-int wxDisplay::GetDepth() const
- if (!(m_priv)) return 0;
- if (!(m_priv->m_hndl)) return 0;
- // This cryptic looking code is based on Apple's sample code:
- // http://developer.apple.com/samplecode/Sample_Code/Graphics_2D/GDevVideo/Gen.cp.htm
- //RN - according to the docs
- //gdPMap is a bitmap-type representation of the GDevice, and all
- //0x0000FFFF does is get the lower 16 bits of pixelSize. However,
- //since pixelSize is only 16 bits (a short)...
- return ((*(*(m_priv->m_hndl))->gdPMap)->pixelSize) & 0x0000FFFF;
+// ============================================================================
+// wxDisplayImplMac implementation
+// ============================================================================