#include "wx/caret.h"
+#include "wx/dnd.h"
#include "wx/mac/uma.h"
#ifndef __DARWIN__
#include <Windows.h>
#include <ToolUtils.h>
-#include "wx/dnd.h"
#include <string.h>
extern wxList wxPendingDelete;
{ kEventClassCommand, kEventProcessCommand } ,
{ kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandUpdateStatus } ,
{ kEventClassControl , kEventControlHit } ,
{ kEventClassTextInput, kEventTextInputUnicodeForKeyEvent } ,
{ kEventClassTextInput, kEventTextInputUpdateActiveInputArea } ,
{ kEventClassControl , kEventControlDraw } ,
{ kEventClassControl , kEventControlVisibilityChanged } ,
{ kEventClassControl , kEventControlEnabledStateChanged } ,
{ kEventClassControl , kEventControlHiliteChanged } ,
{ kEventClassControl , kEventControlSetFocusPart } ,
{ kEventClassService , kEventServiceGetTypes },
OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr ;
wxWindowMac* focus = (wxWindowMac*) data ;
wchar_t* uniChars = NULL ;
UInt32 when = EventTimeToTicks( GetEventTime( event ) ) ;
UniChar* charBuf;
UInt32 dataSize = 0 ;
int numChars = 0 ;
numChars = dataSize / sizeof( UniChar) ;
charBuf = buf ;
if ( dataSize > sizeof(buf) )
charBuf = new UniChar[ numChars ] ;
charBuf = buf ;
uniChars = new wchar_t[ numChars ] ;
GetEventParameter( event, kEventParamTextInputSendText, typeUnicodeText, NULL, dataSize , NULL , charBuf ) ;
- uniChars = charBuf ;
+ uniChars = (wchar_t*) charBuf ;
memcpy( uniChars , charBuf , dataSize ) ;
// the resulting string will never have more chars than the utf16 version, so this is safe
numChars = converter.MB2WC( uniChars , (const char*)charBuf , numChars ) ;
switch ( GetEventKind( event ) )
case kEventTextInputUpdateActiveInputArea :
for (int pos=0 ; pos < numChars ; pos++)
WXEVENTREF formerEvent = wxTheApp->MacGetCurrentEvent() ;
WXEVENTHANDLERCALLREF formerHandler = wxTheApp->MacGetCurrentEventHandlerCallRef() ;
wxTheApp->MacSetCurrentEvent( event , handler ) ;
UInt32 message = (0 << 8) + ((char)uniChars[pos] );
if ( wxTheApp->MacSendCharEvent(
focus , message , 0 , when , 0 , 0 , uniChars[pos] ) )
result = noErr ;
wxTheApp->MacSetCurrentEvent( formerEvent , formerHandler ) ;
GetEventParameter( rawEvent, kEventParamKeyCode, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof(UInt32), NULL, &keyCode );
GetEventParameter( rawEvent, kEventParamKeyModifiers, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof(UInt32), NULL, &modifiers );
GetEventParameter( rawEvent, kEventParamMouseLocation, typeQDPoint, NULL, sizeof(Point), NULL, &point );
UInt32 message = (keyCode << 8) + charCode;
// An IME input event may return several characters, but we need to send one char at a time to
for (int pos=0 ; pos < numChars ; pos++)
WXEVENTREF formerEvent = wxTheApp->MacGetCurrentEvent() ;
WXEVENTHANDLERCALLREF formerHandler = wxTheApp->MacGetCurrentEventHandlerCallRef() ;
wxTheApp->MacSetCurrentEvent( event , handler ) ;
if ( wxTheApp->MacSendCharEvent(
focus , message , modifiers , when , point.h , point.v , uniChars[pos] ) )
result = noErr ;
wxTheApp->MacSetCurrentEvent( formerEvent , formerHandler ) ;
break ;
- delete[] uniChars ;
+ delete [] uniChars ;
if ( charBuf != buf )
- delete[] charBuf ;
+ delete [] charBuf ;
return result ;
static pascal OSStatus wxMacWindowCommandEventHandler( EventHandlerCallRef handler , EventRef event , void *data )
OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr ;
wxWindowMac* focus = (wxWindowMac*) data ;
HICommand command ;
wxMacCarbonEvent cEvent( event ) ;
cEvent.GetParameter<HICommand>(kEventParamDirectObject,typeHICommand,&command) ;
wxMenuItem* item = NULL ;
wxMenu* itemMenu = wxFindMenuFromMacCommand( command , item ) ;
int id = wxMacCommandToId( command.commandID ) ;
if ( item )
wxASSERT( itemMenu != NULL ) ;
switch ( cEvent.GetKind() )
case kEventProcessCommand :
if (item->IsCheckable())
item->Check( !item->IsChecked() ) ;
if ( itemMenu->SendEvent( id , item->IsCheckable() ? item->IsChecked() : -1 ) )
result = noErr ;
wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED , id);
event.SetInt(item->IsCheckable() ? item->IsChecked() : -1);
if ( focus->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event) )
result = noErr ;
break ;
case kEventCommandUpdateStatus:
wxUpdateUIEvent event(id);
event.SetEventObject( itemMenu );
bool processed = false;
// Try the menu's event handler
wxEvtHandler *handler = itemMenu->GetEventHandler();
if ( handler )
processed = handler->ProcessEvent(event);
// Try the window the menu was popped up from
// (and up through the hierarchy)
if ( !processed )
processed = win->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event);
menu = menu->GetParent();
if ( !processed )
processed = focus->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event);
if ( processed )
// if anything changed, update the changed attribute
itemMenu->Check(id, event.GetChecked());
if (event.GetSetEnabled())
itemMenu->Enable(id, event.GetEnabled());
result = noErr ;
break ;
default :
break ;
case kEventClassTextInput :
result = wxMacUnicodeTextEventHandler( handler , event , data ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
-// Destructor
-#endif // __WXUNIVERSAL__
// destroy children before destroying this window itself
bool wxWindowMac::MacCanFocus() const
- // there is currently no way to determine whether the window is running in full keyboard
- // access mode, therefore we cannot rely on these features, yet the only other way would be
- // to issue a SetKeyboardFocus event and verify after whether it succeeded, this would risk problems
- // in event handlers...
- UInt32 features = 0 ;
- m_peer->GetFeatures( &features ) ;
+ // TODO : evaluate performance hits by looking up this value, eventually cache the results for a 1 sec or so
+ // CAUTION : the value returned currently is 0 or 2, I've also found values of 1 having the same meaning,
+ // but the value range is nowhere documented
+ Boolean keyExistsAndHasValidFormat ;
+ CFIndex fullKeyboardAccess = CFPreferencesGetAppIntegerValue( CFSTR("AppleKeyboardUIMode" ) ,
+ kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication, &keyExistsAndHasValidFormat );
- return features & ( kControlSupportsFocus | kControlGetsFocusOnClick ) ;
+ if ( keyExistsAndHasValidFormat && fullKeyboardAccess > 0 )
+ {
+ return true ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UInt32 features = 0 ;
+ m_peer->GetFeatures( &features ) ;
+ return features & ( kControlSupportsFocus | kControlGetsFocusOnClick ) ;
+ }
void wxWindowMac::SetFocus()
wxApp::s_captureWindow = this ;
-wxWindow* wxWindowBase::GetCapture()
+wxWindow * wxWindowBase::GetCapture()
return wxApp::s_captureWindow ;
-// Old style file-manager drag&drop
+// Old-style File Manager Drag & Drop
void wxWindowMac::DragAcceptFiles(bool accept)
// TODO:
int& x, int& y,
int& w, int& h , bool adjustOrigin ) const
- bool isCompositing = MacGetTopLevelWindow()->MacUsesCompositing() ;
// the desired size, minus the border pixels gives the correct size of the control
x = (int)pos.x;
y = (int)pos.y;
w = wxMax(size.x, 0) ; // WidthDefault( size.x );
h = wxMax(size.y, 0) ; // HeightDefault( size.y ) ;
+ bool isCompositing = MacGetTopLevelWindow()->MacUsesCompositing() ;
if ( !isCompositing )
GetParent()->MacWindowToRootWindow( &x , &y ) ;
MenuCommand macid;
GetMenuItemCommandID( GetMenuHandle(HiWord(menuResult)) , LoWord(menuResult) , &macid );
- int id = wxMacCommandToId( macid );
- wxMenuItem* item = NULL ;
+ int id = wxMacCommandToId( macid );
+ wxMenuItem* item = NULL ;
wxMenu* realmenu ;
item = menu->FindItem( id, &realmenu ) ;
if ( item )