#============================================================================== # Makefile for UnZip, UnZipSFX and fUnZip: Unix and MS-DOS ("real" makes only) # Version: 5.4 19 November 1998 #============================================================================== # INSTRUCTIONS (such as they are): # # "make sunos" -- makes UnZip in current directory on a generic SunOS 4.x Sun # "make list" -- lists all supported systems (targets) # "make help" -- provides pointers on what targets to try if problems occur # "make wombat" -- chokes and dies if you haven't added the specifics for your # Wombat 68000 (or whatever) to the systems list # # CF are flags for the C compiler. LF are flags for the loader. LF2 are more # flags for the loader, if they need to be at the end of the line instead of at # the beginning (for example, some libraries). FL and FL2 are the corre- # sponding flags for fUnZip. LOCAL_UNZIP is an environment variable that can # be used to add default C flags to your compile without editing the Makefile # (e.g., -DDEBUG_STRUC, or -FPi87 on PCs using Microsoft C). # # Some versions of make do not define the macro "$(MAKE)"; this is rare, but # if things don't work, try using "make" instead of "$(MAKE)" in your system's # makerule. Or try adding the following line to your .login file: # setenv MAKE "make" # (That never works--makes that are too stupid to define MAKE are also too # stupid to look in the environment--but try it anyway for kicks. :-) ) # # Memcpy and memset are provided for those systems that don't have them; they # are in fileio.c and will be used if -DZMEM is included in CF. These days # almost all systems have them. # # Be sure to test your new UnZip (and UnZipSFX and fUnZip); successful compila- # tion does not always imply a working program. ##################### # MACRO DEFINITIONS # ##################### # Defaults most systems use (use LOCAL_UNZIP in environment to add flags, # such as -DDOSWILD). # UnZip flags CC = cc# try using "gcc" target rather than changing this (CC and LD LD = $(CC)# must match, else "unresolved symbol: ___main" is possible) AS = as LOC = $(LOCAL_UNZIP) AF = $(LOC) CF = -O -I. -I.. -I../inczip $(LOC) LF = -o packinst LF2 = -s # general-purpose stuff #CP = cp CP = ln LN = ln RM = rm -f CHMOD = chmod BINPERMS = 755 MANPERMS = 644 STRIP = strip E = O = .o M = unix SHELL = /bin/sh # defaults for crc32 stuff and system dependent headers CRC32 = crc32 # object files OBJS1 = unzip$O $(CRC32)$O crctab$O crypt$O envargs$O explode$O OBJS2 = extract$O fileio$O globals$O inflate$O list$O match$O OBJS3 = process$O ttyio$O unreduce$O unshrink$O zipinfo$O OBJS = $(OBJS1) $(OBJS2) $(OBJS3) $M$O packinst$O #OBJS = $(OBJS1) $(OBJS2) $(OBJS3) $M$O install$O wxmain$O instsup$O UNZIP_H = ../inczip/unzip.h ../inczip/unzpriv.h ../inczip/globals.h # installation # (probably can change next two to `install' and `install -d' if you have it) INSTALL = cp INSTALL_D = mkdir -p ############################################### # BASIC COMPILE INSTRUCTIONS AND DEPENDENCIES # ############################################### # this is for GNU make; comment out and notify zip-bugs if it causes errors .SUFFIXES: .c .o .obj .pic.o # yes, we should be able to use the $O macro to combine these two, but it # fails on some brain-damaged makes (e.g., AIX's)...no big deal .c.o: $(CC) -c $(CF) $*.c .c.obj: $(CC) -c $(CF) $*.c .c.pic.o: $(CC) -c $(CF) -o $@ $*.c all: sfx # EDIT HERE FOR PARALLEL MAKES on Sequent (and others?)--screws up MS-DOS # make utilities if default: change "unzip$E:" to "unzip$E:&" sfx$E: $(OBJS) # add `&' for parallel makes $(LD) $(LF) $(OBJS) crc32$O: crc32.c $(UNZIP_H) ../inczip/zip.h crctab$O: crctab.c $(UNZIP_H) ../inczip/zip.h crypt$O: crypt.c $(UNZIP_H) ../inczip/zip.h ../inczip/crypt.h ../inczip/ttyio.h envargs$O: envargs.c $(UNZIP_H) explode$O: explode.c $(UNZIP_H) extract$O: extract.c $(UNZIP_H) ../inczip/crypt.h fileio$O: fileio.c $(UNZIP_H) ../inczip/crypt.h ../inczip/ttyio.h ../inczip/ebcdic.h funzip$O: funzip.c $(UNZIP_H) ../inczip/crypt.h ../inczip/ttyio.h ../inczip/tables.h globals$O: globals.c $(UNZIP_H) inflate$O: inflate.c ../inczip/inflate.h $(UNZIP_H) list$O: list.c $(UNZIP_H) match$O: match.c $(UNZIP_H) process$O: process.c $(UNZIP_H) ttyio$O: ttyio.c $(UNZIP_H) ../inczip/zip.h ../inczip/crypt.h ../inczip/ttyio.h unreduce$O: unreduce.c $(UNZIP_H) unshrink$O: unshrink.c $(UNZIP_H) unzip$O: unzip.c $(UNZIP_H) ../inczip/crypt.h ../inczip/version.h ../inczip/consts.h zipinfo$O: zipinfo.c $(UNZIP_H) unix$O: unix.c $(UNZIP_H) ../inczip/version.h # Unix only $(CC) -c $(CF) unix.c packinst$O: ../packinst/packinst.c $(CC) -c $(CF) ../packinst/packinst.c #install$O: ../install.c # $(CC) -c $(CF) ../install.c # #unix$O: ../wxmain.cpp # $(CC) -c $(CF) ../wxmain.cpp # #unix$O: ../instsup.cpp # $(CC) -c $(CF) ../instsup.cpp