X-Git-Url: https://git.saurik.com/wxWidgets.git/blobdiff_plain/36c9828f702fb504b07968703bcd82f04196070a..346662b87a28fed132459db393cdd99132d1c5ca:/docs/doxygen/overviews/html.h?ds=sidebyside
diff --git a/docs/doxygen/overviews/html.h b/docs/doxygen/overviews/html.h
index d94f132f23..8a9c8e0478 100644
--- a/docs/doxygen/overviews/html.h
+++ b/docs/doxygen/overviews/html.h
@@ -1,525 +1,580 @@
-// Name: html
+// Name: html.h
// Purpose: topic overview
// Author: wxWidgets team
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Licence: wxWindows license
- @page html_overview wxHTML overview
- The wxHTML library provides classes for parsing and displaying HTML.
- It is not intended to be a high-end HTML browser. If you are looking for
- something like that try #http://www.mozilla.org.
- wxHTML can be used as a generic rich text viewer - for example to display
- a nice About Box (like those of GNOME apps) or to display the result of
- database searching. There is a #wxFileSystem
- class which allows you to use your own virtual file systems.
- wxHtmlWindow supports tag handlers. This means that you can easily
- extend wxHtml library with new, unsupported tags. Not only that,
- you can even use your own application-specific tags!
- See @c src/html/m_*.cpp files for details.
- There is a generic wxHtmlParser class,
- independent of wxHtmlWindow.
- @ref htmlquickstart_overview
- @ref printing_overview
- @ref helpformat_overview
- @ref filters_overview
- @ref cells_overview
- @ref handlers_overview
- @ref htmltagssupported_overview
- @section wxhtmlquickstart wxHTML quick start
- @b Displaying HTML
- First of all, you must include wx/wxhtml.h.
- Class #wxHtmlWindow (derived from wxScrolledWindow)
- is used to display HTML documents.
- It has two important methods: #LoadPage
- and #SetPage.
- LoadPage loads and displays HTML file while SetPage displays directly the
- passed @b string. See the example:
- @code
- mywin - LoadPage("test.htm");
- mywin - SetPage("htmlbody"
- "h1Error/h1"
- "Some error occurred :-H)"
- "/body/hmtl");
- @endcode
- @b Displaying Help
- See #wxHtmlHelpController.
- @b Setting up wxHtmlWindow
- Because wxHtmlWindow is derived from wxScrolledWindow and not from
- wxFrame, it doesn't have visible frame. But the user usually wants to see
- the title of HTML page displayed somewhere and the frame's titlebar is
- the ideal place for it.
- wxHtmlWindow provides 2 methods in order to handle this:
- #SetRelatedFrame and
- #SetRelatedStatusBar.
- See the example:
- @code
- html = new wxHtmlWindow(this);
- html - SetRelatedFrame(this, "HTML : %%s");
- html - SetRelatedStatusBar(0);
- @endcode
- The first command associates the HTML object with its parent frame
- (this points to wxFrame object there) and sets the format of the title.
- Page title "Hello, world!" will be displayed as "HTML : Hello, world!"
- in this example.
- The second command sets which frame's status bar should be used to display
- browser's messages (such as "Loading..." or "Done" or hypertext links).
- @b Customizing wxHtmlWindow
- You can customize wxHtmlWindow by setting font size, font face and
- borders (space between border of window and displayed HTML). Related functions:
- #SetFonts
- #SetBorders
- #ReadCustomization
- #WriteCustomization
- The last two functions are used to store user customization info wxConfig stuff
- (for example in the registry under Windows, or in a dotfile under Unix).
- @section printing HTML Printing
- The wxHTML library provides printing facilities with several levels of complexity.
- The easiest way to print an HTML document is to use
- @ref htmleasyprinting_overview. It lets you print HTML documents with only one
- command and you don't have to worry about deriving from the wxPrintout class at all. It is only a simple wrapper around the
- #wxHtmlPrintout, normal wxWidgets printout class.
- And finally there is the low level class #wxHtmlDCRenderer which you can use to
- render HTML into a rectangular area on any DC. It supports rendering into multiple rectangles with the same
- width. (The most common use of this is placing one rectangle on each page or printing into two columns.)
- @section helpformat Help Files Format
- wxHTML library uses a reduced version of MS HTML Workshop format.
- Tex2RTF can produce these files when generating HTML, if you set @b htmlWorkshopFiles to @b @true in
- your tex2rtf.ini file.
- (See #wxHtmlHelpController for help controller description.)
- A @b book consists of three files: header file, contents file and index file.
- You can make a regular zip archive of these files, plus the HTML and any image files,
- for wxHTML (or helpview) to read; and the .zip file can optionally be renamed to .htb.
- @b Header file (.hhp)
- Header file must contain these lines (and may contain additional lines which are ignored) :
- @code
- Contents file=filename.hhc
- Index file=filename.hhk
- Title=title of your book
- Default topic=default page to be displayed.htm
- @endcode
- All filenames (including the Default topic) are relative to the
- location of .hhp file.
- @b Localization note: In addition, .hhp file may contain line
- @code
- Charset=rfc_charset
- @endcode
- which specifies what charset (e.g. "iso8859_1") was used in contents
- and index files. Please note that this line is incompatible with
- MS HTML Help Workshop and it would either silently remove it or complain
- with some error. See also
- @ref nonenglish_overview.
- @b Contents file (.hhc)
- Contents file has HTML syntax and it can be parsed by regular HTML parser. It contains exactly one list
- (@c ul....@c /ul statement):
- @code
- ul
- li object type="text/sitemap"
- param name="Name" value="@topic name@"
- param name="ID" value=@numeric_id@
- param name="Local" value="@filename.htm@"
- /object
- li object type="text/sitemap"
- param name="Name" value="@topic name@"
- param name="ID" value=@numeric_id@
- param name="Local" value="@filename.htm@"
- /object
- ...
- /ul
- @endcode
- You can modify value attributes of param tags. @e topic name is name of chapter/topic as is displayed in
- contents, @e filename.htm is HTML page name (relative to .hhp file) and @e numeric_id is optional
- - it is used only when you use wxHtmlHelpController::Display(int)
- Items in the list may be nested - one @c li statement may contain a @c ul sub-statement:
- @code
- ul
- li object type="text/sitemap"
- param name="Name" value="Top node"
- param name="Local" value="top.htm"
- /object
- ul
- li object type="text/sitemap"
- param name="Name" value="subnode in topnode"
- param name="Local" value="subnode1.htm"
- /object
- ...
- /ul
- li object type="text/sitemap"
- param name="Name" value="Another Top"
- param name="Local" value="top2.htm"
- /object
- ...
- /ul
- @endcode
- @b Index file (.hhk)
- Index files have same format as contents file except that ID params are ignored and sublists are @b not
- allowed.
- @section filters Input Filters
- The wxHTML library provides a mechanism for reading and displaying
- files of many different file formats.
- wxHtmlWindow::LoadPage can load not
- only HTML files but any known file. To make a file type known to wxHtmlWindow
- you must create a #wxHtmlFilter filter and
- register it using wxHtmlWindow::AddFilter.
- @section cells Cells and Containers
- This article describes mechanism used by
- #wxHtmlWinParser and
- #wxHtmlWindow to parse and display HTML documents.
- @b Cells
- You can divide any text (or HTML) into small fragments. Let's call these
- fragments @b cells. Cell is for example one word, horizontal line, image
- or any other part of document. Each cell has width and height (except special
- "magic" cells with zero dimensions - e.g. colour changers or font changers).
- See #wxHtmlCell.
- @b Containers
- Container is kind of cell that may contain sub-cells. Its size depends
- on number and sizes of its sub-cells (and also depends on width of window).
- See #wxHtmlContainerCell,
- wxHtmlCell::Layout.
- This image shows the cells and containers:
- @b Using Containers in Tag Handler
- #wxHtmlWinParser provides a user-friendly way
- of managing containers. It is based on the idea of opening and closing containers.
- Use #OpenContainer to open new
- a container @e within an already opened container. This new container is a
- @e sub-container of the old one. (If you want to create a new container with
- the same depth level you can call @c CloseContainer(); OpenContainer();.)
- Use #CloseContainer to close the
- container. This doesn't create a new container with same depth level but
- it returns "control" to the parent container.
- See explanation:
- There clearly must be same number of calls to OpenContainer as to
- CloseContainer.
- @b Example
- This code creates a new paragraph (container at same depth level)
- with "Hello, world!":
- @code
- m_WParser - CloseContainer();
- c = m_WParser - OpenContainer();
- m_WParser - AddText("Hello, ");
- m_WParser - AddText("world!");
- m_WParser - CloseContainer();
- m_WParser - OpenContainer();
- @endcode
- and here is image of the situation:
- You can see that there was an opened container before the code was executed.
- We closed it, created our own container, then closed our container and opened
- new container. The result was that we had @e same depth level after
- executing. This is general rule that should be followed by tag handlers:
- leave depth level of containers unmodified (in other words, number of
- OpenContainer and CloseContainer calls should be same within #HandleTag's body).
- Notice that it would be usually better to use
- wxHtmlContainerCell::InsertCell instead
- of adding text to the parser directly.
- @section handlers Tag Handlers
- The wxHTML library provides architecture of pluggable @e tag handlers.
- Tag handler is class that understands particular HTML tag (or tags) and is
- able to interpret it.
- #wxHtmlWinParser has static table of @b modules.
- Each module contains one or more tag handlers. Each time a new wxHtmlWinParser
- object is constructed all modules are scanned and handlers are added
- to wxHtmlParser's list of available handlers (note: wxHtmlParser's list
- is non-static).
- @b How it works
- Common tag handler's #HandleTag method
- works in four steps:
- Save state of parent parser into local variables
- Change parser state according to tag's params
- Parse text between the tag and paired ending tag (if present)
- Restore original parser state
- See #wxHtmlWinParser for methods for modifying
- parser's state. In general you can do things like opening/closing containers,
- changing colors, fonts etc.
- @b Providing own tag handlers
- You should create new .cpp file and place following lines into it:
- @code
- #include mod_templ.h
- #include forcelink.h
- FORCE_LINK_ME(yourmodulefilenamewithoutcpp)
- @endcode
- Then you must define handlers and one module.
- @b Tag handlers
- The handler is derived from #wxHtmlWinTagHandler
- (or directly from #wxHtmlTagHandler)
- You can use set of macros to define the handler (see src/html/m_*.cpp files
- for details). Handler definition must start with @b TAG_HANDLER_BEGIN macro
- and end with @b TAG_HANDLER_END macro. I strongly recommend to have a look
- at @e include/wxhtml/mod_templ.h file. Otherwise you won't understand
- the structure of macros. See macros reference:
- @b TAG_HANDLER_BEGIN(@e name, @e tags)
- Starts handler definition. @e name is handler identifier (in fact
- part of class name), @e tags is string containing list of tags
- supported by this handler (in uppercase). This macro derives new class from
- wxHtmlWinTagHandler and implements it is
- #GetSupportedTags method.
- This macro starts block of variables definitions. (Variables are identical
- to class attributes.) Example:
- @code
- int my_int_var;
- wxString something_else;
- @endcode
- This macro is used only in rare cases.
- @b TAG_HANDLER_CONSTR(@e name)
- This macro supplies object constructor. @e name is same name as the one
- from TAG_HANDLER_BEGIN macro. Body of constructor follow after
- this macro (you must use and ). Example:
- @code
- int my_int_var;
- { // !!!!!!
- my_int_var = 666;
- } // !!!!!!
- @endcode
- Never used in wxHTML :-)
- @b TAG_HANDLER_PROC(@e varib)
- This is very important macro. It defines #HandleTag
- method. @e varib is name of parameter passed to the method, usually
- @e tag. Body of method follows after this macro.
- Note than you must use and ! Example:
- @code
- {
- printf("TITLE found...\n");
- }
- @endcode
- @b TAG_HANDLER_END(@e name)
- Ends definition of tag handler @e name.
- @b Tags Modules
- You can use set of 3 macros TAGS_MODULE_BEGIN, TAGS_MODULE_ADD and
- TAGS_MODULE_END to inherit new module from
- #wxHtmlTagsModule and to create instance of it.
- See macros reference:
- @b TAGS_MODULE_BEGIN(@e modname)
- Begins module definition. @e modname is part of class name and must
- be unique.
- @b TAGS_MODULE_ADD(@e name)
- Adds the handler to this module. @e name is the identifier from
- @b TAGS_MODULE_END(@e modname)
- Ends the definition of module.
- @b Example:
- @code
- @endcode
- @section htmltagssupported Tags supported by wxHTML
- wxHTML is not full implementation of HTML standard. Instead, it supports most common tags so that it
- is possible to display @e simple HTML documents with it. (For example it works fine with pages created
- in Netscape Composer or generated by tex2rtf).
- Following tables list all tags known to wxHTML, together with supported parameters.
- A tag has general form of @c tagname param_1 param_2 ... param_n where param_i is
- either @c paramname="paramvalue" or @c paramname=paramvalue - these two are equivalent. Unless stated
- otherwise, wxHTML is case-insensitive.
- @b Table of common parameter values
- We will use these substitutions in tags descriptions:
- @code
- [alignment] CENTER
- [v_alignment] TOP
- [color] HTML 4.0-compliant colour specification
- [fontsize] -2
- -1
- +0
- +1
- +2
- +3
- +4
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- [pixels] integer value that represents dimension in pixels
- [percent] i%
- where i is integer
- [url] an URL
- [string] text string
- [coords] c(1),c(2),c(3),...,c(n)
- where c(i) is integer
- @endcode
- @b List of supported tags
- @code
- A NAME=[string]
- HREF=[url]
- TARGET=[target window spec]
- COORDS=[coords]
- HREF=[url]
- B
- BODY TEXT=[color]
- LINK=[color]
- BGCOLOR=[color]
- BR ALIGN=[alignment]
- DD
- DIV ALIGN=[alignment]
- DL
- DT
- EM
- FONT COLOR=[color]
- SIZE=[fontsize]
- FACE=[comma-separated list of facenames]
- HR ALIGN=[alignment]
- SIZE=[pixels]
- WIDTH=[percent|pixels]
- H1
- H2
- H3
- H4
- H5
- H6
- I
- IMG SRC=[url]
- WIDTH=[pixels]
- HEIGHT=[pixels]
- USEMAP=[url]
- LI
- MAP NAME=[string]
- META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type"
- CONTENT=[string]
- OL
- P ALIGN=[alignment]
- TABLE ALIGN=[alignment]
- WIDTH=[percent|pixels]
- BORDER=[pixels]
- VALIGN=[v_alignment]
- BGCOLOR=[color]
- CELLSPACING=[pixels]
- CELLPADDING=[pixels]
- TD ALIGN=[alignment]
- VALIGN=[v_alignment]
- BGCOLOR=[color]
- WIDTH=[percent|pixels]
- COLSPAN=[pixels]
- ROWSPAN=[pixels]
- TH ALIGN=[alignment]
- VALIGN=[v_alignment]
- BGCOLOR=[color]
- WIDTH=[percent|pixels]
- COLSPAN=[pixels]
- ROWSPAN=[pixels]
- TR ALIGN=[alignment]
- VALIGN=[v_alignment]
- BGCOLOR=[color]
- TT
- U
- UL
- @endcode
- */
+@page overview_html wxHTML Overview
+The wxHTML library provides classes for parsing and displaying HTML.
+It is not intended to be a high-end HTML browser. If you are looking for
+something like that try