+ This one is a wx invention: like static cast but used when we intentionally
+ truncate from a larger to smaller type, static_cast<> can't be used for it
+ as it results in warnings when using some compilers (SGI mipspro for example)
+ */
+#if defined(__INTELC__) && defined(__cplusplus)
+ template <typename T, typename X>
+ inline T wx_truncate_cast_impl(X x)
+ {
+ #pragma warning(push)
+ /* explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type */
+ #pragma warning(disable: 1683)
+ return (T)x;
+ #pragma warning(pop)
+ }
+ #define wx_truncate_cast(t, x) wx_truncate_cast_impl<t>(x)
+#else /* !__INTELC__ */
+ #define wx_truncate_cast(t, x) ((t)(x))
+#endif /* __INTELC__/!__INTELC__ */