X-Git-Url: https://git.saurik.com/wxWidgets.git/blobdiff_plain/a660d684eda27638bca0384b2058911a31c8e845..2a36259f27f58de31cdd66d6c5176e776fc25df3:/utils/dialoged/docs/classes.tex?ds=sidebyside

diff --git a/utils/dialoged/docs/classes.tex b/utils/dialoged/docs/classes.tex
index dbb9491d24..633f2c202e 100644
--- a/utils/dialoged/docs/classes.tex
+++ b/utils/dialoged/docs/classes.tex
@@ -3,1757 +3,3 @@
 To be written.
-\overview{Property classes overview}{propertyoverview}
-\section{\class{wxBoolFormValidator}: wxPropertyFormValidator}\label{wxboolformvalidator}
-\overview{Validator classes}{validatorclasses}
-This class validates a boolean value for a form view. The associated panel item must be a wxCheckBox.
-\func{void}{wxBoolFormValidator}{\param{long }{flags=0}}
-\section{\class{wxBoolListValidator}: wxPropertyListValidator}\label{wxboollistvalidator}
-\overview{Validator classes}{validatorclasses}
-This class validates a boolean value for a list view.
-\func{void}{wxBoolListValidator}{\param{long }{flags=0}}
-\section{\class{wxIntegerFormValidator}: wxPropertyFormValidator}\label{wxintegerformvalidator}
-\overview{Validator classes}{validatorclasses}
-This class validates a range of integer values for a form view. The associated panel item must be a wxText
-or wxSlider.
-\func{void}{wxIntegerFormValidator}{\param{long }{min=0}, \param{long }{max=0},
- \param{long}{ flags=0}}
-Constructor. Assigning zero to minimum and maximum values indicates that there is no range to check.
-\section{\class{wxIntegerListValidator}: wxPropertyListValidator}\label{wxintegerlistvalidator}
-\overview{Validator classes}{validatorclasses}
-This class validates a range of integer values for a list view.
-\func{void}{wxIntegerListValidator}{\param{long }{min=0}, \param{long }{max=0},
- \param{long}{ flags=wxPROP\_ALLOW\_TEXT\_EDITING}}
-Constructor. Assigning zero to minimum and maximum values indicates that there is no range to check.
-\section{\class{wxFilenameListValidator}: wxPropertyListValidator}\label{wxfilenamelistvalidator}
-\overview{Validator classes}{validatorclasses}
-This class validates a filename for a list view, allowing the user to edit it textually and also popping up
-a file selector in ``detailed editing" mode.
-\func{void}{wxFilenameListValidator}{\param{wxString }{message = ``Select a file"}, \param{wxString }{wildcard = ``*.*"},
-  \param{long}{ flags=0}}
-Constructor. Supply an optional message and wildcard.
-\section{\class{wxListOfStringsListValidator}: wxPropertyListValidator}\label{wxlistofstringslistvalidator}
-\overview{Validator classes}{validatorclasses}
-This class validates a list of strings for a list view. When editing the property,
-a dialog box is presented for adding, deleting or editing entries in the list.
-At present no constraints may be supplied.
-You can construct a string list property value by constructing a wxStringList object.
-For example:
-  myListValidatorRegistry.RegisterValidator((wxString)"stringlist",
-      new wxListOfStringsListValidator);
-  wxStringList *strings = new wxStringList("earth", "fire", "wind", "water", NULL);
-  sheet->AddProperty(new wxProperty("fred", strings, "stringlist"));
-\func{void}{wxListOfStringsListValidator}{\param{long}{ flags=0}}
-\section{\class{wxProperty}: wxObject}\label{wxproperty}
-The {\bf wxProperty} class represents a property, with a \helpref{wxPropertyValue}{wxpropertyvalue}\rtfsp
-containing the actual value, a name a role, an optional validator, and
-an optional associated window. 
-A property might correspond to an actual C++ data member, or it
-might correspond to a conceptual property, such as the width of a window.
-There is no explicit data member {\it wxWindow::width}, but it may be convenient
-to invent such a property for the purposes of editing attributes of the window.
-The properties in the property sheet can be mapped to ``reality" by
-whatever means (in this case by calling wxWindow::SetSize when the user has
-finished editing the property sheet).
-A validator may be associated with the property in order to ensure that this and
-only this validator will be used for editing and validating the property.
-An alternative method is to use the {\it role} parameter to specify what kind
-of validator would be appropriate; for example, specifying ``filename" for the role
-would allow the property view to find an appropriate validator at edit time.
-\func{void}{wxProperty}{\param{wxProperty\& }{prop}}
-\func{void}{wxProperty}{\param{wxString}{ name}, \param{wxString}{ role}, \param{wxPropertyValidator *}{validator=NULL}}
-\func{void}{wxProperty}{\param{wxString}{ name}, \param{const wxPropertyValue\&}{ val}, \param{wxString}{ role}, \param{wxPropertyValidator *}{validator=NULL}}
-Destructor. Destroys the wxPropertyValue, and the property validator if there is one. However, if the
-actual C++ value in the wxPropertyValue is a pointer, the data in that variable is not destroyed.
-Returns a reference to the property value.
-\func{wxPropertyValidator *}{GetValidator}{\void}
-Returns a pointer to the associated property validator (if any).
-Returns the name of the property.
-Returns the role of the property, to be used when choosing an appropriate validator.
-\func{wxWindow *}{GetWindow}{\void}
-Returns the window associated with the property (if any).
-\func{void}{SetValue}{\param{wxPropertyValue\&}{ val}}
-Sets the value of the property.
-\func{void}{SetName}{\param{wxString\&}{ name}}
-Sets the name of the property.
-\func{void}{SetRole}{\param{wxString\&}{ role}}
-Sets the role  of the property.
-\func{void}{SetValidator}{\param{wxPropertyValidator *}{validator}}
-Sets the validator: this will be deleted when the property is deleted.
-\func{void}{SetWindow}{\param{wxWindow *}{win}}
-Sets the window associated with the property.
-\membersection{wxProperty::operator $=$}
-\func{void}{operator $=$}{\param{const wxPropertyValue\&}{ val}}
-Assignment operator.
-\section{\class{wxPropertyFormValidator}: wxPropertyValidator}\label{wxpropertyformvalidator}
-The {\bf wxPropertyFormValidator} abstract class is the root of classes that define validation
-for a wxPropertyFormView.
-\section{\class{wxPropertyFormDialog}: wxDialogBox}\label{wxpropertyformdialog}
-The {\bf wxPropertyFormDialog} class is a prepackaged dialog which can
-be used for viewing a form property sheet. Pass a property form view object, and the dialog
-will pass OnClose and OnDefaultAction listbox messages to the view class for
-\func{void}{wxPropertyFormDialog}{\param{wxPropertyFormView *}{view}, \param{wxWindow *}{parent}, \param{char *}{title},
- \param{Bool}{ modal=FALSE}, \param{int}{ x=-1}, \param{int}{ y=-1}, \param{int}{ width=-1}, \param{int}{height=-1},
- \param{long}{ style=wxDEFAULT\_DIALOG\_STYLE}, \param{char *}{name=``dialogBox"}}
-\section{\class{wxPropertyFormFrame}: wxFrame}\label{wxpropertyformframe}
-The {\bf wxPropertyFormFrame} class is a prepackaged frame which can
-be used for viewing a property form. Pass a property form view object, and the frame
-will pass OnClose messages to the view class for processing.
-Call Initialize to create the panel and associate the view; override OnCreatePanel
-if you wish to use a panel class other than the default wxPropertyFormPanel.
-\func{void}{wxPropertyFormFrame}{\param{wxPropertyFormView *}{view}, \param{wxFrame *}{parent}, \param{char *}{title},
- \param{int}{ x=-1}, \param{int}{ y=-1}, \param{int}{ width=-1}, \param{int}{height=-1},
- \param{long}{ style=wxSDI $\|$ wxDEFAULT\_FRAME}, \param{char *}{name=``frame"}}
-\func{wxPanel *}{GetPropertyPanel}{\void}
-Returns the panel associated with the frame.
-Must be called to create the panel and associate the view with the panel and frame.
-\func{wxPanel *}{OnCreatePanel}{\param{wxFrame *}{parent}, \param{wxPropertyFormView *}{view}}
-Creates a panel. Override this to create a panel type other than wxPropertyFormPanel.
-\section{\class{wxPropertyFormPanel}: wxPanel}\label{wxpropertyformpanel}
-The {\bf wxPropertyFormPanel} class is a prepackaged panel which can
-be used for viewing a property form. Pass a property form view object, and the panel
-will pass OnDefaultAction listbox messages to the view class for
-\func{void}{wxPropertyFormPanel}{\param{wxPropertyFormView *}{view}, \param{wxWindow *}{parent},
- \param{int}{ x=-1}, \param{int}{ y=-1}, \param{int}{ width=-1}, \param{int}{height=-1},
- \param{long}{ style=0}, \param{char *}{name=``panel"}}
-\section{\class{wxPropertyFormValidator}: wxPropertyValidator}\label{wxpropertyformvalidatir}
-\overview{wxPropertyFormValidator overview}{wxpropertyformvalidatoroverview}
-The {\bf wxPropertyFormValidator} class defines a base class for form validators. By overriding virtual functions,
-the programmer can create custom behaviour for kinds of property.
-\func{void}{wxPropertyFormValidator}{\param{long}{ flags = 0}}
-\func{Bool}{OnCommand}{\param{wxProperty *}{property}, \param{wxPropertyFormView *}{view},
- \param{wxWindow *}{parentWindow}, \param{wxCommandEvent\& }{event}}
-Called when the control corresponding to the property receives a command (if not intercepted
-by a callback associated with the actual control).
-\func{Bool}{OnCheckValue}{\param{wxProperty *}{property}, \param{wxPropertyFormView *}{view},
- \param{wxWindow *}{parentWindow}}
-Called when the view checks the property value. The value checked by this validator should be taken from the
-panel item corresponding to the property.
-\func{Bool}{OnDisplayValue}{\param{wxProperty *}{property}, \param{wxPropertyFormView *}{view},
- \param{wxWindow *}{parentWindow}}
-Should display the property value in the appropriate control.
-\func{Bool}{OnDoubleClick}{\param{wxProperty *}{property}, \param{wxPropertyFormView *}{view},
- \param{wxWindow *}{parentWindow}}
-Called when the control corresponding to the property is double clicked (listboxes only).
-\func{Bool}{OnRetrieveValue}{\param{wxProperty *}{property}, \param{wxPropertyFormView *}{view},
- \param{wxWindow *}{parentWindow}}
-Should do the transfer from the property editing area to the property itself.
-\section{\class{wxPropertyFormView}: wxPropertyView}\label{wxpropertyformview}
-\overview{wxPropertyFormView overview}{wxpropertyformviewoverview}
-The {\bf wxPropertyFormView} class shows a wxPropertySheet as a view onto a panel or dialog
-box which has already been created.
-\func{void}{wxPropertyFormView}{\param{long}{ flags = 0}}
-Associates the properties with the controls on the panel. For each panel item, if the
-panel item name is the same as a property name, the two objects will be associated.
-This function should be called manually since the programmer may wish to do the
-association manually.
-Checks all properties by calling the appropriate validators; returns FALSE if a validation failed.
-\func{wxPanel *}{GetPanel}{\void}
-Returns the panel associated with the view.
-\func{wxWindow *}{GetManagedWindow}{\void}
-Returns the managed window (a frame or dialog) associated with the view.
-Virtual function that will be called when the OK button on the physical window is pressed.
-By default, checks and updates the form values, closes and deletes the frame or dialog, then deletes the view.
-Virtual function that will be called when the Cancel button on the physical window is pressed.
-By default, closes and deletes the frame or dialog, then deletes the view.
-Virtual function that will be called when the Help button on the physical window is pressed.
-This needs to be overridden by the application for anything interesting to happen.
-Virtual function that will be called when the Revert button on the physical window is pressed.
-By default transfers the wxProperty values to the panel items (in effect
-undoing any unsaved changes in the items).
-Virtual function that will be called when the Update button on the physical window is pressed.
-By defaults transfers the displayed values to the wxProperty objects.
-\func{void}{SetManagedWindow}{\param{wxWindow *}{win}}
-Sets the managed window (a frame or dialog) associated with the view.
-Transfers property values to the controls in the dialog.
-Transfers property values from the controls in the dialog to the property sheet.
-\section{\class{wxPropertyListDialog}: wxDialogBox}\label{wxpropertylistdialog}
-The {\bf wxPropertyListDialog} class is a prepackaged dialog which can
-be used for viewing a property list. Pass a property list view object, and the dialog
-will pass OnClose and OnDefaultAction listbox messages to the view class for
-\func{void}{wxPropertyListDialog}{\param{wxPropertyListView *}{view}, \param{wxWindow *}{parent}, \param{char *}{title},
- \param{Bool}{ modal=FALSE}, \param{int}{ x=-1}, \param{int}{ y=-1}, \param{int}{ width=-1}, \param{int}{height=-1},
- \param{long}{ style=wxDEFAULT\_DIALOG\_STYLE}, \param{char *}{name=``dialogBox"}}
-\section{\class{wxPropertyListFrame}: wxFrame}\label{wxpropertylistframe}
-The {\bf wxPropertyListFrame} class is a prepackaged frame which can
-be used for viewing a property list. Pass a property list view object, and the frame
-will pass OnClose messages to the view class for processing.
-Call Initialize to create the panel and associate the view; override OnCreatePanel
-if you wish to use a panel class other than the default wxPropertyListPanel.
-\func{void}{wxPropertyListFrame}{\param{wxPropertyListView *}{view}, \param{wxFrame *}{parent}, \param{char *}{title},
- \param{int}{ x=-1}, \param{int}{ y=-1}, \param{int}{ width=-1}, \param{int}{height=-1},
- \param{long}{ style=wxSDI $\|$ wxDEFAULT\_FRAME}, \param{char *}{name=``frame"}}
-\func{wxPanel *}{GetPropertyPanel}{\void}
-Returns the panel associated with the frame.
-Must be called to create the panel and associate the view with the panel and frame.
-\func{wxPanel *}{OnCreatePanel}{\param{wxFrame *}{parent}, \param{wxPropertyListView *}{view}}
-Creates a panel. Override this to create a panel type other than wxPropertyListPanel.
-\section{\class{wxPropertyListPanel}: wxPanel}\label{wxpropertylistpanel}
-The {\bf wxPropertyListPanel} class is a prepackaged panel which can
-be used for viewing a property list. Pass a property list view object, and the panel
-will pass OnDefaultAction listbox messages to the view class for
-\func{void}{wxPropertyListPanel}{\param{wxPropertyListView *}{view}, \param{wxWindow *}{parent},
- \param{int}{ x=-1}, \param{int}{ y=-1}, \param{int}{ width=-1}, \param{int}{height=-1},
- \param{long}{ style=0}, \param{char *}{name=``panel"}}
-\section{\class{wxPropertyListValidator}: wxPropertyValidator}\label{wxpropertylistvalidator}
-\overview{wxPropertyListValidator overview}{wxpropertylistvalidatoroverview}
-The {\bf wxPropertyListValidator} abstract class is the base class for
-deriving validators for property lists.
-\func{void}{wxPropertyListValidator}{\param{long}{ flags = wxPROP\_ALLOW\_TEXT\_EDITING}}
-\func{Bool}{OnCheckValue}{\param{wxProperty *}{property}, \param{wxPropertyListView *}{view},
- \param{wxWindow *}{parentWindow}}
-Called when the Tick (Confirm) button is pressed or focus is list. Return FALSE if the value
-was invalid, which is a signal restores the old value. Return TRUE if the value was valid.
-\func{Bool}{OnClearControls}{\param{wxProperty *}{property}, \param{wxPropertyListView *}{view},
- \param{wxWindow *}{parentWindow}}
-Allows the clearing (enabling, disabling) of property list controls, when the focus leaves the current property.
-\func{Bool}{OnClearDetailControls}{\param{wxProperty *}{property}, \param{wxPropertyListView *}{view},
- \param{wxWindow *}{parentWindow}}
-Called when the focus is lost, if the validator is in detailed editing mode.
-\func{Bool}{OnDisplayValue}{\param{wxProperty *}{property}, \param{wxPropertyListView *}{view},
- \param{wxWindow *}{parentWindow}}
-Should display the value in the appropriate controls. The default implementation gets the
-textual value from the property and inserts it into the text edit control.
-\func{Bool}{OnDoubleClick}{\param{wxProperty *}{property}, \param{wxPropertyListView *}{view},
- \param{wxWindow *}{parentWindow}}
-Called when the property is double clicked. Extra functionality can be provided,
-such as cycling through possible values.
-\func{Bool}{OnEdit}{\param{wxProperty *}{property}, \param{wxPropertyListView *}{view},
- \param{wxWindow *}{parentWindow}}
-Called when the Edit (detailed editing) button is pressed. The default implementation
-calls wxPropertyListView::BeginDetailedEditing; a filename validator (for example) overrides
-this function to show the file selector.
-\func{Bool}{OnPrepareControls}{\param{wxProperty *}{property}, \param{wxPropertyListView *}{view},
- \param{wxWindow *}{parentWindow}}
-Called to allow the validator to setup the display, such enabling or disabling buttons, and
-setting the values and selection in the standard listbox control (the one optionally used for displaying
-value options).
-\func{Bool}{OnPrepareDetailControls}{\param{wxProperty *}{property}, \param{wxPropertyListView *}{view},
- \param{wxWindow *}{parentWindow}}
-Called when the property is edited `in detail', i.e. when the Edit button is pressed.
-\func{Bool}{OnRetrieveValue}{\param{wxProperty *}{property}, \param{wxPropertyListView *}{view},
- \param{wxWindow *}{parentWindow}}
-Called when Tick (Confirm) is pressed or focus is lost or view wants to update
-the property list. Should do the transfer from the property editing area to the property itself
-\func{Bool}{OnSelect}{\param{Bool}{ select}, \param{wxProperty *}{property}, \param{wxPropertyListView *}{view},
- \param{wxWindow *}{parentWindow}}
-Called when the property is selected or deselected: typically displays the value
-in the edit control (having chosen a suitable control to display: (non)editable text or listbox).
-\func{Bool}{OnValueListSelect}{\param{wxProperty *}{property}, \param{wxPropertyListView *}{view},
- \param{wxWindow *}{parentWindow}}
-Called when the value listbox is selected. The default behaviour is to copy
-string to text control, and retrieve the value into the property.
-\section{\class{wxPropertyListView}: wxPropertyView}\label{wxpropertylistview}
-\overview{wxPropertyListView overview}{wxpropertylistviewoverview}
-The {\bf wxPropertyListView} class shows a wxPropertySheet as a Visual Basic-style property list.
-\func{void}{wxPropertyListView}{\param{long}{ flags = wxPROP\_BUTTON\_DEFAULT}}
-The {\it flags} argument can be a bit list of the following:
-\item wxPROP\_BUTTON\_OK
-\func{void}{AssociatePanel}{\param{wxPanel *}{panel}}
-Associates the window on which the controls will be displayed, with the view (sets an internal pointer to the window).
-\func{Bool}{BeginShowingProperty}{\param{wxProperty *}{property}}
-Finds the appropriate validator and loads the property into the controls, by calling
-wxPropertyValidator::OnPrepareControls and then wxPropertyListView::DisplayProperty.
-\func{Bool}{DisplayProperty}{\param{wxProperty *}{property}}
-Calls wxPropertyValidator::OnDisplayValue for the current property's validator. This function
-gets called by wxPropertyListView::BeginShowingProperty, which is in turn called
-from ShowProperty, called by OnPropertySelect, called by the listbox callback when selected.
-\func{Bool}{EndShowingProperty}{\param{wxProperty *}{property}}
-Finds the appropriate validator and unloads the property from the controls, by calling
-wxPropertyListView::RetrieveProperty, wxPropertyValidator::OnClearControls and (if we're in
-detailed editing mdoe) wxPropertyValidator::OnClearDetailControls.
-\func{wxPanel *}{GetPanel}{\void}
-Returns the panel associated with the view.
-\func{wxWindow *}{GetManagedWindow}{\void}
-Returns the managed window (a frame or dialog) associated with the view.
-\func{wxButton *}{GetWindowCancelButton}{\void}
-Returns the window cancel button, if any.
-\func{wxButton *}{GetWindowCloseButton}{\void}
-Returns the window close or OK button, if any.
-\func{wxButton *}{GetWindowHelpButton}{\void}
-Returns the window help button, if any.
-\func{void}{SetManagedWindow}{\param{wxWindow *}{win}}
-Sets the managed window (a frame or dialog) associated with the view.
-\func{Bool}{UpdatePropertyDisplayInList}{\param{wxProperty *}{property}}
-Updates the display for the given changed property.
-\func{Bool}{UpdatePropertyList}{\param{Bool }{clearEditArea = TRUE}}
-Updates the whole property list display.
-\section{\class{wxPropertySheet}: wxObject}\label{wxpropertysheet}
-\overview{wxPropertySheet overview}{wxpropertysheetoverview}
-The {\bf wxPropertySheet} class is used for storing a number of
-wxProperty objects (essentially names and values).
-Destructor. Destroys all contained properties.
-\func{void}{AddProperty}{\param{wxProperty *}{property}}
-Adds a property to the sheet.
-Clears all the properties from the sheet (deleting them).
-Returns a reference to the internal list of properties.
-\func{wxProperty *}{GetProperty}{\param{char *}{name}}
-Gets a property by name.
-\func{void}{SetAllModified}{\param{Bool}{ flag}}
-Sets the `modified' flag of each property value.
-\section{\class{wxPropertyValidator}: wxEvtHandler}\label{wxpropertyvalidator}
-\overview{wxPropertyValidator overview}{wxpropertyvalidatoroverview}
-The {\bf wxPropertyValidator} abstract class is the base class for deriving
-validators for properties.
-\func{void}{wxPropertyValidator}{\param{long}{ flags = 0}}
-Returns the flags for the validator.
-\func{wxProperty *}{GetValidatorProperty}{\void}
-Gets the property for the validator.
-\func{void}{SetValidatorProperty}{\param{wxProperty *}{property}}
-Sets the property for the validator.
-\section{\class{wxPropertyValidatorRegistry}: wxHashTable}\label{wxpropertyvalidatorregistry}
-The {\bf wxPropertyValidatorRegistry} class is used for storing validators,
-indexed by the `role name' of the property, by which groups of property
-can be identified for the purpose of validation and editing.
-Clears the registry, deleting the validators.
-\func{wxPropertyValidator *}{GetValidator}{\param{wxString\& }{roleName}}
-Retrieve a validator by the property role name.
-\func{void}{RegisterValidator}{\param{wxString\& }{roleName}, \param{wxPropertyValidator *}{validator}}
-Register a validator with the registry. {\it roleName} is a name indicating the
-role of the property, such as ``filename''. Later, when a validator is chosen for
-editing a property, this role name is matched against the class names of the property,
-if the property does not already have a validator explicitly associated with it.
-\section{\class{wxPropertyValue}: wxObject}\label{wxpropertyvalue}
-The {\bf wxPropertyValue} class represents the value of a property,
-and is normally associated with a wxProperty object.
-A wxPropertyValue has one of the following types:
-\item wxPropertyValueNull
-\item wxPropertyValueInteger
-\item wxPropertyValueReal
-\item wxPropertyValueBool
-\item wxPropertyValueString
-\item wxPropertyValueList
-\item wxPropertyValueIntegerPtr
-\item wxPropertyValueRealPtr
-\item wxPropertyValueBoolPtr
-\item wxPropertyValueStringPtr
-Default constructor.
-\func{void}{wxPropertyValue}{\param{const wxPropertyValue\& }{copyFrom}}
-Copy constructor.
-\func{void}{wxPropertyValue}{\param{char *}{val}}
-Construction from a string value.
-\func{void}{wxPropertyValue}{\param{long}{ val}}
-Construction from an integer value. You may need to cast to (long) to
-avoid confusion with other constructors (such as the Bool constructor).
-\func{void}{wxPropertyValue}{\param{Bool}{ val}}
-Construction from a boolean value.
-\func{void}{wxPropertyValue}{\param{float}{ val}}
-Construction from a floating point value.
-\func{void}{wxPropertyValue}{\param{double}{ val}}
-Construction from a floating point value.
-\func{void}{wxPropertyValue}{\param{wxList *}{ val}}
-Construction from a list of wxPropertyValue objects. The
-list, but not each contained wxPropertyValue, will be deleted
-by the constructor. The wxPropertyValues will be assigned to
-this wxPropertyValue list. In other words, so do not delete wxList or
-its data after calling this constructor.
-\func{void}{wxPropertyValue}{\param{wxStringList *}{ val}}
-Construction from a list of strings. The list (including the strings
-contained in it) will be deleted by the constructor, so do not
-destroy {\it val} explicitly.
-\func{void}{wxPropertyValue}{\param{char **}{val}}
-Construction from a string pointer.
-\func{void}{wxPropertyValue}{\param{long *}{val}}
-Construction from an integer pointer.
-\func{void}{wxPropertyValue}{\param{Bool *}{val}}
-Construction from an boolean pointer.
-\func{void}{wxPropertyValue}{\param{float *}{val}}
-Construction from a floating point pointer.
-The last four constructors use pointers to various C++ types, and do not
-store the types themselves; this allows the values to stand in for actual
-data values defined elsewhere.
-\func{void}{Append}{\param{wxPropertyValue *}{expr}}
-Appends a property value to the list.
-Returns the boolean value.
-\func{Bool *}{BoolValuePtr}{\void}
-Returns the pointer to the boolean value.
-Deletes the contents of the list.
-\func{void}{Delete}{\param{wxPropertyValue *}{expr}}
-Deletes {\it expr} from this list.
-\func{wxPropertyValue *}{GetFirst}{\void}
-Gets the first value in the list.
-\func{wxPropertyValue *}{GetFirst}{\void}
-Gets the last value in the list.
-Returns TRUE if the value was modified since being created
-(or since SetModified was called).
-\func{wxPropertyValue *}{GetNext}{\void}
-Gets the next value in the list (the one after `this').
-Gets a string representation of the value.
-Returns the integer value.
-\func{void}{Insert}{\param{wxPropertyValue *}{expr}}
-Inserts a property value at the front of a list.
-\func{long *}{IntegerValuePtr}{\void}
-Returns the pointer to the integer value.
-\func{wxPropertyValue *}{Nth}{\param{int}{ n}}
-Returns the nth value of a list expression (starting from zero).
-Returns the number of elements in a list expression.
-Returns the floating point value.
-\func{float *}{RealValuePtr}{\void}
-Returns the pointer to the floating point value.
-\func{void}{SetModified}{\param{Bool}{ flag}}
-Sets the `modified' flag.
-\func{char *}{StringValue}{\void}
-Returns the string value.
-\func{char **}{StringValuePtr}{\void}
-Returns the pointer to the string value.
-Returns the value type.
-\membersection{wxPropertyValue::operator $=$}
-\func{void}{operator $=$}{\param{const wxPropertyValue\& }{val}}
-\func{void}{operator $=$}{\param{const char *}{val}}
-\func{void}{operator $=$}{\param{const long }{val}}
-\func{void}{operator $=$}{\param{const Bool }{val}}
-\func{void}{operator $=$}{\param{const float }{val}}
-\func{void}{operator $=$}{\param{const char **}{val}}
-\func{void}{operator $=$}{\param{const long *}{val}}
-\func{void}{operator $=$}{\param{const Bool *}{val}}
-\func{void}{operator $=$}{\param{const float *}{val}}
-Assignment operators.
-\section{\class{wxPropertyView}: wxEvtHandler}\label{wxpropertyview}
-\overview{wxPropertyView overview}{wxpropertyviewoverview}
-The {\bf wxPropertyView} abstract class is the base class for views
-of property sheets, acting as intermediaries between properties and
-actual windows.
-\func{void}{wxPropertyView}{\param{long}{ flags = wxPROP\_BUTTON\_DEFAULT}}
-The {\it flags} argument can be a bit list of the following:
-\item wxPROP\_BUTTON\_OK
-\func{void}{AddRegistry}{\param{wxPropertyValidatorRegistry *}{registry}}
-Adds a registry (list of property validators) the view's list of registries, which is initially empty.
-\func{wxPropertyValidator *}{FindPropertyValidator}{\param{wxProperty *}{property}}
-Finds the property validator that is most appropriate to this property.
-\func{wxPropertySheet *}{GetPropertySheet}{\void}
-Gets the property sheet for this view.
-Returns a reference to the list of property validator registries.
-Virtual function that will be called when the OK button on the physical window is pressed (if it exists).
-Virtual function that will be called when the Cancel button on the physical window is pressed (if it exists).
-Virtual function that will be called when the physical window is closed. The default implementation returns FALSE.
-Virtual function that will be called when the Help button on the physical window is pressed (if it exists).
-\func{void}{OnPropertyChanged}{\param{wxProperty *}{property}}
-Virtual function called by a view or validator when a property's value changed. Validators
-must be written correctly for this to be called. You can override this function
-to respond immediately to property value changes.
-Called by the viewed object to update the view. The default implementation just returns
-\func{void}{SetPropertySheet}{\param{wxPropertySheet *}{sheet}}
-Sets the property sheet for this view.
-\func{void}{ShowView}{\param{wxPropertySheet *}{sheet}, \param{wxPanel *}{panel}}
-Associates this view with the given panel, and shows the view.
-\section{\class{wxRealFormValidator}: wxPropertyFormValidator}\label{wxrealformvalidator}
-\overview{Validator classes}{validatorclasses}
-This class validates a range of real values for form views. The associated panel item must be a wxText.
-\func{void}{wxRealFormValidator}{\param{float }{min=0.0}, \param{float }{max=0.0},
- \param{long}{ flags=0}}
-Constructor. Assigning zero to minimum and maximum values indicates that there is no range to check.
-\section{\class{wxStringFormValidator}: wxPropertyFormValidator}\label{wxstringformvalidator}
-\overview{Validator classes}{validatorclasses}
-This class validates a string value for a form view, with an optional choice of possible values.
-The associated panel item must be a wxText, wxListBox or wxChoice. For wxListBox and wxChoice items,
-if the item is empty, the validator attempts to initialize the item from the strings in
-the validator. Note that this does not happen for XView wxChoice items since XView cannot reinitialize a wxChoice.
-\func{void}{wxStringFormValidator}{\param{wxStringList *}{list=NULL}, \param{long}{ flags=0}}
-Constructor. Supply a list of strings to indicate a choice, or no strings to allow the
-user to freely edit the string. The string list will be deleted when the validator is deleted.
-\section{\class{wxRealListValidator}: wxPropertyListValidator}\label{wxreallistvalidator}
-\overview{Validator classes}{validatorclasses}
-This class validates a range of real values for property lists.
-\func{void}{wxRealListValidator}{\param{float }{min=0.0}, \param{float }{max=0.0},
- \param{long}{ flags=wxPROP\_ALLOW\_TEXT\_EDITING}}
-Constructor. Assigning zero to minimum and maximum values indicates that there is no range to check.
-\section{\class{wxStringListValidator}: wxPropertyListValidator}\label{wxstringlistvalidator}
-\overview{Validator classes}{validatorclasses}
-This class validates a string value, with an optional choice of possible values.
-\func{void}{wxStringListValidator}{\param{wxStringList *}{list=NULL}, \param{long}{ flags=0}}
-Constructor. Supply a list of strings to indicate a choice, or no strings to allow the
-user to freely edit the string. The string list will be deleted when the validator is deleted.
-\chapter{Classes by category}\label{classesbycat}
-A classification of property sheet classes by category.
-\section{Data classes}
-\item \helpref{wxProperty}{wxproperty}
-\item \helpref{wxPropertyValue}{wxpropertyvalue}
-\item \helpref{wxPropertySheet}{wxpropertysheet}
-\section{Validator classes}\label{validatorclasses}
-Validators check that the values the user has entered for a property are
-valid. They can also define specific ways of entering data, such as a
-file selector for a filename, and they are responsible for transferring
-values between the wxProperty and the physical display. 
-Base classes:
-\item \helpref{wxPropertyValidator}{wxproperty}
-\item \helpref{wxPropertyListValidator}{wxpropertylistvalidator}
-\item \helpref{wxPropertyFormValidator}{wxpropertyformvalidator}
-List view validators:
-\item \helpref{wxBoolListValidator}{wxboollistvalidator}
-\item \helpref{wxFilenameListValidator}{wxfilenamelistvalidator}
-\item \helpref{wxIntegerListValidator}{wxintegerlistvalidator}
-\item \helpref{wxListOfStringsListValidator}{wxlistofstringslistvalidator}
-\item \helpref{wxRealListValidator}{wxreallistvalidator}
-\item \helpref{wxStringListValidator}{wxstringlistvalidator}
-Form view validators:
-\item \helpref{wxBoolFormValidator}{wxboolformvalidator}
-\item \helpref{wxIntegerFormValidator}{wxintegerformvalidator}
-\item \helpref{wxRealFormValidator}{wxrealformvalidator}
-\item \helpref{wxStringFormValidator}{wxstringformvalidator}
-\section{View classes}\label{viewclasses}
-View classes mediate between a property sheet and a physical window.
-\item \helpref{wxPropertyView}{wxpropertyview}
-\item \helpref{wxPropertyListView}{wxpropertylistview}
-\item \helpref{wxPropertyFormView}{wxpropertyformview}
-\section{Window classes}\label{windowclasses}
-The class library defines some window classes that can be used as-is with a suitable
-view class and property sheet.
-\item \helpref{wxPropertyFormFrame}{wxpropertyformframe}
-\item \helpref{wxPropertyFormDialog}{wxpropertyformdialog}
-\item \helpref{wxPropertyFormPanel}{wxpropertyformpanel}
-\item \helpref{wxPropertyListFrame}{wxpropertylistframe}
-\item \helpref{wxPropertyListDialog}{wxpropertylistdialog}
-\item \helpref{wxPropertyListPanel}{wxpropertylistpanel}
-\section{Registry classes}
-A validator registry is a list of validators that can be applied to properties in a property sheet.
-There may be one or more registries per property view.
-\item \helpref{wxPropertyValidatorRegistry}{wxpropertyvalidatorregistry}
-\chapter{Topic overviews}\label{overviews}
-This chapter contains a selection of topic overviews.
-\section{Property classes overview}\label{propertyoverview}
-The property classes help a programmer to express relationships between
-data and physical windows, in particular:
-\item the transfer of data to and from the physical controls;
-\item the behaviour of various controls and custom windows for particular
-types of data;
-\item the validation of data, notifying the user when incorrect data is entered,
-or even better, constraining the input so only valid data can be entered.
-With a consistent framework, the programmer should be able to use existing
-components and design new ones in a principled manner, to solve many data entry
-Each datum is represented in a \helpref{wxProperty}{wxproperty}, which has a name and a value.
-Various C++ types are permitted in the value of a property, and the property can store a pointer
-to the data instead of a copy of the data. A \helpref{wxPropertySheet}{wxpropertysheet} represents a number of these properties.
-These two classes are independent from the way in which the data is visually manipulated. To
-mediate between property sheets and windows, the abstract class \helpref{wxPropertyView}{wxpropertyview} is
-available for programmers to derive new kinds of view. One kind of view that is available is the \helpref{wxPropertyListView}{wxpropertylistview},
-which displays the data in a Visual Basic-style list, with a small number of controls for editing
-the currently selected property. Another is \helpref{wxPropertyFormView}{wxpropertyformview} which
-mediates between an existing dialog or panel and the property sheet.
-The hard work of mediation is actually performed by validators, which are instances of classes
-derived from \helpref{wxPropertyValidator}{wxpropertyvalidator}. A validator is associated with
-a particular property and is responsible for
-responding to user interface events, and displaying, updating and checking the property value.
-Because a validator's behaviour depends largely on the kind of view being used, there has to be
-a separate hierarchy of validators for each class of view. So for wxPropertyListView, there is
-an abstract class \helpref{wxPropertyListValidator}{wxpropertylistvalidator} from which concrete
-classes are derived, such as \helpref{wxRealListValidator}{wxreallistvalidator} and
-A validator can be explicitly set for a property, so there is no doubt which validator
-should be used to edit that property. However, it is also possible to define a registry
-of validators, and have the validator chosen on the basis of the {\it role} of the property.
-So a property with a ``filename" role would match the ``filename" validator, which pops
-up a file selector when the user double clicks on the property.
-You don't have to define your own frame or window classes: there are some predefined
-that will work with the property list view. See \helpref{Window classes}{windowclasses} for
-further details.
-\subsection{Example 1: Property list view}
-The following code fragment shows the essentials of creating a registry of
-standard validators, a property sheet containing some properties, and
-a property list view and dialog or frame. RegisterValidators will be
-called on program start, and PropertySheetTest is called in response to a
-menu command.
-Note how some properties are created with an explicit reference to
-a validator, and others are provided with a ``role'' which can be matched
-against a validator in the registry.
-The interface generated by this test program is shown in the section \helpref{Appearance and
-behaviour of a property list view}{appearance}.
-void RegisterValidators(void)
-  myListValidatorRegistry.RegisterValidator((wxString)"real", new wxRealListValidator);
-  myListValidatorRegistry.RegisterValidator((wxString)"string", new wxStringListValidator);
-  myListValidatorRegistry.RegisterValidator((wxString)"integer", new wxIntegerListValidator);
-  myListValidatorRegistry.RegisterValidator((wxString)"bool", new wxBoolListValidator);
-void PropertyListTest(Bool useDialog)
-  wxPropertySheet *sheet = new wxPropertySheet;
-  sheet->AddProperty(new wxProperty("fred", 1.0, "real"));
-  sheet->AddProperty(new wxProperty("tough choice", (Bool)TRUE, "bool"));
-  sheet->AddProperty(new wxProperty("ian", (long)45, "integer", new wxIntegerListValidator(-50, 50)));
-  sheet->AddProperty(new wxProperty("bill", 25.0, "real", new wxRealListValidator(0.0, 100.0)));
-  sheet->AddProperty(new wxProperty("julian", "one", "string"));
-  sheet->AddProperty(new wxProperty("bitmap", "none", "string", new wxFilenameListValidator("Select a bitmap file", "*.bmp")));
-  wxStringList *strings = new wxStringList("one", "two", "three", NULL);
-  sheet->AddProperty(new wxProperty("constrained", "one", "string", new wxStringListValidator(strings)));
-  wxPropertyListView *view =
-    new wxPropertyListView(NULL,
-  wxDialogBox *propDialog = NULL;
-  wxPropertyListFrame *propFrame = NULL;
-  if (useDialog)
-  {
-    propDialog = new wxPropertyListDialog(view, NULL, "Property Sheet Test", TRUE, -1, -1, 400, 500);
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    propFrame = new wxPropertyListFrame(view, NULL, "Property Sheet Test", -1, -1, 400, 500);
-  }
-  view->AddRegistry(&myListValidatorRegistry);
-  if (useDialog)
-  {
-    view->ShowView(sheet, propDialog);
-    propDialog->Centre(wxBOTH);
-    propDialog->Show(TRUE);
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    propFrame->Initialize();
-    view->ShowView(sheet, propFrame->GetPropertyPanel());
-    propFrame->Centre(wxBOTH);
-    propFrame->Show(TRUE);
-  }
-\subsection{Example 2: Property form view}
-This example is similar to Example 1, but uses a property form view to
-edit a property sheet using a predefined dialog box.
-void RegisterValidators(void)
-  myFormValidatorRegistry.RegisterValidator((wxString)"real", new wxRealFormValidator);
-  myFormValidatorRegistry.RegisterValidator((wxString)"string", new wxStringFormValidator);
-  myFormValidatorRegistry.RegisterValidator((wxString)"integer", new wxIntegerFormValidator);
-  myFormValidatorRegistry.RegisterValidator((wxString)"bool", new wxBoolFormValidator);
-void PropertyFormTest(Bool useDialog)
-  wxPropertySheet *sheet = new wxPropertySheet;
-  sheet->AddProperty(new wxProperty("fred", 25.0, "real", new wxRealFormValidator(0.0, 100.0)));
-  sheet->AddProperty(new wxProperty("tough choice", (Bool)TRUE, "bool"));
-  sheet->AddProperty(new wxProperty("ian", (long)45, "integer", new wxIntegerFormValidator(-50, 50)));
-  sheet->AddProperty(new wxProperty("julian", "one", "string"));
-  wxStringList *strings = new wxStringList("one", "two", "three", NULL);
-  sheet->AddProperty(new wxProperty("constrained", "one", "string", new wxStringFormValidator(strings)));
-  wxPropertyFormView *view = new wxPropertyFormView(NULL);
-  wxDialogBox *propDialog = NULL;
-  wxPropertyFormFrame *propFrame = NULL;
-  if (useDialog)
-  {
-    propDialog = new wxPropertyFormDialog(view, NULL, "Property Form Test", TRUE, -1, -1, 400, 300);
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    propFrame = new wxPropertyFormFrame(view, NULL, "Property Form Test", -1, -1, 400, 300);
-    propFrame->Initialize();
-  }
-  wxPanel *panel = propDialog ? propDialog : propFrame->GetPropertyPanel();
-  panel->SetLabelPosition(wxVERTICAL);
-  // Add items to the panel
-  (void) new wxButton(panel, (wxFunction)NULL, "OK", -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, "ok");
-  (void) new wxButton(panel, (wxFunction)NULL, "Cancel", -1, -1, 80, -1, 0, "cancel");
-  (void) new wxButton(panel, (wxFunction)NULL, "Update", -1, -1, 80, -1, 0, "update");
-  (void) new wxButton(panel, (wxFunction)NULL, "Revert", -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, "revert");
-  panel->NewLine();
-  // The name of this text item matches the "fred" property
-  (void) new wxText(panel, (wxFunction)NULL, "Fred", "", -1, -1, 90, -1, 0, "fred");
-  (void) new wxCheckBox(panel, (wxFunction)NULL, "Yes or no", -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, "tough choice");
-  (void) new wxSlider(panel, (wxFunction)NULL, "Sliding scale", 0, -50, 50, 100, -1, -1, wxHORIZONTAL, "ian");
-  panel->NewLine();
-  (void) new wxListBox(panel, (wxFunction)NULL, "Constrained", wxSINGLE, -1, -1, 100, 90, 0, NULL, 0, "constrained");
-  view->AddRegistry(&myFormValidatorRegistry);
-  if (useDialog)
-  {
-    view->ShowView(sheet, propDialog);
-    view->AssociateNames();
-    view->TransferToDialog();
-    propDialog->Centre(wxBOTH);
-    propDialog->Show(TRUE);
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    view->ShowView(sheet, propFrame->GetPropertyPanel());
-    view->AssociateNames();
-    view->TransferToDialog();
-    propFrame->Centre(wxBOTH);
-    propFrame->Show(TRUE);
-  }
-\section{Validator classes overview}\label{validatoroverview}
-Classes: \helpref{Validator classes}{validatorclasses}
-The validator classes provide functionality for mediating between a wxProperty and
-the actual display. There is a separate family of validator classes for each
-class of view, since the differences in user interface for these views implies
-that little common functionality can be shared amongst validators.
-\subsection{wxPropertyValidator overview}\label{wxpropertyvalidatoroverview}
-Class: \helpref{wxPropertyValidator}{wxpropertyvalidator}
-This class is the root of all property validator classes. It contains a small
-amount of common functionality, including functions to convert between
-strings and C++ values.
-A validator is notionally an object which sits between a property and its displayed
-value, and checks that the value the user enters is correct, giving an error message
-if the validation fails. In fact, the validator does more than that, and is akin to
-a view class but at a finer level of detail. It is also responsible for
-loading the dialog box control with the value from the property, putting it back
-into the property, preparing special controls for editing the value, and
-may even invoke special dialogs for editing the value in a convenient way.
-In a property list dialog, there is quite a lot of scope for supplying custom dialogs,
-such as file or colour selectors. For a form dialog, there is less scope because
-there is no concept of `detailed editing' of a value: one control is associated with
-one property, and there is no provision for invoking further dialogs. The reader
-may like to work out how the form view could be extended to provide some of the
-functionality of the property list!
-Validator objects may be associated explictly with a wxProperty, or they may be
-indirectly associated by virtue of a property `kind' that matches validators having
-that kind. In the latter case, such validators are stored in a validator registry
-which is passed to the view before the dialog is shown. If the validator takes
-arguments, such as minimum and maximum values in the case of a wxIntegerListValidator,
-then the validator must be associated explicitly with the property. The validator
-will be deleted when the property is deleted.
-\subsection{wxPropertyListValidator overview}\label{wxpropertylistvalidatoroverview}
-Class: \helpref{wxPropertyListValidator}{wxpropertylistvalidator}
-This class is the abstract base class for property list view validators.
-The list view acts upon a user interface containing a list of properties,
-a text item for direct property value editing, confirm/cancel buttons for the value,
-a pulldown list for making a choice between values, and OK/Cancel/Help buttons
-for the dialog (see \helpref{property list appearance}{appearance}).
-By overriding virtual functions, the programmer can create custom
-behaviour for different kinds of property. Custom behaviour can use just the
-available controls on the property list dialog, or the validator can
-invoke custom editors with quite different controls, which pop up in
-`detailed editing' mode.
-See the detailed class documentation for the members you should override
-to give your validator appropriate behaviour.
-\subsection{wxPropertyFormValidator overview}\label{wxpropertyformvalidatoroverview}
-This class is the abstract base class for property form view validators.
-The form view acts upon an existing dialog box or panel, where either the
-panel item names correspond to property names, or the programmer has explicitly
-associated the panel item with the property.
-By overriding virtual functions, the programmer determines how
-values are displayed or retrieved, and the checking that the validator does.
-See the detailed class documentation for the members you should override
-to give your validator appropriate behaviour.
-\section{View classes overview}\label{viewoverview}
-Classes: \helpref{View classes}{viewclasses}
-An instance of a view class relates a property sheet with an actual window.
-Currently, there are two classes of view: wxPropertyListView and wxPropertyFormView.
-\subsection{wxPropertyView overview}\label{wxpropertyviewoverview}
-Class: \helpref{wxPropertyView}{wxpropertyview}
-This is the abstract base class for property views.
-\subsection{wxPropertyListView overview}\label{wxpropertylistviewoverview}
-Class: \helpref{wxPropertyListView}{wxpropertylistview}
-The property list view defines the relationship between a property sheet and
-a property list dialog or panel. It manages user interface events such as
-clicking on a property, pressing return in the text edit field, and clicking
-on Confirm or Cancel. These events cause member functions of the
-class to be called, and these in turn may call member functions of
-the appropriate validator to be called, to prepare controls, check the property value,
-invoke detailed editing, etc.
-\subsection{wxPropertyFormView overview}\label{wxpropertyformviewoverview}
-Class: \helpref{wxPropertyFormView}{wxpropertyformview}
-The property form view manages the relationship between a property sheet
-and an existing dialog or panel.
-You must first create a panel or dialog box for the view to work on.
-The panel should contain panel items with names that correspond to
-properties in your property sheet; or you can explicitly set the
-panel item for each property.
-Apart from any custom panel items that you wish to control independently
-of the property-editing items, wxPropertyFormView takes over the
-processing of item events. It can also control normal dialog behaviour such
-as OK, Cancel, so you should also create some standard buttons that the property view
-can recognise. Just create the buttons with standard names and the view
-will do the rest. The following button names are recognised:
-\item {\bf ok}: indicates the OK button. Calls wxPropertyFormView::OnOk. By default,
-checks and updates the form values, closes and deletes the frame or dialog, then deletes the view.
-\item {\bf cancel}: indicates the Cancel button. Calls wxPropertyFormView::OnCancel. By default,
-closes and deletes the frame or dialog, then deletes the view.
-\item {\bf help}: indicates the Help button. Calls wxPropertyFormView::OnHelp. This needs
-to be overridden by the application for anything interesting to happen.
-\item {\bf revert}: indicates the Revert button. Calls wxPropertyFormView::OnRevert,
-which by default transfers the wxProperty values to the panel items (in effect
-undoing any unsaved changes in the items).
-\item {\bf update}: indicates the Revert button. Calls wxPropertyFormView::OnUpdate, which
-by defaults transfers the displayed values to the wxProperty objects.
-\section{wxPropertySheet overview}\label{wxpropertysheetoverview}
-Classes: \helpref{wxPropertySheet}{wxpropertysheet}, \helpref{wxProperty}{wxproperty}, \helpref{wxPropertyValue}{wxpropertyvalue}
-A property sheet defines zero or more properties. This is a bit like an explicit representation of
-a C++ object. wxProperty objects can have values which are pointers to C++ values, or they
-can allocate their own storage for values.
-Because the property sheet representation is explicit and can be manipulated by
-a program, it is a convenient form to be used for a variety of
-editing purposes. wxPropertyListView and wxPropertyFormView are two classes that
-specify the relationship between a property sheet and a user interface. You could imagine
-other uses for wxPropertySheet, for example to generate a form-like user interface without
-the need for GUI programming. Or for storing the names and values of command-line switches, with the
-option to subsequently edit these values using a wxPropertyListView.
-A typical use for a property sheet is to represent values of an object
-which are only implicit in the current representation of it. For
-example, in Visual Basic and similar programming environments, you can
-`edit a button', or rather, edit the button's properties.  One of the
-properties you can edit is {\it width} - but there is no explicit
-representation of width in a wxWindows button; instead, you call SetSize
-and GetSize members. To translate this into a consisent,
-property-oriented scheme, we could derive a new class
-wxButtonWithProperties, which has two new functions: SetProperty and
-GetProperty.  SetProperty accepts a property name and a value, and calls
-an appropriate function for the property that is being passed.
-GetProperty accepts a property name, returning a property value. So
-instead of having to use the usual arbitrary set of C++ member functions
-to set or access attributes of a window, programmer deals merely with
-SetValue/GetValue, and property names and values.
-We now have a single point at which we can modify or query an object by specifying
-names and values at run-time. (The implementation of SetProperty and GetProperty
-is probably quite messy and involves a large if-then-else statement to
-test the property name and act accordingly.)
-When the user invokes the property editor for a wxButtonWithProperties, the system
-creates a wxPropertySheet with `imaginary' properties such as width, height, font size
-and so on. For each property, wxButtonWithProperties::GetProperty is called, and the result is
-passed to the corresponding wxProperty. The wxPropertySheet is passed to a wxPropertyListView
-as described elsewhere, and the user edits away. When the user has finished editing, the system calls
-wxButtonWithProperties::SetProperty to transfer the wxProperty value back into the button
-by way of an appropriate call, wxWindow::SetSize in the case of width and height properties.
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