)
 4. At this point you may want to make an alias or symlink, script,
-   batch file, whatever on the PATH that invokes
+   batch file, or whatever on the PATH that invokes
    $WXWIN/utils/wxPython/distrib/ to help simplify matters
    somewhat.  For example, on my win32 system I have a file named
    build.bat in a directory on the PATH that contains:
@@ -71,16 +72,25 @@ below.)
 5. Change into the $(WXWIN)/utils/wxPython/src directory.
-6. Type "build -b" to build wxPython and "build -i" to install it.
+6. If you don't use SWIG, or have a new enough version installed, you
+   may have to update the timestamps of the files it generates so the
+   make utility won't think they are out of date and try to run SWIG
+   to update them.  The standard touch utility can do this for you:
+   touch gtk/*.cpp gtk/*.py
+7. Type "build -b" to build wxPython and "build -i" to install it.
    The script actually generates a Makefile based on what it
    finds on your system and information found in the build.cfg file.
    If you have troubles building or you want it built or installed in
    a different way, take a look at the docstring in  You may
    be able to override configuration options in a file named
-   build.local.  For example, you can set a new TARGETDIR just by
-   creating a file named build.local in your wxPython source directory
-   and assign a value to it, like this:
+   build.local.  For example, you can set a new TARGETDIR (the
+   installation directory) just by creating a file named build.local
+   in your wxPython source directory and assign a value to it, like
+   this:
    TARGETDIR = "/usr/local/lib/python1.5/site-packages/wxPython"
@@ -88,20 +98,23 @@ below.)
    creative things there if you need to.
-7. To build and install the add-on modules, change to the appropriate
+8. To build and install the add-on modules, change to the appropriate
    directory under $WXWIN/utils/wxPython/modules and run the build
    utility again.
-8. Change to the $WXWIN/utils/wxPython/demo directory.
+9. Change to the $WXWIN/utils/wxPython/demo directory.
-9. Try executing the demo program.  For example:
+10. Try executing the demo program.  For example:
-To run it without requiring a console on win32, you can use the
-pythonw.exe version of Python either from the command line or from a
+    To run it without requiring a console on win32, you can use the
+    pythonw.exe version of Python either from the command line or from
+    a shortcut.
diff --git a/utils/wxPython/CHANGES.txt b/utils/wxPython/CHANGES.txt
index 9ed776e60b..704e4bc728 100644
--- a/utils/wxPython/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/utils/wxPython/CHANGES.txt
@@ -72,6 +72,9 @@
 Added some missing EVT_ functions.
+Added Dirk Holtwic's editor classes to the wxPython.lib.editor
diff --git a/utils/wxPython/demo/ b/utils/wxPython/demo/
index 1030ed5d73..fea3339ceb 100644
--- a/utils/wxPython/demo/
+++ b/utils/wxPython/demo/
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ _useNestedSplitter = true
 _treeList = [
     ('New since last release', ['wxMVCTree', 'wxVTKRenderWindow',
                                 'FileBrowseButton', 'GenericButtons',
-                                'wxMask']),
+                                'wxMask', 'wxEditor']),
     ('Managed Windows', ['wxFrame', 'wxDialog', 'wxMiniFrame']),
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ _treeList = [
     ('wxPython Library', ['Layoutf', 'wxScrolledMessageDialog',
                           'wxMultipleChoiceDialog', 'wxPlotCanvas', 'wxFloatBar',
                           'PyShell', 'wxCalendar', 'wxMVCTree', 'wxVTKRenderWindow',
-                          'FileBrowseButton', 'GenericButtons']),
+                          'FileBrowseButton', 'GenericButtons', 'wxEditor']),
     ('Cool Contribs', ['pyTree', 'hangman', 'SlashDot', 'XMLtreeview']),
diff --git a/utils/wxPython/demo/ b/utils/wxPython/demo/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ffbea7d2ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/wxPython/demo/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+from wxPython.wx         import *
+from wxPython.lib.editor import wxEditor, wxPyEditor
+def runTest(frame, nb, log):
+    win = wxPanel(nb, -1)
+    ed = wxEditor(win)
+    pyed = wxPyEditor(win)
+    box = wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL)
+    box.Add(ed, 1, wxALL|wxGROW, 5)
+    box.Add(pyed, 1, wxALL|wxGROW, 5)
+    win.SetSizer(box)
+    win.SetAutoLayout(true)
+    ed.SetText(["",
+                "This is a simple text editor, the class name is",
+                "wxEditor.  Type a few lines and try it out."])
+    pyed.SetText(["# This one is a derived class named wxPyEditor.",
+                  "# It adds syntax highlighting, folding (press",
+                  "# F12 on the \"def\" line below) and other stuff.",
+                  "import sys",
+                  "def hello():",
+                  "    print 'hello'",
+                  "    for x in sys.path:",
+                  "        print x",
+                  ""])
+    return win
+overview = """\
diff --git a/utils/wxPython/demo/ b/utils/wxPython/demo/
index 48c85f4a3d..e61426abdc 100644
--- a/utils/wxPython/demo/
+++ b/utils/wxPython/demo/
@@ -17,24 +17,24 @@ class TestFloatBar(wxFrame):
-        tb.AddTool(10, wxBitmap('bitmaps/new.bmp',   wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP),
-                        wxNullBitmap, false, -1, -1, "New", "Long help for 'New'")
+        tb.AddSimpleTool(10, wxBitmap('bitmaps/new.bmp',   wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP),
+                         "New", "Long help for 'New'")
         EVT_TOOL(self, 10, self.OnToolClick)
         EVT_TOOL_RCLICKED(self, 10, self.OnToolRClick)
-        tb.AddTool(20, wxBitmap('bitmaps/open.bmp',  wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP),
-                        wxNullBitmap, false, -1, -1, "Open")
+        tb.AddSimpleTool(20, wxBitmap('bitmaps/open.bmp',  wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP),
+                         "Open")
         EVT_TOOL(self, 20, self.OnToolClick)
         EVT_TOOL_RCLICKED(self, 20, self.OnToolRClick)
-        tb.AddTool(30, wxBitmap('bitmaps/copy.bmp',  wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP),
-                        wxNullBitmap, false, -1, -1, "Copy")
+        tb.AddSimpleTool(30, wxBitmap('bitmaps/copy.bmp',  wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP),
+                         "Copy")
         EVT_TOOL(self, 30, self.OnToolClick)
         EVT_TOOL_RCLICKED(self, 30, self.OnToolRClick)
-        tb.AddTool(40, wxBitmap('bitmaps/paste.bmp', wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP),
-                        wxNullBitmap, false, -1, -1, "Paste")
+        tb.AddSimpleTool(40, wxBitmap('bitmaps/paste.bmp', wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP),
+                         "Paste")
         EVT_TOOL(self, 40, self.OnToolClick)
         EVT_TOOL_RCLICKED(self, 40, self.OnToolRClick)
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ class TestFloatBar(wxFrame):
         tb.AddTool(60, wxBitmap('bitmaps/tog1.bmp', wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP),
-                        wxBitmap('bitmaps/tog2.bmp', wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP),
-                        true, -1, -1, "Toggle with 2 bitmaps")
+                   wxBitmap('bitmaps/tog2.bmp', wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP),
+                   shortHelpString="Toggle with 2 bitmaps", toggle=true)
         EVT_TOOL(self, 60, self.OnToolClick)
         EVT_TOOL_RCLICKED(self, 60, self.OnToolRClick)
diff --git a/utils/wxPython/distrib/ b/utils/wxPython/distrib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7472339ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/wxPython/distrib/
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+import sys, os, string, time
+from ftplib import FTP
+logfile = 'e:\\temp\\autobuild.log'
+WXDIR   = os.environ['WXWIN']
+dllVer  = '21_11'
+wxpVer  = '2.1.11'
+dateSt  = time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime(time.time()))
+def do(cmd):
+    st = "  " + cmd + " >> " + logfile
+    print st
+    f = open(logfile, "at")
+    f.write(st + '\n')
+    f.close()
+    os.system(cmd + " >>& " + logfile)
+def logTruncate():
+    f = open(logfile, "wt")
+    f.close()
+def logSeparator(msg=None, f=None, recurse=1):
+    if not f:
+        f = open(logfile, "at")
+    f.write('\n')
+    f.write('--' * 35)
+    f.write('\n')
+    if msg:
+        f.write(msg)
+        f.write('\n')
+        f.write('--' * 35)
+        f.write('\n')
+        if recurse:
+            logSeparator(msg, sys.stdout, 0)
+def validateFile(file):
+    if not os.path.exists(file):
+        logSeparator("*****  %s does not exist, exiting! *****" % file)
+        raise SystemExit
+    else:
+        logSeparator("%s found, continuing..." % file, recurse=0)
+def main():
+    logTruncate()
+    try:
+        logSeparator("Cleanup")
+        os.chdir(WXDIR + '/src/msw')
+        do('make cleandll FINAL=1')
+        os.chdir(WXDIR + '/utils/ogl/src')
+        do('wxm clean FINAL=1')
+        os.chdir(WXDIR + '/utils/glcanvas/win')
+        do('wxm clean FINAL=1')
+        logSeparator("Building Documentation...")
+        os.chdir(WXDIR + '/src/msw')
+        do('make touchmanual htmlhelp')
+        validateFile(WXDIR + '/docs/html/wx/wx.chm')
+        logSeparator("Building wxWindows and libraries...")
+        os.chdir(WXDIR + '/src/msw')
+        do('make dll pch FINAL=1')
+        validateFile(WXDIR + '/lib/wx'+dllVer+'.dll')
+        os.chdir(WXDIR + '/utils/ogl/src')
+        do('wxm FINAL=1')
+        os.chdir(WXDIR + '/utils/glcanvas/win')
+        do('wxm FINAL=1')
+        validateFile(WXDIR + '/lib/ogl.lib')
+        validateFile(WXDIR + '/lib/glcanvas.lib')
+        logSeparator("Copying wxPython workspace to build directory...")
+        do("copy /s %s %s" % ('e:\\projects\\wxPython\*.*', WXDIR+'\\utils\\wxPython'))
+        os.chdir(WXDIR + '/utils/wxPython')
+        f = open("build.local", "w")
+        f.write("""
+TARGETDIR = 'e:\\projects\\wx\\utils\\wxPython'
+WXPSRCDIR = 'e:\\projects\\wx\\utils\\wxPython\\src'
+        f.close()
+        logSeparator("Cleaning wxPython...")
+        os.chdir(WXDIR+'\\utils\\wxPython')
+        do("buildall -cu")
+        do("ll")
+        logSeparator("Building core wxPython...")
+        os.chdir(WXDIR+'\\utils\\wxPython\\src')
+        do("build -bi")
+        validateFile(WXDIR+'\\utils\\wxPython\\wxc.pyd')
+        logSeparator("Building wxPython addon modules...")
+        os.chdir(WXDIR+'\\utils\\wxPython\\modules')
+        do("buildall -bi")
+        validateFile(WXDIR+'\\utils\\wxPython\\utilsc.pyd')
+        validateFile(WXDIR+'\\utils\\wxPython\\htmlc.pyd')
+        validateFile(WXDIR+'\\utils\\wxPython\\glcanvasc.pyd')
+        validateFile(WXDIR+'\\utils\\wxPython\\oglc.pyd')
+        logSeparator("Building installer executable...")
+        os.chdir(WXDIR+'\\utils\\wxPython\\distrib')
+        do("autoit2 wise.aut")
+        srcName = WXDIR+'\\utils\\wxPython\\distrib\\wxPython-'+wxpVer+'.EXE'
+        destName = WXDIR+'\\utils\\wxPython\\distrib\\wxPython-'+wxpVer+'-'+dateSt+'.EXE'
+        validateFile(srcName)
+        try:
+            os.rename(srcName, destName)
+        except:
+            pass
+        logSeparator("Building source zip file...")
+        os.chdir(WXDIR+'\\utils')
+        do("wxPython\\distrib\\zipit.bat %s" % wxpVer)
+        srcZName = WXDIR+'\\utils\\wxPython\\distrib\\wxPython-src-'+wxpVer+'.zip'
+        destZName = WXDIR+'\\utils\\wxPython\\distrib\\wxPython-src-'+wxpVer+'-'+dateSt+'.zip'
+        validateFile(srcZName)
+        try:
+            os.rename(srcZName, destZName)
+        except:
+            pass
+        logSeparator("Uploading to website...")
+        do('python d:\util32\ %s' % destName)
+        do('python d:\util32\ %s' % destZName)
+        os.unlink(destName)
+        os.unlink(destZName)
+        logSeparator("Finished!!!")
+    finally:
+        os.system("list " + logfile)
+        pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/utils/wxPython/distrib/wise.aut b/utils/wxPython/distrib/wise.aut
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6abb399e38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/wxPython/distrib/wise.aut
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+run, e:\\Tools\\Wise\\WISE32.EXE wxPython.wse
+winwaitactive, wxPython.wse - Wise Installation System
+send, !ic
+sleep, 1000
+winwaitactive, wxPython.wse - Wise Installation System
+send, !fx
diff --git a/utils/wxPython/distrib/wxPython.rsp b/utils/wxPython/distrib/wxPython.rsp
index bb4f379802..9f1f3fd005 100644
--- a/utils/wxPython/distrib/wxPython.rsp
+++ b/utils/wxPython/distrib/wxPython.rsp
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ wxPython/lib/*.py
diff --git a/utils/wxPython/distrib/wxPython.wse b/utils/wxPython/distrib/wxPython.wse
index f090501d39..81bc8ccee0 100644
--- a/utils/wxPython/distrib/wxPython.wse
+++ b/utils/wxPython/distrib/wxPython.wse
@@ -849,6 +849,12 @@ item: Install File
   Description=wxPython Standard Library
+item: Install File
+  Source=e:\Projects\wx\utils\wxPython\lib\editor\*.py
+  Destination=%MAINDIR%\wxPython\lib\editor
+  Description=wxPython Standard Library
+  Flags=0000000010000010
 item: Install File
@@ -1133,6 +1139,20 @@ item: Create Shortcut
   Key Type=1536
+item: Create Shortcut
+  Source=%MAINDIR%\wxPython\README.txt
+  Destination=%CGROUPDIR%\%CGROUP_SAVE%\ReadMe.lnk
+  Icon Number=0
+  Key Type=1536
+  Flags=00000001
+item: Create Shortcut
+  Source=%MAINDIR%\wxPython\CHANGES.txt
+  Destination=%CGROUPDIR%\%CGROUP_SAVE%\Changes.lnk
+  Icon Number=0
+  Key Type=1536
+  Flags=00000001
 item: Create Shortcut
   Destination=%CGROUPDIR%\%CGROUP_SAVE%\Uninstall %APPTITLE%.lnk
diff --git a/utils/wxPython/distrib/wxPython.wsm b/utils/wxPython/distrib/wxPython.wsm
index 66a1c6507b27db63f819c871db6ea050d8a00f27..16ffb01726ff7b40183f537dd966985df430adc4 100644
GIT binary patch
literal 33

literal 33

diff --git a/utils/wxPython/lib/editor/.cvsignore b/utils/wxPython/lib/editor/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd21cbd860
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/wxPython/lib/editor/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/utils/wxPython/lib/editor/ b/utils/wxPython/lib/editor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30bd0310d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/wxPython/lib/editor/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Name:        wxPython.lib.editor
+# Purpose:     A package containing a colourizable text editror
+# Author:      Robin Dunn
+# Created:     30-Dec-1999
+# RCS-ID:      $Id$
+# Copyright:   (c) 1999 by Total Control Software
+# Licence:     wxWindows license
+# This file makes this directory into a Python package
+# import the main classes into the package namespace.
+from editor    import wxEditor
+from py_editor import wxPyEditor
diff --git a/utils/wxPython/lib/editor/ b/utils/wxPython/lib/editor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b0df9c4c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/wxPython/lib/editor/
@@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
+# Name:        wxPython.lib.editor.wxEditor
+# Purpose:     An intelligent text editor with colorization capabilities.
+# Author:      Dirk Holtwic, Robin Dunn
+# Created:     15-Dec-1999
+# RCS-ID:      $Id$
+# Copyright:   (c) 1999 by Dirk Holtwick, 1999
+# Licence:     wxWindows license
+from wxPython.wx import *
+from string import *
+from keyword import *
+from regsub import *
+from tokenizer import *
+#EDITOR_STD_LINE = ("", [], (0,0,0))
+class Line:
+    def __init__(self, text=""):
+        self.text       = text      # the string itself
+        self.syntax     = []        # the colors of the line
+        self.editable   = true      # edit?
+        self.visible    = 0         # will be incremented if not
+        self.indent     = 0         # not used yet
+class wxEditor(wxScrolledWindow):
+    def __init__(self, parent, id=-1):
+    ###############################################################
+        """
+        Alles hat einen Anfang
+        """
+        wxScrolledWindow.__init__(self, parent, id,
+                                  wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(500,400),
+                                  wxSUNKEN_BORDER|wxWANTS_CHARS)
+        # the syntax informations, if they don't exist,
+        # all syntax stuff will be ignored
+        # cursor pos
+ = 0
+ = 0
+        # the lines that are visible
+        self.lines = []
+        self.line = 0
+        self.len = 0
+        self.ocy = 0
+        # border pos
+        #self.bx = 0
+ = 0
+        # screen
+ = 0
+ = 0
+        self.sw = 0
+ = 0
+        # font
+        dc = wxClientDC(self)
+        #if wxPlatform == "__WXMSW__":
+        self.font = wxFont(12, wxMODERN, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL)
+        #else:
+        #    self.font = wxFont(12, wxMODERN, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL, false)
+        dc.SetFont(self.font)
+        # font weight, height
+        self.fw = dc.GetCharWidth()
+        self.fh = dc.GetCharHeight()
+        #  back, for colour
+        self.bcol = wxNamedColour('white')
+        self.fcol = wxNamedColour('black')
+        self.cfcol = wxNamedColour('black')
+        self.cbcol = wxNamedColour('red')
+        # nicht edierbare zeile (hintergrund)
+        self.nedcol = wxNamedColour('grey')
+        self.SetBackgroundColour(self.bcol)
+        #dc.SetForegroundColour(self.fcol)
+        # events
+        EVT_LEFT_DOWN(self, self.OnMouseClick)
+        EVT_RIGHT_DOWN(self, self.OnMouseClick)
+        EVT_SCROLLWIN(self, self.OnScroll)
+        self.o_cx =
+        self.o_cy =
+        self.o_sx =
+        self.o_sy =
+        self.o_line = self.line
+        self.sco_x = 0
+        self.sco_y = 0
+        self.tabsize = 4
+        self.update = true
+        self.in_scroll =FALSE
+        bw,bh = self.GetSizeTuple()
+        # double buffering
+        self.mdc = wxMemoryDC()
+        self.mdc.SelectObject(wxEmptyBitmap(bw,bh))
+        # disable physical scrolling because invisible parts are not drawn
+        self.EnableScrolling(FALSE, FALSE)
+        # the ordinary text as it is
+        self.SetText()
+        self.SetFocus()
+    def CalcLines(self):
+    ###############################################################
+        self.lines = []
+        x =maxlen =0
+        for line in self.text:
+            if line.visible==0:
+                self.lines.append(x)
+            else:
+                if len(line.text) >maxlen:
+                    maxlen =len(line.text)
+            x = x + 1
+        self.len = len(self.lines)
+        self.max_linelength =maxlen
+    def SetFontTab(self, fonttab):
+    ###############################################################
+        """ Fonttabelle zum schnellen Zugriff """
+        self.ftab = fonttab
+    def SetText(self, text = [""]):
+    ###############################################################
+        """ Text mittels Liste setzen """
+ = 0
+ = 0
+        self.text = []
+        for t in text:
+            self.text.append(Line(t))
+        for l in range(0,len(text)-1):
+            #self.UpdateSyntax(l)
+            self.OnUpdateHighlight(l)
+        self.OnInit()
+        self.update = true
+        self.UpdateView(None, true)
+    # show new text
+    def GetText(self):
+    ###############################################################
+        """ Der gesamte Text als Liste """
+        text = []
+        for line in self.text:
+            text.append(line.text)
+        return text
+    def IsEmpty(self):
+    ###############################################################
+        """see if at least one text line is not empty"""
+        for line in self.text:
+            if line.text: return 0
+        return 1
+    def IsLine(self, line):
+    ###############################################################
+        """ Schauen, ob alles im grünen Bereich ist """
+        return (line>=0) and (line<self.len)
+    def IsEditable(self, line):
+    ###############################################################
+        return self.text[self.GetLine(line)].editable
+    def GetLine(self, line):
+    ###############################################################
+        return self.lines[line]
+    def GetTextLine(self, line):
+    ###############################################################
+        """ Text holen """
+        if self.IsLine(line):
+            return self.text[self.GetLine(line)].text
+        return ""
+    def SetTextLine(self, line, text):
+    ###############################################################
+        """ Nur den Text ändern """
+        if self.IsLine(line):
+            l = self.GetLine(line)
+            self.text[l].text = text
+            #self.UpdateSyntax(l)
+            self.OnUpdateHighlight(l)
+            self.update = true
+    def OnMouseClick(self, event):
+    ###############################################################
+        """
+        Wenn es Click gemacht hat => Cursor setzen
+        """
+        self.SetFocus()
+ = + (event.GetY() / self.fh)
+        if >= self.len: =max(self.len -1, 0)
+        linelen =len(self.text[self.GetLine(].text)
+ = + (event.GetX() / self.fw)
+        # allow positioning right behind the last character
+        if > linelen: =linelen
+        if event.GetEventType() ==wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN:
+            self.update = true
+            self.OnFold()
+        self.UpdateView()
+    def DrawCursor(self, dc = None):
+    ###############################################################
+        """
+        Auch der Cursor muß ja irgendwie gezeichnet werden
+        """
+        if not dc:
+            dc = wxClientDC(self)
+        if (self.len)< #-1 ?
+   = self.len-1
+        s = self.text[self.GetLine(].text
+        x = -
+        y = -
+        self.DrawSimpleCursor(x, y, dc)
+    def DrawSimpleCursor(self, xp, yp, dc = None, old=false):
+    ###############################################################
+        """
+        Auch der Cursor muß ja irgendwie gezeichnet werden
+        """
+        if not dc:
+            dc = wxClientDC(self)
+        if old:
+            xp = self.sco_x
+            yp = self.sco_y
+        szx = self.fw
+        szy = self.fh
+        x = xp * szx
+        y = yp * szy
+        dc.Blit(x,y,szx,szy,dc,x,y,wxSRC_INVERT)
+        self.sco_x = xp
+        self.sco_y = yp
+    def OnScroll(self, event):
+        dir =event.GetOrientation()
+        evt =event.GetEventType()
+        if dir ==wxHORIZONTAL:
+            if evt ==wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP: -1
+            elif evt ==wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN: +1
+            elif evt ==wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP: -self.sw
+            elif evt ==wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN: +self.sw
+            elif evt ==wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP: =0
+            elif evt ==wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_BOTTOM:
+       =self.max_linelength -self.sw
+       =self.max_linelength
+            else: =event.GetPosition()
+            if >(self.max_linelength -self.sw +1):
+       =self.max_linelength -self.sw +1
+            if <0: =0
+            if >( +self.sw -1): +self.sw -1
+            if <
+        else:
+            if evt ==wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP: -1
+            elif evt ==wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN: +1
+            elif evt ==wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP:
+            elif evt ==wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN:
+            elif evt ==wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP: =0
+            elif evt ==wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_BOTTOM:
+       =self.len
+       =self.len
+            else: =event.GetPosition()
+            if >(self.len +1):
+       =self.len +1
+            if <0: =0
+            if >( -1): -1
+            if <
+        self.UpdateView()
+    def AdjustScrollbars(self):
+        # there appears to be endless recursion:
+        # SetScrollbars issue EvtPaint which calls UpdateView
+        # which calls AdjustScrollbars
+        if not self.in_scroll:
+            self.in_scroll =TRUE
+            self.SetScrollbars(self.fw, self.fh, self.max_linelength +1,
+                               # it seem to be a bug in scrollbars:
+                               # the scrollbar is hidden
+                               # even if current position >0
+                               max(self.len +1,,
+                     ,
+            self.in_scroll =FALSE
+    # adapts the output to what it should be
+    def UpdateView(self, dc = None, doup=false):
+    ###############################################################
+        """
+        Diese Routine wird immer dann aufgerufen, wenn
+        sich etwas verändert hat
+        """
+        self.CalcLines()
+        if not dc:
+            dc = wxClientDC(self)
+, = self.GetSizeTuple()
+        self.sw = / self.fw
+ = / self.fh
+        if<
+   =
+        elif>(
+   =
+        if<
+   =
+        elif>(
+   =
+        # left line? change syntax!
+        if self.ocy!
+            self.OnUpdateSyntax(self.ocy)
+        self.ocy =
+        # alles beim alten
+        self.AdjustScrollbars()
+        self.DrawSimpleCursor(0,0,dc, true)
+        # [als] i don't really understand how the following condition works
+        if self.update or doup:
+            self.Draw(dc)
+            self.update = false
+        else:
+            self.DrawCursor(dc)
+        self.o_cx =
+        self.o_cy =
+        self.o_sx =
+        self.o_sy =
+        self.o_line = self.line
+    def DrawEditText(self, t, x, y, dc = None):
+    ###############################################################
+        """ Einfache Hilfsroutine um Text zu schreiben
+        """
+        if not dc:
+            dc = wxClientDC(self)
+        dc.SetFont(self.font)
+        dc.DrawText(t, x * self.fw, y * self.fh)
+    def DrawLine(self, line, dc=None):
+    ###############################################################
+        """
+        Hier wird einfach die Ansicht der ganzen Seite
+        wiederhergestellt.
+        !!! Kann modifiziert werden !!!
+        """
+        if not dc:
+            dc = wxClientDC(self)
+        dc.SetBackgroundMode(wxSOLID)
+        dc.SetTextBackground(self.bcol)
+        dc.SetTextForeground(self.fcol)
+        #dc.Clear()
+        # delimiter
+        ll =
+        lr = + self.sw
+        y = line -
+        # text + syntax
+        if self.IsLine(line):
+            l   = self.GetLine(line)
+            t   = self.text[l].text
+            syn = self.text[l].syntax
+            if not self.text[l].editable:
+                dc.SetTextBackground(self.nedcol)
+            else:
+                dc.SetTextBackground(self.bcol)
+            dc.SetTextForeground(self.fcol)
+            pos = ll
+            for h in syn:
+                xp, col = h
+                if xp>=ll:
+                    self.DrawEditText(t[pos:xp], (pos-ll), y, dc)
+                    pos = xp
+                dc.SetTextForeground(self.ftab[col])
+            self.DrawEditText(t[pos:], (pos-ll), y, dc)
+    def Draw(self, odc=None):
+    ###############################################################
+        """
+        Hier wird einfach die Ansicht der ganzen Seite
+        wiederhergestellt.
+        !!! Kann modifiziert werden !!!
+        """
+        if not odc:
+            odc = wxClientDC(self)
+        dc = self.mdc
+        dc.SelectObject(wxEmptyBitmap(,
+        dc.SetBackgroundMode(wxSOLID)
+        dc.SetTextBackground(self.bcol)
+        dc.SetTextForeground(self.fcol)
+        dc.Clear()
+        for line in range(, + self.DrawLine(line, dc)
+        odc.Blit(0,0,,,dc,0,0,wxCOPY)
+        self.DrawCursor(odc)
+    def cVert(self, num):
+    ###############################################################
+        """ Vertikale Cursorverschiebung
+        """
+        cy = + num
+        if cy <0: cy =0
+        elif cy >(self.len -1): cy =self.len -1
+        # scroll when edge hit
+        if cy >( -1): =cy +1
+        elif cy < =cy
+ =cy
+        # disallow positioning behind the end of the line
+        linelen =len(self.text[self.GetLine(cy)].text)
+        if >linelen: =linelen
+    def cHoriz(self, num):
+    ###############################################################
+        """ Horizontale Cursorverschiebung
+        """
+        cx = + num
+        linelen =len(self.text[self.GetLine(].text)
+        if cx <0: cx =0
+        elif cx >linelen: cx =linelen
+        # scroll when edge hit
+        if cx >( +self.sw -2): =cx -self.sw +2
+        elif cx < =cx
+ =cx
+    def InsertText(self, text):
+    ###############################################################
+        """
+        Simple Routine um Text - auch über mehrere
+        Zeilen - einzufügen
+        """
+        if self.IsEditable(
+            tis = split(text, "\n")
+            t = self.GetTextLine(
+            if len(tis)==1:
+                t = t[] + text + t[]
+                self.SetTextLine(, t)
+                self.cHoriz(len(text))
+            else:
+                rest = t[]
+                t = t[] + tis[0]
+                self.SetTextLine(, t)
+                for i in range(1,len(tis)):
+                    self.text.insert(self.GetLine(, Line())
+                    self.lines.insert(,self.GetLine(
+                    self.cVert(+1)
+                    self.SetTextLine(, tis[i])
+                t = self.GetTextLine(
+       = len(t)
+                t = t + rest
+                self.SetTextLine(, t)
+            self.update = true
+            #self.UpdateView()
+    def RemoveLine(self, line):
+        pass
+    def OnChar(self, event):
+    ###############################################################
+        """
+        Wenn eine Taste gedrückt wird,
+        kann an dieser Stelle die Auswertung stattfinden
+        """
+        # get code
+        key = event.KeyCode()
+#        if event.ControlDown:
+#            if chr(key)=="k":
+#                print "weg"
+        # movements
+        if key==WXK_DOWN:
+            self.cVert(+1)
+        elif key==WXK_UP:
+            self.cVert(-1)
+        elif key==WXK_LEFT:
+            self.cHoriz(-1)
+        elif key==WXK_RIGHT:
+            self.cHoriz(+1)
+        elif key==WXK_NEXT:
+            self.cVert(
+        elif key==WXK_PRIOR:
+            self.cVert(
+        elif key==WXK_HOME:
+   = 0
+        elif key==WXK_END:
+   = len(self.GetTextLine(
+        elif key==WXK_BACK:
+            t = self.GetTextLine(
+            if>0:
+                t = t[] + t[]
+                self.SetTextLine(, t)
+                self.cHoriz(-1)
+        elif key==WXK_DELETE:
+            t = self.GetTextLine(
+            if<len(t):
+                t = t[] + t[]
+            self.SetTextLine(, t)
+        elif key==WXK_RETURN:
+            self.InsertText("\n")
+        elif key==WXK_TAB:
+            self.OnTabulator(event)
+        # clipboard (buggy)
+        elif key==WXK_F10:
+            if wxTheClipboard.Open():
+                data = wxTheClipboard.GetData()
+                wxTheClipboard.Close()
+                print data
+        # folding (buggy)
+        elif key==WXK_F12:
+            self.update = true
+            self.OnFold()
+        # regular ascii
+        elif (key>31) and (key<256):
+            self.InsertText(chr(key))
+        self.UpdateView()
+        return 0
+    def OnPaint(self, event):
+        dc = wxPaintDC(self)
+, = self.GetSizeTuple()
+        self.UpdateView(dc, true)
+    def GetIndent(self, line):
+        p = 0
+        for c in line:
+            if c==" ": p = p + 1
+            elif c=="\t": p =(p /self.tabsize +1) *self.tabsize
+            else: break
+        return p
+    def Goto(self, pos):
+        self.cVert(
+        self.UpdateView()
+# --------------------------------------------------------
+    # to be overloaded
+    def OnUpdateHighlight(self, line = -1):
+        pass
+    def OnUpdateSyntax(self, line = -1):
+        pass
+    def OnTabulator(self, event):
+        pass
+    def OnInit(self):
+        pass
+    def OnFold(self):
+        pass
diff --git a/utils/wxPython/lib/editor/ b/utils/wxPython/lib/editor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f75551f7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/wxPython/lib/editor/
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+# (C)opyright by Dirk Holtwick, 1999
+# ----------------------------------
+from editor import *
+from string import *
+from keyword import *
+from tokenizer import *
+This module will be loaded by the main
+window. It implements some methods that
+are typical for Python sources.
+class wxPyEditor(wxEditor):
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __init__(self, parent, id=-1):
+        wxEditor.__init__(self, parent, id)
+        self.SetFontTab([
+            wxNamedColour('black'),
+            wxNamedColour('blue'),
+            wxNamedColour('red'),
+            wxNamedColour('darkgreen'),
+            wxNamedColour('brown')
+            ])
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def OnUpdateHighlight(self, line = -1):
+        if line>=0:
+            t   = self.text[line].text
+            syn = []
+            toks = Tokenizer(t).tokens()
+            for type, string, begin, end in toks:
+                if type == "KEY":
+                    syn.append((begin,  1))
+                    syn.append((end,    0))
+                elif type == "COMMENT":
+                    syn.append((begin,  2))
+                elif type == "STRING":
+                    syn.append((begin,  3))
+                    syn.append((end,    0))
+                elif type == "NUMBER":
+                    syn.append((begin,  4))
+                    syn.append((end,    0))
+                elif type == "NAME":
+                    if string=="self":
+                        syn.append((begin,  4))
+                        syn.append((end,    0))
+                else:
+                    pass
+            self.text[line].syntax = syn
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def OnUpdateSyntax(self, line = -1):
+        if line>=0:
+            """
+            tx, syn, m = self.text[line]
+            pre = 0
+            for i in range(0,len(tx)):
+                if tx[i] != " ":
+                    pre = i
+                    break
+            t = tx[pre:]
+            t = Tokenizer(t).line()
+            t = tx[:pre] + t
+            self.text[line] = t, syn, m
+            """
+            self.OnUpdateHighlight(line)
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def OnTabulator(self, event):
+        add = +1
+        if event.ShiftDown():
+            add = -1
+        t = self.GetTextLine(
+        if strip(t):
+            indent = self.GetIndent(t)
+#           print indent
+            t = t[indent:]
+            tabs = indent / self.tabsize
+#            for i in range(0,tabs+add):
+            t = (" " * 4 * (tabs+add)) + t
+            self.SetTextLine(, t)
+        elif add>0:
+            self.InsertText("    ")
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def FindQuote(self, lineno, quote_type='"""', direction=1):
+        """find line containing the matching quote"""
+        l =lineno +direction
+        while (l < len(self.text)-1) and (l >= 0):
+            if find(self.text[l].text, quote_type) >=0: return l
+            l =l +direction
+        return None
+    def FindNextLine(self, lineno, direction=1):
+        """get the next line of code (skipping comment lines and empty lines)"""
+        l =lineno +direction
+        while (l < len(self.text)-1) and (l >= 0):
+            str =lstrip(self.text[l].text)
+            if (len(str) >0) and (str[0] !="#"): return l
+            l =l +direction
+        return None
+    def Fold(self):
+        l       = self.GetLine(
+        line    = self.text[l]
+        t       = line.text
+        # fold ...
+        if line.editable:
+            # 3*quotes
+            qpos =find(t, '"""')
+            if qpos >=0: qtype ='"""'
+            else:
+                qpos =find(t, "'''")
+                if qpos >=0: qtype ="'''"
+            if (qpos >=0) and (find(t[qpos+3:], qtype) <0):
+                closing_quote =self.FindQuote(l, qtype)
+                if closing_quote !=None:
+                    line.editable = not line.editable
+                    l =l +1
+                    while l <= closing_quote:
+                       self.text[l].visible =self.text[l].visible +1
+                       l =l +1
+            else:  # try normal fold on leading whitespace
+                lim = self.GetIndent(t)
+                lnext =self.FindNextLine(l)
+                if (lnext !=None) \
+                and (self.GetIndent(self.text[lnext].text) >lim):
+                    line.editable =FALSE
+                    lstart =l +1
+                    l =self.FindNextLine(l)
+                    while (l !=None) \
+                    and (self.GetIndent(self.text[l].text) >lim):
+                        l =self.FindNextLine(l)
+                    if l ==None:
+                        # fold till the end
+                        l =len(self.text)
+                    for line in self.text[lstart:l]:
+                        line.visible =line.visible +1
+        # ... or unfold
+        else:
+            lim = line.visible + 1
+            line.editable = not line.editable
+            l = l + 1
+            line = self.text[l]
+            while (l < (len(self.text) -1)) and (line.visible>=lim):
+                line.visible = line.visible - 1
+                l = l + 1
+                line = self.text[l]
+    def FoldAll(self):
+        self.CalcLines()
+ = 0
+ = len(self.lines) - 1
+        prev_indent =0
+        # following loop is exited in two cases:
+        # when becomes 0 (topmost level is not folded by FoldAll)
+        # or when FindNextLine() returns None (all remaining lines till
+        #               the beginning of the text are empty or comments)
+        while
+            t = self.GetTextLine(
+            # indent-based folding
+            indent =self.GetIndent(t)
+            if indent <prev_indent:
+                self.Fold()
+            prev_indent =indent
+            # triple-quote folding
+            qpos =find(t, '"""')
+            if qpos >=0: qtype ='"""'
+            else:
+                qpos =find(t, "'''")
+                if qpos >=0: qtype ="'''"
+            if (qpos >=0) and (find(t[qpos+3:], qtype) <0):
+                closing_quote =self.FindQuote(, qtype, -1)
+                if closing_quote !=None:
+                    # XXX potential bug: unmatched triple quotes
+           =closing_quote
+                    self.Fold()
+   =self.FindNextLine(, -1)
+        if ==None: =0
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def OnFold(self):
+        self.Fold()
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def OnInit(self):
+        #self.FoldAll()
+        pass
diff --git a/utils/wxPython/lib/editor/ b/utils/wxPython/lib/editor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aafe0aaeb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/wxPython/lib/editor/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+from tokenize import *
+from keyword import *
+from string import *
+class Tokenizer:
+    """
+    Simple class to create a list of token-tuples like:
+    	(type, string, first, last)
+    Example:
+    t = Tokenizer('def hallo(du): # juchee')
+    print t.tokens()
+    """
+    def __init__(self, text):
+    	self.text = text
+    	self.toks = []
+    	try:
+    	    tokenize(self.readline, self.get)
+	except TokenError:
+	    pass
+    def tokens(self):
+    	return self.toks
+    def get(self, type, string, begin, end, l):
+    	#print begin,end
+    	h1, b = begin
+	h2, e = end
+	tname = tok_name[type]
+   	if iskeyword(string):
+    	    tname = "KEY"
+    	self.toks.append(tname, string, b, e)
+    def readline(self):
+    	t = self.text
+	self.text = ""
+	return t
+    def line(self):
+    	pre = ""
+    	out = ""
+	for type, string, begin, end in self.toks:
+    	    if (pre in ["NAME","KEY"]) and (not string in [".",",","("]):
+	    	out = out + " "
+	    if type in ["NAME","KEY"]:
+		out = out + string
+	    elif type=="OP":
+	    	if string in [",",":"]:
+		    out = out + string + " "
+		else:
+       		    out = out + string
+	    else:
+    	        out = out + string
+    	    pre = type
+	return out
diff --git a/utils/wxPython/src/msw/windows.cpp b/utils/wxPython/src/msw/windows.cpp
index 86cae0dece..d41d9a5606 100644
--- a/utils/wxPython/src/msw/windows.cpp
+++ b/utils/wxPython/src/msw/windows.cpp
@@ -1700,7 +1700,7 @@ static PyObject *_wrap_wxWindow_GetGrandParent(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, P
 static long  wxWindow_GetHandle(wxWindow *self) {
-            return (long)self->GetHandle();
+            return wxPyGetWinHandle(self); //(long)self->GetHandle();
 static PyObject *_wrap_wxWindow_GetHandle(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs) {
     PyObject * _resultobj;
@@ -2476,6 +2476,107 @@ static PyObject *_wrap_wxWindow_IsEnabled(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObje
     return _resultobj;
+#define wxWindow_IsExposed(_swigobj,_swigarg0,_swigarg1,_swigarg2,_swigarg3)  (_swigobj->IsExposed(_swigarg0,_swigarg1,_swigarg2,_swigarg3))
+static PyObject *_wrap_wxWindow_IsExposed(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs) {
+    PyObject * _resultobj;
+    bool  _result;
+    wxWindow * _arg0;
+    int  _arg1;
+    int  _arg2;
+    int  _arg3 = (int ) 0;
+    int  _arg4 = (int ) 0;
+    PyObject * _argo0 = 0;
+    char *_kwnames[] = { "self","x","y","w","h", NULL };
+    self = self;
+    if(!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args,kwargs,"Oii|ii:wxWindow_IsExposed",_kwnames,&_argo0,&_arg1,&_arg2,&_arg3,&_arg4)) 
+        return NULL;
+    if (_argo0) {
+        if (_argo0 == Py_None) { _arg0 = NULL; }
+        else if (SWIG_GetPtrObj(_argo0,(void **) &_arg0,"_wxWindow_p")) {
+            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"Type error in argument 1 of wxWindow_IsExposed. Expected _wxWindow_p.");
+        return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+        _result = (bool )wxWindow_IsExposed(_arg0,_arg1,_arg2,_arg3,_arg4);
+}    _resultobj = Py_BuildValue("i",_result);
+    return _resultobj;
+#define wxWindow_IsExposedPoint(_swigobj,_swigarg0)  (_swigobj->IsExposed(_swigarg0))
+static PyObject *_wrap_wxWindow_IsExposedPoint(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs) {
+    PyObject * _resultobj;
+    bool  _result;
+    wxWindow * _arg0;
+    wxPoint * _arg1;
+    PyObject * _argo0 = 0;
+    wxPoint  temp;
+    PyObject * _obj1 = 0;
+    char *_kwnames[] = { "self","pt", NULL };
+    self = self;
+    if(!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args,kwargs,"OO:wxWindow_IsExposedPoint",_kwnames,&_argo0,&_obj1)) 
+        return NULL;
+    if (_argo0) {
+        if (_argo0 == Py_None) { _arg0 = NULL; }
+        else if (SWIG_GetPtrObj(_argo0,(void **) &_arg0,"_wxWindow_p")) {
+            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"Type error in argument 1 of wxWindow_IsExposedPoint. Expected _wxWindow_p.");
+        return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    _arg1 = &temp;
+    if (! wxPoint_helper(_obj1, &_arg1))
+        return NULL;
+        _result = (bool )wxWindow_IsExposedPoint(_arg0,*_arg1);
+}    _resultobj = Py_BuildValue("i",_result);
+    return _resultobj;
+#define wxWindow_IsExposedRect(_swigobj,_swigarg0)  (_swigobj->IsExposed(_swigarg0))
+static PyObject *_wrap_wxWindow_IsExposedRect(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs) {
+    PyObject * _resultobj;
+    bool  _result;
+    wxWindow * _arg0;
+    wxRect * _arg1;
+    PyObject * _argo0 = 0;
+    wxRect  temp;
+    PyObject * _obj1 = 0;
+    char *_kwnames[] = { "self","rect", NULL };
+    self = self;
+    if(!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args,kwargs,"OO:wxWindow_IsExposedRect",_kwnames,&_argo0,&_obj1)) 
+        return NULL;
+    if (_argo0) {
+        if (_argo0 == Py_None) { _arg0 = NULL; }
+        else if (SWIG_GetPtrObj(_argo0,(void **) &_arg0,"_wxWindow_p")) {
+            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"Type error in argument 1 of wxWindow_IsExposedRect. Expected _wxWindow_p.");
+        return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    _arg1 = &temp;
+    if (! wxRect_helper(_obj1, &_arg1))
+        return NULL;
+        _result = (bool )wxWindow_IsExposedRect(_arg0,*_arg1);
+}    _resultobj = Py_BuildValue("i",_result);
+    return _resultobj;
 #define wxWindow_IsRetained(_swigobj)  (_swigobj->IsRetained())
 static PyObject *_wrap_wxWindow_IsRetained(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs) {
     PyObject * _resultobj;
@@ -8629,6 +8730,9 @@ static PyMethodDef windowscMethods[] = {
 	 { "wxWindow_IsTopLevel", (PyCFunction) _wrap_wxWindow_IsTopLevel, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS },
 	 { "wxWindow_IsShown", (PyCFunction) _wrap_wxWindow_IsShown, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS },
 	 { "wxWindow_IsRetained", (PyCFunction) _wrap_wxWindow_IsRetained, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS },
+	 { "wxWindow_IsExposedRect", (PyCFunction) _wrap_wxWindow_IsExposedRect, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS },
+	 { "wxWindow_IsExposedPoint", (PyCFunction) _wrap_wxWindow_IsExposedPoint, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS },
+	 { "wxWindow_IsExposed", (PyCFunction) _wrap_wxWindow_IsExposed, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS },
 	 { "wxWindow_IsEnabled", (PyCFunction) _wrap_wxWindow_IsEnabled, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS },
 	 { "wxWindow_InitDialog", (PyCFunction) _wrap_wxWindow_InitDialog, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS },
 	 { "wxWindow_Hide", (PyCFunction) _wrap_wxWindow_Hide, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS },
diff --git a/utils/wxPython/src/msw/ b/utils/wxPython/src/msw/
index d717351e22..0dca622b02 100644
--- a/utils/wxPython/src/msw/
+++ b/utils/wxPython/src/msw/
@@ -271,6 +271,15 @@ class wxWindowPtr(wxEvtHandlerPtr):
     def IsEnabled(self, *_args, **_kwargs):
         val = apply(windowsc.wxWindow_IsEnabled,(self,) + _args, _kwargs)
         return val
+    def IsExposed(self, *_args, **_kwargs):
+        val = apply(windowsc.wxWindow_IsExposed,(self,) + _args, _kwargs)
+        return val
+    def IsExposedPoint(self, *_args, **_kwargs):
+        val = apply(windowsc.wxWindow_IsExposedPoint,(self,) + _args, _kwargs)
+        return val
+    def IsExposedRect(self, *_args, **_kwargs):
+        val = apply(windowsc.wxWindow_IsExposedRect,(self,) + _args, _kwargs)
+        return val
     def IsRetained(self, *_args, **_kwargs):
         val = apply(windowsc.wxWindow_IsRetained,(self,) + _args, _kwargs)
         return val
diff --git a/utils/wxPython/src/windows.i b/utils/wxPython/src/windows.i
index 81b762dae2..4d9c86e973 100644
--- a/utils/wxPython/src/windows.i
+++ b/utils/wxPython/src/windows.i
@@ -233,6 +233,9 @@ public:
     bool Hide();
     void InitDialog();
     bool IsEnabled();
+    bool IsExposed( int x, int y, int w=0, int h=0 );
+    %name(IsExposedPoint) bool IsExposed( const wxPoint& pt );
+    %name(IsExposedRect)  bool IsExposed( const wxRect& rect );
     bool IsRetained();
     bool IsShown();
     bool IsTopLevel();