+ // changing the alignment of the control dynamically works under Win2003
+ // (but not older Windows version: it seems to work under some versions of
+ // XP but not other ones, and we have no way to determine it so be
+ // conservative here) and only for plain EDIT controls (not RICH ones) and
+ // we have to recreate the control to make it always work
+ if ( IsRich() || wxGetWinVersion() < wxWinVersion_2003 )
+ {
+ const long alignMask = wxTE_LEFT | wxTE_CENTRE | wxTE_RIGHT;
+ if ( (style & alignMask) != (GetWindowStyle() & alignMask) )
+ {
+ const wxString value = GetValue();
+ const wxPoint pos = GetPosition();
+ const wxSize size = GetSize();
+ // delete the old window
+ HWND hwnd = GetHwnd();
+ DissociateHandle();
+ ::DestroyWindow(hwnd);
+ // create the new one with the updated flags
+ m_windowStyle = style;
+ MSWCreateText(value, pos, size);
+ // and make sure it has the same attributes as before
+ if ( m_hasFont )
+ {
+ // calling SetFont(m_font) would do nothing as the code would
+ // notice that the font didn't change, so force it to believe
+ // that it did
+ wxFont font = m_font;
+ m_font = wxNullFont;
+ SetFont(font);
+ }
+ if ( m_hasFgCol )
+ {
+ wxColour colFg = m_foregroundColour;
+ m_foregroundColour = wxNullColour;
+ SetForegroundColour(colFg);
+ }
+ if ( m_hasBgCol )
+ {
+ wxColour colBg = m_backgroundColour;
+ m_backgroundColour = wxNullColour;
+ SetBackgroundColour(colBg);
+ }
+ // note that text styles are lost but this is probably not a big
+ // problem: if you use styles, you probably don't use nor change
+ // alignment flags anyhow
+ return;
+ }
+ }