+ // Internal helper relating to not-fixed-bars layout.
+ void DetectBarHandles( cbRowInfo* pRow );
+ // Internal helper relating to not-fixed-bars layout.
+ void CheckIfAtTheBoundary( cbBarInfo* pTheBar, cbRowInfo& rowInfo );
+ // Row layout helper simulating bar 'friction'.
+ int CalcRowHeight( cbRowInfo& row );
+ // Row layout helper simulating bar 'friction'.
+ void LayoutItemsVertically( cbRowInfo& row );
+ // Row layout helper simulating bar 'friction'.
+ void StickRightSideBars( cbBarInfo* pToBar );
+ // Row layout helper simulating bar 'friction'.
+ void SlideLeftSideBars ( cbBarInfo* pTheBar );
+ // Row layout helper simulating bar 'friction'.
+ void SlideRightSideBars( cbBarInfo* pTheBar );
+ // Row layout helper simulating bar 'friction'.
+ void ShiftLeftTrashold ( cbBarInfo* pTheBar, cbRowInfo& row );
+ // Row layout helper simulating bar 'friction'.
+ void ShiftRightTrashold( cbBarInfo* pTheBar, cbRowInfo& row );
+ // Insert the bar before the given row.
+ void InsertBefore( cbBarInfo* pBeforeBar,
+ cbBarInfo* pTheBar,
+ cbRowInfo& row
+ );
+ // Insert the bar before the given row.
+ void DoInsertBar( cbBarInfo* pTheBar, cbRowInfo& row );