+bool MyApp::OnInit()
+ // Create the main frame window
+ MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame((wxFrame *) NULL, "wxWindows Types Demo",
+ wxPoint(50, 50), wxSize(450, 340));
+ // Give it an icon
+ frame->SetIcon(wxICON(mondrian));
+ // Make a menubar
+ wxMenu *file_menu = new wxMenu;
+ file_menu->Append(TYPES_ABOUT, "&About");
+ file_menu->AppendSeparator();
+ file_menu->Append(TYPES_QUIT, "E&xit\tAlt-X");
+ wxMenu *test_menu = new wxMenu;
+ test_menu->Append(TYPES_DATE, "&Date test");
+#endif // wxUSE_TIMEDATE
+ test_menu->Append(TYPES_TIME, "&Time test");
+ test_menu->Append(TYPES_VARIANT, "&Variant test");
+ test_menu->Append(TYPES_BYTEORDER, "&Byteorder test");
+ test_menu->Append(TYPES_UNICODE, "&Unicode test");
+#endif // wxUSE_UNICODE
+ test_menu->Append(TYPES_STREAM, "&Stream test");
+ test_menu->Append(TYPES_STREAM2, "&Stream seek test");
+ test_menu->Append(TYPES_STREAM3, "&Stream error test");
+ test_menu->Append(TYPES_STREAM4, "&Stream buffer test");
+ test_menu->Append(TYPES_STREAM5, "&Stream peek test");
+ test_menu->AppendSeparator();
+ test_menu->Append(TYPES_MIME, "&MIME database test");
+ wxMenuBar *menu_bar = new wxMenuBar;
+ menu_bar->Append(file_menu, "&File");
+ menu_bar->Append(test_menu, "&Tests");
+ frame->SetMenuBar(menu_bar);
+ m_textCtrl = new wxTextCtrl(frame, -1, "", wxPoint(0, 0), wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE);
+ // Show the frame
+ frame->Show(TRUE);
+ SetTopWindow(frame);
+ return TRUE;
+void MyApp::DoStreamDemo(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ wxTextCtrl& textCtrl = * GetTextCtrl();
+ textCtrl.Clear();
+ textCtrl << _T("\nTest fstream vs. wxFileStream:\n\n");
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "Writing to ofstream and wxFileOutputStream:\n" );
+ wxSTD ofstream std_file_output( "test_std.dat" );
+ wxFileOutputStream file_output( wxString("test_wx.dat") );
+ wxBufferedOutputStream buf_output( file_output );
+ wxTextOutputStream text_output( buf_output );
+ wxString tmp;
+ signed int si = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ tmp.Printf( _T("Signed int: %d\n"), si );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
+ text_output << si << "\n";
+ std_file_output << si << "\n";
+ unsigned int ui = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ tmp.Printf( _T("Unsigned int: %u\n"), ui );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
+ text_output << ui << "\n";
+ std_file_output << ui << "\n";
+ double d = 2.01234567890123456789;
+ tmp.Printf( _T("Double: %f\n"), d );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
+ text_output << d << "\n";
+ std_file_output << d << "\n";
+ float f = (float)0.00001;
+ tmp.Printf( _T("Float: %f\n"), f );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
+ text_output << f << "\n";
+ std_file_output << f << "\n";
+ wxString str( _T("Hello!") );
+ tmp.Printf( _T("String: %s\n"), str.c_str() );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
+ text_output << str << "\n";
+ std_file_output << str.c_str() << "\n";
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "\nReading from ifstream:\n" );
+ wxSTD ifstream std_file_input( "test_std.dat" );
+ std_file_input >> si;
+ tmp.Printf( _T("Signed int: %d\n"), si );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
+ std_file_input >> ui;
+ tmp.Printf( _T("Unsigned int: %u\n"), ui );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
+ std_file_input >> d;
+ tmp.Printf( _T("Double: %f\n"), d );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
+ std_file_input >> f;
+ tmp.Printf( _T("Float: %f\n"), f );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
+ // Why doesn't this work?
+#if 0
+ char std_buf[200];
+ std_file_input >> std_buf;
+ tmp.Printf( _T("String: %s\n"), std_buf );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "\nReading from wxFileInputStream:\n" );
+ buf_output.Sync();
+ wxFileInputStream file_input( wxString("test_wx.dat") );
+ wxBufferedInputStream buf_input( file_input );
+ wxTextInputStream text_input( file_input );
+ text_input >> si;
+ tmp.Printf( _T("Signed int: %d\n"), si );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
+ text_input >> ui;
+ tmp.Printf( _T("Unsigned int: %u\n"), ui );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
+ text_input >> d;
+ tmp.Printf( _T("Double: %f\n"), d );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
+ text_input >> f;
+ tmp.Printf( _T("Float: %f\n"), f );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
+ text_input >> str;
+ tmp.Printf( _T("String: %s\n"), str.c_str() );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
+ textCtrl << "\nTest for wxDataStream:\n\n";
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "Writing to wxDataOutputStream:\n" );
+ file_output.SeekO( 0 );
+ wxDataOutputStream data_output( buf_output );
+ wxInt16 i16 = (unsigned short)0xFFFF;
+ tmp.Printf( _T("Signed int16: %d\n"), (int)i16 );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
+ data_output.Write16( i16 );
+ wxUint16 ui16 = 0xFFFF;
+ tmp.Printf( _T("Unsigned int16: %u\n"), (unsigned int) ui16 );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
+ data_output.Write16( ui16 );
+ d = 2.01234567890123456789;
+ tmp.Printf( _T("Double: %f\n"), d );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
+ data_output.WriteDouble( d );
+ str = "Hello!";
+ tmp.Printf( _T("String: %s\n"), str.c_str() );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
+ data_output.WriteString( str );
+ buf_output.Sync();
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "\nReading from wxDataInputStream:\n" );
+ file_input.SeekI( 0 );
+ wxDataInputStream data_input( buf_input );
+ i16 = data_input.Read16();
+ tmp.Printf( _T("Signed int16: %d\n"), (int)i16 );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
+ ui16 = data_input.Read16();
+ tmp.Printf( _T("Unsigned int16: %u\n"), (unsigned int) ui16 );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
+ d = data_input.ReadDouble();
+ tmp.Printf( _T("Double: %f\n"), d );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
+ str = data_input.ReadString();
+ tmp.Printf( _T("String: %s\n"), str.c_str() );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
+void MyApp::DoStreamDemo2(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ wxTextCtrl& textCtrl = * GetTextCtrl();
+ textCtrl.Clear();
+ textCtrl << _T("\nTesting wxBufferedStream:\n\n");
+ char ch,ch2;
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "Writing number 0 to 9 to buffered wxFileOutputStream:\n\n" );
+ wxFileOutputStream file_output( wxString("test_wx.dat") );
+ wxBufferedOutputStream buf_output( file_output );
+ for (ch = 0; ch < 10; ch++)
+ buf_output.Write( &ch, 1 );
+ buf_output.Sync();
+ wxFileInputStream file_input( wxString("test_wx.dat") );
+ for (ch2 = 0; ch2 < 10; ch2++)
+ {
+ file_input.Read( &ch, 1 );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( (wxChar)(ch + '0') );
+ }
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "\n\n\n" );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "Writing number 0 to 9 to buffered wxFileOutputStream, then\n" );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "seeking back to #3 and writing 3:\n\n" );
+ wxFileOutputStream file_output2( wxString("test_wx2.dat") );
+ wxBufferedOutputStream buf_output2( file_output2 );
+ for (ch = 0; ch < 10; ch++)
+ buf_output2.Write( &ch, 1 );
+ buf_output2.SeekO( 3 );
+ ch = 3;
+ buf_output2.Write( &ch, 1 );
+ buf_output2.Sync();
+ wxFileInputStream file_input2( wxString("test_wx2.dat") );
+ for (ch2 = 0; ch2 < 10; ch2++)
+ {
+ file_input2.Read( &ch, 1 );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( (wxChar)(ch + '0') );
+ }
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "\n\n\n" );
+ // now append 2000 bytes to file (bigger than buffer)
+ buf_output2.SeekO( 0, wxFromEnd );
+ ch = 1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++)
+ buf_output2.Write( &ch, 1 );
+ buf_output2.Sync();
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "Reading number 0 to 9 from buffered wxFileInputStream, then\n" );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "seeking back to #3 and reading 3:\n\n" );
+ wxFileInputStream file_input3( wxString("test_wx2.dat") );
+ wxBufferedInputStream buf_input3( file_input3 );
+ for (ch2 = 0; ch2 < 10; ch2++)
+ {
+ buf_input3.Read( &ch, 1 );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( (wxChar)(ch + '0') );
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < 2000; j++)
+ buf_input3.Read( &ch, 1 );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "\n" );
+ buf_input3.SeekI( 3 );
+ buf_input3.Read( &ch, 1 );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( (wxChar)(ch + '0') );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "\n\n\n" );
+void MyApp::DoStreamDemo3(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ wxTextCtrl& textCtrl = * GetTextCtrl();
+ textCtrl.Clear();
+ textCtrl << "\nTesting wxFileInputStream's and wxFFileInputStream's error handling:\n\n";
+ char ch,ch2;
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "Writing number 0 to 9 to wxFileOutputStream:\n\n" );
+ wxFileOutputStream file_output( wxString("test_wx.dat") );
+ for (ch = 0; ch < 10; ch++)
+ file_output.Write( &ch, 1 );
+ // Testing wxFileInputStream
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "Reading 0 to 10 to wxFileInputStream:\n\n" );
+ wxFileInputStream file_input( wxString("test_wx.dat") );
+ for (ch2 = 0; ch2 < 11; ch2++)
+ {
+ file_input.Read( &ch, 1 );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "Value read: " );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( (wxChar)(ch + '0') );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "; stream.LastError() returns: " );
+ switch (file_input.LastError())
+ {
+ case wxSTREAM_NOERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_NOERROR\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_EOF: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_EOF\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR\n" ); break;
+ default: textCtrl.WriteText( "Huh?\n" ); break;
+ }
+ }
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "\n" );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "Seeking to 0; stream.LastError() returns: " );
+ file_input.SeekI( 0 );
+ switch (file_input.LastError())
+ {
+ case wxSTREAM_NOERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_NOERROR\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_EOF: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_EOF\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR\n" ); break;
+ default: textCtrl.WriteText( "Huh?\n" ); break;
+ }
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "\n" );
+ file_input.Read( &ch, 1 );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "Value read: " );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( (wxChar)(ch + '0') );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "; stream.LastError() returns: " );
+ switch (file_input.LastError())
+ {
+ case wxSTREAM_NOERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_NOERROR\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_EOF: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_EOF\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR\n" ); break;
+ default: textCtrl.WriteText( "Huh?\n" ); break;
+ }
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "\n\n" );
+ // Testing wxFFileInputStream
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "Reading 0 to 10 to wxFFileInputStream:\n\n" );
+ wxFFileInputStream ffile_input( wxString("test_wx.dat") );
+ for (ch2 = 0; ch2 < 11; ch2++)
+ {
+ ffile_input.Read( &ch, 1 );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "Value read: " );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( (wxChar)(ch + '0') );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "; stream.LastError() returns: " );
+ switch (ffile_input.LastError())
+ {
+ case wxSTREAM_NOERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_NOERROR\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_EOF: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_EOF\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR\n" ); break;
+ default: textCtrl.WriteText( "Huh?\n" ); break;
+ }
+ }
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "\n" );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "Seeking to 0; stream.LastError() returns: " );
+ ffile_input.SeekI( 0 );
+ switch (ffile_input.LastError())
+ {
+ case wxSTREAM_NOERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_NOERROR\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_EOF: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_EOF\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR\n" ); break;
+ default: textCtrl.WriteText( "Huh?\n" ); break;
+ }
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "\n" );
+ ffile_input.Read( &ch, 1 );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "Value read: " );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( (wxChar)(ch + '0') );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "; stream.LastError() returns: " );
+ switch (ffile_input.LastError())
+ {
+ case wxSTREAM_NOERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_NOERROR\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_EOF: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_EOF\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR\n" ); break;
+ default: textCtrl.WriteText( "Huh?\n" ); break;
+ }
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "\n\n" );
+ // Testing wxFFileInputStream
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "Reading 0 to 10 to buffered wxFFileInputStream:\n\n" );
+ wxFFileInputStream ffile_input2( wxString("test_wx.dat") );
+ wxBufferedInputStream buf_input( ffile_input2 );
+ for (ch2 = 0; ch2 < 11; ch2++)
+ {
+ buf_input.Read( &ch, 1 );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "Value read: " );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( (wxChar)(ch + '0') );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "; stream.LastError() returns: " );
+ switch (buf_input.LastError())
+ {
+ case wxSTREAM_NOERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_NOERROR\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_EOF: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_EOF\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR\n" ); break;
+ default: textCtrl.WriteText( "Huh?\n" ); break;
+ }
+ }
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "\n" );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "Seeking to 0; stream.LastError() returns: " );
+ buf_input.SeekI( 0 );
+ switch (buf_input.LastError())
+ {
+ case wxSTREAM_NOERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_NOERROR\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_EOF: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_EOF\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR\n" ); break;
+ default: textCtrl.WriteText( "Huh?\n" ); break;
+ }
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "\n" );
+ buf_input.Read( &ch, 1 );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "Value read: " );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( (wxChar)(ch + '0') );
+ textCtrl.WriteText( "; stream.LastError() returns: " );
+ switch (buf_input.LastError())
+ {
+ case wxSTREAM_NOERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_NOERROR\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_EOF: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_EOF\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR\n" ); break;
+ case wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR: textCtrl.WriteText( "wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR\n" ); break;
+ default: textCtrl.WriteText( "Huh?\n" ); break;
+ }
+void MyApp::DoStreamDemo4(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))