#endif // __OS2__
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
-# ifdef __DARWIN__
-# include "MoreFilesX.h"
-# else
-# include "MoreFilesExtras.h"
-# endif
+# include "MoreFilesX.h"
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#endif // __WIN32__/!__WIN32__
#elif defined(__WXMAC__)
-#ifdef __DARWIN__
- FSRef **theVolRefs;
- ItemCount theVolCount;
- char thePath[FILENAME_MAX];
- if (FSGetMountedVolumes(&theVolRefs, &theVolCount) == noErr) {
- ItemCount index;
- ::HLock( (Handle)theVolRefs ) ;
- for (index = 0; index < theVolCount; ++index) {
- // get the POSIX path associated with the FSRef
- if ( FSRefMakePath(&((*theVolRefs)[index]),
- (UInt8 *)thePath, sizeof(thePath)) != noErr ) {
- continue;
- }
- // add path separator at end if necessary
- wxString path( thePath , wxConvLocal) ;
- if (path.Last() != wxFILE_SEP_PATH) {
- path += wxFILE_SEP_PATH;
- }
- // get Mac volume name for display
- FSVolumeRefNum vRefNum ;
- HFSUniStr255 volumeName ;
- if ( FSGetVRefNum(&((*theVolRefs)[index]), &vRefNum) != noErr ) {
- continue;
- }
- if ( FSGetVInfo(vRefNum, &volumeName, NULL, NULL) != noErr ) {
- continue;
- }
- // get C string from Unicode HFS name
- // see: http://developer.apple.com/carbon/tipsandtricks.html
- CFStringRef cfstr = CFStringCreateWithCharacters( kCFAllocatorDefault,
- volumeName.unicode,
- volumeName.length );
- // Do something with str
- char *cstr = NewPtr(CFStringGetLength(cfstr) + 1);
- if (( cstr == NULL ) ||
- !CFStringGetCString(cfstr, cstr, CFStringGetLength(cfstr) + 1,
- kCFStringEncodingMacRoman))
+ ItemCount volumeIndex = 1;
+ OSErr err = noErr ;
+ while( noErr == err )
+ {
+ HFSUniStr255 volumeName ;
+ FSRef fsRef ;
+ FSVolumeInfo volumeInfo ;
+ err = FSGetVolumeInfo(0, volumeIndex, NULL, kFSVolInfoFlags , &volumeInfo , &volumeName, &fsRef);
+ if( noErr == err )
+ {
+ wxString path = wxMacFSRefToPath( &fsRef ) ;
+ wxString name = wxMacHFSUniStrToString( &volumeName ) ;
+ if ( (volumeInfo.flags & kFSVolFlagSoftwareLockedMask) || (volumeInfo.flags & kFSVolFlagHardwareLockedMask) )
- CFRelease( cfstr );
- continue;
+ icon_ids.Add(wxFileIconsTable::cdrom);
- wxString name( cstr , wxConvLocal );
- DisposePtr( cstr );
- CFRelease( cfstr );
- GetVolParmsInfoBuffer volParmsInfo;
- UInt32 actualSize;
- if ( FSGetVolParms(vRefNum, sizeof(volParmsInfo), &volParmsInfo, &actualSize) != noErr ) {
- continue;
+ else
+ {
+ icon_ids.Add(wxFileIconsTable::drive);
+ // todo other removable
- if ( VolIsEjectable(&volParmsInfo) )
- icon_ids.Add(wxFileIconsTable::cdrom);
- else
- icon_ids.Add(wxFileIconsTable::drive);
- }
- ::HUnlock( (Handle)theVolRefs );
- ::DisposeHandle( (Handle)theVolRefs );
+ volumeIndex++ ;
+ }
-#else // !__DARWIN__
- FSSpec volume;
- short index = 1;
- while(1)
- {
- short actualCount = 0 ;
- if (OnLine(&volume, 1, &actualCount, &index ) != noErr || actualCount==0)
- {
- break;
- }
- wxString name = wxMacFSSpec2MacFilename( &volume );
- paths.Add(name + wxFILE_SEP_PATH);
- names.Add(name);
- icon_ids.Add(wxFileIconsTable::drive);
- }
-#endif // __DARWIN__
#elif defined(__UNIX__)
// Function which is called by quick sort. We want to override the default wxArrayString behaviour,
// and sort regardless of case.
-static int wxCMPFUNC_CONV wxDirCtrlStringCompareFunction(wxString* strFirst, wxString* strSecond)
+static int wxCMPFUNC_CONV wxDirCtrlStringCompareFunction(const wxString& strFirst, const wxString& strSecond)
- return strFirst->CmpNoCase(*strSecond);
+ return strFirst.CmpNoCase(strSecond);
m_isDir = isDir;
void wxDirItemData::SetNewDirName(const wxString& path)
m_path = path;
ExpandDir(m_rootId); // automatically expand first level
// Expand and select the default path
- if (!m_defaultPath.IsEmpty())
+ if (!m_defaultPath.empty())
+ {
+ }
+#ifdef __UNIX__
+ else
+ {
+ // On Unix, there's only one node under the (hidden) root node. It
+ // represents the / path, so the user would always have to expand it;
+ // let's do it ourselves
+ ExpandPath(wxT("/"));
+ }
wxArrayString descriptions, filters;
- size_t n = (size_t) wxParseCommonDialogsFilter(filter, filters, descriptions);
+ size_t n = (size_t) wxParseCommonDialogsFilter(filter, descriptions, filters);
if (n > 0 && defaultFilter < (int) n)
m_smallImageList = new wxImageList(16, 16);
// folder:
- m_smallImageList->Add(wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(wxART_FOLDER, wxART_CMN_DIALOG));
+ m_smallImageList->Add(wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(wxART_FOLDER,
+ wxSize(16, 16)));
// folder_open
// computer
// removeable
// file
- m_smallImageList->Add(wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(wxART_NORMAL_FILE, wxART_CMN_DIALOG));
+ m_smallImageList->Add(wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(wxART_NORMAL_FILE,
+ wxSize(16, 16)));
// executable
if (GetIconID(wxEmptyString, _T("application/x-executable")) == file)
- m_smallImageList->Add(wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(wxART_EXECUTABLE_FILE, wxART_CMN_DIALOG));
+ m_smallImageList->Add(wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(wxART_EXECUTABLE_FILE,
+ wxSize(16, 16)));
delete m_HashTable->Get(_T("exe"));
m_HashTable->Put(_T("exe"), new wxFileIconEntry(executable));
if (smask > 2)
ps[0] = ps[1] = ps[2] = mr;
- ps[0] = sr >> 2, ps[1] = sg >> 2, ps[2] = sb >> 2;
+ {
+ ps[0] = (unsigned char)(sr >> 2);
+ ps[1] = (unsigned char)(sg >> 2);
+ ps[2] = (unsigned char)(sb >> 2);
+ }
ps += 3;
p1 += size*2 * 3, p2 += size*2 * 3;
#else // !wxUSE_MIMETYPE
+ wxUnusedVar(mime);
if (extension == wxT("exe"))
return executable;