// If running on a Pen Windows system, register this app so all
// EDIT controls in dialogs are replaced by HEDIT controls.
- if ((g_hPenWin = (HANDLE)GetSystemMetrics (SM_PENWINDOWS)) != (HANDLE) NULL)
+ if ((g_hPenWin = (HANDLE)::GetSystemMetrics (SM_PENWINDOWS)) != (HANDLE) NULL)
// We do this fancy GetProcAddress simply because we don't
// know if we're running Pen Windows.
// (Notice the CONTROL statement in the RC file is "EDIT",
// RegisterPenApp will automatically change that control to
// an HEDIT.
- if ((g_hPenWin = (HANDLE)GetSystemMetrics(SM_PENWINDOWS)) != (HANDLE)NULL) {
+ if ((g_hPenWin = (HANDLE)::GetSystemMetrics(SM_PENWINDOWS)) != (HANDLE)NULL) {
// We do this fancy GetProcAddress simply because we don't
// know if we're running Pen Windows.
if ( (RegPenApp = (void (CALLBACK *)(WORD, BOOL))GetProcAddress(g_hPenWin, "RegisterPenApp"))!= NULL)