- // constants
- enum Type
- {
- Type_None, // incomplete (the last line of the file only)
- Type_Unix, // line is terminated with 'CR' = 0xA = 10 = '\n'
- Type_Dos, // 'LF' 'CR'
- Type_Mac // 'LF' = 0xD = 12 = '\r'
- };
- // default type for current platform (determined at compile time)
- static const Type typeDefault;
- // ctors
- // def ctor, use Open(string)
- wxTextFile() { }
- //
- wxTextFile(const wxString& strFile);
- // file operations
- // file exists?
- bool Exists() const;
- // Open() also loads file in memory on success
- bool Open();
- // same as Open() but with (another) file name
- bool Open(const wxString& strFile);
- // closes the file and frees memory, losing all changes
- bool Close();
- // is file currently opened?
- bool IsOpened() const { return m_file.IsOpened(); }
- // accessors
- // get the number of lines in the file
- size_t GetLineCount() const { return m_aLines.Count(); }
- // the returned line may be modified (but don't add CR/LF at the end!)
- wxString& GetLine(size_t n) const { return m_aLines[n]; }
- wxString& operator[](size_t n) const { return m_aLines[n]; }
- // get the type of the line (see also GetEOL)
- Type GetLineType(size_t n) const { return m_aTypes[n]; }
- // guess the type of file (m_file is supposed to be opened)
- Type GuessType() const;
- // get the name of the file
- const char *GetName() const { return m_strFile.c_str(); }
- // add/remove lines
- // add a line to the end
- void AddLine(const wxString& str, Type type = typeDefault)
- { m_aLines.Add(str); m_aTypes.Add(type); }
- // insert a line before the line number n
- void InsertLine(const wxString& str, size_t n, Type type = typeDefault)
- { m_aLines.Insert(str, n); m_aTypes.Insert(type, n); }
- // delete one line
- void RemoveLine(size_t n) { m_aLines.Remove(n); m_aTypes.Remove(n); }
- // change the file on disk (default argument means "don't change type")
- // possibly in another format
- bool Write(Type typeNew = Type_None);
- // get the file termination string
- inline static const char *GetEOL(Type type = typeDefault)
- {
- switch ( type ) {
- case Type_None: return "";
- case Type_Unix: return "\n";
- case Type_Dos: return "\r\n";
- case Type_Mac: return "\r";
- default:
- wxFAIL_MSG("bad file type in wxTextFile::GetEOL.");
- return (const char *) NULL;
- }
- }
- // dtor
- ~wxTextFile();
+ // constructors
+ wxTextFile() { }
+ wxTextFile(const wxString& strFileName);
+ // implement the base class pure virtuals
+ virtual bool OnExists() const;
+ virtual bool OnOpen(const wxString &strBufferName,
+ wxTextBufferOpenMode OpenMode);
+ virtual bool OnClose();
+ virtual bool OnRead(wxMBConv& conv);
+ virtual bool OnWrite(wxTextFileType typeNew, wxMBConv& conv = wxConvLibc);