####################################################################### # $Header$ # Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG) # # Windows NT/95 Makefile for version 1.1 # Kevin Butler & Dave Beazley # March 12, 1997 # # This file contains default values and various parameters for # building SWIG with MS Visual C++. # ####################################################################### # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set your compiler location here # MS Visual C++ defaults to the listed locations # (Set compiler, linker/lib manager, and location of standard includes # --------------------------------------------------------------------- CC = cl.exe LD = lib.exe ##CCHOME = c:\Tools\VisStudio\vc98 ##STD_INC = "$(CCHOME)/include" # # Set the prefix below to indicate where you want SWIG to install its # files. Normally this is c:\swig # # 'prefix' is used as a symbol for SWIG itself. # 'dprefix' is the DOS prefix with the backwards slash. ##prefix = c:/tools/swig1.1-883 ##dprefix = c:\tools\swig1.1-883 # Location and filename of the SWIG executable. Feel free to put this # wherever you'd like in your PATH, or leave it in c:\swig\swig.exe ##dSWIG_EXE = $(dprefix)\swig.exe # Location of the SWIG library. Is normally placed in c:\swig\swig_lib # on NT/Win95. The SWIG library contains configuration files and library modules # so you should install it someplace where it can be easily accessed. ##SWIG_LIB = $(prefix)/swig_lib ##dSWIG_LIB = $(dprefix)\swig_lib # # SWIG_OPTS controls swig defaults. # You may want to change SWIG_LANG or SWIG_DOC. # # SWIG_LANG may be one of : TCL,TCL8,PERL5,PERL4,PYTHON, or GUILE # SWIG_DOC may be one of : ASCII, LATEX, HTML, NONE # SWIG_OPTS = -DSWIG_LANG=PYTHON -DSWIG_DOC=ASCII MAKE = nmake /f makefile.vc ## -DSWIG_LIB="\"$(SWIG_LIB)\"" DEBUG = -Zi CFLAGS = $(DEBUG) -nologo -DSWIG_CC="\"$(CC)\"" -DMSDOS -DSTDC_HEADERS=1 -DHAVE_LIBDL=1 $(SWIG_OPTS) INCFLAGS= -I$(rootdir)/Include -I$(rootdir)/SWIG -I$(rootdir)/Modules LD_FLAGS= -VERBOSE