-#if defined(__WXMSW__)
-// include standard Windows headers
-#include "wx/msw/wrapwin.h"
+// NB: we intentionally don't use Linux's asm/atomic.h header, because it's
+// an internal kernel header that doesn't always work in userspace:
+// http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=28456
+// http://golubenco.org/blog/atomic-operations/
inline void wxAtomicInc (wxUint32 &value)
- InterlockedIncrement ((LONG*)&value);
+ __sync_fetch_and_add(&value, 1);
inline wxUint32 wxAtomicDec (wxUint32 &value)
- return InterlockedDecrement ((LONG*)&value);
+ return __sync_sub_and_fetch(&value, 1);
-#elif defined(__WXMAC__) || defined(__DARWIN__)
-#include "libkern/OSAtomic.h"
+#elif defined(__WXMSW__)
+// include standard Windows headers
+#include "wx/msw/wrapwin.h"
inline void wxAtomicInc (wxUint32 &value)
- OSAtomicIncrement32 ((int32_t*)&value);
+ InterlockedIncrement ((LONG*)&value);
inline wxUint32 wxAtomicDec (wxUint32 &value)
- return OSAtomicDecrement32 ((int32_t*)&value);
+ return InterlockedDecrement ((LONG*)&value);
-#elif defined(__LINUX__)
-#include <asm/atomic.h>
+#elif defined(__WXMAC__) || defined(__DARWIN__)
+#include "libkern/OSAtomic.h"
inline void wxAtomicInc (wxUint32 &value)
- atomic_inc ((atomic_t*)&value);
+ OSAtomicIncrement32 ((int32_t*)&value);
inline wxUint32 wxAtomicDec (wxUint32 &value)
- return atomic_dec_and_test ((atomic_t*)&value) ? 0 : 1;
+ return OSAtomicDecrement32 ((int32_t*)&value);
#elif defined (__SOLARIS__)
wxAtomicInt32() { } // non initialized for consistency with basic int type
wxAtomicInt32(wxInt32 v) : m_value(v) { }
+ wxAtomicInt32(const wxAtomicInt32& a) : m_value(a.m_value) {}
operator wxInt32() const { return m_value; }
operator volatile wxInt32&() { return m_value; }
volatile wxInt32 m_value;
wxCriticalSection m_locker;
inline void wxAtomicInc(wxAtomicInt32 &value) { value.Inc(); }