\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_TREE\_SEL\_CHANGED(id, func)}}{Selection has changed.}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_TREE\_SEL\_CHANGING(id, func)}}{Selection is changing. This can be prevented by calling \helpref{Veto()}{wxnotifyeventveto}.}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_TREE\_KEY\_DOWN(id, func)}}{A key has been pressed.}
+\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_TREE\_ITEM\_GETTOOLTIP(id, func)}}{The opportunity to set the item tooltip
+is being given to the application (call wxTreeEvent::SetToolTip). Windows only.}
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{wxTreeCtrl::Create}{wxtreectrlcreate}, \helpref{wxValidator}{wxvalidator}
Destructor, destroying the list control.
\func{wxTreeItemId}{AddRoot}{\param{const wxString\&}{ text},
If {\it image} > -1 and {\it selImage} is -1, the same image is used for
both selected and unselected items.
\func{wxTreeItemId}{AppendItem}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\& }{parent}, \param{const wxString\&}{ text},
If {\it image} > -1 and {\it selImage} is -1, the same image is used for
both selected and unselected items.
\func{void}{AssignButtonsImageList}{\param{wxImageList*}{ imageList}}
See also \helpref{SetButtonsImageList}{wxtreectrlsetbuttonsimagelist}.
\func{void}{AssignImageList}{\param{wxImageList*}{ imageList}}
See also \helpref{SetImageList}{wxtreectrlsetimagelist}.
\func{void}{AssignStateImageList}{\param{wxImageList*}{ imageList}}
See also \helpref{SetStateImageList}{wxtreectrlsetstateimagelist}.
\func{void}{Collapse}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
Collapses the given item.
\func{void}{CollapseAndReset}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
Collapses the given item and removes all children.
\func{bool}{wxTreeCtrl}{\param{wxWindow*}{ parent}, \param{wxWindowID}{ id},\rtfsp
Creates the tree control. See \helpref{wxTreeCtrl::wxTreeCtrl}{wxtreectrlconstr} for further details.
\func{void}{Delete}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
This function may cause a subsequent call to GetNextChild to fail.
{\tt EVT\_TREE\_DELETE\_ITEM} events under some Windows versions although
normally such event is generated for each removed item.
\func{void}{DeleteChildren}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\& }{item}}
may need to call it again since {\it DeleteChildren} does not automatically
clear the setting.
\func{void}{EditLabel}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
\func{void}{EndEditLabel}{\param{bool }{cancelEdit}}
\func{void}{EnsureVisible}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
Scrolls and/or expands items to ensure that the given item is visible.
\func{void}{Expand}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
Expands the given item.
\constfunc{bool}{GetBoundingRect}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{wxRect\& }{rect}, \param{bool }{textOnly = {\tt false}}}
\perlnote{In wxPerl this method only takes the parameters {\tt item} and
{\tt textOnly}, and returns a Wx::Rect ( or undef ).}
This function is only available in the generic version.
\constfunc{size\_t}{GetChildrenCount}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{bool}{ recursively = {\tt true}}}
Returns the number of items in the branch. If {\it recursively} is {\tt true}, returns the total number
of descendants, otherwise only one level of children is counted.
Returns the number of items in the control.
\constfunc{wxTextCtrl *}{GetEditControl}{\void}
{\bf NB:} It is currently only implemented for wxMSW.
-\constfunc{wxTreeItemId}{GetFirstChild}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{long\& }{cookie}}
+\constfunc{wxTreeItemId}{GetFirstChild}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{wxTreeItemIdValue \& }{cookie}}
Returns the first child; call \helpref{wxTreeCtrl::GetNextChild}{wxtreectrlgetnextchild} for the next child.
\perlnote{In wxPerl this method only takes the {\tt item} parameter, and
returns a 2-element list {\tt ( item, cookie )}.}
Returns the first visible item.
Returns the normal image list.
Returns the current tree control indentation.
\constfunc{wxColour}{GetItemBackgroundColour}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
Returns the background colour of the item.
\constfunc{wxTreeItemData*}{GetItemData}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
\constfunc{wxFont}{GetItemFont}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
Returns the font of the item label.
\constfunc{int}{GetItemImage}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\& }{item},
(which is shown when an expanded item is currently selected)
\constfunc{wxString}{GetItemText}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
Returns the item label.
\constfunc{wxColour}{GetItemTextColour}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
Returns the colour of the item label.
\constfunc{wxTreeItemId}{GetLastChild}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
-\constfunc{wxTreeItemId}{GetNextChild}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{long\& }{cookie}}
+\constfunc{wxTreeItemId}{GetNextChild}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{wxTreeItemIdValue \& }{cookie}}
Returns the next child; call \helpref{wxTreeCtrl::GetFirstChild}{wxtreectrlgetfirstchild} for the first child.
\perlnote{In wxPerl this method returns a 2-element list
{\tt ( item, cookie )}, instead of modifying its parameters.}
\constfunc{wxTreeItemId}{GetNextSibling}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
\constfunc{wxTreeItemId}{GetNextVisible}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
Returns the next visible item.
\constfunc{wxTreeItemId}{GetItemParent}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
Returns the item's parent.
\constfunc{wxTreeItemId}{GetParent}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
\pythonnote{This method is named {\tt GetItemParent} to avoid a name
clash with wxWindow::GetParent.}
\constfunc{wxTreeItemId}{GetPrevSibling}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
\constfunc{wxTreeItemId}{GetPrevVisible}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
Returns the previous visible item.
Returns the root item for the tree control.
\constfunc{int}{GetItemSelectedImage}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\& }{item}}
Gets the selected item image (this function is obsolete, use
{\tt GetItemImage(item, wxTreeItemIcon\_Selected}) instead).
\helpref{GetSelections}{wxtreectrlgetselections} for the controls which do have
this style.
\constfunc{size\_t}{GetSelections}{\param{wxArrayTreeItemIds\& }{selection}}
\perlnote{In wxPerl this method takes no parameters and returns a list of
{\tt Wx::TreeItemId}s.}
Returns the state image list (from which application-defined state images are taken).
\func{wxTreeItemId}{HitTest}{\param{const wxPoint\& }{point}, \param{int\& }{flags}}
\perlnote{In wxPerl this method only takes the {\tt point} parameter
and returns a 2-element list {\tt ( item, flags )}.}
\func{wxTreeItemId}{InsertItem}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\& }{parent}, \param{const wxTreeItemId\& }{previous}, \param{const wxString\&}{ text},
\pythonnote{The second form of this method is called
{\tt InsertItemBefore} in wxPython.}
\constfunc{bool}{IsBold}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\& }{item}}
See also: \helpref{SetItemBold}{wxtreectrlsetitembold}
\constfunc{bool}{IsExpanded}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
Returns {\tt true} if the item is expanded (only makes sense if it has children).
\constfunc{bool}{IsSelected}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
Returns {\tt true} if the item is selected.
\constfunc{bool}{IsVisible}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
Returns {\tt true} if the item is visible (it might be outside the view, or not expanded).
\constfunc{bool}{ItemHasChildren}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
Returns {\tt true} if the item has children.
\func{int}{OnCompareItems}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\& }{item1}, \param{const wxTreeItemId\& }{item2}}
See also: \helpref{SortChildren}{wxtreectrlsortchildren}
\func{wxTreeItemId}{PrependItem}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\& }{parent}, \param{const wxString\&}{ text},
If {\it image} > -1 and {\it selImage} is -1, the same image is used for
both selected and unselected items.
\func{void}{ScrollTo}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
Scrolls the specified item into view.
-\func{bool}{SelectItem}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
+\func{bool}{SelectItem}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{bool }{select = \true}}
+Selects the given item. In multiple selection controls, can be also used to
+deselect a currently selected item if the value of \arg{select} is false.
-Selects the given item.
See also \helpref{AssignButtonsImageList}{wxtreectrlassignbuttonsimagelist}.
\func{void}{SetIndent}{\param{int }{indent}}
Sets the indentation for the tree control.
\func{void}{SetImageList}{\param{wxImageList*}{ imageList}}
See also \helpref{AssignImageList}{wxtreectrlassignimagelist}.
\func{void}{SetItemBackgroundColour}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{const wxColour\& }{col}}
Sets the colour of the item's background.
\func{void}{SetItemBold}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\& }{item}, \param{bool}{ bold = {\tt true}}}
See also: \helpref{IsBold}{wxtreectrlisbold}
\func{void}{SetItemData}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{wxTreeItemData* }{data}}
\func{void}{SetItemFont}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{const wxFont\& }{font}}
\func{void}{SetItemHasChildren}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{bool }{hasChildren = {\tt true}}}
but instead adding them only when needed, thus minimizing memory
usage and loading time.
\func{void}{SetItemImage}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item},
Sets the specified item image. See \helpref{GetItemImage}{wxtreectrlgetitemimage}
for the description of the {\it which} parameter.
\func{void}{SetItemSelectedImage}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{int }{selImage}}
Sets the selected item image (this function is obsolete, use {\tt SetItemImage(item, wxTreeItemIcon\_Selected}) instead).
\func{void}{SetItemText}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{const wxString\& }{text}}
Sets the item label.
\func{void}{SetItemTextColour}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{const wxColour\& }{col}}
Sets the colour of the item's text.
\func{void}{SetStateImageList}{\param{wxImageList*}{ imageList}}
The new mode takes effect immediately.
(Generic only; MSW ignores changes.)
\func{void}{SortChildren}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
\helpref{wxTreeItemData}{wxtreeitemdata}, \helpref{OnCompareItems}{wxtreectrloncompareitems}
\func{void}{Toggle}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
Toggles the given item between collapsed and expanded states.
+\func{void}{ToggleItemSelection}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
+Toggles the given item between selected and unselected states. For
+multiselection controls only.
Removes the selection from the currently selected item (if any).
if the control doesn't have wxTR\_MULTIPLE style, or removes the selection from
all items if it does have this style.
+\func{void}{UnselectItem}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\& }{item}}
+Unselects the given item. This works in multiselection controls only.