-Announcing wxWidgets 2.5.4: a cross-platform GUI toolkit
+Announcing wxWidgets 2.6.0: a cross-platform GUI toolkit
October 11th, 2004 -- the wxWidgets team is pleased to announce
and dialogs on all platforms, document/view, OpenGL support,
HTML-based and context-sensitive help, wizards, drag and drop,
a grid class, ODBC support, threads, sockets, container classes,
-a styled text control, and much more. An 1800-page reference manual
+a styled text control, and much more. A 2,000 page reference manual
is provided in HTML, MS HTML Help, WinHelp, wxWidgets Help and PDF
-formats, and there are over 80 samples and demos.
+formats, and there are over eighty samples and demos.
If you're an MFC user, you'll find many wxWidgets concepts
reassuringly familiar, while often clearer and more consistent.