///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: frames.i // Purpose: SWIG definitions of various window classes // // Author: Robin Dunn // // Created: 8/27/98 // RCS-ID: $Id$ // Copyright: (c) 1998 by Total Control Software // Licence: wxWindows license ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// %module frames %{ #include "helpers.h" #include %} //---------------------------------------------------------------------- %include typemaps.i %include my_typemaps.i // Import some definitions of other classes, etc. %import _defs.i %import misc.i %import gdi.i %import windows.i %import stattool.i %pragma(python) code = "import wx" //---------------------------------------------------------------------- enum { wxFULLSCREEN_NOMENUBAR, wxFULLSCREEN_NOTOOLBAR, wxFULLSCREEN_NOSTATUSBAR, wxFULLSCREEN_NOBORDER, wxFULLSCREEN_NOCAPTION, wxFULLSCREEN_ALL }; class wxFrame : public wxWindow { public: wxFrame(wxWindow* parent, const wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos = wxPyDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxPyDefaultSize, long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, char* name = "frame"); %pragma(python) addtomethod = "__init__:#wx._StdFrameCallbacks(self)" void Centre(int direction = wxBOTH); wxStatusBar* CreateStatusBar(int number = 1, long style = wxST_SIZEGRIP, wxWindowID id = -1, char* name = "statusBar"); wxToolBar* CreateToolBar(long style = wxNO_BORDER|wxTB_HORIZONTAL|wxTB_FLAT, wxWindowID id = -1, char* name = "toolBar"); const wxIcon& GetIcon(); wxMenuBar* GetMenuBar(); wxStatusBar* GetStatusBar(); wxString GetTitle(); wxToolBar* GetToolBar(); void Iconize(bool iconize); bool IsIconized(); void Maximize(bool maximize); bool IsMaximized(); void Restore(); void SetAcceleratorTable(const wxAcceleratorTable& accel); void SetIcon(const wxIcon& icon); void SetMenuBar(wxMenuBar* menuBar); void SetStatusBar(wxStatusBar *statusBar); void SetStatusText(const wxString& text, int number = 0); void SetStatusWidths(int LCOUNT, int* choices); // uses typemap void SetTitle(const wxString& title); void SetToolBar(wxToolBar* toolbar); void MakeModal(bool modal = TRUE); wxPoint GetClientAreaOrigin() const; bool Command(int id); bool ProcessCommand(int id); #ifdef __WXMSW__ bool ShowFullScreen(bool show, long style = wxFULLSCREEN_ALL); #endif }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxMiniFrame : public wxFrame { public: wxMiniFrame(wxWindow* parent, const wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos = wxPyDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxPyDefaultSize, long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, char* name = "frame"); %pragma(python) addtomethod = "__init__:#wx._StdFrameCallbacks(self)" }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------