- A frame that has a status bar and toolbar created via the
- CreateStatusBar/CreateToolBar functions manages these windows, and adjusts the
- value returned by GetClientSize to reflect the remaining size available to
- application windows.
+ A frame that has a status bar and toolbar, created via the CreateStatusBar() and
+ CreateToolBar() functions, manages these windows and adjusts the value returned
+ by GetClientSize() to reflect the remaining size available to application windows.
+ @remarks An application should normally define an wxCloseEvent handler for the
+ frame to respond to system close events, for example so that related
+ data and subwindows can be cleaned up.
+ @section wxframe_defaultevent Default event processing
+ wxFrame processes the following events:
+ @li @c wxEVT_SIZE: if the frame has exactly one child window, not counting the
+ status and toolbar, this child is resized to take the entire frame client area.
+ If two or more windows are present, they should be laid out explicitly either
+ by manually handling wxEVT_SIZE or using sizers;
+ @li @c wxEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT: the default implementation displays the help string
+ associated with the selected item in the first pane of the status bar, if there is one.