long lModalStyle = lStyle ? wxDIALOG_MODAL : wxDIALOG_MODELESS ;
- bModal = false;
Create( pParent
- virtual bool Destroy(void);
- virtual bool Show(bool bShow);
- virtual void Iconize(bool bIconize);
- virtual bool IsIconized(void) const;
- virtual bool IsTopLevel(void) const { return TRUE; }
- void SetModal(bool bFlag);
+ void SetModal(bool bFlag);
virtual bool IsModal(void) const;
- //
// For now, same as Show(TRUE) but returns return code
- //
- virtual int ShowModal(void);
- virtual void EndModal(int nRetCode);
+ virtual int ShowModal();
+ // may be called to terminate the dialog with the given return code
+ virtual void EndModal(int retCode);
// Returns TRUE if we're in a modal loop
- bool IsModalShowing() const;
- bool Iconized() const { return IsIconized(); };
+ bool IsModalShowing() const;
// Implementation only from now on
// -------------------------------
+ //
+ // Override some base class virtuals
+ //
+ virtual bool Show(bool bShow);
// Event handlers
void OnCharHook(wxKeyEvent& rEvent);
void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& rEvent);
- //
- // May be called to terminate the dialog with the given return code
- //
// Standard buttons
- // Override more base class virtuals
- //
- virtual void DoSetClientSize( int nWidth
- ,int nHeight
- );
- virtual void DoGetPosition( int* pnX
- ,int* pnY
- ) const;
- //
// Show modal dialog and enter modal loop
void DoShowModal(void);
// Common part of all ctors
- void Init();
+ void Init(void);
wxWindow* m_pOldFocus;