+ if ( m_devMode )
+ ::GlobalFree(static_cast<HGLOBAL>(m_devMode));
+ if ( m_devNames )
+ ::GlobalFree(static_cast<HGLOBAL>(m_devNames));
+bool wxWindowsPrintNativeData::IsOk() const
+ return (m_devMode != NULL) ;
+bool wxWindowsPrintNativeData::TransferTo( wxPrintData &data )
+ if ( !m_devMode )
+ return false;
+ GlobalPtrLock lockDevMode(m_devMode);
+ LPDEVMODE devMode = static_cast<LPDEVMODE>(lockDevMode.Get());
+ //// Orientation
+ if (devMode->dmFields & DM_ORIENTATION)
+ data.SetOrientation( (wxPrintOrientation)devMode->dmOrientation );
+ //// Collation
+ if (devMode->dmFields & DM_COLLATE)
+ {
+ if (devMode->dmCollate == DMCOLLATE_TRUE)
+ data.SetCollate( true );
+ else
+ data.SetCollate( false );
+ }
+ //// Number of copies
+ if (devMode->dmFields & DM_COPIES)
+ data.SetNoCopies( devMode->dmCopies );
+ //// Bin
+ if (devMode->dmFields & DM_DEFAULTSOURCE) {
+ switch (devMode->dmDefaultSource) {
+ case DMBIN_ONLYONE : data.SetBin(wxPRINTBIN_ONLYONE ); break;
+ case DMBIN_LOWER : data.SetBin(wxPRINTBIN_LOWER ); break;
+ case DMBIN_MIDDLE : data.SetBin(wxPRINTBIN_MIDDLE ); break;
+ case DMBIN_MANUAL : data.SetBin(wxPRINTBIN_MANUAL ); break;
+ case DMBIN_ENVELOPE : data.SetBin(wxPRINTBIN_ENVELOPE ); break;
+ case DMBIN_ENVMANUAL : data.SetBin(wxPRINTBIN_ENVMANUAL ); break;
+ case DMBIN_AUTO : data.SetBin(wxPRINTBIN_AUTO ); break;
+ case DMBIN_TRACTOR : data.SetBin(wxPRINTBIN_TRACTOR ); break;
+ case DMBIN_SMALLFMT : data.SetBin(wxPRINTBIN_SMALLFMT ); break;
+ case DMBIN_LARGEFMT : data.SetBin(wxPRINTBIN_LARGEFMT ); break;
+ case DMBIN_CASSETTE : data.SetBin(wxPRINTBIN_CASSETTE ); break;
+ default:
+ if (devMode->dmDefaultSource >= DMBIN_USER)
+ data.SetBin((wxPrintBin)((devMode->dmDefaultSource)-DMBIN_USER+(int)wxPRINTBIN_USER));
+ else
+ data.SetBin(wxPRINTBIN_DEFAULT);
+ }
+ } else {
+ data.SetBin(wxPRINTBIN_DEFAULT);
+ }
+ if (devMode->dmFields & DM_MEDIATYPE)
+ {
+ wxASSERT( (int)devMode->dmMediaType != wxPRINTMEDIA_DEFAULT );
+ data.SetMedia(devMode->dmMediaType);
+ }
+ //// Printer name
+ if (devMode->dmDeviceName[0] != 0)
+ // This syntax fixes a crash when using VS 7.1
+ data.SetPrinterName( wxString(devMode->dmDeviceName, CCHDEVICENAME) );
+ //// Colour
+ if (devMode->dmFields & DM_COLOR)
+ {
+ if (devMode->dmColor == DMCOLOR_COLOR)
+ data.SetColour( true );
+ else
+ data.SetColour( false );
+ }
+ else
+ data.SetColour( true );
+ //// Paper size
+ // We don't know size of user defined paper and some buggy drivers
+ // dmPaperSize >= DMPAPER_USER wouldn't be in wxWin's database, this
+ // code wouldn't set m_paperSize correctly.
+ bool foundPaperSize = false;
+ if ((devMode->dmFields & DM_PAPERSIZE) && (devMode->dmPaperSize < DMPAPER_USER))
+ {
+ if (wxThePrintPaperDatabase)
+ {
+ wxPrintPaperType* paper = wxThePrintPaperDatabase->FindPaperTypeByPlatformId(devMode->dmPaperSize);
+ if (paper)
+ {
+ data.SetPaperId( paper->GetId() );
+ data.SetPaperSize( wxSize(paper->GetWidth() / 10,paper->GetHeight() / 10) );
+ m_customWindowsPaperId = 0;
+ foundPaperSize = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Shouldn't really get here
+ wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("Paper database wasn't initialized in wxPrintData::ConvertFromNative."));
+ data.SetPaperId( wxPAPER_NONE );
+ data.SetPaperSize( wxSize(0,0) );
+ m_customWindowsPaperId = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!foundPaperSize) {
+ if ((devMode->dmFields & DM_PAPERWIDTH) && (devMode->dmFields & DM_PAPERLENGTH))
+ {
+ // DEVMODE is in tenths of a millimeter
+ data.SetPaperSize( wxSize(devMode->dmPaperWidth / 10, devMode->dmPaperLength / 10) );
+ data.SetPaperId( wxPAPER_NONE );
+ m_customWindowsPaperId = devMode->dmPaperSize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Often will reach this for non-standard paper sizes (sizes which
+ // wouldn't be in wxWidget's paper database). Setting
+ // m_customWindowsPaperId to devMode->dmPaperSize should be enough
+ // to get this paper size working.
+ data.SetPaperSize( wxSize(0,0) );
+ data.SetPaperId( wxPAPER_NONE );
+ m_customWindowsPaperId = devMode->dmPaperSize;
+ }
+ }
+ //// Duplex
+ if (devMode->dmFields & DM_DUPLEX)
+ {
+ switch (devMode->dmDuplex)
+ {
+ case DMDUP_HORIZONTAL: data.SetDuplex( wxDUPLEX_HORIZONTAL ); break;
+ case DMDUP_VERTICAL: data.SetDuplex( wxDUPLEX_VERTICAL ); break;
+ default:
+ case DMDUP_SIMPLEX: data.SetDuplex( wxDUPLEX_SIMPLEX ); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ data.SetDuplex( wxDUPLEX_SIMPLEX );
+ //// Quality
+ if (devMode->dmFields & DM_PRINTQUALITY)
+ {
+ switch (devMode->dmPrintQuality)
+ {
+ case DMRES_MEDIUM: data.SetQuality( wxPRINT_QUALITY_MEDIUM ); break;
+ case DMRES_LOW: data.SetQuality( wxPRINT_QUALITY_LOW ); break;
+ case DMRES_DRAFT: data.SetQuality( wxPRINT_QUALITY_DRAFT ); break;
+ case DMRES_HIGH: data.SetQuality( wxPRINT_QUALITY_HIGH ); break;
+ default:
+ {
+ // TODO: if the printer fills in the resolution in DPI, how
+ // will the application know if it's high, low, draft etc.??
+ // wxFAIL_MSG("Warning: DM_PRINTQUALITY was not one of the standard values.");
+ data.SetQuality( devMode->dmPrintQuality );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ data.SetQuality( wxPRINT_QUALITY_HIGH );
+ if (devMode->dmDriverExtra > 0)
+ data.SetPrivData( (char *)devMode+devMode->dmSize, devMode->dmDriverExtra );
+ else
+ data.SetPrivData( NULL, 0 );
+ if ( m_devNames )
+ {
+ GlobalPtrLock lockDevNames(m_devNames);
+ LPDEVNAMES lpDevNames = static_cast<LPDEVNAMES>(lockDevNames.Get());
+ // TODO: Unicode-ification
+ // Get the port name
+ // port is obsolete in WIN32
+ // m_printData.SetPortName((LPSTR)lpDevNames + lpDevNames->wDriverOffset);
+ // Get the printer name
+ wxString printerName = (LPTSTR)lpDevNames + lpDevNames->wDeviceOffset;
+ // Not sure if we should check for this mismatch
+// wxASSERT_MSG( (m_printerName.empty() || (devName == m_printerName)), "Printer name obtained from DEVMODE and DEVNAMES were different!");
+ if (!printerName.empty())
+ data.SetPrinterName( printerName );
+ }
+ return true;
+bool wxWindowsPrintNativeData::TransferFrom( const wxPrintData &data )
+ HGLOBAL hDevMode = static_cast<HGLOBAL>(m_devMode);
+ WinPrinter printer;
+ LPTSTR szPrinterName = (LPTSTR)data.GetPrinterName().wx_str();
+ // From MSDN: How To Modify Printer Settings with the DocumentProperties() Function
+ // The purpose of this is to fill the DEVMODE with privdata from printer driver.
+ // If we have a printer name and OpenPrinter sucessfully returns
+ // this replaces the PrintDlg function which creates the DEVMODE filled only with data from default printer.
+ if ( !m_devMode && !data.GetPrinterName().IsEmpty() )
+ {
+ // Open printer
+ if ( printer.Open( data.GetPrinterName() ) == TRUE )
+ {
+ DWORD dwNeeded, dwRet;
+ // Step 1:
+ // Allocate a buffer of the correct size.
+ dwNeeded = DocumentProperties( NULL,
+ printer, // Handle to our printer.
+ szPrinterName, // Name of the printer.
+ NULL, // Asking for size, so
+ NULL, // these are not used.
+ 0 ); // Zero returns buffer size.
+ LPDEVMODE tempDevMode = static_cast<LPDEVMODE>( GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED | GMEM_ZEROINIT, dwNeeded ) );
+ // Step 2:
+ // Get the default DevMode for the printer
+ dwRet = DocumentProperties( NULL,
+ printer,
+ szPrinterName,
+ tempDevMode, // The address of the buffer to fill.
+ NULL, // Not using the input buffer.
+ DM_OUT_BUFFER ); // Have the output buffer filled.
+ if ( dwRet != IDOK )
+ {
+ // If failure, cleanup
+ GlobalFree( tempDevMode );
+ printer.Close();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hDevMode = tempDevMode;
+ m_devMode = hDevMode;
+ tempDevMode = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !m_devMode )
+ {
+ // Use PRINTDLG as a way of creating a DEVMODE object
+ memset(&pd, 0, sizeof(PRINTDLG));
+#ifdef __WXWINCE__
+ pd.cbStruct = sizeof(PRINTDLG);
+ pd.lStructSize = sizeof(PRINTDLG);
+ pd.hwndOwner = NULL;
+ pd.hDevMode = NULL; // Will be created by PrintDlg
+ pd.hDevNames = NULL; // Ditto
+ pd.nCopies = 1;
+ // Fill out the DEVMODE structure
+ // so we can use it as input in the 'real' PrintDlg
+ if (!PrintDlg(&pd))
+ {
+ if ( pd.hDevMode )
+ GlobalFree(pd.hDevMode);
+ if ( pd.hDevNames )
+ GlobalFree(pd.hDevNames);
+ pd.hDevMode = NULL;
+ pd.hDevNames = NULL;
+ wxLogDebug(wxT("Printing error: ") + wxGetPrintDlgError());
+#endif // wxDEBUG_LEVEL
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hDevMode = pd.hDevMode;
+ m_devMode = hDevMode;
+ pd.hDevMode = NULL;
+ // We'll create a new DEVNAMEs structure below.
+ if ( pd.hDevNames )
+ GlobalFree(pd.hDevNames);
+ pd.hDevNames = NULL;
+ // hDevNames = pd->hDevNames;
+ // m_devNames = (void*)(long) hDevNames;
+ // pd->hDevnames = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( hDevMode )
+ {
+ GlobalPtrLock lockDevMode(hDevMode);
+ DEVMODE * const devMode = static_cast<DEVMODE *>(lockDevMode.Get());
+ //// Orientation
+ devMode->dmOrientation = (short)data.GetOrientation();
+ //// Collation
+ devMode->dmCollate = (data.GetCollate() ? DMCOLLATE_TRUE : DMCOLLATE_FALSE);
+ devMode->dmFields |= DM_COLLATE;
+ //// Number of copies
+ devMode->dmCopies = (short)data.GetNoCopies();
+ devMode->dmFields |= DM_COPIES;
+ //// Printer name
+ wxString name = data.GetPrinterName();
+ if (!name.empty())
+ {
+ // NB: the cast is needed in the ANSI build, strangely enough
+ // dmDeviceName is BYTE[] and not char[] there
+ wxStrlcpy(reinterpret_cast<wxChar *>(devMode->dmDeviceName),
+ name.wx_str(),
+ WXSIZEOF(devMode->dmDeviceName));
+ }
+ //// Colour
+ if (data.GetColour())
+ devMode->dmColor = DMCOLOR_COLOR;
+ else
+ devMode->dmColor = DMCOLOR_MONOCHROME;
+ devMode->dmFields |= DM_COLOR;
+ //// Paper size
+ // Paper id has priority over paper size. If id is specified, then size
+ // is ignored (as it can be filled in even for standard paper sizes)
+ wxPrintPaperType *paperType = NULL;
+ const wxPaperSize paperId = data.GetPaperId();
+ if ( paperId != wxPAPER_NONE && wxThePrintPaperDatabase )
+ {
+ paperType = wxThePrintPaperDatabase->FindPaperType(paperId);
+ }
+ if ( paperType )
+ {
+ devMode->dmPaperSize = (short)paperType->GetPlatformId();
+ devMode->dmFields |= DM_PAPERSIZE;
+ }
+ else // custom (or no) paper size
+ {
+ const wxSize paperSize = data.GetPaperSize();
+ if ( paperSize != wxDefaultSize )
+ {
+ // Fall back on specifying the paper size explicitly
+ if(m_customWindowsPaperId != 0)
+ devMode->dmPaperSize = m_customWindowsPaperId;
+ else
+ devMode->dmPaperSize = DMPAPER_USER;
+ devMode->dmPaperWidth = (short)(paperSize.x * 10);
+ devMode->dmPaperLength = (short)(paperSize.y * 10);
+ devMode->dmFields |= DM_PAPERWIDTH;
+ devMode->dmFields |= DM_PAPERLENGTH;
+ // A printer driver may or may not also want DM_PAPERSIZE to
+ // be specified. Also, if the printer driver doesn't implement the DMPAPER_USER
+ // size, then this won't work, and even if you found the correct id by
+ // enumerating the driver's paper sizes, it probably won't change the actual size,
+ // it'll just select that custom paper type with its own current setting.
+ // For a discussion on this, see http://www.codeguru.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=458617
+ // Although m_customWindowsPaperId is intended to work around this, it's
+ // unclear how it can help you set the custom paper size programmatically.
+ }
+ //else: neither paper type nor size specified, don't fill DEVMODE
+ // at all so that the system defaults are used
+ }
+ //// Duplex
+ short duplex;
+ switch (data.GetDuplex())
+ {
+ break;
+ duplex = DMDUP_VERTICAL;
+ break;
+ default:
+ // in fact case wxDUPLEX_SIMPLEX:
+ duplex = DMDUP_SIMPLEX;
+ break;
+ }
+ devMode->dmDuplex = duplex;
+ devMode->dmFields |= DM_DUPLEX;
+ //// Quality
+ short quality;
+ switch (data.GetQuality())
+ {
+ quality = DMRES_MEDIUM;
+ break;
+ quality = DMRES_LOW;
+ break;
+ quality = DMRES_DRAFT;
+ break;
+ quality = DMRES_HIGH;
+ break;
+ default:
+ quality = (short)data.GetQuality();
+ devMode->dmYResolution = quality;
+ devMode->dmFields |= DM_YRESOLUTION;
+ break;
+ }
+ devMode->dmPrintQuality = quality;
+ devMode->dmFields |= DM_PRINTQUALITY;
+ if (data.GetPrivDataLen() > 0)
+ {
+ memcpy( (char *)devMode+devMode->dmSize, data.GetPrivData(), data.GetPrivDataLen() );
+ devMode->dmDriverExtra = (WXWORD)data.GetPrivDataLen();
+ }
+ if (data.GetBin() != wxPRINTBIN_DEFAULT)
+ {
+ switch (data.GetBin())
+ {
+ case wxPRINTBIN_ONLYONE: devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_ONLYONE; break;
+ case wxPRINTBIN_LOWER: devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_LOWER; break;
+ case wxPRINTBIN_MIDDLE: devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_MIDDLE; break;
+ case wxPRINTBIN_MANUAL: devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_MANUAL; break;
+ case wxPRINTBIN_ENVELOPE: devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_ENVELOPE; break;
+ case wxPRINTBIN_ENVMANUAL: devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_ENVMANUAL; break;
+ case wxPRINTBIN_AUTO: devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_AUTO; break;
+ case wxPRINTBIN_TRACTOR: devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_TRACTOR; break;
+ case wxPRINTBIN_SMALLFMT: devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_SMALLFMT; break;
+ case wxPRINTBIN_LARGEFMT: devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_LARGEFMT; break;
+ case wxPRINTBIN_LARGECAPACITY: devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_LARGECAPACITY; break;
+ case wxPRINTBIN_CASSETTE: devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_CASSETTE; break;
+ case wxPRINTBIN_FORMSOURCE: devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_FORMSOURCE; break;
+ default:
+ devMode->dmDefaultSource = (short)(DMBIN_USER + data.GetBin() - wxPRINTBIN_USER); // 256 + data.GetBin() - 14 = 242 + data.GetBin()
+ break;
+ }
+ devMode->dmFields |= DM_DEFAULTSOURCE;
+ }
+ if (data.GetMedia() != wxPRINTMEDIA_DEFAULT)
+ {
+ devMode->dmMediaType = data.GetMedia();
+ devMode->dmFields |= DM_MEDIATYPE;
+ }
+ if( printer )
+ {
+ // Step 3:
+ // Merge the new settings with the old.
+ // This gives the driver an opportunity to update any private
+ // portions of the DevMode structure.
+ DocumentProperties( NULL,
+ printer,
+ szPrinterName,
+ (LPDEVMODE)hDevMode, // Reuse our buffer for output.
+ (LPDEVMODE)hDevMode, // Pass the driver our changes
+ DM_IN_BUFFER | // Commands to Merge our changes and
+ DM_OUT_BUFFER ); // write the result.
+ }
+ }
+ if ( m_devNames )
+ {
+ ::GlobalFree(static_cast<HGLOBAL>(m_devNames));
+ }
+ // TODO: I hope it's OK to pass some empty strings to DEVNAMES.
+ m_devNames = wxCreateDevNames(wxEmptyString, data.GetPrinterName(), wxEmptyString);
+ return true;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxPrintDialog
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IMPLEMENT_CLASS(wxWindowsPrintDialog, wxPrintDialogBase)
+wxWindowsPrintDialog::wxWindowsPrintDialog(wxWindow *p, wxPrintDialogData* data)