+ return &event ;
+// CS:We will replace the TextEdit by using the MultiLanguageTextEngine based on the following code written by apple
+ File: mUPControl.c
+ Description:
+ mUPControl implementation.
+ Copyright:
+ © Copyright 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ Disclaimer:
+ IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc.
+ ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your
+ use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software
+ constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms,
+ please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software.
+ In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject
+ to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under AppleÕs
+ copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use,
+ reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without
+ modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute
+ the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain
+ this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of
+ the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of
+ Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the
+ Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as
+ expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied,
+ are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that
+ may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple
+ Software may be incorporated.
+ The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO
+ Change History (most recent first):
+ Fri, Jan 28, 2000 -- created
+#include "MacTextEditor.h"
+/* part codes */
+/* kmUPTextPart is the part code we return to indicate the user has clicked
+ in the text area of our control */
+#define kmUPTextPart 1
+/* kmUPScrollPart is the part code we return to indicate the user has clicked
+ in the scroll bar part of the control. */
+#define kmUPScrollPart 2
+/* routines for using existing user pane controls.
+ These routines are useful for cases where you would like to use an
+ existing user pane control in, say, a dialog window as a scrolling
+ text edit field.*/
+/* mUPOpenControl initializes a user pane control so it will be drawn
+ and will behave as a scrolling text edit field inside of a window.
+ This routine performs all of the initialization steps necessary,
+ except it does not create the user pane control itself. theControl
+ should refer to a user pane control that you have either created
+ yourself or extracted from a dialog's control heirarchy using
+ the GetDialogItemAsControl routine. */
+OSStatus mUPOpenControl(ControlHandle theControl);
+/* mUPCloseControl deallocates all of the structures allocated
+ by mUPOpenControl. */
+OSStatus mUPCloseControl(ControlHandle theControl);
+/* routines for creating new scrolling text user pane controls.
+ These routines allow you to create new scrolling text
+ user pane controls. */
+/* mUPCreateControl creates a new user pane control and then it passes it
+ to mUPOpenControl to initialize it as a scrolling text user pane control. */
+OSStatus mUPCreateControl(WindowPtr theWindow, Rect *bounds, ControlHandle *theControl);
+/* mUPDisposeControl calls mUPCloseControl and then it calls DisposeControl. */
+OSStatus mUPDisposeControl(ControlHandle theControl);
+/* Utility Routines */
+ /* mUPSetText replaces the contents of the selection with the unicode
+ text described by the text and count parameters:.
+ text = pointer to unicode text buffer
+ count = number of bytes in the buffer. */
+OSStatus mUPSetText(ControlHandle theControl, char* text, long count);
+/* mUPGetText returns the current text data being displayed inside of
+ the mUPControl. When noErr is returned, *theText contain a new
+ handle containing all of the Unicode text copied from the current
+ selection. It is the caller's responsibiliby to dispose of this handle. */
+OSStatus mUPGetText(ControlHandle theControl, Handle *theText);
+/* mUPSetSelection sets the text selection and autoscrolls the text view
+ so either the cursor or the selction is in the view. */
+void mUPSetSelection(ControlHandle theControl, long selStart, long selEnd);
+/* IsmUPControl returns true if theControl is not NULL
+ and theControl refers to a mUP Control. */
+Boolean IsmUPControl(ControlHandle theControl);
+/* Edit commands for mUP Controls. */
+enum {
+ kmUPCut = 1,
+ kmUPCopy = 2,
+ kmUPPaste = 3,
+ kmUPClear = 4
+/* mUPDoEditCommand performs the editing command specified
+ in the editCommand parameter. The mUPControl's text
+ and scroll bar are redrawn and updated as necessary. */
+void mUPDoEditCommand(ControlHandle theControl, short editCommand);
+/* mUPGetContents returns the entire contents of the control including the text
+ and the formatting information. */
+OSStatus mUPGetContents(ControlHandle theControl, Handle *theContents);
+/* mUPSetContents replaces the contents of the selection with the data stored in the handle. */
+OSStatus mUPSetContents(ControlHandle theControl, Handle theContents);
+enum {
+ kShiftKeyCode = 56
+/* kUserClickedToFocusPart is a part code we pass to the SetKeyboardFocus
+ routine. In our focus switching routine this part code is understood
+ as meaning 'the user has clicked in the control and we need to switch
+ the current focus to ourselves before we can continue'. */
+#define kUserClickedToFocusPart 100
+/* kmUPClickScrollDelayTicks is a time measurement in ticks used to
+ slow the speed of 'auto scrolling' inside of our clickloop routine.
+ This value prevents the text from wizzzzzing by while the mouse
+ is being held down inside of the text area. */
+#define kmUPClickScrollDelayTicks 3
+/* STPTextPaneVars is a structure used for storing the the mUP Control's
+ internal variables and state information. A handle to this record is
+ stored in the pane control's reference value field using the
+ SetControlReference routine. */
+typedef struct {
+ /* OS records referenced */
+ TXNObject fTXNRec; /* the txn record */
+ TXNFrameID fTXNFrame; /* the txn frame ID */
+ ControlHandle fUserPaneRec; /* handle to the user pane control */
+ WindowPtr fOwner; /* window containing control */
+ GrafPtr fDrawingEnvironment; /* grafport where control is drawn */
+ /* flags */
+ Boolean fInFocus; /* true while the focus rect is drawn around the control */
+ Boolean fIsActive; /* true while the control is drawn in the active state */
+ Boolean fTEActive; /* reflects the activation state of the text edit record */
+ Boolean fInDialogWindow; /* true if displayed in a dialog window */
+ /* calculated locations */
+ Rect fRTextArea; /* area where the text is drawn */
+ Rect fRFocusOutline; /* rectangle used to draw the focus box */
+ Rect fRTextOutline; /* rectangle used to draw the border */
+ RgnHandle fTextBackgroundRgn; /* background region for the text, erased before calling TEUpdate */
+ /* our focus advance override routine */
+ EventHandlerUPP handlerUPP;
+ EventHandlerRef handlerRef;
+} STPTextPaneVars;
+/* Univerals Procedure Pointer variables used by the
+ mUP Control. These variables are set up
+ the first time that mUPOpenControl is called. */
+ControlUserPaneDrawUPP gTPDrawProc = NULL;
+ControlUserPaneHitTestUPP gTPHitProc = NULL;
+ControlUserPaneTrackingUPP gTPTrackProc = NULL;
+ControlUserPaneIdleUPP gTPIdleProc = NULL;
+ControlUserPaneKeyDownUPP gTPKeyProc = NULL;
+ControlUserPaneActivateUPP gTPActivateProc = NULL;
+ControlUserPaneFocusUPP gTPFocusProc = NULL;
+ /* events handled by our focus advance override routine */
+static const EventTypeSpec gMLTEEvents[] = { { kEventClassTextInput, kEventUnicodeForKeyEvent } };
+#define kMLTEEventCount (sizeof( gMLTEEvents ) / sizeof( EventTypeSpec ))
+/* TPActivatePaneText activates or deactivates the text edit record
+ according to the value of setActive. The primary purpose of this
+ routine is to ensure each call is only made once. */
+static void TPActivatePaneText(STPTextPaneVars **tpvars, Boolean setActive) {
+ STPTextPaneVars *varsp;
+ varsp = *tpvars;
+ if (varsp->fTEActive != setActive) {
+ varsp->fTEActive = setActive;
+ TXNActivate(varsp->fTXNRec, varsp->fTXNFrame, varsp->fTEActive);
+ if (varsp->fInFocus)
+ TXNFocus( varsp->fTXNRec, varsp->fTEActive);
+ }
+/* TPFocusPaneText set the focus state for the text record. */
+static void TPFocusPaneText(STPTextPaneVars **tpvars, Boolean setFocus) {
+ STPTextPaneVars *varsp;
+ varsp = *tpvars;
+ if (varsp->fInFocus != setFocus) {
+ varsp->fInFocus = setFocus;
+ TXNFocus( varsp->fTXNRec, varsp->fInFocus);
+ }
+/* TPPaneDrawProc is called to redraw the control and for update events
+ referring to the control. This routine erases the text area's background,
+ and redraws the text. This routine assumes the scroll bar has been
+ redrawn by a call to DrawControls. */
+static pascal void TPPaneDrawProc(ControlRef theControl, ControlPartCode thePart) {
+ STPTextPaneVars **tpvars, *varsp;
+ char state;
+ Rect bounds;
+ /* set up our globals */
+ tpvars = (STPTextPaneVars **) GetControlReference(theControl);
+ if (tpvars != NULL) {
+ state = HGetState((Handle) tpvars);
+ HLock((Handle) tpvars);
+ varsp = *tpvars;
+ /* save the drawing state */
+ SetPort((**tpvars).fDrawingEnvironment);
+ /* verify our boundary */
+ GetControlBounds(theControl, &bounds);
+ if ( ! EqualRect(&bounds, &varsp->fRTextArea) ) {
+ SetRect(&varsp->fRFocusOutline, bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.right, bounds.bottom);
+ SetRect(&varsp->fRTextOutline, bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.right, bounds.bottom);
+ SetRect(&varsp->fRTextArea, bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.right, bounds.bottom);
+ RectRgn(varsp->fTextBackgroundRgn, &varsp->fRTextOutline);
+ TXNSetFrameBounds( varsp->fTXNRec, bounds.top, bounds.left, bounds.bottom, bounds.right, varsp->fTXNFrame);
+ }
+ /* update the text region */
+ EraseRgn(varsp->fTextBackgroundRgn);
+ TXNDraw(varsp->fTXNRec, NULL);
+ /* restore the drawing environment */
+ /* draw the text frame and focus frame (if necessary) */
+ DrawThemeEditTextFrame(&varsp->fRTextOutline, varsp->fIsActive ? kThemeStateActive: kThemeStateInactive);
+ if ((**tpvars).fIsActive && varsp->fInFocus) DrawThemeFocusRect(&varsp->fRFocusOutline, true);
+ /* release our globals */
+ HSetState((Handle) tpvars, state);
+ }
+/* TPPaneHitTestProc is called when the control manager would
+ like to determine what part of the control the mouse resides over.
+ We also call this routine from our tracking proc to determine how
+ to handle mouse clicks. */
+static pascal ControlPartCode TPPaneHitTestProc(ControlHandle theControl, Point where) {
+ STPTextPaneVars **tpvars;
+ ControlPartCode result;
+ char state;
+ /* set up our locals and lock down our globals*/
+ result = 0;
+ tpvars = (STPTextPaneVars **) GetControlReference(theControl);
+ if (tpvars != NULL) {
+ state = HGetState((Handle) tpvars);
+ HLock((Handle) tpvars);
+ /* find the region where we clicked */
+ if (PtInRect(where, &(**tpvars).fRTextArea)) {
+ result = kmUPTextPart;
+ } else result = 0;
+ /* release oure globals */
+ HSetState((Handle) tpvars, state);
+ }
+ return result;
+/* TPPaneTrackingProc is called when the mouse is being held down
+ over our control. This routine handles clicks in the text area
+ and in the scroll bar. */
+static pascal ControlPartCode TPPaneTrackingProc(ControlHandle theControl, Point startPt, ControlActionUPP actionProc) {
+ STPTextPaneVars **tpvars, *varsp;
+ char state;
+ ControlPartCode partCodeResult;
+ /* make sure we have some variables... */
+ partCodeResult = 0;
+ tpvars = (STPTextPaneVars **) GetControlReference(theControl);
+ if (tpvars != NULL) {
+ /* lock 'em down */
+ state = HGetState((Handle) tpvars);
+ HLock((Handle) tpvars);
+ varsp = *tpvars;
+ /* we don't do any of these functions unless we're in focus */
+ if ( ! varsp->fInFocus) {
+ WindowPtr owner;
+ owner = GetControlOwner(theControl);
+ ClearKeyboardFocus(owner);
+ SetKeyboardFocus(owner, theControl, kUserClickedToFocusPart);
+ }
+ /* find the location for the click */
+ switch (TPPaneHitTestProc(theControl, startPt)) {
+ /* handle clicks in the text part */
+ case kmUPTextPart:
+ { SetPort((**tpvars).fDrawingEnvironment);
+ TXNClick( varsp->fTXNRec, GetCurrentEventRecord());
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ HSetState((Handle) tpvars, state);
+ }
+ return partCodeResult;
+/* TPPaneIdleProc is our user pane idle routine. When our text field
+ is active and in focus, we use this routine to set the cursor. */
+static pascal void TPPaneIdleProc(ControlHandle theControl) {
+ STPTextPaneVars **tpvars, *varsp;
+ /* set up locals */
+ tpvars = (STPTextPaneVars **) GetControlReference(theControl);
+ if (tpvars != NULL) {
+ /* if we're not active, then we have nothing to say about the cursor */
+ if ((**tpvars).fIsActive) {
+ char state;
+ Rect bounds;
+ Point mousep;
+ /* lock down the globals */
+ state = HGetState((Handle) tpvars);
+ HLock((Handle) tpvars);
+ varsp = *tpvars;
+ /* get the current mouse coordinates (in our window) */
+ SetPort(GetWindowPort(GetControlOwner(theControl)));
+ SetPort((GrafPtr) GetWindowPort(GetControlOwner(theControl)));
+ GetMouse(&mousep);
+ /* there's a 'focus thing' and an 'unfocused thing' */
+ if (varsp->fInFocus) {
+ /* flash the cursor */
+ SetPort((**tpvars).fDrawingEnvironment);
+ TXNIdle(varsp->fTXNRec);
+ /* set the cursor */
+ if (PtInRect(mousep, &varsp->fRTextArea)) {
+ RgnHandle theRgn;
+ RectRgn((theRgn = NewRgn()), &varsp->fRTextArea);
+ TXNAdjustCursor(varsp->fTXNRec, theRgn);
+ DisposeRgn(theRgn);
+ } else SetThemeCursor(kThemeArrowCursor);
+ } else {
+ /* if it's in our bounds, set the cursor */
+ GetControlBounds(theControl, &bounds);
+ if (PtInRect(mousep, &bounds))
+ SetThemeCursor(kThemeArrowCursor);
+ }
+ HSetState((Handle) tpvars, state);
+ }
+ }
+/* TPPaneKeyDownProc is called whenever a keydown event is directed
+ at our control. Here, we direct the keydown event to the text
+ edit record and redraw the scroll bar and text field as appropriate. */
+static pascal ControlPartCode TPPaneKeyDownProc(ControlHandle theControl,
+ SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) {
+ STPTextPaneVars **tpvars;
+ tpvars = (STPTextPaneVars **) GetControlReference(theControl);
+ if (tpvars != NULL) {
+ if ((**tpvars).fInFocus) {
+ /* turn autoscrolling on and send the key event to text edit */
+ SetPort((**tpvars).fDrawingEnvironment);
+ TXNKeyDown( (**tpvars).fTXNRec, GetCurrentEventRecord());
+ }
+ }
+ return kControlEntireControl;
+/* TPPaneActivateProc is called when the window containing
+ the user pane control receives activate events. Here, we redraw
+ the control and it's text as necessary for the activation state. */
+static pascal void TPPaneActivateProc(ControlHandle theControl, Boolean activating) {
+ Rect bounds;
+ STPTextPaneVars **tpvars, *varsp;
+ char state;
+ /* set up locals */
+ tpvars = (STPTextPaneVars **) GetControlReference(theControl);
+ if (tpvars != NULL) {
+ state = HGetState((Handle) tpvars);
+ HLock((Handle) tpvars);
+ varsp = *tpvars;
+ /* de/activate the text edit record */
+ SetPort((**tpvars).fDrawingEnvironment);
+ GetControlBounds(theControl, &bounds);
+ varsp->fIsActive = activating;
+ TPActivatePaneText(tpvars, varsp->fIsActive && varsp->fInFocus);
+ /* redraw the frame */
+ DrawThemeEditTextFrame(&varsp->fRTextOutline, varsp->fIsActive ? kThemeStateActive: kThemeStateInactive);
+ if (varsp->fInFocus) DrawThemeFocusRect(&varsp->fRFocusOutline, varsp->fIsActive);
+ HSetState((Handle) tpvars, state);
+ }
+/* TPPaneFocusProc is called when every the focus changes to or
+ from our control. Herein, switch the focus appropriately
+ according to the parameters and redraw the control as
+ necessary. */
+static pascal ControlPartCode TPPaneFocusProc(ControlHandle theControl, ControlFocusPart action) {
+ ControlPartCode focusResult;
+ STPTextPaneVars **tpvars, *varsp;
+ char state;
+ /* set up locals */
+ focusResult = kControlFocusNoPart;
+ tpvars = (STPTextPaneVars **) GetControlReference(theControl);
+ if (tpvars != NULL) {
+ state = HGetState((Handle) tpvars);
+ HLock((Handle) tpvars);
+ varsp = *tpvars;
+ /* if kControlFocusPrevPart and kControlFocusNextPart are received when the user is
+ tabbing forwards (or shift tabbing backwards) through the items in the dialog,
+ and kControlFocusNextPart will be received. When the user clicks in our field
+ and it is not the current focus, then the constant kUserClickedToFocusPart will
+ be received. The constant kControlFocusNoPart will be received when our control
+ is the current focus and the user clicks in another control. In your focus routine,
+ you should respond to these codes as follows:
+ kControlFocusNoPart - turn off focus and return kControlFocusNoPart. redraw
+ the control and the focus rectangle as necessary.
+ kControlFocusPrevPart or kControlFocusNextPart - toggle focus on or off
+ depending on its current state. redraw the control and the focus rectangle
+ as appropriate for the new focus state. If the focus state is 'off', return the constant
+ kControlFocusNoPart, otherwise return a non-zero part code.
+ kUserClickedToFocusPart - is a constant defined for this example. You should
+ define your own value for handling click-to-focus type events. */
+ /* save the drawing state */
+ SetPort((**tpvars).fDrawingEnvironment);
+ /* calculate the next highlight state */
+ switch (action) {
+ default:
+ case kControlFocusNoPart:
+ TPFocusPaneText(tpvars, false);
+ focusResult = kControlFocusNoPart;
+ break;
+ case kUserClickedToFocusPart:
+ TPFocusPaneText(tpvars, true);
+ focusResult = 1;
+ break;
+ case kControlFocusPrevPart:
+ case kControlFocusNextPart:
+ TPFocusPaneText(tpvars, ( ! varsp->fInFocus));
+ focusResult = varsp->fInFocus ? 1 : kControlFocusNoPart;
+ break;
+ }
+ TPActivatePaneText(tpvars, varsp->fIsActive && varsp->fInFocus);
+ /* redraw the text fram and focus rectangle to indicate the
+ new focus state */
+ DrawThemeEditTextFrame(&varsp->fRTextOutline, varsp->fIsActive ? kThemeStateActive: kThemeStateInactive);
+ DrawThemeFocusRect(&varsp->fRFocusOutline, varsp->fIsActive && varsp->fInFocus);
+ /* done */
+ HSetState((Handle) tpvars, state);
+ }
+ return focusResult;
+//This our carbon event handler for unicode key downs
+static pascal OSStatus FocusAdvanceOverride(EventHandlerCallRef myHandler, EventRef event, void* userData) {
+ WindowRef window;
+ STPTextPaneVars **tpvars;
+ OSStatus err;
+ unsigned short mUnicodeText;
+ ByteCount charCounts=0;
+ /* get our window pointer */
+ tpvars = (STPTextPaneVars **) userData;
+ window = (**tpvars).fOwner;
+ //find out how many bytes are needed
+ err = GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamTextInputSendText,
+ typeUnicodeText, NULL, 0, &charCounts, NULL);
+ if (err != noErr) goto bail;
+ /* we're only looking at single characters */
+ if (charCounts != 2) { err = eventNotHandledErr; goto bail; }
+ /* get the character */
+ err = GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamTextInputSendText,
+ typeUnicodeText, NULL, sizeof(mUnicodeText),
+ &charCounts, (char*) &mUnicodeText);
+ if (err != noErr) goto bail;
+ /* if it's not the tab key, forget it... */
+ if ((mUnicodeText != '\t')) { err = eventNotHandledErr; goto bail; }
+ /* advance the keyboard focus */
+ AdvanceKeyboardFocus(window);
+ /* noErr lets the CEM know we handled the event */
+ return noErr;
+ return eventNotHandledErr;
+/* mUPOpenControl initializes a user pane control so it will be drawn
+ and will behave as a scrolling text edit field inside of a window.
+ This routine performs all of the initialization steps necessary,
+ except it does not create the user pane control itself. theControl
+ should refer to a user pane control that you have either created
+ yourself or extracted from a dialog's control heirarchy using
+ the GetDialogItemAsControl routine. */
+OSStatus mUPOpenControl(ControlHandle theControl) {
+ Rect bounds;
+ WindowPtr theWindow;
+ STPTextPaneVars **tpvars, *varsp;
+ OSStatus err;
+ RGBColor rgbWhite = {0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF};
+ TXNBackground tback;
+ /* set up our globals */
+ if (gTPDrawProc == NULL) gTPDrawProc = NewControlUserPaneDrawUPP(TPPaneDrawProc);
+ if (gTPHitProc == NULL) gTPHitProc = NewControlUserPaneHitTestUPP(TPPaneHitTestProc);
+ if (gTPTrackProc == NULL) gTPTrackProc = NewControlUserPaneTrackingUPP(TPPaneTrackingProc);
+ if (gTPIdleProc == NULL) gTPIdleProc = NewControlUserPaneIdleUPP(TPPaneIdleProc);
+ if (gTPKeyProc == NULL) gTPKeyProc = NewControlUserPaneKeyDownUPP(TPPaneKeyDownProc);
+ if (gTPActivateProc == NULL) gTPActivateProc = NewControlUserPaneActivateUPP(TPPaneActivateProc);
+ if (gTPFocusProc == NULL) gTPFocusProc = NewControlUserPaneFocusUPP(TPPaneFocusProc);
+ /* allocate our private storage */
+ tpvars = (STPTextPaneVars **) NewHandleClear(sizeof(STPTextPaneVars));
+ SetControlReference(theControl, (long) tpvars);
+ HLock((Handle) tpvars);
+ varsp = *tpvars;
+ /* set the initial settings for our private data */
+ varsp->fInFocus = false;
+ varsp->fIsActive = true;
+ varsp->fTEActive = false;
+ varsp->fUserPaneRec = theControl;
+ theWindow = varsp->fOwner = GetControlOwner(theControl);
+ varsp->fDrawingEnvironment = GetWindowPort(varsp->fOwner);
+ varsp->fDrawingEnvironment = (GrafPtr) GetWindowPort(varsp->fOwner);
+ varsp->fInDialogWindow = ( GetWindowKind(varsp->fOwner) == kDialogWindowKind );
+ /* set up the user pane procedures */
+ SetControlData(theControl, kControlEntireControl, kControlUserPaneDrawProcTag, sizeof(gTPDrawProc), &gTPDrawProc);
+ SetControlData(theControl, kControlEntireControl, kControlUserPaneHitTestProcTag, sizeof(gTPHitProc), &gTPHitProc);
+ SetControlData(theControl, kControlEntireControl, kControlUserPaneTrackingProcTag, sizeof(gTPTrackProc), &gTPTrackProc);
+ SetControlData(theControl, kControlEntireControl, kControlUserPaneIdleProcTag, sizeof(gTPIdleProc), &gTPIdleProc);
+ SetControlData(theControl, kControlEntireControl, kControlUserPaneKeyDownProcTag, sizeof(gTPKeyProc), &gTPKeyProc);
+ SetControlData(theControl, kControlEntireControl, kControlUserPaneActivateProcTag, sizeof(gTPActivateProc), &gTPActivateProc);
+ SetControlData(theControl, kControlEntireControl, kControlUserPaneFocusProcTag, sizeof(gTPFocusProc), &gTPFocusProc);
+ /* calculate the rectangles used by the control */
+ GetControlBounds(theControl, &bounds);
+ SetRect(&varsp->fRFocusOutline, bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.right, bounds.bottom);
+ SetRect(&varsp->fRTextOutline, bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.right, bounds.bottom);
+ SetRect(&varsp->fRTextArea, bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.right, bounds.bottom);
+ /* calculate the background region for the text. In this case, it's kindof
+ and irregular region because we're setting the scroll bar a little ways inside
+ of the text area. */
+ RectRgn((varsp->fTextBackgroundRgn = NewRgn()), &varsp->fRTextOutline);
+ /* set up the drawing environment */
+ SetPort(varsp->fDrawingEnvironment);
+ /* create the new edit field */
+ TXNNewObject(NULL, varsp->fOwner, &varsp->fRTextArea,
+ kTXNWantVScrollBarMask | kTXNAlwaysWrapAtViewEdgeMask,
+ kTXNTextEditStyleFrameType,
+ kTXNTextensionFile,
+ kTXNSystemDefaultEncoding,
+ &varsp->fTXNRec, &varsp->fTXNFrame, (TXNObjectRefcon) tpvars);
+ /* set the field's background */
+ tback.bgType = kTXNBackgroundTypeRGB;
+ tback.bg.color = rgbWhite;
+ TXNSetBackground( varsp->fTXNRec, &tback);
+ /* install our focus advance override routine */
+ varsp->handlerUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(FocusAdvanceOverride);
+ err = InstallWindowEventHandler( varsp->fOwner, varsp->handlerUPP,
+ kMLTEEventCount, gMLTEEvents, tpvars, &varsp->handlerRef );
+ /* unlock our storage */
+ HUnlock((Handle) tpvars);
+ /* perform final activations and setup for our text field. Here,
+ we assume that the window is going to be the 'active' window. */
+ TPActivatePaneText(tpvars, varsp->fIsActive && varsp->fInFocus);
+ /* all done */
+ return noErr;
+/* mUPCloseControl deallocates all of the structures allocated
+ by mUPOpenControl. */
+OSStatus mUPCloseControl(ControlHandle theControl) {
+ STPTextPaneVars **tpvars;
+ /* set up locals */
+ tpvars = (STPTextPaneVars **) GetControlReference(theControl);
+ /* release our sub records */
+ TXNDeleteObject((**tpvars).fTXNRec);
+ /* remove our focus advance override */
+ RemoveEventHandler((**tpvars).handlerRef);
+ DisposeEventHandlerUPP((**tpvars).handlerUPP);
+ /* delete our private storage */
+ DisposeHandle((Handle) tpvars);
+ /* zero the control reference */
+ SetControlReference(theControl, 0);
+ return noErr;
+ /* mUPSetText replaces the contents of the selection with the unicode
+ text described by the text and count parameters:.
+ text = pointer to unicode text buffer
+ count = number of bytes in the buffer. */
+OSStatus mUPSetText(ControlHandle theControl, char* text, long count) {
+ STPTextPaneVars **tpvars;
+ /* set up locals */
+ tpvars = (STPTextPaneVars **) GetControlReference(theControl);
+ /* set the text in the record */
+ return TXNSetData( (**tpvars).fTXNRec, kTXNUnicodeTextData, text, count,
+ kTXNUseCurrentSelection, kTXNUseCurrentSelection);
+ return noErr;
+/* mUPSetSelection sets the text selection and autoscrolls the text view
+ so either the cursor or the selction is in the view. */
+void mUPSetSelection(ControlHandle theControl, long selStart, long selEnd) {
+ STPTextPaneVars **tpvars;
+ /* set up our locals */
+ tpvars = (STPTextPaneVars **) GetControlReference(theControl);
+ /* and our drawing environment as the operation
+ may force a redraw in the text area. */
+ SetPort((**tpvars).fDrawingEnvironment);
+ /* change the selection */
+ TXNSetSelection( (**tpvars).fTXNRec, selStart, selEnd);