- //
- // Deprecated
- // ----------
- //
- // These methods are deprecated and will be removed in future versions of
- // wxWindows, they're here for compatibility only, don't use them in new
- // code (the comments indicate why these methods are now useless and how to
- // replace them)
- //
- //
- // Use Expand, Collapse, CollapseAndReset or Toggle
- //
- void ExpandItem( const wxTreeItemId& rItem
- ,int nAction
- );
- //
- // Use AddRoot, PrependItem or AppendItem
- //
- wxTreeItemId InsertItem( const wxTreeItemId& pParent
- ,const wxString& rsText
- ,int nImage = -1
- ,int nSelImage = -1
- ,long lInsertAfter = wxTREE_INSERT_LAST
- );
- //
- // Use Set/GetImageList and Set/GetStateImageList
- //
- wxImageList* GetImageList(int nVal) const
- { return GetImageList(); }
- void SetImageList(wxImageList* pImageList, int nVal)
- { SetImageList(pImageList); }
- //
- // Use Set/GetItemImage directly
- //
- int GetItemSelectedImage(const wxTreeItemId& rItem) const
- { return GetItemImage(rItem, wxTreeItemIcon_Selected); }
- void SetItemSelectedImage(const wxTreeItemId& rItem, int nImage)
- { SetItemImage(rItem, nImage, wxTreeItemIcon_Selected); }