Installing wxPython 2.5 from Source =================================== This document will describe the few differences and additions to the content in BUILD.txt for installing wxPython built from source. Please follow the intstructions both in this file and in BUILD.txt to perform this task. Where there is overlap the items described here will take precedence. Installing on Unix-like Systems (not OS X) ------------------------------------------ 1. When building wxWindows you need to decide if you want it to be a private copy only accessed by wxPython, or if you would like it to be installed in a stanard location such as /usr. Or perhaps you already have a version of wxWindows installed on your system (such as from an RPM) and you want wxPython to use that version too. If so then you'll want to ensure that the flags and options used to build the installed version are compatible with wxPython. 2. If you do decide to build and install your own wxWindows then there are a few tweaks to the configure flags described in BUILD.txt that you will probably want to make. Instead of --enable-debug use this configure flag:: --enable-optimize \ Normally I also use the following flag in order to have wxWindows runtime assertions turned into Python exceptions where possible. It does add extra code to the build but probably not enough to worry about it. However if you want to get as lean a build as possible you can leave it out, but if your code does something bad then instead of exceptions you'll likely get a crash. --enable-debug_flag \ If you are building a private copy of wxWindows (IOW, not installed in a standard library location) the it can be kind of a hassle to always have to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable so wxPython can find the wxWindows shared libraries. You can hard code the library path into the binaries by using the rpath option when configuring wxWindows. For example:: --enable-rpath=/opt/wx/2.5/lib \ SOLARIS NOTE: The --enable-rpath option may cause problems when using wxGTK on Solaris when compiling wxPython as described below. The woraround is to not use --enable-rpath flag for configure, but in that case all wxPython applications must have the LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to include $WXPREF/lib, or you can use the 'crle' program to modify the runtime linking environment. If this is the only installation of wxGTK on the system then you can use a system library path for prefix and not have to worry about it at all. 3. Build and install wxGTK as described in BUILD.txt. 4. In addition to building wxPython as described in BUILD.txt, you can install it to Python's site-packages dir, as well as some scrpts into the same bin dir used by Python by using this command:: python2.3 install If you would like to install to some place besides the prefix where Python is installed, (such as to your home directory) then you can add "--root=" after the "install" command. This will use as the prefix and will install scripts to a bin subdir and the wxPython packages to a lib subdir. To use wxPython like this you'll need to ensure that the directory containing wxPython is contained in the PYTHONPATH environment variable. Installing on OS X ------------------ Installing wxPython on OS X is nearly the same as the Unix instructions above, except for a few small, but important details: 1. The --enable-rpath configure option is not supported. (At least it didn't the last time I checked...) If there is a way to do something similar please let me know. 2. If you don't install wxWindows to a standard location you will need to use the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable instead of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH described above. 3. Depending on the version of OS X Python may be installed in differnet locations. On 10.2 (Jaguar) you need to download and install MacPython-OSX-2.3 from and the Python Framework will then be installed in /Library/Frameworks. On 10.3 (Panther) Apple supplies the Python Framework as part of the OS install, but it will located in /System/Library/Frameworks instead. To complicate things further, the Jaguar version, or a custom build you do yourself will end up in /Library/Frameworks even on Panther... 4. You need to use pythonw at the command line or PythonLauncher app to run wxPython apps. Installing on Windows --------------------- 1. Build wxWindows and wxPython as described in BUILD.txt. If you would rather have a version without the code that turns runtime assertions into Python exceptions, then use "release" instead of "hybrid" when building wxWindows and add "FINAL=1" to the command line. 2. Install wxPython like this:: python install 3. Copy the wxWindows DLLs to the wx package directory so they can be found at runtime by the extension modules without requiring that they be installed on the PATH:: copy %WXWIN%\BIN\wx*h_*.dll c:\Python23\Lib\site-pacakges\wx