+#!/usr/bin/env python
# LexGen.py - implemented 2002 by Neil Hodgson neilh@scintilla.org
# Released to the public domain.
return modules
+# Properties that start with lexer. or fold. are automatically found but there are some
+# older properties that don't follow this pattern so must be explicitly listed.
knownIrregularProperties = [
properties = {}
f = open(lexFile)
for l in f.readlines():
- if "GetProperty" in l:
+ if ("GetProperty" in l or "DefineProperty" in l) and "\"" in l:
l = l.strip()
if not l.startswith("//"): # Drop comments
propertyName = l.split("\"")[1]
# Only allow lower case property names
name = propertyName
documents[name] = ""
+ elif "DefineProperty" in l and "\"" in l:
+ propertyName = l.split("\"")[1]
+ if propertyName.lower() == propertyName:
+ # Only allow lower case property names
+ name = propertyName
+ documents[name] = ""
elif name:
if l.startswith("//"):
if documents[name]:
documents[name] += " "
documents[name] += l[2:].strip()
+ elif l.startswith("\""):
+ l = l[1:].strip()
+ if l.endswith(";"):
+ l = l[:-1].strip()
+ if l.endswith(")"):
+ l = l[:-1].strip()
+ if l.endswith("\""):
+ l = l[:-1]
+ # Fix escaped double quotes
+ l = l.replace("\\\"", "\"")
+ documents[name] += l
name = ""
+ for name in list(documents.keys()):
+ if documents[name] == "":
+ del documents[name]
return documents
def ciCompare(a,b):
def ciKey(a):
return a.lower()
def sortListInsensitive(l):
try: # Try key function
except TypeError: # Earlier version of Python, so use comparison function
+def UpdateLineInFile(path, linePrefix, lineReplace):
+ lines = []
+ with open(path, "r") as f:
+ for l in f.readlines():
+ l = l.rstrip()
+ if l.startswith(linePrefix):
+ lines.append(lineReplace)
+ else:
+ lines.append(l)
+ contents = NATIVE.join(lines) + NATIVE
+ UpdateFile(path, contents)
+def UpdateVersionNumbers(root):
+ with open(root + "scintilla/version.txt") as f:
+ version = f.read()
+ versionDotted = version[0] + '.' + version[1] + '.' + version[2]
+ versionCommad = version[0] + ', ' + version[1] + ', ' + version[2] + ', 0'
+ UpdateLineInFile(root + "scintilla/win32/ScintRes.rc", "#define VERSION_SCINTILLA",
+ "#define VERSION_SCINTILLA \"" + versionDotted + "\"")
+ UpdateLineInFile(root + "scintilla/win32/ScintRes.rc", "#define VERSION_WORDS",
+ "#define VERSION_WORDS " + versionCommad)
+ UpdateLineInFile(root + "scintilla/qt/ScintillaEditBase/ScintillaEditBase.pro",
+ "VERSION =",
+ "VERSION = " + versionDotted)
+ UpdateLineInFile(root + "scintilla/qt/ScintillaEdit/ScintillaEdit.pro",
+ "VERSION =",
+ "VERSION = " + versionDotted)
+ UpdateLineInFile(root + "scintilla/doc/ScintillaDownload.html", " Release",
+ " Release " + versionDotted)
+ UpdateLineInFile(root + "scintilla/doc/index.html",
+ ' <font color="#FFCC99" size="3"> Release version',
+ ' <font color="#FFCC99" size="3"> Release version ' + versionDotted + '<br />')
+ if os.path.exists(root + "scite"):
+ UpdateLineInFile(root + "scite/src/SciTE.h", "#define VERSION_SCITE",
+ "#define VERSION_SCITE \"" + versionDotted + "\"")
+ UpdateLineInFile(root + "scite/src/SciTE.h", "#define VERSION_WORDS",
+ "#define VERSION_WORDS " + versionCommad)
+ UpdateLineInFile(root + "scite/doc/SciTEDownload.html", " Release",
+ " Release " + versionDotted)
+ UpdateLineInFile(root + "scite/doc/SciTE.html",
+ ' <font color="#FFCC99" size="3"> Release version',
+ ' <font color="#FFCC99" size="3"> Release version ' + versionDotted + '<br />')
def RegenerateAll():
# Find all the lexer source code files
- lexFilePaths = glob.glob(root + "scintilla/src/Lex*.cxx")
+ lexFilePaths = glob.glob(root + "scintilla/lexers/Lex*.cxx")
lexFiles = [os.path.basename(f)[:-4] for f in lexFilePaths]
for k in documents.keys():
propertyDocuments[k] = documents[k]
- del lexerProperties["fold.comment.python"]
lexerProperties = list(lexerProperties.keys())
propertiesHTML = []
for k in documentProperties:
- propertiesHTML.append("\t<tr>\n\t<td>%s</td>\n\t<td>%s</td>\n\t</tr>" %
- (k, propertyDocuments[k]))
+ propertiesHTML.append("\t<tr id='property-%s'>\n\t<td>%s</td>\n\t<td>%s</td>\n\t</tr>" %
+ (k, k, propertyDocuments[k]))
# Find all the SciTE properties files
otherProps = ["abbrev.properties", "Embedded.properties", "SciTEGlobal.properties", "SciTE.properties"]
if os.path.exists(root + "scite"):
- Regenerate(root + "scintilla/src/KeyWords.cxx", "//", NATIVE, lexerModules)
- Regenerate(root + "scintilla/win32/makefile", "#", NATIVE, lexFiles)
+ Regenerate(root + "scintilla/src/Catalogue.cxx", "//", NATIVE, lexerModules)
Regenerate(root + "scintilla/win32/scintilla.mak", "#", NATIVE, lexFiles)
Regenerate(root + "scintilla/win32/scintilla_vc6.mak", "#", NATIVE, lexFiles)
- # Use Unix EOLs for gtk Makefiles so they work for Linux users when
- # extracted from the Scintilla source ZIP (typically created on
- # Windows).
- Regenerate(root + "scintilla/gtk/makefile", "#", LF, lexFiles)
- Regenerate(root + "scintilla/gtk/scintilla.mak", "#", NATIVE, lexFiles)
- Regenerate(root + "scintilla/macosx/makefile", "#", LF, lexFiles)
if os.path.exists(root + "scite"):
- Regenerate(root + "scite/win32/makefile", "#", NATIVE, lexFiles, propFiles)
- Regenerate(root + "scite/win32/scite.mak", "#", NATIVE, lexFiles, propFiles)
+ Regenerate(root + "scite/win32/makefile", "#", NATIVE, propFiles)
+ Regenerate(root + "scite/win32/scite.mak", "#", NATIVE, propFiles)
Regenerate(root + "scite/src/SciTEProps.cxx", "//", NATIVE, lexerProperties)
Regenerate(root + "scite/doc/SciTEDoc.html", "<!--", NATIVE, propertiesHTML)
Generate(root + "scite/boundscheck/vcproj.gen",
root + "scite/boundscheck/SciTE.vcproj", "#", NATIVE, lexFiles)
+ UpdateVersionNumbers(root)