+# this is the strict subset of the above function which returns only the
+# (static) libraries themselves: this is used for linkdeps output which should
+# output the list of libraries the main program should depend on
+# of course, this duplication is bad but I'll leave to somebody else the care
+# of refactoring this as I don't see any way to do it
+ _wxlibs=''
+ ! is_cross || _target="-${target}"
+ for lib; do
+ if match_field "$lib" @CORE_BASE_LIBS@ ; then
+ else
+ fi
+ [ $lib = base ] || _libname="${_libname}_$lib"
+ _libname="${_libname}-@WX_RELEASE@$_target"
+ _wxlibs="$_wxlibs ${libdir}/lib${_libname}.a"
+ done
+ echo $_wxlibs