// see http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.wxwidgets.devel/110282
struct ClassRegInfo
- // the base name of the class: this is used to construct the unique name in
- // wxApp::GetRegisteredClassName()
- wxString basename;
+ ClassRegInfo(const wxChar *name)
+ : regname(name),
+ regnameNR(regname + wxApp::GetNoRedrawClassSuffix())
+ {
+ }
// the name of the registered class with and without CS_[HV]REDRAW styles
- wxString regname,
- regnameNR;
+ wxString regname;
+ wxString regnameNR;
delete data;
bool wxGUIAppTraits::DoMessageFromThreadWait()
// we should return false only if the app should exit, i.e. only if
return evtLoop->Dispatch();
-DWORD wxGUIAppTraits::WaitForThread(WXHANDLE hThread)
+DWORD wxGUIAppTraits::WaitForThread(WXHANDLE hThread, int flags)
- // if we don't have a running event loop, we shouldn't wait for the
- // messages as we never remove them from the message queue and so we enter
- // an infinite loop as MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() keeps returning
- // WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1
- if ( !wxEventLoop::GetActive() )
+ // We only ever dispatch messages from the main thread and, additionally,
+ // even from the main thread we shouldn't wait for the message if we don't
+ // have a running event loop as we would never remove them from the message
+ // queue then and so we would enter an infinite loop as
+ // MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() keeps returning WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1.
+ if ( flags == wxTHREAD_WAIT_BLOCK ||
+ !wxIsMainThread() ||
+ !wxEventLoop::GetActive() )
+ {
+ // Simple blocking wait.
return DoSimpleWaitForThread(hThread);
+ }
return ::MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
+#endif // wxUSE_THREADS
wxPortId wxGUIAppTraits::GetToolkitVersion(int *majVer, int *minVer) const
#ifndef __WXWINCE__
#include <wx/dynlib.h>
return false;
- if ( !::WriteConsole(m_hStderr, text.wx_str(), text.length(), &ret, NULL) )
+ if ( !::WriteConsole(m_hStderr, text.t_str(), text.length(), &ret, NULL) )
return false;
return s_consoleStderr.IsOkToUse() && s_consoleStderr.Write(text);
+#else // !wxUSE_DYNLIB_CLASS
+bool wxGUIAppTraits::CanUseStderr()
+ return false;
+bool wxGUIAppTraits::WriteToStderr(const wxString& WXUNUSED(text))
+ return false;
#endif // !__WXWINCE__
// ===========================================================================
const size_t count = gs_regClassesInfo.size();
for ( size_t n = 0; n < count; n++ )
- if ( gs_regClassesInfo[n].basename == name )
+ if ( gs_regClassesInfo[n].regname == name )
return gs_regClassesInfo[n].regname.c_str();
wndclass.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)wxWndProc;
- wndclass.hInstance = wxhInstance;
+ wndclass.hInstance = wxGetInstance();
wndclass.hCursor = ::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
wndclass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)wxUIntToPtr(bgBrushCol + 1);
wndclass.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_DBLCLKS | extraStyles;
- ClassRegInfo regClass;
- regClass.basename = name;
- // constuct a unique suffix to allow registering the class with the same
- // base name in a main application using wxWidgets and a DLL using
- // wxWidgets loaded into its address space: as gs_regClassesInfo variable
- // is different in them, we're going to obtain a unique prefix by using its
- // address here
- regClass.regname = regClass.basename +
- wxString::Format(wxT("@%p"), &gs_regClassesInfo);
- wndclass.lpszClassName = regClass.regname.wx_str();
+ ClassRegInfo regClass(name);
+ wndclass.lpszClassName = regClass.regname.t_str();
if ( !::RegisterClass(&wndclass) )
return NULL;
- // NB: remember that code elsewhere supposes that no redraw class names
- // use the same names as normal classes with "NR" suffix so we must put
- // "NR" at the end instead of using more natural basename+"NR"+suffix
- regClass.regnameNR = regClass.regname + GetNoRedrawClassSuffix();
wndclass.style &= ~(CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW);
- wndclass.lpszClassName = regClass.regnameNR.wx_str();
+ wndclass.lpszClassName = regClass.regnameNR.t_str();
if ( !::RegisterClass(&wndclass) )
- ::UnregisterClass(regClass.regname.c_str(), wxhInstance);
+ ::UnregisterClass(regClass.regname.c_str(), wxGetInstance());
return NULL;
// function returns (it could be invalidated later if new elements are
// added to the vector and it's reallocated but this shouldn't matter as
// this pointer should be used right now, not stored)
- return gs_regClassesInfo.back().regname.wx_str();
+ return gs_regClassesInfo.back().regname.t_str();
bool wxApp::IsRegisteredClassName(const wxString& name)
for ( size_t n = 0; n < count; n++ )
const ClassRegInfo& regClass = gs_regClassesInfo[n];
- if ( !::UnregisterClass(regClass.regname.c_str(), wxhInstance) )
+ if ( !::UnregisterClass(regClass.regname.c_str(), wxGetInstance()) )
- if ( !::UnregisterClass(regClass.regnameNR.c_str(), wxhInstance) )
+ if ( !::UnregisterClass(regClass.regnameNR.c_str(), wxGetInstance()) )
+ else
+ wxWakeUpMainThread();
+#endif // wxUSE_THREADS
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------