a) Do a fresh checkout using the command
- cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@cvs.wxwidgets.org:/packs/cvsroots/wxwidgets co wxGTK
- NB: if you realize later that some needed files were not checked out
- by this command, please modify CVSROOT/modules to include the missing
- files so that it works for the next release!
- You also need the samples, demos and contrib directories, so change to
- wxWidgets directory created by the first cvs command and do "cvs up -d"
- for each of them. Of course, you can also check out everything (use
- wxWidgets module name instead of wxGTK) if the bandwidth and disk space
- are not a problem.
+ svn checkout http://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk wxWidgets
b) Create a build directory under wxWidgets, e.g. I use "gtk-release",
"cd" to it and run configure: the options don't really matter, you can use
4. Uploading the files
-All 11 files should be uploaded (via FTP) to several locations.
+All files should be uploaded (via FTP) to several locations.
a) incoming.sourceforge.net, go to project admin page on sf.net and choose
add/edit releases for more details
5. Announcing the release
-a) FreshMeat:
- - http://freshmeat.net/projects/wxwidgetsgtk/
- - username and password are "wxgtk" for logging in
++ update www.wxwidgets.org
++ FreshMeat:
+ - http://freshmeat.net/projects/wxwidgets/
- hit "new release" at the top
- follow the step by step
-b) wx-announce mailing list: mailto:wx-announce@lists.wxwidgets.org
- [where is the announcement text? TODO]
++ wx-announce mailing list: mailto:wx-announce@lists.wxwidgets.org
-c) update www.wxwidgets.org
+ The standard announcement text is in docs/publicity/announce.txt
-d) GNOME (very effective, stays on front page for days):
- - http://www.gnome.org/applist
- - Search for wxWidgets
- - Update the version number
- - Ignore the error message
++ GnomeFiles:
+ - http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php/wxWidgets
+ (only for stable releases, probably need Robert's account)
-e) MacNN:
++ MacNN:
- http://www.macnn.com
- Contact or Contribute or something
-f) MacRumors:
++ MacRumors:
- http://www.macrumors.com
- Contact or Contribute or something
-g) Apple Developers Connection:
++ Apple Developers Connection:
mailto: adcnews@apple.com
-h) LinuxDevices.com:
++ LinuxDevices.com:
Interesting for wxUniversal.
-i) The Python mailing list:
++ The Python mailing list: