// implicit ctors
- wxListKey()
- { m_keyType = wxKEY_NONE; }
- wxListKey(long i)
- { m_keyType = wxKEY_INTEGER; m_key.integer = i; }
- wxListKey(const wxChar *s)
- { m_keyType = wxKEY_STRING; m_key.string = wxStrdup(s); }
- wxListKey(const wxString& s)
- { m_keyType = wxKEY_STRING; m_key.string = wxStrdup(s.c_str()); }
+ wxListKey() : m_keyType(wxKEY_NONE)
+ { }
+ wxListKey(long i) : m_keyType(wxKEY_INTEGER)
+ { m_key.integer = i; }
+ wxListKey(const wxChar *s) : m_keyType(wxKEY_STRING)
+ { m_key.string = wxStrdup(s); }
+ wxListKey(const wxString& s) : m_keyType(wxKEY_STRING)
+ { m_key.string = wxStrdup(s.c_str()); }
// accessors
wxKeyType GetKeyType() const { return m_keyType; }
wxListBase *m_list; // list we belong to
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Init(wxKeyType keyType = wxKEY_NONE); // Must be declared before it's used (for VC++ 1.5)
// default ctor & dtor
- wxListBase(wxKeyType keyType = wxKEY_NONE) { Init(keyType); }
+ wxListBase(wxKeyType keyType = wxKEY_NONE)
+ { Init(keyType); }
virtual ~wxListBase();
// accessors
: wxListBase(count, (void **)elements) { } \
name& operator=(const name& list) \
- { return (name&)wxListBase::operator=(list); } \
+ { (void) wxListBase::operator=(list); return *this; } \
nodetype *GetFirst() const \
{ return (nodetype *)wxListBase::GetFirst(); } \
~wxList() { }
wxList& operator=(const wxList& list)
- { return (wxList&)wxListBase::operator=(list); }
+ { (void) wxListBase::operator=(list); return *this; }
// compatibility methods
void Sort(wxSortCompareFunction compfunc) { wxListBase::Sort(compfunc); }