set inno=0
Rem Set this to the required version
-set version=2.3.2
+set version=2.3.3
if "%src" == "" goto usage
if "%dest" == "" goto usage
copy %src\bin\dbgview.* bin
copy %src\bin\widgets.exe bin
copy %src\bin\widgets.exe.manifest bin
-Rem copy %src\demos\life\breeder.lif bin
+copy %src\bin\life.exe bin
+copy %src\bin\life.exe.manifest bin
+copy %src\demos\life\breeder.lif bin
copy %src\docs\htmlhelp\dialoged.chm bin
copy %src\docs\htmlhelp\tex2rtf.chm bin
erase /Y %dest\setup.*
rem Now invoke Inno Setup on the new wxwin2.iss
-set innocmd="C:\Program Files\Inno Setup 1.3\compil32.exe" /cc %WXWIN\distrib\msw\wxwin2.iss
+set innocmd="C:\Program Files\Inno Setup 2\compil32.exe" /cc %WXWIN\distrib\msw\wxwin2.iss
echo Invoking %innocmd...
start "Inno Setup" /w %innocmd%
pause Press any key to continue with the wxWindows distribution...