void OnNewFrame(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnHelp (wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnLogClear(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnCopy(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnPaste(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnCopyBitmap(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnPasteBitmap(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void OnCopyFiles(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnLeftDown(wxMouseEvent& event);
void OnRightDown(wxMouseEvent& event);
- Menu_ToBeGreyed, /* for testing */
- Menu_ToBeDeleted, /* for testing */
+ Menu_CopyFiles,
Menu_Shape_New = 500,
EVT_MENU(Menu_Paste, DnDFrame::OnPaste)
EVT_MENU(Menu_CopyBitmap, DnDFrame::OnCopyBitmap)
+ EVT_MENU(Menu_CopyFiles, DnDFrame::OnCopyFiles)
EVT_UPDATE_UI(Menu_Paste, DnDFrame::OnUpdateUIPasteText)
EVT_UPDATE_UI(Menu_PasteBitmap, DnDFrame::OnUpdateUIPasteBitmap)
clip_menu->Append(Menu_CopyBitmap, "&Copy bitmap\tAlt+C");
clip_menu->Append(Menu_PasteBitmap, "&Paste bitmap\tAlt+V");
+ clip_menu->AppendSeparator();
+ clip_menu->Append(Menu_CopyFiles, "&Copy files\tCtrl+F");
wxMenuBar *menu_bar = new wxMenuBar;
menu_bar->Append(file_menu, "&File");
void DnDFrame::OnRightDown(wxMouseEvent &event )
- wxMenu *menu = new wxMenu;
+ wxMenu menu("Dnd sample menu");
- menu->Append(Menu_Drag, "&Test drag...");
- menu->Append(Menu_About, "&About");
- menu->Append(Menu_Quit, "E&xit");
- menu->Append(Menu_ToBeDeleted, "To be deleted");
- menu->Append(Menu_ToBeGreyed, "To be greyed");
+ menu.Append(Menu_Drag, "&Test drag...");
+ menu.AppendSeparator();
+ menu.Append(Menu_About, "&About");
- menu->Delete( Menu_ToBeDeleted );
- menu->Enable( Menu_ToBeGreyed, FALSE );
- PopupMenu( menu, event.GetX(), event.GetY() );
+ PopupMenu( &menu, event.GetX(), event.GetY() );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// file clipboard
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void DnDFrame::OnCopyFiles(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+ wxFileDataObject *dobj = new wxFileDataObject;
+ wxFileDialog dialog(this, "Select a file to copy", "", "",
+ "All files (*.*)|*.*", 0);
+ if ( dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
+ {
+ wxString filename = dialog.GetPath();
+ dobj->AddFile(filename);
+ wxClipboardLocker locker;
+ if ( !locker )
+ {
+ wxLogError("Can't open clipboard");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !wxTheClipboard->AddData(dobj) )
+ {
+ wxLogError("Can't copy file to the clipboard");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxLogStatus(this, "File '%s' copied to the clipboard",
+ filename.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxLogStatus(this, "Aborted");
+ }
+#else // !MSW
+ wxLogError("Sorry, not implemented");
+#endif // MSW/!MSW
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// text clipboard
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ wxDataFormat format = pformatetc->cfFormat;
+ // this is quite weird, but for file drag and drop, explorer
+ // calls our SetData() with the formats we do *not* support!
+ //
+ // as we can't fix this bug in explorer (it's a bug because it
+ // should only use formats returned by EnumFormatEtc), do the
+ // check here
+ if ( !m_pDataObject->IsSupportedFormat(format) ) {
+ // go away!
+ return DV_E_FORMATETC;
+ }
// copy data
void *pBuf = GlobalLock(pmedium->hGlobal);
if ( pBuf == NULL ) {
// synthetise it for known formats and we suppose that all data
// in custom formats starts with a DWORD containing the size
size_t size;
- switch ( pformatetc->cfFormat )
+ switch ( format )
case CF_TEXT:
- wxDataFormat format = pformatetc->cfFormat;
bool ok = m_pDataObject->SetData(format, size, pBuf);
// get number of files (magic value -1)
UINT nFiles = ::DragQueryFile(hdrop, (unsigned)-1, NULL, 0u);
+ wxCHECK_MSG ( nFiles != (UINT)-1, FALSE, wxT("wrong HDROP handle") );
// for each file get the length, allocate memory and then get the name
wxString str;
UINT len, n;