# this is the makefile for generating wxstd.po message catalog file and # building lang.mo files from the translated lang.po catalogs # this makefile may be invoked to build either wxstd.po or any lang.mo # the programs we use (TODO: use configure to detect them) MSGFMT=msgfmt MSGMERGE=msgmerge XGETTEXT=xgettext XARGS=xargs # common xgettext args: C++ syntax, use the specified macro names as markers XGETTEXT_ARGS=-C -k_ -kwxTRANSLATE -s # implicit rules %.mo: %.po $(MSGFMT) -o $@ $< # a PO file must be updated from wxstd.po to include new translations %.po: wxstd.po if [ -f $@ ]; then $(MSGMERGE) $@ wxstd.po > $@.new && mv $@.new $@; else cp wxstd.po $@; fi wxstd.po: find ../include -name "*.h" | $(XARGS) $(XGETTEXT) $(XGETTEXT_ARGS) -o wxstd.po find ../src -name "*.cpp" | $(XARGS) $(XGETTEXT) $(XGETTEXT_ARGS) -o wxstd.po # targets depending on this one will be always remade FORCE: # $Id$