// Author: Julian Smart
// Modified by:
// Created: 04/01/98
-// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) Julian Smart
// Licence: wxWindows licence
// define this to use XPMs everywhere (by default, BMPs are used under Win)
// BMPs use less space, but aren't compiled into the executable on other platforms
-#ifdef __WXMSW__
+#ifdef __WINDOWS__
-#if USE_XPM_BITMAPS && defined(__WXMSW__) && !wxUSE_XPM_IN_MSW
- #error You need to enable XPM support to use XPM bitmaps with toolbar!
-#endif // USE_XPM_BITMAPS
// If this is 1, the sample will test an extra toolbar identical to the
// main one, but not managed by the frame. This can test subtle differences
// in the way toolbars are handled, especially on Mac where there is one
// resources
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#if !defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WXPM__)
- #include "mondrian.xpm"
+ #include "../sample.xpm"
MyFrame(wxFrame *parent,
wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
- const wxString& title = _T("wxToolBar Sample"),
+ const wxString& title = wxT("wxToolBar Sample"),
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
// Create the main frame window
MyFrame* frame = new MyFrame((wxFrame *) NULL, wxID_ANY,
- _T("wxToolBar Sample"),
- wxPoint(100, 100), wxSize(550, 300));
+ wxT("wxToolBar Sample"),
+ wxPoint(100, 100), wxSize(650, 300));
- frame->SetStatusText(_T("Hello, wxWidgets"));
+ frame->SetStatusText(wxT("Hello, wxWidgets"));
- SetTopWindow(frame);
return true;
wxToolBarBase *toolBar = GetToolBar();
long style = toolBar ? toolBar->GetWindowStyle() : TOOLBAR_STYLE;
+ if (toolBar && m_searchTool && m_searchTool->GetToolBar() == NULL)
+ {
+ // see ~MyFrame()
+ toolBar->AddTool(m_searchTool);
+ }
+ m_searchTool = NULL;
delete toolBar;
+ // this call is actually unnecessary as the toolbar will adjust its tools
+ // size to fit the biggest icon used anyhow but it doesn't hurt neither
toolBar->SetToolBitmapSize(wxSize(w, h));
- toolBar->AddTool(wxID_NEW, _T("New"),
+ toolBar->AddTool(wxID_NEW, wxT("New"),
toolBarBitmaps[Tool_new], wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_DROPDOWN,
- _T("New file"), _T("This is help for new file tool"));
+ wxT("New file"), wxT("This is help for new file tool"));
wxMenu* menu = new wxMenu;
- menu->Append(wxID_ANY, _T("&First dummy item"));
- menu->Append(wxID_ANY, _T("&Second dummy item"));
+ menu->Append(wxID_ANY, wxT("&First dummy item"));
+ menu->Append(wxID_ANY, wxT("&Second dummy item"));
- menu->Append(wxID_EXIT, _T("Exit"));
+ menu->Append(wxID_EXIT, wxT("Exit"));
toolBar->SetDropdownMenu(wxID_NEW, menu);
- toolBar->AddTool(wxID_OPEN, _T("Open"),
+ toolBar->AddTool(wxID_OPEN, wxT("Open"),
toolBarBitmaps[Tool_open], wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,
- _T("Open file"), _T("This is help for open file tool"));
+ wxT("Open file"), wxT("This is help for open file tool"));
// adding a combo to a vertical toolbar is not very smart
if ( !toolBar->IsVertical() )
wxComboBox *combo = new wxComboBox(toolBar, ID_COMBO, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(100,-1) );
- combo->Append(_T("This"));
- combo->Append(_T("is a"));
- combo->Append(_T("combobox"));
- combo->Append(_T("in a"));
- combo->Append(_T("toolbar"));
- toolBar->AddControl(combo, _T("Combo Label"));
+ combo->Append(wxT("This"));
+ combo->Append(wxT("is a"));
+ combo->Append(wxT("combobox"));
+ combo->Append(wxT("in a"));
+ combo->Append(wxT("toolbar"));
+ toolBar->AddControl(combo, wxT("Combo Label"));
- toolBar->AddTool(wxID_SAVE, _T("Save"), toolBarBitmaps[Tool_save], _T("Toggle button 1"), wxITEM_CHECK);
- toolBar->AddTool(wxID_COPY, _T("Copy"), toolBarBitmaps[Tool_copy], _T("Toggle button 2"), wxITEM_CHECK);
- toolBar->AddTool(wxID_CUT, _T("Cut"), toolBarBitmaps[Tool_cut], _T("Toggle/Untoggle help button"));
- toolBar->AddTool(wxID_PASTE, _T("Paste"), toolBarBitmaps[Tool_paste], _T("Paste"));
+ toolBar->AddTool(wxID_SAVE, wxT("Save"), toolBarBitmaps[Tool_save], wxT("Toggle button 1"), wxITEM_CHECK);
+ toolBar->AddSeparator();
+ toolBar->AddTool(wxID_COPY, wxT("Copy"), toolBarBitmaps[Tool_copy], wxT("Toggle button 2"), wxITEM_CHECK);
+ toolBar->AddTool(wxID_CUT, wxT("Cut"), toolBarBitmaps[Tool_cut], wxT("Toggle/Untoggle help button"));
+ toolBar->AddTool(wxID_PASTE, wxT("Paste"), toolBarBitmaps[Tool_paste], wxT("Paste"));
+ toolBar->AddSeparator();
if ( m_useCustomDisabled )
dc.DrawLine(0, 0, w, h);
- toolBar->AddTool(wxID_PRINT, _T("Print"), toolBarBitmaps[Tool_print],
+ toolBar->AddTool(wxID_PRINT, wxT("Print"), toolBarBitmaps[Tool_print],
- toolBar->AddTool(wxID_PRINT, _T("Print"), toolBarBitmaps[Tool_print],
- _T("Delete this tool. This is a very long tooltip to test whether it does the right thing when the tooltip is more than Windows can cope with."));
+ toolBar->AddTool(wxID_PRINT, wxT("Print"), toolBarBitmaps[Tool_print],
+ wxT("Delete this tool. This is a very long tooltip to test whether it does the right thing when the tooltip is more than Windows can cope with."));
- toolBar->AddSeparator();
- toolBar->AddTool(wxID_HELP, _T("Help"), toolBarBitmaps[Tool_help], _T("Help button"), wxITEM_CHECK);
+ // add a stretchable space before the "Help" button to make it
+ // right-aligned
+ toolBar->AddStretchableSpace();
+ toolBar->AddTool(wxID_HELP, wxT("Help"), toolBarBitmaps[Tool_help], wxT("Help button"), wxITEM_CHECK);
if ( !m_pathBmp.empty() )
// create a tool with a custom bitmap for testing
wxImage img(m_pathBmp);
- if ( img.Ok() )
+ if ( img.IsOk() )
if ( img.GetWidth() > w && img.GetHeight() > h )
img = img.GetSubImage(wxRect(0, 0, w, h));
- toolBar->AddTool(wxID_ANY, _T("Custom"), img);
+ toolBar->AddTool(wxID_ANY, wxT("Custom"), img);
// the changes
- toolBar->SetRows(!(toolBar->IsVertical()) ? m_rows : 10 / m_rows);
+ toolBar->SetRows(toolBar->IsVertical() ? toolBar->GetToolsCount() / m_rows
+ : m_rows);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
m_horzText = false;
m_useCustomDisabled = false;
m_showTooltips = true;
+ m_searchTool = NULL;
m_rows = 1;
m_nPrint = 1;
// Give it an icon
- SetIcon(wxICON(mondrian));
+ SetIcon(wxICON(sample));
// Make a menubar
wxMenu *tbarMenu = new wxMenu;
- _T("Toggle &toolbar\tCtrl-Z"),
- _T("Show or hide the toolbar"));
+ wxT("Toggle &toolbar\tCtrl-Z"),
+ wxT("Show or hide the toolbar"));
- _T("Toggle &another toolbar\tCtrl-A"),
- _T("Show/hide another test toolbar"));
+ wxT("Toggle &another toolbar\tCtrl-A"),
+ wxT("Show/hide another test toolbar"));
- _T("Toggle hori&zontal text\tCtrl-H"),
- _T("Show text under/alongside the icon"));
+ wxT("Toggle hori&zontal text\tCtrl-H"),
+ wxT("Show text under/alongside the icon"));
- _T("&Toggle toolbar size\tCtrl-S"),
- _T("Toggle between big/small toolbar"));
+ wxT("&Toggle toolbar size\tCtrl-S"),
+ wxT("Toggle between big/small toolbar"));
- _T("Toggle number of &rows\tCtrl-R"),
- _T("Toggle number of toolbar rows between 1 and 2"));
+ wxT("Toggle number of &rows\tCtrl-R"),
+ wxT("Toggle number of toolbar rows between 1 and 2"));
- _T("Show &tooltips\tCtrl-L"),
- _T("Show tooltips for the toolbar tools"));
+ wxT("Show &tooltips\tCtrl-L"),
+ wxT("Show tooltips for the toolbar tools"));
- _T("Use c&ustom disabled images\tCtrl-U"),
- _T("Switch between using system-generated and custom disabled images"));
+ wxT("Use c&ustom disabled images\tCtrl-U"),
+ wxT("Switch between using system-generated and custom disabled images"));
- _T("Set toolbar at the top of the window"),
- _T("Set toolbar at the top of the window"));
+ wxT("Set toolbar at the top of the window"),
+ wxT("Set toolbar at the top of the window"));
- _T("Set toolbar at the left of the window"),
- _T("Set toolbar at the left of the window"));
+ wxT("Set toolbar at the left of the window"),
+ wxT("Set toolbar at the left of the window"));
- _T("Set toolbar at the bottom of the window"),
- _T("Set toolbar at the bottom of the window"));
+ wxT("Set toolbar at the bottom of the window"),
+ wxT("Set toolbar at the bottom of the window"));
- _T("Set toolbar at the right edge of the window"),
- _T("Set toolbar at the right edge of the window"));
+ wxT("Set toolbar at the right edge of the window"),
+ wxT("Set toolbar at the right edge of the window"));
- tbarMenu->AppendRadioItem(IDM_TOOLBAR_SHOW_TEXT, _T("Show &text\tCtrl-Alt-T"));
- tbarMenu->AppendRadioItem(IDM_TOOLBAR_SHOW_ICONS, _T("Show &icons\tCtrl-Alt-I"));
- tbarMenu->AppendRadioItem(IDM_TOOLBAR_SHOW_BOTH, _T("Show &both\tCtrl-Alt-B"));
+ tbarMenu->AppendRadioItem(IDM_TOOLBAR_SHOW_TEXT, wxT("Show &text\tCtrl-Alt-T"));
+ tbarMenu->AppendRadioItem(IDM_TOOLBAR_SHOW_ICONS, wxT("Show &icons\tCtrl-Alt-I"));
+ tbarMenu->AppendRadioItem(IDM_TOOLBAR_SHOW_BOTH, wxT("Show &both\tCtrl-Alt-B"));
- tbarMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_BG_COL, _T("Choose bac&kground colour..."));
- tbarMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_CUSTOM_PATH, _T("Custom &bitmap...\tCtrl-B"));
+ tbarMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_BG_COL, wxT("Choose bac&kground colour..."));
+ tbarMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_CUSTOM_PATH, wxT("Custom &bitmap...\tCtrl-B"));
wxMenu *toolMenu = new wxMenu;
- toolMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_ENABLEPRINT, _T("&Enable print button\tCtrl-E"));
- toolMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_DELETEPRINT, _T("&Delete print button\tCtrl-D"));
- toolMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_INSERTPRINT, _T("&Insert print button\tCtrl-I"));
- toolMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLEHELP, _T("Toggle &help button\tCtrl-T"));
- toolMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLESEARCH, _T("Toggle &search field\tCtrl-F"));
+ toolMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_ENABLEPRINT, wxT("&Enable print button\tCtrl-E"));
+ toolMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_DELETEPRINT, wxT("&Delete print button\tCtrl-D"));
+ toolMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_INSERTPRINT, wxT("&Insert print button\tCtrl-I"));
+ toolMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLEHELP, wxT("Toggle &help button\tCtrl-T"));
+ toolMenu->AppendCheckItem(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLESEARCH, wxT("Toggle &search field\tCtrl-F"));
- toolMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLERADIOBTN1, _T("Toggle &1st radio button\tCtrl-1"));
- toolMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLERADIOBTN2, _T("Toggle &2nd radio button\tCtrl-2"));
- toolMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLERADIOBTN3, _T("Toggle &3rd radio button\tCtrl-3"));
+ toolMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLERADIOBTN1, wxT("Toggle &1st radio button\tCtrl-1"));
+ toolMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLERADIOBTN2, wxT("Toggle &2nd radio button\tCtrl-2"));
+ toolMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLERADIOBTN3, wxT("Toggle &3rd radio button\tCtrl-3"));
- toolMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_CHANGE_TOOLTIP, _T("Change tooltip of \"New\""));
+ toolMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_CHANGE_TOOLTIP, wxT("Change tooltip of \"New\""));
wxMenu *fileMenu = new wxMenu;
- fileMenu->Append(wxID_EXIT, _T("E&xit\tAlt-X"), _T("Quit toolbar sample") );
+ fileMenu->Append(wxID_EXIT, wxT("E&xit\tAlt-X"), wxT("Quit toolbar sample") );
wxMenu *helpMenu = new wxMenu;
- helpMenu->Append(wxID_HELP, _T("&About"), _T("About toolbar sample"));
+ helpMenu->Append(wxID_HELP, wxT("&About"), wxT("About toolbar sample"));
wxMenuBar* menuBar = new wxMenuBar( wxMB_DOCKABLE );
- menuBar->Append(fileMenu, _T("&File"));
- menuBar->Append(tbarMenu, _T("&Toolbar"));
- menuBar->Append(toolMenu, _T("Tool&s"));
- menuBar->Append(helpMenu, _T("&Help"));
+ menuBar->Append(fileMenu, wxT("&File"));
+ menuBar->Append(tbarMenu, wxT("&Toolbar"));
+ menuBar->Append(toolMenu, wxT("Tool&s"));
+ menuBar->Append(helpMenu, wxT("&Help"));
// Associate the menu bar with the frame
+ menuBar->Check(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLE_TOOLBAR, true);
menuBar->Check(IDM_TOOLBAR_SHOW_BOTH, true);
m_extraToolBar = new wxToolBar(m_panel, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTB_TEXT|wxTB_FLAT|wxTB_TOP);
m_textWindow = new wxTextCtrl(m_panel, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE);
wxBoxSizer* sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+ // notice that there is no need to call SetToolBar(NULL) here (although
+ // this it is harmless to do and it must be called if you do not delete
+ // the toolbar but keep it for later reuse), just delete the toolbar
+ // directly and it will reset the associated frame toolbar pointer
delete tbar;
- SetToolBar(NULL);
if ( m_tbar )
- delete m_tbar;
- m_tbar = NULL;
+ wxDELETE(m_tbar);
m_tbar->SetMargins(4, 4);
- m_tbar->AddRadioTool(IDM_TOOLBAR_OTHER_1, _T("First"), wxBITMAP(new));
- m_tbar->AddRadioTool(IDM_TOOLBAR_OTHER_2, _T("Second"), wxBITMAP(open));
- m_tbar->AddRadioTool(IDM_TOOLBAR_OTHER_3, _T("Third"), wxBITMAP(save));
+ m_tbar->AddRadioTool(IDM_TOOLBAR_OTHER_1, wxT("First"), wxBITMAP(new));
+ m_tbar->AddRadioTool(IDM_TOOLBAR_OTHER_2, wxT("Second"), wxBITMAP(open));
+ m_tbar->AddRadioTool(IDM_TOOLBAR_OTHER_3, wxT("Third"), wxBITMAP(save));
- m_tbar->AddTool(wxID_HELP, _T("Help"), wxBITMAP(help));
+ m_tbar->AddTool(wxID_HELP, wxT("Help"), wxBITMAP(help));
// m_rows may be only 1 or 2
m_rows = 3 - m_rows;
- GetToolBar()->SetRows(!(GetToolBar()->IsVertical()) ? m_rows : 10 / m_rows);
+ wxToolBar* const toolBar = GetToolBar();
+ toolBar->SetRows(toolBar->IsVertical() ? toolBar->GetToolsCount() / m_rows
+ : m_rows);
//RecreateToolbar(); -- this is unneeded
void MyFrame::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& event)
if ( event.IsChecked() )
- m_textWindow->WriteText( _T("Help button down now.\n") );
+ m_textWindow->WriteText( wxT("Help button down now.\n") );
- m_textWindow->WriteText( _T("Help button up now.\n") );
+ m_textWindow->WriteText( wxT("Help button up now.\n") );
- (void)wxMessageBox(_T("wxWidgets toolbar sample"), _T("About wxToolBar"));
+ (void)wxMessageBox(wxT("wxWidgets toolbar sample"), wxT("About wxToolBar"));
void MyFrame::OnToolLeftClick(wxCommandEvent& event)
wxString str;
- str.Printf( _T("Clicked on tool %d\n"), event.GetId());
+ str.Printf( wxT("Clicked on tool %d\n"), event.GetId());
m_textWindow->WriteText( str );
if (event.GetId() == wxID_COPY)
void MyFrame::OnToolRightClick(wxCommandEvent& event)
- wxString::Format(_T("Tool %d right clicked.\n"),
+ wxString::Format(wxT("Tool %d right clicked.\n"),
(int) event.GetInt()));
void MyFrame::OnCombo(wxCommandEvent& event)
- wxLogStatus(_T("Combobox string '%s' selected"), event.GetString().c_str());
+ wxLogStatus(wxT("Combobox string '%s' selected"), event.GetString().c_str());
void MyFrame::DoEnablePrint()
void MyFrame::OnToggleSearch(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- static const int searchPos = 3;
wxToolBarBase * const tb = GetToolBar();
if ( !m_searchTool )
wxSearchCtrl * const srch = new wxSearchCtrl(tb, wxID_ANY, "needle");
srch->SetMinSize(wxSize(80, -1));
- m_searchTool = tb->InsertControl(searchPos, srch);
+ m_searchTool = tb->AddControl(srch);
else // tool already exists
+ wxControl * const win = m_searchTool->GetControl();
if ( m_searchTool->GetToolBar() )
// attached now, remove it
+ win->Hide();
else // tool exists in detached state, attach it back
- tb->InsertTool(searchPos, m_searchTool);
+ tb->AddTool(m_searchTool);
+ win->Show();
+ tb->Realize();
void MyFrame::OnUpdateCopyAndCut(wxUpdateUIEvent& event)
void MyFrame::OnChangeToolTip(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- GetToolBar()->SetToolShortHelp(wxID_NEW, _T("New toolbar button"));
+ GetToolBar()->SetToolShortHelp(wxID_NEW, wxT("New toolbar button"));
void MyFrame::OnToolbarStyle(wxCommandEvent& event)
long style = GetToolBar()->GetWindowStyle();
- style &= ~(wxTB_NOICONS | wxTB_TEXT);
+ style &= ~(wxTB_NOICONS | wxTB_HORZ_TEXT);
switch ( event.GetId() )
- style |= wxTB_NOICONS | wxTB_TEXT;
+ style |= wxTB_NOICONS | (m_horzText ? wxTB_HORZ_TEXT : wxTB_TEXT);
- style |= wxTB_TEXT;
+ style |= (m_horzText ? wxTB_HORZ_TEXT : wxTB_TEXT);
void MyFrame::OnToolbarCustomBitmap(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- m_pathBmp = wxFileSelector(_T("Custom bitmap path"));
+ m_pathBmp = wxLoadFileSelector("custom bitmap", "");
wxToolBarBase *tb = GetToolBar();
- tb->InsertTool(0, wxID_PRINT, _T("New print"),
+ tb->InsertTool(0, wxID_PRINT, wxT("New print"),
wxBITMAP(print), wxNullBitmap,
- _T("Delete this tool"),
- _T("This button was inserted into the toolbar"));
+ wxT("Delete this tool"),
+ wxT("This button was inserted into the toolbar"));
// must call Realize() after adding a new button
void MyFrame::OnToolDropdown(wxCommandEvent& event)
wxString str;
- str.Printf( _T("Dropdown on tool %d\n"), event.GetId());
+ str.Printf( wxT("Dropdown on tool %d\n"), event.GetId());
m_textWindow->WriteText( str );