X-Git-Url: https://git.saurik.com/wxWidgets.git/blobdiff_plain/1f2b90153e9580ef89095cec62a61f770cb24ef9..df08bf5ab3a0eb24d53b2c002f473799c5622bbb:/wxPython/demo/Main.py

diff --git a/wxPython/demo/Main.py b/wxPython/demo/Main.py
index 12eb24ad90..2c99409724 100644
--- a/wxPython/demo/Main.py
+++ b/wxPython/demo/Main.py
@@ -47,33 +47,12 @@ import images
 _treeList = [
     # new stuff
     ('Recent Additions/Updates', [
-        'AnalogClock',
-        'AUI_DockingWindowMgr',
-        'AUI_Notebook',
-        'CheckListCtrlMixin',
-        'ComboTreeBox',
-        'Pickers',
-        'PseudoDC',
-        'RichTextCtrl',
-        'Treebook',
-        'Toolbook',
-        'BitmapFromBuffer',
-        'RawBitmapAccess',
-        'DragScroller',
-        'DelayedResult',
-        'ExpandoTextCtrl',
-        'ButtonPanel',
-        'FlatNotebook',
-        'CustomTreeCtrl',
-        'AboutBox',
-        'AnimateCtrl',
-        'AlphaDrawing',
-        'GraphicsContext',
     # managed windows == things with a (optional) caption you can close
     ('Frames and Dialogs', [
+        'AUI_MDI',
@@ -126,6 +105,7 @@ _treeList = [
+        'SearchCtrl',        
@@ -173,10 +153,12 @@ _treeList = [
-        #'RightTextCtrl',     deprecated as we have wxTE_RIGHT now.
+        'BitmapComboBox',
+        'CollapsiblePane',
+        'ComboCtrl',
@@ -195,6 +177,7 @@ _treeList = [
+        'OwnerDrawnComboBox',
@@ -208,6 +191,7 @@ _treeList = [
+        'TreeMixin',
@@ -219,6 +203,7 @@ _treeList = [
+        'SizedControls',
@@ -247,7 +232,7 @@ _treeList = [
     # Images
     ('Using Images', [
-        'AnimationCtrl',
+        'AnimateCtrl',
@@ -255,6 +240,7 @@ _treeList = [
+        'Img2PyArtProvider',
@@ -271,6 +257,7 @@ _treeList = [
+        'I18N',        
@@ -720,7 +707,7 @@ class DemoCodePanel(wx.Panel):
                 if not os.path.exists(GetModifiedDirectory()):
                     wx.LogMessage("BUG: Created demo directory but it still doesn't exist")
-                    raise AssetionError
+                    raise AssertionError
                 wx.LogMessage("Error creating demo directory: %s" % GetModifiedDirectory())
@@ -990,7 +977,7 @@ class DemoErrorPanel(wx.Panel):
         boxInfoGrid  = wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 2, 0, 0)
         textFlags    = wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP
         boxInfoGrid.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Type: "), 0, textFlags, 5 )
-        boxInfoGrid.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, demoError.exception_type) , 0, textFlags, 5 )
+        boxInfoGrid.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, str(demoError.exception_type)) , 0, textFlags, 5 )
         boxInfoGrid.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Details: ") , 0, textFlags, 5 )
         boxInfoGrid.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, demoError.exception_details) , 0, textFlags, 5 )
         boxInfoSizer.Add(boxInfoGrid, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE | wx.ALL, 5 )
@@ -1199,14 +1186,14 @@ class wxPythonDemo(wx.Frame):
         self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnToggleRedirect, item)
-        item = menu.Append(-1, 'E&xit\tAlt-X', 'Get the heck outta here!')
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnFileExit, item)
-        wx.App.SetMacExitMenuItemId(item.GetId())
+        exitItem = menu.Append(-1, 'E&xit\tCtrl-Q', 'Get the heck outta here!')
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnFileExit, exitItem)
+        wx.App.SetMacExitMenuItemId(exitItem.GetId())
         self.mainmenu.Append(menu, '&File')
         # Make a Demo menu
         menu = wx.Menu()
-        for item in _treeList:
+        for item in _treeList[:-1]:
             submenu = wx.Menu()
             for childItem in item[1]:
                 mi = submenu.Append(-1, childItem)
@@ -1223,11 +1210,14 @@ class wxPythonDemo(wx.Frame):
         shellItem = menu.Append(-1, 'Open Py&Shell Window\tF5',
                                 'An interactive interpreter window with the demo app and frame objects in the namesapce')
+        inspToolItem = menu.Append(-1, 'Open &Widget Inspector\tF6',
+                                'A tool that lets you browse the live widgets and sizers in an application')
         helpItem = menu.Append(-1, '&About wxPython Demo', 'wxPython RULES!!!')
         self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnOpenShellWindow, shellItem)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnOpenWidgetInspector, inspToolItem)
         self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnHelpAbout, helpItem)
         self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnHelpFind,  findItem)
         self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnFindNext,  findnextItem)
@@ -1242,40 +1232,40 @@ class wxPythonDemo(wx.Frame):
         self.finddata = wx.FindReplaceData()
-        if 0:
+        if False:
             # This is another way to set Accelerators, in addition to
             # using the '\t<key>' syntax in the menu items.
-            aTable = wx.AcceleratorTable([(wx.ACCEL_ALT,  ord('X'), exitID),
-                                          (wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('H'), helpID),
-                                          (wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('F'), findID),
-                                          (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, WXK_F3, findnextID)
+            aTable = wx.AcceleratorTable([(wx.ACCEL_ALT,  ord('X'), exitItem.GetId()),
+                                          (wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('H'), helpItem.GetId()),
+                                          (wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('F'), findItem.GetId()),
+                                          (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_F3, findnextItem.GetId()),
+                                          (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_F9, shellItem.GetId()),
         # Create a TreeCtrl
         tID = wx.NewId()
+        leftPanel = wx.Panel(splitter)
+        self.filter = wx.SearchCtrl(leftPanel)
+        self.filter.ShowCancelButton(True)
+        self.filter.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.RecreateTree)
+        self.filter.Bind(wx.EVT_SEARCHCTRL_CANCEL_BTN,
+                         lambda e: self.filter.SetValue(''))
         self.treeMap = {}
-        self.tree = wx.TreeCtrl(splitter, tID, style =
+        self.tree = wx.TreeCtrl(leftPanel, tID, style =
                                 wx.TR_DEFAULT_STYLE #| wx.TR_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT
-        root = self.tree.AddRoot("wxPython Overview")
-        firstChild = None
-        for item in _treeList:
-            child = self.tree.AppendItem(root, item[0])
-            if not firstChild: firstChild = child
-            for childItem in item[1]:
-                theDemo = self.tree.AppendItem(child, childItem)
-                self.treeMap[childItem] = theDemo
-        self.tree.Expand(root)
-        self.tree.Expand(firstChild)
+        self.root = self.tree.AddRoot("wxPython Overview")
+        self.RecreateTree()
         self.tree.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDED, self.OnItemExpanded, id=tID)
         self.tree.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSED, self.OnItemCollapsed, id=tID)
         self.tree.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED, self.OnSelChanged, id=tID)
         self.tree.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnTreeLeftDown)
         # Set up a wx.html.HtmlWindow on the Overview Notebook page
         # we put it in a panel first because there seems to be a
         # refresh bug of some sort (wxGTK) when it is directly in
@@ -1302,6 +1292,8 @@ class wxPythonDemo(wx.Frame):
         # Set up a log window
         self.log = wx.TextCtrl(splitter2, -1,
                               style = wx.TE_MULTILINE|wx.TE_READONLY|wx.HSCROLL)
+        if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
+            self.log.MacCheckSpelling(False)
         # Set the wxWindows log target to be this textctrl
@@ -1319,7 +1311,12 @@ class wxPythonDemo(wx.Frame):
         # add the windows to the splitter and split it.
         splitter2.SplitHorizontally(self.nb, self.log, -160)
-        splitter.SplitVertically(self.tree, splitter2, 200)
+        leftBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        leftBox.Add(self.tree, 1, wx.EXPAND)
+        leftBox.Add(wx.StaticText(leftPanel, label = "Filter Demos:"), 0, wx.TOP|wx.LEFT, 5)
+        leftBox.Add(self.filter, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5)
+        leftPanel.SetSizer(leftBox)
+        splitter.SplitVertically(leftPanel, splitter2, 220)
@@ -1335,7 +1332,7 @@ class wxPythonDemo(wx.Frame):
         # select initial items
-        self.tree.SelectItem(root)
+        self.tree.SelectItem(self.root)
         # Load 'Main' module
@@ -1353,6 +1350,30 @@ class wxPythonDemo(wx.Frame):
+    def RecreateTree(self, evt=None):
+        self.tree.Freeze()
+        self.tree.DeleteAllItems()
+        self.root = self.tree.AddRoot("wxPython Overview")
+        firstChild = None
+        filter = self.filter.GetValue()
+        for category, items in _treeList:
+            if filter:
+                items = [item for item in items if filter.lower() in item.lower()]
+            if items:
+                child = self.tree.AppendItem(self.root, category)
+                if not firstChild: firstChild = child
+                for childItem in items:
+                    theDemo = self.tree.AppendItem(child, childItem)
+                    self.treeMap[childItem] = theDemo
+        self.tree.Expand(self.root)
+        if firstChild:
+            self.tree.Expand(firstChild)
+        if filter:
+            self.tree.ExpandAll()
+        self.tree.Thaw()
     def WriteText(self, text):
         if text[-1:] == '\n':
             text = text[:-1]
@@ -1642,6 +1663,20 @@ class wxPythonDemo(wx.Frame):
             self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, CloseShell)
+    def OnOpenWidgetInspector(self, evt):
+        # Activate the widget inspection tool
+        from wx.lib.inspection import InspectionTool
+        if not InspectionTool().initialized:
+            InspectionTool().Init()
+        # Find a widget to be selected in the tree.  Use either the
+        # one under the cursor, if any, or this frame.
+        wnd = wx.FindWindowAtPointer()
+        if not wnd:
+            wnd = self
+        InspectionTool().Show(wnd, True)
     def OnCloseWindow(self, event):
@@ -1740,8 +1775,8 @@ class MySplashScreen(wx.SplashScreen):
         if self.fc.IsRunning():
 class MyApp(wx.App):
     def OnInit(self):