+\func{void}{DrawHeaderButton}{\param{wxWindow* }{win}, \param{wxDC\& }{dc}, \param{const wxRect\& }{rect}, \param{int }{flags = 0}, \param{wxHeaderSortIconType }{sortArrow = wxHDR\_SORT\_ICON\_NONE}, \param{wxHeaderButtonParams* }{params = NULL}}
+Draw the header control button (used, for example, by
+\helpref{wxListCtrl}{wxlistctrl}). Depending on platforms the
+\arg{flags} parameter may support the \texttt{wxCONTROL\_SELECTED}
+\texttt{wxCONTROL\_DISABLED} and \texttt{wxCONTROL\_CURRENT} bits.
+The \arg{sortArrow} parameter can be one of
+\texttt{wxHDR\_SORT\_ICON\_NONE}, \texttt{wxHDR\_SORT\_ICON\_UP}, or
+\texttt{wxHDR\_SORT\_ICON\_DOWN}. Additional values controlling the
+drawing of a text or bitmap label can be passed in \arg{params}.
+\func{void}{DrawItemSelectionRect}{\param{wxWindow* }{win}, \param{wxDC\& }{dc}, \param{const wxRect\& }{rect}, \param{int }{flags = 0}}
+Draw a selection rectangle underneath the text as used e.g. in a
+\helpref{wxListCtrl}{wxlistctrl}. The supported \arg{flags} are
+\texttt{wxCONTROL\_SELECTED} for items which are selected (e.g. often a blue
+rectangle) and \texttt{wxCONTROL\_CURRENT} for the item that has the focus
+(often a dotted line around the item's text). \texttt{wxCONTROL\_FOCUSED} may
+be used to indicate if the control has the focus (othewise the the selection
+rectangle is e.g. often grey and not blue). This may be ignored by the renderer
+or deduced by the code directly from the \arg{win}.