#include "wx/cocoa/string.h"
#include "wx/cocoa/trackingrectmanager.h"
#include "wx/cocoa/private/scrollview.h"
-#include "wx/mac/corefoundation/cfref.h"
+#include "wx/osx/core/cfref.h"
#include "wx/cocoa/ObjcRef.h"
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
// ========================================================================
// wxWindowCocoaHider
+// NOTE: This class and method of hiding predates setHidden: support in
+// the toolkit. The hack used here is to replace the view with a stand-in
+// that will be subject to the usual Cocoa resizing rules.
+// When possible (i.e. when running on 10.3 or higher) we make it hidden
+// mostly as an optimization so Cocoa doesn't have to consider it when
+// drawing or finding key views.
// ========================================================================
wxWindowCocoaHider::wxWindowCocoaHider(wxWindow *owner)
: m_owner(owner)
initWithFrame:[owner->GetNSViewForHiding() frame]];
[m_dummyNSView setAutoresizingMask: [owner->GetNSViewForHiding() autoresizingMask]];
+ if([m_dummyNSView respondsToSelector:@selector(setHidden:)])
+ [m_dummyNSView setHidden:YES];
// If state isn't changing, return false
return false;
+ // Replace the stand-in view with the real one and destroy the dummy view
CocoaReplaceView(m_cocoaHider->GetNSView(), cocoaView);
wxASSERT(![m_cocoaHider->GetNSView() superview]);
delete m_cocoaHider;
m_cocoaHider = NULL;
wxASSERT([cocoaView superview]);
+ // Schedule an update of the key view loop (NOTE: 10.4+ only.. argh)
+ NSWindow *window = [cocoaView window];
+ if(window != nil)
+ {
+ // Delay this until returning to the event loop for a couple of reasons:
+ // 1. If a lot of stuff is shown/hidden we avoid recalculating needlessly
+ // 2. NSWindow does not seem to see the newly shown views if we do it right now.
+ if([window respondsToSelector:@selector(recalculateKeyViewLoop)])
+ [window performSelector:@selector(recalculateKeyViewLoop) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.0];
+ }
// If state isn't changing, return false
return false;
+ // Handle the first responder
+ NSWindow *window = [cocoaView window];
+ if(window != nil)
+ {
+ NSResponder *firstResponder = [window firstResponder];
+ if([firstResponder isKindOfClass:[NSView class]] && [(NSView*)firstResponder isDescendantOf:cocoaView])
+ {
+ BOOL didResign = [window makeFirstResponder:nil];
+ // If the current first responder (one of our subviews) refuses to give
+ // up its status, then fail now and don't hide this view
+ if(didResign == NO)
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Create a new view to stand in for the real one (via wxWindowCocoaHider) and replace
+ // the real one with the stand in.
m_cocoaHider = new wxWindowCocoaHider(this);
// NOTE: replaceSubview:with will cause m_cocaNSView to be
// (auto)released which balances out addSubview