+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( wxString("\n").CmpNoCase(" ") < 0 );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( wxString("'").CmpNoCase("!") > 0);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( wxString("!").Cmp("Z") < 0 );
+void StringTestCase::Contains()
+ static const struct ContainsData
+ {
+ const wxChar *hay;
+ const wxChar *needle;
+ bool contains;
+ } containsData[] =
+ {
+ { wxT(""), wxT(""), true },
+ { wxT(""), wxT("foo"), false },
+ { wxT("foo"), wxT(""), true },
+ { wxT("foo"), wxT("f"), true },
+ { wxT("foo"), wxT("o"), true },
+ { wxT("foo"), wxT("oo"), true },
+ { wxT("foo"), wxT("ooo"), false },
+ { wxT("foo"), wxT("oooo"), false },
+ { wxT("foo"), wxT("fooo"), false },
+ };
+ for ( size_t n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(containsData); n++ )
+ {
+ const ContainsData& cd = containsData[n];
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( cd.contains, wxString(cd.hay).Contains(cd.needle) );
+ }
+// flags used in ToLongData.flags
+ Number_Ok = 0,
+ Number_Invalid = 1,
+ Number_Unsigned = 2, // if not specified, works for signed conversion
+ Number_Signed = 4, // if not specified, works for unsigned
+ Number_LongLong = 8, // only for long long tests
+ Number_Long = 16 // only for long tests
+static const struct ToLongData
+ const wxChar *str;
+#ifdef wxLongLong_t
+ wxLongLong_t value;
+ long value;
+#endif // wxLongLong_t
+ int flags;
+ int base;
+ long LValue() const { return value; }
+ unsigned long ULValue() const { return value; }
+#ifdef wxLongLong_t
+ wxLongLong_t LLValue() const { return value; }
+ wxULongLong_t ULLValue() const { return (wxULongLong_t)value; }
+#endif // wxLongLong_t
+ bool IsOk() const { return !(flags & Number_Invalid); }
+} longData[] =
+ { wxT("1"), 1, Number_Ok },
+ { wxT("0"), 0, Number_Ok },
+ { wxT("a"), 0, Number_Invalid },
+ { wxT("12345"), 12345, Number_Ok },
+ { wxT("--1"), 0, Number_Invalid },
+ { wxT("-1"), -1, Number_Signed | Number_Long },
+ // this is surprising but consistent with strtoul() behaviour
+ { wxT("-1"), ULONG_MAX, Number_Unsigned | Number_Long },
+ // this must overflow, even with 64 bit long
+ { wxT("922337203685477580711"), 0, Number_Invalid },
+#ifdef wxLongLong_t
+ { wxT("2147483648"), wxLL(2147483648), Number_LongLong },
+ { wxT("-2147483648"), wxLL(-2147483648), Number_LongLong | Number_Signed },
+ { wxT("9223372036854775808"), wxULL(9223372036854775808), Number_LongLong |
+ Number_Unsigned },
+#endif // wxLongLong_t
+ // Base tests.
+ { wxT("010"), 10, Number_Ok, 10 },
+ { wxT("010"), 8, Number_Ok, 0 },
+ { wxT("010"), 8, Number_Ok, 8 },
+ { wxT("010"), 16, Number_Ok, 16 },
+ { wxT("0010"), 10, Number_Ok, 10 },
+ { wxT("0010"), 8, Number_Ok, 0 },
+ { wxT("0010"), 8, Number_Ok, 8 },
+ { wxT("0010"), 16, Number_Ok, 16 },
+ { wxT("0x11"), 0, Number_Invalid, 10 },
+ { wxT("0x11"), 17, Number_Ok, 0 },
+ { wxT("0x11"), 0, Number_Invalid, 8 },
+ { wxT("0x11"), 17, Number_Ok, 16 },
+void StringTestCase::ToLong()
+ long l;
+ for ( size_t n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(longData); n++ )
+ {
+ const ToLongData& ld = longData[n];
+ if ( ld.flags & (Number_LongLong | Number_Unsigned) )
+ continue;
+ // NOTE: unless you're using some exotic locale, ToCLong and ToLong
+ // should behave the same for our test data set:
+ wxString(ld.str).ToCLong(&l, ld.base) );
+ if ( ld.IsOk() )
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( ld.LValue(), l );
+ wxString(ld.str).ToLong(&l, ld.base) );
+ if ( ld.IsOk() )
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( ld.LValue(), l );
+ }
+ // special case: check that the output is not modified if the parsing
+ // failed completely
+ l = 17;
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !wxString("foo").ToLong(&l) );
+ // also check that it is modified if we did parse something successfully in
+ // the beginning of the string
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !wxString("9 cats").ToLong(&l) );
+void StringTestCase::ToULong()
+ unsigned long ul;
+ for ( size_t n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(longData); n++ )
+ {
+ const ToLongData& ld = longData[n];
+ if ( ld.flags & (Number_LongLong | Number_Signed) )
+ continue;
+ // NOTE: unless you're using some exotic locale, ToCLong and ToLong
+ // should behave the same for our test data set:
+ wxString(ld.str).ToCULong(&ul, ld.base) );
+ if ( ld.IsOk() )
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( ld.ULValue(), ul );
+ wxString(ld.str).ToULong(&ul, ld.base) );
+ if ( ld.IsOk() )
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( ld.ULValue(), ul );
+ }
+#ifdef wxLongLong_t
+void StringTestCase::ToLongLong()
+ wxLongLong_t l;
+ for ( size_t n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(longData); n++ )
+ {
+ const ToLongData& ld = longData[n];
+ if ( ld.flags & (Number_Long | Number_Unsigned) )
+ continue;
+ wxString(ld.str).ToLongLong(&l, ld.base) );
+ if ( ld.IsOk() )
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( ld.LLValue(), l );
+ }
+void StringTestCase::ToULongLong()
+ wxULongLong_t ul;
+ for ( size_t n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(longData); n++ )
+ {
+ const ToLongData& ld = longData[n];
+ if ( ld.flags & (Number_Long | Number_Signed) )
+ continue;
+ wxString(ld.str).ToULongLong(&ul, ld.base) );
+ if ( ld.IsOk() )
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( ld.ULLValue(), ul );
+ }
+#endif // wxLongLong_t
+void StringTestCase::ToDouble()
+ double d;
+ static const struct ToDoubleData
+ {
+ const wxChar *str;
+ double value;
+ bool ok;
+ } doubleData[] =
+ {
+ { wxT("1"), 1, true },
+ { wxT("1.23"), 1.23, true },
+ { wxT(".1"), .1, true },
+ { wxT("1."), 1, true },
+ { wxT("1.."), 0, false },
+ { wxT("0"), 0, true },
+ { wxT("a"), 0, false },
+ { wxT("12345"), 12345, true },
+ { wxT("-1"), -1, true },
+ { wxT("--1"), 0, false },
+ { wxT("-3E-5"), -3E-5, true },
+ { wxT("-3E-abcde5"), 0, false },
+ };
+ // test ToCDouble() first:
+ size_t n;
+ for ( n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(doubleData); n++ )
+ {
+ const ToDoubleData& ld = doubleData[n];
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( ld.ok, wxString(ld.str).ToCDouble(&d) );
+ if ( ld.ok )
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( ld.value, d );
+ }
+ // test ToDouble() now:
+ // NOTE: for the test to be reliable, we need to set the locale explicitly
+ // so that we know the decimal point character to use
+ if (!wxLocale::IsAvailable(wxLANGUAGE_FRENCH))
+ return; // you should have french support installed to continue this test!
+ wxLocale locale;
+ // don't load default catalog, it may be unavailable:
+ static const struct ToDoubleData doubleData2[] =
+ {
+ { wxT("1"), 1, true },
+ { wxT("1,23"), 1.23, true },
+ { wxT(",1"), .1, true },
+ { wxT("1,"), 1, true },
+ { wxT("1,,"), 0, false },
+ { wxT("0"), 0, true },
+ { wxT("a"), 0, false },
+ { wxT("12345"), 12345, true },
+ { wxT("-1"), -1, true },
+ { wxT("--1"), 0, false },
+ { wxT("-3E-5"), -3E-5, true },
+ { wxT("-3E-abcde5"), 0, false },
+ };
+ for ( n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(doubleData2); n++ )
+ {
+ const ToDoubleData& ld = doubleData2[n];
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( ld.ok, wxString(ld.str).ToDouble(&d) );
+ if ( ld.ok )
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( ld.value, d );
+ }