- // this flag determines whether or not an edge will
- // be drawn around the bitmap. In most "windows classic"
- // applications, a 1-pixel highlight edge is drawn around
- // the bitmap of an item when it is selected. However,
- // with the new "luna" theme, no edge is drawn around
- // the bitmap because the background is white (this applies
- // only to "non-XP style" menus w/ bitmaps --
- // see IE 6 menus for an example)
- bool draw_bitmap_edge = true;
- // set the colors
- // --------------
- DWORD colBack, colText;
- if ( st & wxODSelected ) {
- colBack = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT);
- if (!(st & wxODDisabled))
- {
- colText = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT);
- }
- else
- {
- colText = GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT);
- }
- }
- else {
- // fall back to default colors if none explicitly specified
- colBack = m_colBack.Ok() ? wxColourToPalRGB(m_colBack)
- : GetSysColor(COLOR_MENU);
- colText = m_colText.Ok() ? wxColourToPalRGB(m_colText)
- : GetSysColor(COLOR_MENUTEXT);
- }
- // don't draw an edge around the bitmap, if background is white ...
- DWORD menu_bg_color = GetSysColor(COLOR_MENU);
- if ( ( GetRValue( menu_bg_color ) >= 0xf0 &&
- GetGValue( menu_bg_color ) >= 0xf0 &&
- GetBValue( menu_bg_color ) >= 0xf0 )
- )
- {
- draw_bitmap_edge = false;
- }
- HDC hdc = GetHdcOf(dc);
- COLORREF colOldText = ::SetTextColor(hdc, colText),
- colOldBack = ::SetBkColor(hdc, colBack);
- // *2, as in wxSYS_EDGE_Y
- int margin = GetMarginWidth() + 2 * wxSystemSettings::GetMetric(wxSYS_EDGE_X);
- // select the font and draw the text
- // ---------------------------------
- // determine where to draw and leave space for a check-mark.
- // + 1 pixel to separate the edge from the highlight rectangle
- int xText = rc.x + margin + 1;
- // using native API because it recognizes '&'
- int nPrevMode = SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);
- HBRUSH hbr = CreateSolidBrush(colBack),
- hPrevBrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(hdc, hbr);
- RECT rectFill = { rc.GetLeft(), rc.GetTop(),
- rc.GetRight() + 1, rc.GetBottom() + 1 };
- if ( (st & wxODSelected) && m_bmpChecked.Ok() && draw_bitmap_edge ) {
- // only draw the highlight under the text, not under
- // the bitmap or checkmark
- rectFill.left = xText;
- }
- FillRect(hdc, &rectFill, hbr);
- // use default font if no font set
- HFONT hfont;
- if ( m_font.Ok() ) {
- m_font.RealizeResource();
- hfont = (HFONT)m_font.GetResourceHandle();
- }
- else {
- hfont = (HFONT)::GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT);
- }
- HFONT hPrevFont = (HFONT) ::SelectObject(hdc, hfont);
- wxString strMenuText = m_strName.BeforeFirst('\t');
- xText += 3; // separate text from the highlight rectangle
- SIZE sizeRect;
- ::GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, strMenuText.c_str(), strMenuText.Length(), &sizeRect);
- ::DrawState(hdc, NULL, NULL,
- (LPARAM)strMenuText.c_str(), strMenuText.length(),
- xText, rc.y + (int) ((rc.GetHeight()-sizeRect.cy)/2.0), // centre text vertically
- rc.GetWidth()-margin, sizeRect.cy,
- (((st & wxODDisabled) && !(st & wxODSelected)) ? DSS_DISABLED : 0) |
- (((st & wxODHidePrefix) && !wxMSWSystemMenuFontModule::ms_showCues) ? 512 : 0)); // 512 == DSS_HIDEPREFIX
- // ::SetTextAlign(hdc, TA_RIGHT) doesn't work with DSS_DISABLED or DSS_MONO
- // as the last parameter in DrawState() (at least with Windows98). So we have
- // to take care of right alignment ourselves.
- if ( !m_strAccel.empty() )
- {
- int accel_width, accel_height;
- dc.GetTextExtent(m_strAccel, &accel_width, &accel_height);
- // right align accel string with right edge of menu ( offset by the
- // margin width )
- ::DrawState(hdc, NULL, NULL,
- (LPARAM)m_strAccel.c_str(), m_strAccel.length(),
- rc.GetWidth()-16-accel_width, rc.y+(int) ((rc.GetHeight()-sizeRect.cy)/2.0),
- 0, 0,
- (((st & wxODDisabled) && !(st & wxODSelected)) ? DSS_DISABLED : 0));
- }
- (void)SelectObject(hdc, hPrevBrush);
- (void)SelectObject(hdc, hPrevFont);
- (void)SetBkMode(hdc, nPrevMode);
- DeleteObject(hbr);
- // draw the bitmap
- // ---------------
- if ( IsCheckable() && !m_bmpChecked.Ok() ) {
- if ( st & wxODChecked ) {
- // what goes on: DrawFrameControl creates a b/w mask,
- // then we copy it to screen to have right colors
- // first create a monochrome bitmap in a memory DC
- HDC hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
- HBITMAP hbmpCheck = CreateBitmap(margin, m_nHeight, 1, 1, 0);
- SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmpCheck);
- // then draw a check mark into it
- RECT rect = { 0, 0, margin, m_nHeight };
- if ( m_nHeight > 0 )
- {
- ::DrawFrameControl(hdcMem, &rect, DFC_MENU, DFCS_MENUCHECK);
- }
- // finally copy it to screen DC and clean up
- BitBlt(hdc, rc.x, rc.y, margin, m_nHeight,
- hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
- DeleteDC(hdcMem);
- DeleteObject(hbmpCheck);
- }
- }
- else {
- wxBitmap bmp;