-void wxColourDatabase::Initialize ()
- // Don't initialize for X: colours are found
- // in FindColour below.
- // Added: Not all
- struct cdef {
- char *name;
- int r,g,b;
- };
- cdef cc;
- static cdef table[]={
-// #ifdef __WXMSW__
- {"AQUAMARINE",112, 219, 147},
- {"BLACK",0, 0, 0},
- {"BLUE", 0, 0, 255},
- {"BLUE VIOLET", 159, 95, 159},
- {"BROWN", 165, 42, 42},
- {"CADET BLUE", 95, 159, 159},
- {"CORAL", 255, 127, 0},
- {"CORNFLOWER BLUE", 66, 66, 111},
- {"CYAN", 0, 255, 255},
- {"DARK GREY", 47, 47, 47}, // ?
- {"DARK GREEN", 47, 79, 47},
- {"DARK OLIVE GREEN", 79, 79, 47},
- {"DARK ORCHID", 153, 50, 204},
- {"DARK SLATE BLUE", 107, 35, 142},
- {"DARK SLATE GREY", 47, 79, 79},
- {"DARK TURQUOISE", 112, 147, 219},
- {"DIM GREY", 84, 84, 84},
- {"FIREBRICK", 142, 35, 35},
- {"FOREST GREEN", 35, 142, 35},
- {"GOLD", 204, 127, 50},
- {"GOLDENROD", 219, 219, 112},
- {"GREY", 128, 128, 128},
- {"GREEN", 0, 255, 0},
- {"GREEN YELLOW", 147, 219, 112},
- {"INDIAN RED", 79, 47, 47},
- {"KHAKI", 159, 159, 95},
- {"LIGHT BLUE", 191, 216, 216},
- {"LIGHT GREY", 192, 192, 192},
- {"LIGHT STEEL BLUE", 143, 143, 188},
- {"LIME GREEN", 50, 204, 50},
- {"LIGHT MAGENTA", 255, 0, 255},
- {"MAGENTA", 255, 0, 255},
- {"MAROON", 142, 35, 107},
- {"MEDIUM AQUAMARINE", 50, 204, 153},
- {"MEDIUM GREY", 100, 100, 100},
- {"MEDIUM BLUE", 50, 50, 204},
- {"MEDIUM FOREST GREEN", 107, 142, 35},
- {"MEDIUM GOLDENROD", 234, 234, 173},
- {"MEDIUM ORCHID", 147, 112, 219},
- {"MEDIUM SEA GREEN", 66, 111, 66},
- {"MEDIUM SLATE BLUE", 127, 0, 255},
- {"MEDIUM SPRING GREEN", 127, 255, 0},
- {"MEDIUM TURQUOISE", 112, 219, 219},
- {"MEDIUM VIOLET RED", 219, 112, 147},
- {"MIDNIGHT BLUE", 47, 47, 79},
- {"NAVY", 35, 35, 142},
- {"ORANGE", 204, 50, 50},
- {"ORANGE RED", 255, 0, 127},
- {"ORCHID", 219, 112, 219},
- {"PALE GREEN", 143, 188, 143},
- {"PINK", 188, 143, 234},
- {"PLUM", 234, 173, 234},
- {"PURPLE", 176, 0, 255},
- {"RED", 255, 0, 0},
- {"SALMON", 111, 66, 66},
- {"SEA GREEN", 35, 142, 107},
- {"SIENNA", 142, 107, 35},
- {"SKY BLUE", 50, 153, 204},
- {"SLATE BLUE", 0, 127, 255},
- {"SPRING GREEN", 0, 255, 127},
- {"STEEL BLUE", 35, 107, 142},
- {"TAN", 219, 147, 112},
- {"THISTLE", 216, 191, 216},
- {"TURQUOISE", 173, 234, 234},
- {"VIOLET", 79, 47, 79},
- {"VIOLET RED", 204, 50, 153},
- {"WHEAT", 216, 216, 191},
- {"WHITE", 255, 255, 255},
- {"YELLOW", 255, 255, 0},
- {"YELLOW GREEN", 153, 204, 50},
-// #endif
-#if defined(__WXGTK__) || defined(__X__)
- {"MEDIUM GOLDENROD", 234, 234, 173},
- {"MEDIUM FOREST GREEN", 107, 142, 35},
- {"LIGHT MAGENTA", 255, 0, 255},
- {"MEDIUM GREY", 100, 100, 100},
- {0,0,0,0}
- };
- int i;
- for (i=0;cc=table[i],cc.name!=0;i++)
- {
- Append(cc.name,new wxColour(cc.r,cc.g,cc.b));
- }
- * Changed by Ian Brown, July 1994.
- *
- * When running under X, the Colour Database starts off empty. The X server
- * is queried for the colour first time after which it is entered into the
- * database. This allows our client to use the server colour database which
- * is hopefully gamma corrected for the display being used.
- */
-wxColour *wxColourDatabase::FindColour(const wxString& colour)
- // VZ: make the comparaison case insensitive
- wxString str = colour;
- str.MakeUpper();
- wxNode *node = Find(str);
- if (node)
- return (wxColour *)node->Data();
-#ifdef __WXMSW__
- else return NULL;