///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: misc2.i // Purpose: Definitions of miscelaneous functions and classes that need // to know about wxWindow. (So they can't be in misc.i or an // import loop will happen.) // // Author: Robin Dunn // // Created: 18-June-1999 // RCS-ID: $Id$ // Copyright: (c) 1998 by Total Control Software // Licence: wxWindows license ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// %module misc2 %{ #include "helpers.h" #include "pyistream.h" #include #include #include #include #if wxUSE_JOYSTICK || defined(__WXMSW__) #include #endif #if wxUSE_WAVE || defined(__WXMSW__) #include #endif #include #include #include #include %} //---------------------------------------------------------------------- %include typemaps.i %include my_typemaps.i // Import some definitions of other classes, etc. %import _defs.i %import windows.i %import misc.i %import gdi.i %import events.i %import streams.i %import utils.i //---------------------------------------------------------------------- %{ // Put some wx default wxChar* values into wxStrings. DECLARE_DEF_STRING(FileSelectorPromptStr); DECLARE_DEF_STRING(FileSelectorDefaultWildcardStr); DECLARE_DEF_STRING(DirSelectorPromptStr); static const wxString wxPyEmptyString(wxT("")); %} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Dialog Functions wxString wxFileSelector(const wxString& message = wxPyFileSelectorPromptStr, const wxString& default_path = wxPyEmptyString, const wxString& default_filename = wxPyEmptyString, const wxString& default_extension = wxPyEmptyString, const wxString& wildcard = wxPyFileSelectorDefaultWildcardStr, int flags = 0, wxWindow *parent = NULL, int x = -1, int y = -1); // TODO: wxFileSelectorEx // Ask for filename to load wxString wxLoadFileSelector(const wxString& what, const wxString& extension, const wxString& default_name = wxPyEmptyString, wxWindow *parent = NULL); // Ask for filename to save wxString wxSaveFileSelector(const wxString& what, const wxString& extension, const wxString& default_name = wxPyEmptyString, wxWindow *parent = NULL); wxString wxDirSelector(const wxString& message = wxPyDirSelectorPromptStr, const wxString& defaultPath = wxPyEmptyString, long style = wxDD_DEFAULT_STYLE, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, wxWindow *parent = NULL); wxString wxGetTextFromUser(const wxString& message, const wxString& caption = wxPyEmptyString, const wxString& default_value = wxPyEmptyString, wxWindow *parent = NULL, int x = -1, int y = -1, bool centre = TRUE); wxString wxGetPasswordFromUser(const wxString& message, const wxString& caption = wxPyEmptyString, const wxString& default_value = wxPyEmptyString, wxWindow *parent = NULL); // TODO: Need to custom wrap this one... // int wxGetMultipleChoice(char* message, char* caption, // int LCOUNT, char** choices, // int nsel, int *selection, // wxWindow *parent = NULL, int x = -1, int y = -1, // bool centre = TRUE, int width=150, int height=200); wxString wxGetSingleChoice(const wxString& message, const wxString& caption, int LCOUNT, wxString* choices, wxWindow *parent = NULL, int x = -1, int y = -1, bool centre = TRUE, int width=150, int height=200); int wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(const wxString& message, const wxString& caption, int LCOUNT, wxString* choices, wxWindow *parent = NULL, int x = -1, int y = -1, bool centre = TRUE, int width=150, int height=200); int wxMessageBox(const wxString& message, const wxString& caption = wxPyEmptyString, int style = wxOK | wxCENTRE, wxWindow *parent = NULL, int x = -1, int y = -1); long wxGetNumberFromUser(const wxString& message, const wxString& prompt, const wxString& caption, long value, long min = 0, long max = 100, wxWindow *parent = NULL, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GDI Functions bool wxColourDisplay(); int wxDisplayDepth(); int wxGetDisplayDepth(); void wxDisplaySize(int* OUTPUT, int* OUTPUT); wxSize wxGetDisplaySize(); void wxDisplaySizeMM(int* OUTPUT, int* OUTPUT); wxSize wxGetDisplaySizeMM(); void wxClientDisplayRect(int *OUTPUT, int *OUTPUT, int *OUTPUT, int *OUTPUT); wxRect wxGetClientDisplayRect(); void wxSetCursor(wxCursor& cursor); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Miscellaneous functions void wxBeginBusyCursor(wxCursor *cursor = wxHOURGLASS_CURSOR); wxWindow * wxGetActiveWindow(); wxWindow* wxGenericFindWindowAtPoint(const wxPoint& pt); wxWindow* wxFindWindowAtPoint(const wxPoint& pt); #ifdef __WXMSW__ bool wxCheckForInterrupt(wxWindow *wnd); // link error? void wxFlushEvents(); #endif wxWindow* wxGetTopLevelParent(wxWindow *win); //bool wxSpawnBrowser(wxWindow *parent, wxString href); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Resource System #ifdef wxUSE_WX_RESOURCES bool wxResourceAddIdentifier(char* name, int value); void wxResourceClear(void); wxBitmap wxResourceCreateBitmap(char* resource); wxIcon wxResourceCreateIcon(char* resource); wxMenuBar * wxResourceCreateMenuBar(char* resource); int wxResourceGetIdentifier(char* name); bool wxResourceParseData(char* resource, wxResourceTable *table = NULL); bool wxResourceParseFile(char* filename, wxResourceTable *table = NULL); bool wxResourceParseString(char* resource, wxResourceTable *table = NULL); #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // System Settings // possible values for wxSystemSettings::GetFont() parameter // enum wxSystemFont { wxSYS_OEM_FIXED_FONT = 10, wxSYS_ANSI_FIXED_FONT, wxSYS_ANSI_VAR_FONT, wxSYS_SYSTEM_FONT, wxSYS_DEVICE_DEFAULT_FONT, wxSYS_DEFAULT_PALETTE, wxSYS_SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT, wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT }; // possible values for wxSystemSettings::GetColour() parameter // enum wxSystemColour { wxSYS_COLOUR_SCROLLBAR, wxSYS_COLOUR_BACKGROUND, wxSYS_COLOUR_DESKTOP = wxSYS_COLOUR_BACKGROUND, wxSYS_COLOUR_ACTIVECAPTION, wxSYS_COLOUR_INACTIVECAPTION, wxSYS_COLOUR_MENU, wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW, wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOWFRAME, wxSYS_COLOUR_MENUTEXT, wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT, wxSYS_COLOUR_CAPTIONTEXT, wxSYS_COLOUR_ACTIVEBORDER, wxSYS_COLOUR_INACTIVEBORDER, wxSYS_COLOUR_APPWORKSPACE, wxSYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT, wxSYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT, wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE, wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE = wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE, wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW, wxSYS_COLOUR_3DSHADOW = wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW, wxSYS_COLOUR_GRAYTEXT, wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNTEXT, wxSYS_COLOUR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT, wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNHIGHLIGHT, wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNHILIGHT = wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNHIGHLIGHT, wxSYS_COLOUR_3DHIGHLIGHT = wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNHIGHLIGHT, wxSYS_COLOUR_3DHILIGHT = wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNHIGHLIGHT, wxSYS_COLOUR_3DDKSHADOW, wxSYS_COLOUR_3DLIGHT, wxSYS_COLOUR_INFOTEXT, wxSYS_COLOUR_INFOBK, wxSYS_COLOUR_LISTBOX, wxSYS_COLOUR_HOTLIGHT, wxSYS_COLOUR_GRADIENTACTIVECAPTION, wxSYS_COLOUR_GRADIENTINACTIVECAPTION, wxSYS_COLOUR_MENUHILIGHT, wxSYS_COLOUR_MENUBAR, wxSYS_COLOUR_MAX }; // possible values for wxSystemSettings::GetMetric() parameter // enum wxSystemMetric { wxSYS_MOUSE_BUTTONS = 1, wxSYS_BORDER_X, wxSYS_BORDER_Y, wxSYS_CURSOR_X, wxSYS_CURSOR_Y, wxSYS_DCLICK_X, wxSYS_DCLICK_Y, wxSYS_DRAG_X, wxSYS_DRAG_Y, wxSYS_EDGE_X, wxSYS_EDGE_Y, wxSYS_HSCROLL_ARROW_X, wxSYS_HSCROLL_ARROW_Y, wxSYS_HTHUMB_X, wxSYS_ICON_X, wxSYS_ICON_Y, wxSYS_ICONSPACING_X, wxSYS_ICONSPACING_Y, wxSYS_WINDOWMIN_X, wxSYS_WINDOWMIN_Y, wxSYS_SCREEN_X, wxSYS_SCREEN_Y, wxSYS_FRAMESIZE_X, wxSYS_FRAMESIZE_Y, wxSYS_SMALLICON_X, wxSYS_SMALLICON_Y, wxSYS_HSCROLL_Y, wxSYS_VSCROLL_X, wxSYS_VSCROLL_ARROW_X, wxSYS_VSCROLL_ARROW_Y, wxSYS_VTHUMB_Y, wxSYS_CAPTION_Y, wxSYS_MENU_Y, wxSYS_NETWORK_PRESENT, wxSYS_PENWINDOWS_PRESENT, wxSYS_SHOW_SOUNDS, wxSYS_SWAP_BUTTONS }; // possible values for wxSystemSettings::HasFeature() parameter enum wxSystemFeature { wxSYS_CAN_DRAW_FRAME_DECORATIONS = 1, wxSYS_CAN_ICONIZE_FRAME }; enum wxSystemScreenType { wxSYS_SCREEN_NONE = 0, // not yet defined wxSYS_SCREEN_TINY, // < wxSYS_SCREEN_PDA, // >= 320x240 wxSYS_SCREEN_SMALL, // >= 640x480 wxSYS_SCREEN_DESKTOP // >= 800x600 }; class wxSystemSettings { public: // get a standard system colour static wxColour GetColour(wxSystemColour index); // get a standard system font static wxFont GetFont(wxSystemFont index); // get a system-dependent metric static int GetMetric(wxSystemMetric index); // return true if the port has certain feature static bool HasFeature(wxSystemFeature index); // Get system screen design (desktop, pda, ..) used for // laying out various dialogs. static wxSystemScreenType GetScreenType(); // Override default. static void SetScreenType( wxSystemScreenType screen ); }; class wxSystemOptions : public wxObject { public: wxSystemOptions() { } // User-customizable hints to wxWindows or associated libraries // These could also be used to influence GetSystem... calls, indeed // to implement SetSystemColour/Font/Metric static void SetOption(const wxString& name, const wxString& value); %name(SetOptionInt)static void SetOption(const wxString& name, int value); static wxString GetOption(const wxString& name) ; static int GetOptionInt(const wxString& name) ; static bool HasOption(const wxString& name) ; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxToolTip class wxToolTip : public wxObject { public: wxToolTip(const wxString &tip); void SetTip(const wxString& tip); wxString GetTip(); // *** Not in the "public" interface void SetWindow(wxWindow *win); wxWindow *GetWindow(); static void Enable(bool flag); static void SetDelay(long milliseconds); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxCaret { public: wxCaret(wxWindow* window, const wxSize& size); ~wxCaret(); bool IsOk(); bool IsVisible(); %name(GetPositionTuple)void GetPosition(int *OUTPUT, int *OUTPUT); wxPoint GetPosition(); %name(GetSizeTuple)void GetSize(int *OUTPUT, int *OUTPUT); wxSize GetSize(); wxWindow *GetWindow(); %name(MoveXY)void Move(int x, int y); void Move(const wxPoint& pt); %name(SetSizeWH) void SetSize(int width, int height); void SetSize(const wxSize& size); void Show(int show = TRUE); void Hide(); %pragma(python) addtoclass = "def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsOk()" }; %inline %{ int wxCaret_GetBlinkTime() { return wxCaret::GetBlinkTime(); } void wxCaret_SetBlinkTime(int milliseconds) { wxCaret::SetBlinkTime(milliseconds); } %} //---------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxBusyCursor { public: wxBusyCursor(wxCursor* cursor = wxHOURGLASS_CURSOR); ~wxBusyCursor(); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxWindowDisabler { public: wxWindowDisabler(wxWindow *winToSkip = NULL); ~wxWindowDisabler(); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxSafeYield(wxWindow* win=NULL, bool onlyIfNeeded=FALSE); void wxPostEvent(wxEvtHandler *dest, wxEvent& event); void wxWakeUpIdle(); #ifdef __WXMSW__ void wxWakeUpMainThread(); #endif void wxMutexGuiEnter(); void wxMutexGuiLeave(); class wxMutexGuiLocker { public: wxMutexGuiLocker(); ~wxMutexGuiLocker(); }; %inline %{ bool wxThread_IsMain() { #ifdef WXP_WITH_THREAD return wxThread::IsMain(); #else return TRUE; #endif } %} //---------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxTipProvider { public: // wxTipProvider(size_t currentTip); **** Abstract base class ~wxTipProvider(); virtual wxString GetTip() = 0; size_t GetCurrentTip(); virtual wxString PreprocessTip(const wxString& tip); }; // The C++ version of wxPyTipProvider %{ class wxPyTipProvider : public wxTipProvider { public: wxPyTipProvider(size_t currentTip) : wxTipProvider(currentTip) {} DEC_PYCALLBACK_STRING__pure(GetTip); DEC_PYCALLBACK_STRING_STRING(PreprocessTip); PYPRIVATE; }; IMP_PYCALLBACK_STRING__pure( wxPyTipProvider, wxTipProvider, GetTip); IMP_PYCALLBACK_STRING_STRING(wxPyTipProvider, wxTipProvider, PreprocessTip); %} // Now let SWIG know about it class wxPyTipProvider : public wxTipProvider { public: wxPyTipProvider(size_t currentTip); void _setCallbackInfo(PyObject* self, PyObject* _class); %pragma(python) addtomethod = "__init__:self._setCallbackInfo(self, wxPyTipProvider)" }; bool wxShowTip(wxWindow *parent, wxTipProvider *tipProvider, bool showAtStartup = TRUE); %new wxTipProvider * wxCreateFileTipProvider(const wxString& filename, size_t currentTip); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- %{ #include %} %name (wxDragImage) class wxGenericDragImage : public wxObject { public: wxGenericDragImage(const wxBitmap& image, const wxCursor& cursor = wxNullCursor); %name(wxDragIcon)wxGenericDragImage(const wxIcon& image, const wxCursor& cursor = wxNullCursor); %name(wxDragString)wxGenericDragImage(const wxString& str, const wxCursor& cursor = wxNullCursor); %name(wxDragTreeItem)wxGenericDragImage(const wxTreeCtrl& treeCtrl, wxTreeItemId& id); %name(wxDragListItem)wxGenericDragImage(const wxListCtrl& listCtrl, long id); ~wxGenericDragImage(); void SetBackingBitmap(wxBitmap* bitmap); bool BeginDrag(const wxPoint& hotspot, wxWindow* window, bool fullScreen = FALSE, wxRect* rect = NULL); %name(BeginDragBounded) bool BeginDrag(const wxPoint& hotspot, wxWindow* window, wxWindow* boundingWindow); %pragma(python) addtoclass = "BeginDrag2 = BeginDragBounded" bool EndDrag(); bool Move(const wxPoint& pt); bool Show(); bool Hide(); wxRect GetImageRect(const wxPoint& pos) const; bool RedrawImage(const wxPoint& oldPos, const wxPoint& newPos, bool eraseOld, bool drawNew); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxPyTimer : public wxObject { public: wxPyTimer(PyObject* notify); ~wxPyTimer(); int GetInterval(); bool IsOneShot(); bool IsRunning(); void SetOwner(wxEvtHandler *owner, int id = -1); bool Start(int milliseconds=-1, int oneShot=FALSE); void Stop(); }; class wxStopWatch { public: // ctor starts the stop watch wxStopWatch(); ~wxStopWatch(); void Start(long t = 0); void Pause(); void Resume(); // get elapsed time since the last Start() or Pause() in milliseconds long Time() const; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- enum { wxLOG_FatalError, // program can't continue, abort immediately wxLOG_Error, // a serious error, user must be informed about it wxLOG_Warning, // user is normally informed about it but may be ignored wxLOG_Message, // normal message (i.e. normal output of a non GUI app) wxLOG_Info, // informational message (a.k.a. 'Verbose') wxLOG_Status, // informational: might go to the status line of GUI app wxLOG_Debug, // never shown to the user, disabled in release mode wxLOG_Trace, // trace messages are also only enabled in debug mode wxLOG_Progress, // used for progress indicator (not yet) wxLOG_User = 100 // user defined levels start here }; #define wxTRACE_MemAlloc "memalloc" // trace memory allocation (new/delete) #define wxTRACE_Messages "messages" // trace window messages/X callbacks #define wxTRACE_ResAlloc "resalloc" // trace GDI resource allocation #define wxTRACE_RefCount "refcount" // trace various ref counting operations #ifdef __WXMSW__ #define wxTRACE_OleCalls "ole" // OLE interface calls #endif enum { wxTraceMemAlloc, wxTraceMessages, wxTraceResAlloc, wxTraceRefCount, #ifdef __WXMSW__ wxTraceOleCalls, #endif }; class wxLog { public: wxLog(); static bool IsEnabled(); static bool EnableLogging(bool doIt = TRUE); static void OnLog(unsigned long level, const wxString& szString, int t=0); virtual void Flush(); static void FlushActive(); static wxLog *GetActiveTarget(); static wxLog *SetActiveTarget(wxLog *pLogger); static void Suspend(); static void Resume(); static void SetVerbose(bool bVerbose = TRUE); static void DontCreateOnDemand(); static void SetTraceMask(long ulMask); static void AddTraceMask(const wxString& str); static void RemoveTraceMask(const wxString& str); static void ClearTraceMasks(); static const wxArrayString &GetTraceMasks(); static void SetTimestamp(const wxString& ts); static const wxString& GetTimestamp(); bool GetVerbose() const; static unsigned long GetTraceMask(); static bool IsAllowedTraceMask(const wxString& mask); static void SetLogLevel(unsigned long logLevel); static unsigned long GetLogLevel(); // static void TimeStamp(wxString *str); %addmethods { wxString TimeStamp() { wxString msg; wxLog::TimeStamp(&msg); return msg; } } }; class wxLogStderr : public wxLog { public: wxLogStderr(/* TODO: FILE *fp = (FILE *) NULL*/); }; class wxLogTextCtrl : public wxLog { public: wxLogTextCtrl(wxTextCtrl *pTextCtrl); }; class wxLogGui : public wxLog { public: wxLogGui(); }; class wxLogWindow : public wxLog { public: wxLogWindow(wxFrame *pParent, // the parent frame (can be NULL) const wxString& szTitle, // the title of the frame bool bShow = TRUE, // show window immediately? bool bPassToOld = TRUE); // pass log messages to the old target? void Show(bool bShow = TRUE); wxFrame *GetFrame() const; wxLog *GetOldLog() const; bool IsPassingMessages() const; void PassMessages(bool bDoPass); }; class wxLogChain : public wxLog { public: wxLogChain(wxLog *logger); void SetLog(wxLog *logger); void PassMessages(bool bDoPass); bool IsPassingMessages(); wxLog *GetOldLog(); }; unsigned long wxSysErrorCode(); const wxString wxSysErrorMsg(unsigned long nErrCode = 0); void wxLogFatalError(const wxString& msg); void wxLogError(const wxString& msg); void wxLogWarning(const wxString& msg); void wxLogMessage(const wxString& msg); void wxLogInfo(const wxString& msg); void wxLogDebug(const wxString& msg); void wxLogVerbose(const wxString& msg); void wxLogStatus(const wxString& msg); %name(wxLogStatusFrame)void wxLogStatus(wxFrame *pFrame, const wxString& msg); void wxLogSysError(const wxString& msg); void wxLogTrace(const wxString& msg); %name(wxLogTraceMask)void wxLogTrace(const wxString& mask, const wxString& msg); void wxLogGeneric(unsigned long level, const wxString& msg); // wxLogFatalError helper: show the (fatal) error to the user in a safe way, // i.e. without using wxMessageBox() for example because it could crash void wxSafeShowMessage(const wxString& title, const wxString& text); // Suspress logging while an instance of this class exists class wxLogNull { public: wxLogNull(); ~wxLogNull(); }; %{ // A wxLog class that can be derived from in wxPython class wxPyLog : public wxLog { public: wxPyLog() : wxLog() {} virtual void DoLog(wxLogLevel level, const wxChar *szString, time_t t) { bool found; wxPyBeginBlockThreads(); if ((found = wxPyCBH_findCallback(m_myInst, "DoLog"))) { PyObject* s = wx2PyString(szString); wxPyCBH_callCallback(m_myInst, Py_BuildValue("(iOi)", level, s, t)); Py_DECREF(s); } wxPyEndBlockThreads(); if (! found) wxLog::DoLog(level, szString, t); } virtual void DoLogString(const wxChar *szString, time_t t) { bool found; wxPyBeginBlockThreads(); if ((found = wxPyCBH_findCallback(m_myInst, "DoLogString"))) { PyObject* s = wx2PyString(szString); wxPyCBH_callCallback(m_myInst, Py_BuildValue("(Oi)", s, t)); Py_DECREF(s); } wxPyEndBlockThreads(); if (! found) wxLog::DoLogString(szString, t); } PYPRIVATE; }; %} // Now tell SWIG about it class wxPyLog : public wxLog { public: wxPyLog(); void _setCallbackInfo(PyObject* self, PyObject* _class); %pragma(python) addtomethod = "__init__:self._setCallbackInfo(self, wxPyLog)" %addmethods { void Destroy() { delete self; } } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- enum wxKillError { wxKILL_OK, // no error wxKILL_BAD_SIGNAL, // no such signal wxKILL_ACCESS_DENIED, // permission denied wxKILL_NO_PROCESS, // no such process wxKILL_ERROR // another, unspecified error }; enum wxSignal { wxSIGNONE = 0, // verify if the process exists under Unix wxSIGHUP, wxSIGINT, wxSIGQUIT, wxSIGILL, wxSIGTRAP, wxSIGABRT, wxSIGIOT = wxSIGABRT, // another name wxSIGEMT, wxSIGFPE, wxSIGKILL, wxSIGBUS, wxSIGSEGV, wxSIGSYS, wxSIGPIPE, wxSIGALRM, wxSIGTERM // further signals are different in meaning between different Unix systems }; enum { /* event type */ wxEVT_END_PROCESS }; class wxProcessEvent : public wxEvent { public: wxProcessEvent(int id = 0, int pid = 0, int exitcode = 0); int GetPid(); int GetExitCode(); int m_pid, m_exitcode; }; %{ // C++ version of wxProcess derived class class wxPyProcess : public wxProcess { public: wxPyProcess(wxEvtHandler *parent = NULL, int id = -1) : wxProcess(parent, id) {} DEC_PYCALLBACK_VOID_INTINT(OnTerminate); PYPRIVATE; }; IMP_PYCALLBACK_VOID_INTINT( wxPyProcess, wxProcess, OnTerminate); %} %name(wxProcess)class wxPyProcess : public wxEvtHandler { public: // kill the process with the given PID static wxKillError Kill(int pid, wxSignal sig = wxSIGTERM); // test if the given process exists static bool Exists(int pid); // this function replaces the standard popen() one: it launches a process // asynchronously and allows the caller to get the streams connected to its // std{in|out|err} // // on error NULL is returned, in any case the process object will be // deleted automatically when the process terminates and should *not* be // deleted by the caller static wxPyProcess *Open(const wxString& cmd, int flags = wxEXEC_ASYNC); wxPyProcess(wxEvtHandler *parent = NULL, int id = -1); %addmethods { void Destroy() { delete self; } } void _setCallbackInfo(PyObject* self, PyObject* _class); %pragma(python) addtomethod = "__init__:self._setCallbackInfo(self, wxProcess)" void base_OnTerminate(int pid, int status); void Redirect(); bool IsRedirected(); void Detach(); wxInputStream *GetInputStream(); wxInputStream *GetErrorStream(); wxOutputStream *GetOutputStream(); void CloseOutput(); // return TRUE if the child process stdout is not closed bool IsInputOpened() const; // return TRUE if any input is available on the child process stdout/err bool IsInputAvailable() const; bool IsErrorAvailable() const; }; enum { // execute the process asynchronously wxEXEC_ASYNC = 0, // execute it synchronously, i.e. wait until it finishes wxEXEC_SYNC = 1, // under Windows, don't hide the child even if it's IO is redirected (this // is done by default) wxEXEC_NOHIDE = 2, // under Unix, if the process is the group leader then killing -pid kills // all children as well as pid wxEXEC_MAKE_GROUP_LEADER = 4 }; long wxExecute(const wxString& command, int flags = wxEXEC_ASYNC, wxPyProcess *process = NULL); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Which joystick? Same as Windows ids so no conversion necessary. enum { wxJOYSTICK1, wxJOYSTICK2 }; // Which button is down? enum { wxJOY_BUTTON_ANY, wxJOY_BUTTON1, wxJOY_BUTTON2, wxJOY_BUTTON3, wxJOY_BUTTON4, }; %{ #if !wxUSE_JOYSTICK && !defined(__WXMSW__) // A C++ stub class for wxJoystick for platforms that don't have it. class wxJoystick : public wxObject { public: wxJoystick(int joystick = wxJOYSTICK1) { wxPyBeginBlockThreads(); PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError, "wxJoystick is not available on this platform."); wxPyEndBlockThreads(); } wxPoint GetPosition() { return wxPoint(-1,-1); } int GetZPosition() { return -1; } int GetButtonState() { return -1; } int GetPOVPosition() { return -1; } int GetPOVCTSPosition() { return -1; } int GetRudderPosition() { return -1; } int GetUPosition() { return -1; } int GetVPosition() { return -1; } int GetMovementThreshold() { return -1; } void SetMovementThreshold(int threshold) {} bool IsOk(void) { return FALSE; } int GetNumberJoysticks() { return -1; } int GetManufacturerId() { return -1; } int GetProductId() { return -1; } wxString GetProductName() { return ""; } int GetXMin() { return -1; } int GetYMin() { return -1; } int GetZMin() { return -1; } int GetXMax() { return -1; } int GetYMax() { return -1; } int GetZMax() { return -1; } int GetNumberButtons() { return -1; } int GetNumberAxes() { return -1; } int GetMaxButtons() { return -1; } int GetMaxAxes() { return -1; } int GetPollingMin() { return -1; } int GetPollingMax() { return -1; } int GetRudderMin() { return -1; } int GetRudderMax() { return -1; } int GetUMin() { return -1; } int GetUMax() { return -1; } int GetVMin() { return -1; } int GetVMax() { return -1; } bool HasRudder() { return FALSE; } bool HasZ() { return FALSE; } bool HasU() { return FALSE; } bool HasV() { return FALSE; } bool HasPOV() { return FALSE; } bool HasPOV4Dir() { return FALSE; } bool HasPOVCTS() { return FALSE; } bool SetCapture(wxWindow* win, int pollingFreq = 0) { return FALSE; } bool ReleaseCapture() { return FALSE; } }; #endif %} class wxJoystick : public wxObject { public: wxJoystick(int joystick = wxJOYSTICK1); ~wxJoystick(); wxPoint GetPosition(); int GetZPosition(); int GetButtonState(); int GetPOVPosition(); int GetPOVCTSPosition(); int GetRudderPosition(); int GetUPosition(); int GetVPosition(); int GetMovementThreshold(); void SetMovementThreshold(int threshold) ; bool IsOk(void); int GetNumberJoysticks(); int GetManufacturerId(); int GetProductId(); wxString GetProductName(); int GetXMin(); int GetYMin(); int GetZMin(); int GetXMax(); int GetYMax(); int GetZMax(); int GetNumberButtons(); int GetNumberAxes(); int GetMaxButtons(); int GetMaxAxes(); int GetPollingMin(); int GetPollingMax(); int GetRudderMin(); int GetRudderMax(); int GetUMin(); int GetUMax(); int GetVMin(); int GetVMax(); bool HasRudder(); bool HasZ(); bool HasU(); bool HasV(); bool HasPOV(); bool HasPOV4Dir(); bool HasPOVCTS(); bool SetCapture(wxWindow* win, int pollingFreq = 0); bool ReleaseCapture(); %pragma(python) addtoclass = "def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsOk()" }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- %{ #if !wxUSE_WAVE // A C++ stub class for wxWave for platforms that don't have it. class wxWave : public wxObject { public: wxWave(const wxString& fileName, bool isResource = FALSE) { wxPyBeginBlockThreads(); PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError, "wxWave is not available on this platform."); wxPyEndBlockThreads(); } wxWave(int size, const wxByte* data) { wxPyBeginBlockThreads(); PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError, "wxWave is not available on this platform."); wxPyEndBlockThreads(); } ~wxWave() {} bool IsOk() const { return FALSE; } bool Play(bool async = TRUE, bool looped = FALSE) const { return FALSE; } }; #endif %} class wxWave : public wxObject { public: wxWave(const wxString& fileName, bool isResource = FALSE); ~wxWave(); bool IsOk() const; bool Play(bool async = TRUE, bool looped = FALSE) const; %pragma(python) addtoclass = "def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsOk()" }; %new wxWave* wxWaveData(const wxString& data); %{ // Implementations of some alternate "constructors" wxWave* wxWaveData(const wxString& data) { return new wxWave(data.Len(), (wxByte*)data.c_str()); } %} //---------------------------------------------------------------------- enum wxMailcapStyle { wxMAILCAP_STANDARD = 1, wxMAILCAP_NETSCAPE = 2, wxMAILCAP_KDE = 4, wxMAILCAP_GNOME = 8, wxMAILCAP_ALL = 15 }; class wxFileTypeInfo { public: // ctors // a normal item wxFileTypeInfo(const wxString& mimeType, const wxString& openCmd, const wxString& printCmd, const wxString& desc); // the array elements correspond to the parameters of the ctor above in // the same order %name(wxFileTypeInfoSequence)wxFileTypeInfo(const wxArrayString& sArray); // invalid item - use this to terminate the array passed to // wxMimeTypesManager::AddFallbacks %name(wxNullFileTypeInfo)wxFileTypeInfo(); // test if this object can be used bool IsValid() const; // setters // set the icon info void SetIcon(const wxString& iconFile, int iconIndex = 0); // set the short desc void SetShortDesc(const wxString& shortDesc); // accessors // get the MIME type const wxString& GetMimeType() const; // get the open command const wxString& GetOpenCommand() const; // get the print command const wxString& GetPrintCommand() const; // get the short description (only used under Win32 so far) const wxString& GetShortDesc() const; // get the long, user visible description const wxString& GetDescription() const; // get the array of all extensions //const wxArrayString& GetExtensions() const; %addmethods { PyObject* GetExtensions() { wxArrayString& arr = (wxArrayString&)self->GetExtensions(); return wxArrayString2PyList_helper(arr); } } int GetExtensionsCount() const; // get the icon info const wxString& GetIconFile() const; int GetIconIndex() const; }; class wxFileType { public: // TODO: Make a wxPyMessageParameters with virtual GetParamValue... // An object of this class must be passed to Get{Open|Print}Command. The // default implementation is trivial and doesn't know anything at all about // parameters, only filename and MIME type are used (so it's probably ok for // Windows where %{param} is not used anyhow) class MessageParameters { public: // ctors MessageParameters(const wxString& filename=wxPyEmptyString, const wxString& mimetype=wxPyEmptyString); // accessors (called by GetOpenCommand) // filename const wxString& GetFileName() const; // mime type const wxString& GetMimeType() const;; // override this function in derived class virtual wxString GetParamValue(const wxString& name) const; // virtual dtor as in any base class virtual ~MessageParameters(); }; // ctor from static data wxFileType(const wxFileTypeInfo& ftInfo); // return the MIME type for this file type %addmethods { PyObject* GetMimeType() { wxString str; if (self->GetMimeType(&str)) { #if wxUSE_UNICODE return PyUnicode_FromWideChar(str.c_str(), str.Len()); #else return PyString_FromStringAndSize(str.c_str(), str.Len()); #endif } else RETURN_NONE(); } PyObject* GetMimeTypes() { wxArrayString arr; if (self->GetMimeTypes(arr)) return wxArrayString2PyList_helper(arr); else RETURN_NONE(); } } // Get all extensions associated with this file type %addmethods { PyObject* GetExtensions() { wxArrayString arr; if (self->GetExtensions(arr)) return wxArrayString2PyList_helper(arr); else RETURN_NONE(); } } %addmethods { // Get the icon corresponding to this file type %new wxIcon* GetIcon() { wxIconLocation loc; if (self->GetIcon(&loc)) return new wxIcon(loc); else return NULL; } // Get the icon corresponding to this file type, the name of the file // where this icon resides, and its index in this file if applicable. PyObject* GetIconInfo() { wxIconLocation loc; if (self->GetIcon(&loc)) { wxString iconFile = loc.GetFileName(); int iconIndex = -1; #ifdef __WXMSW__ iconIndex = loc.GetIndex(); #endif // Make a tuple and put the values in it wxPyBeginBlockThreads(); PyObject* tuple = PyTuple_New(3); PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 0, wxPyConstructObject(new wxIcon(loc), wxT("wxIcon"), TRUE)); #if wxUSE_UNICODE PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 1, PyUnicode_FromWideChar(iconFile.c_str(), iconFile.Len())); #else PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 1, PyString_FromStringAndSize(iconFile.c_str(), iconFile.Len())); #endif PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 2, PyInt_FromLong(iconIndex)); wxPyEndBlockThreads(); return tuple; } else RETURN_NONE(); } } %addmethods { // get a brief file type description ("*.txt" => "text document") PyObject* GetDescription() { wxString str; if (self->GetDescription(&str)) { #if wxUSE_UNICODE return PyUnicode_FromWideChar(str.c_str(), str.Len()); #else return PyString_FromStringAndSize(str.c_str(), str.Len()); #endif } else RETURN_NONE(); } } // get the command to open/execute the file of given type %addmethods { PyObject* GetOpenCommand(const wxString& filename, const wxString& mimetype=wxPyEmptyString) { wxString str; if (self->GetOpenCommand(&str, wxFileType::MessageParameters(filename, mimetype))) { #if wxUSE_UNICODE return PyUnicode_FromWideChar(str.c_str(), str.Len()); #else return PyString_FromStringAndSize(str.c_str(), str.Len()); #endif } else RETURN_NONE(); } } // get the command to print the file of given type %addmethods { PyObject* GetPrintCommand(const wxString& filename, const wxString& mimetype=wxPyEmptyString) { wxString str; if (self->GetPrintCommand(&str, wxFileType::MessageParameters(filename, mimetype))) { #if wxUSE_UNICODE return PyUnicode_FromWideChar(str.c_str(), str.Len()); #else return PyString_FromStringAndSize(str.c_str(), str.Len()); #endif } else RETURN_NONE(); } } // Get all commands defined for this file type %addmethods { PyObject* GetAllCommands(const wxString& filename, const wxString& mimetype=wxPyEmptyString) { wxArrayString verbs; wxArrayString commands; if (self->GetAllCommands(&verbs, &commands, wxFileType::MessageParameters(filename, mimetype))) { wxPyBeginBlockThreads(); PyObject* tuple = PyTuple_New(2); PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 0, wxArrayString2PyList_helper(verbs)); PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 1, wxArrayString2PyList_helper(commands)); wxPyEndBlockThreads(); return tuple; } else RETURN_NONE(); } } // set an arbitrary command, ask confirmation if it already exists and // overwriteprompt is TRUE bool SetCommand(const wxString& cmd, const wxString& verb, bool overwriteprompt = TRUE); bool SetDefaultIcon(const wxString& cmd = wxPyEmptyString, int index = 0); // remove the association for this filetype from the system MIME database: // notice that it will only work if the association is defined in the user // file/registry part, we will never modify the system-wide settings bool Unassociate(); // operations // expand a string in the format of GetOpenCommand (which may contain // '%s' and '%t' format specificators for the file name and mime type // and %{param} constructions). static wxString ExpandCommand(const wxString& command, const MessageParameters& params); // dtor (not virtual, shouldn't be derived from) ~wxFileType(); }; class wxMimeTypesManager { public: // static helper functions // ----------------------- // check if the given MIME type is the same as the other one: the // second argument may contain wildcards ('*'), but not the first. If // the types are equal or if the mimeType matches wildcard the function // returns TRUE, otherwise it returns FALSE static bool IsOfType(const wxString& mimeType, const wxString& wildcard); // ctor wxMimeTypesManager(); // loads data from standard files according to the mailcap styles // specified: this is a bitwise OR of wxMailcapStyle values // // use the extraDir parameter if you want to look for files in another // directory void Initialize(int mailcapStyle = wxMAILCAP_ALL, const wxString& extraDir = wxPyEmptyString); // and this function clears all the data from the manager void ClearData(); // Database lookup: all functions return a pointer to wxFileType object // whose methods may be used to query it for the information you're // interested in. If the return value is !NULL, caller is responsible for // deleting it. // get file type from file extension %new wxFileType *GetFileTypeFromExtension(const wxString& ext); // get file type from MIME type (in format /) %new wxFileType *GetFileTypeFromMimeType(const wxString& mimeType); // other operations: return TRUE if there were no errors or FALSE if there // were some unreckognized entries (the good entries are always read anyhow) // // read in additional file (the standard ones are read automatically) // in mailcap format (see mimetype.cpp for description) // // 'fallback' parameter may be set to TRUE to avoid overriding the // settings from other, previously parsed, files by this one: normally, // the files read most recently would override the older files, but with // fallback == TRUE this won't happen bool ReadMailcap(const wxString& filename, bool fallback = FALSE); // read in additional file in mime.types format bool ReadMimeTypes(const wxString& filename); // enumerate all known MIME types %addmethods { PyObject* EnumAllFileTypes() { wxArrayString arr; self->EnumAllFileTypes(arr); return wxArrayString2PyList_helper(arr); } } // these functions can be used to provide default values for some of the // MIME types inside the program itself (you may also use // ReadMailcap(filenameWithDefaultTypes, TRUE /* use as fallback */) to // achieve the same goal, but this requires having this info in a file). // void AddFallback(const wxFileTypeInfo& ft); // create or remove associations // create a new association using the fields of wxFileTypeInfo (at least // the MIME type and the extension should be set) // if the other fields are empty, the existing values should be left alone %new wxFileType *Associate(const wxFileTypeInfo& ftInfo); // undo Associate() bool Unassociate(wxFileType *ft) ; // dtor (not virtual, shouldn't be derived from) ~wxMimeTypesManager(); }; %readonly %{ #if 0 %} // See also wxPy_ReinitStockObjects in helpers.cpp extern wxMimeTypesManager* wxTheMimeTypesManager; %{ #endif %} %readwrite //---------------------------------------------------------------------- %{ #include DECLARE_DEF_STRING(ART_OTHER); %} %pragma(python) code = " # Art clients wxART_TOOLBAR = 'wxART_TOOLBAR_C' wxART_MENU = 'wxART_MENU_C' wxART_FRAME_ICON = 'wxART_FRAME_ICON_C' wxART_CMN_DIALOG = 'wxART_CMN_DIALOG_C' wxART_HELP_BROWSER = 'wxART_HELP_BROWSER_C' wxART_MESSAGE_BOX = 'wxART_MESSAGE_BOX_C' wxART_OTHER = 'wxART_OTHER_C' # Art IDs wxART_ADD_BOOKMARK = 'wxART_ADD_BOOKMARK' wxART_DEL_BOOKMARK = 'wxART_DEL_BOOKMARK' wxART_HELP_SIDE_PANEL = 'wxART_HELP_SIDE_PANEL' wxART_HELP_SETTINGS = 'wxART_HELP_SETTINGS' wxART_HELP_BOOK = 'wxART_HELP_BOOK' wxART_HELP_FOLDER = 'wxART_HELP_FOLDER' wxART_HELP_PAGE = 'wxART_HELP_PAGE' wxART_GO_BACK = 'wxART_GO_BACK' wxART_GO_FORWARD = 'wxART_GO_FORWARD' wxART_GO_UP = 'wxART_GO_UP' wxART_GO_DOWN = 'wxART_GO_DOWN' wxART_GO_TO_PARENT = 'wxART_GO_TO_PARENT' wxART_GO_HOME = 'wxART_GO_HOME' wxART_FILE_OPEN = 'wxART_FILE_OPEN' wxART_PRINT = 'wxART_PRINT' wxART_HELP = 'wxART_HELP' wxART_TIP = 'wxART_TIP' wxART_REPORT_VIEW = 'wxART_REPORT_VIEW' wxART_LIST_VIEW = 'wxART_LIST_VIEW' wxART_NEW_DIR = 'wxART_NEW_DIR' wxART_FOLDER = 'wxART_FOLDER' wxART_GO_DIR_UP = 'wxART_GO_DIR_UP' wxART_EXECUTABLE_FILE = 'wxART_EXECUTABLE_FILE' wxART_NORMAL_FILE = 'wxART_NORMAL_FILE' wxART_TICK_MARK = 'wxART_TICK_MARK' wxART_CROSS_MARK = 'wxART_CROSS_MARK' wxART_ERROR = 'wxART_ERROR' wxART_QUESTION = 'wxART_QUESTION' wxART_WARNING = 'wxART_WARNING' wxART_INFORMATION = 'wxART_INFORMATION' wxART_MISSING_IMAGE = 'wxART_MISSING_IMAGE' " %{ // Python aware wxArtProvider class wxPyArtProvider : public wxArtProvider { public: virtual wxBitmap CreateBitmap(const wxArtID& id, const wxArtClient& client, const wxSize& size) { wxBitmap rval = wxNullBitmap; wxPyBeginBlockThreads(); if ((wxPyCBH_findCallback(m_myInst, "CreateBitmap"))) { PyObject* so = wxPyConstructObject((void*)&size, wxT("wxSize"), 0); PyObject* ro; wxBitmap* ptr; PyObject* s1, *s2; s1 = wx2PyString(id); s2 = wx2PyString(client); ro = wxPyCBH_callCallbackObj(m_myInst, Py_BuildValue("(OOO)", s1, s2, so)); Py_DECREF(so); Py_DECREF(s1); Py_DECREF(s2); if (ro) { if (!SWIG_GetPtrObj(ro, (void**)&ptr, "_wxBitmap_p")) rval = *ptr; Py_DECREF(ro); } } wxPyEndBlockThreads(); return rval; } PYPRIVATE; }; %} // The one for SWIG to see %name(wxArtProvider) class wxPyArtProvider : public wxObject { public: wxPyArtProvider(); void _setCallbackInfo(PyObject* self, PyObject* _class); %pragma(python) addtomethod = "__init__:self._setCallbackInfo(self, wxArtProvider)" // Add new provider to the top of providers stack. static void PushProvider(wxPyArtProvider *provider); // Remove latest added provider and delete it. static bool PopProvider(); // Remove provider. The provider must have been added previously! // The provider is _not_ deleted. static bool RemoveProvider(wxPyArtProvider *provider); // Query the providers for bitmap with given ID and return it. Return // wxNullBitmap if no provider provides it. static wxBitmap GetBitmap(const wxString& id, const wxString& client = wxPyART_OTHER, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize); // Query the providers for icon with given ID and return it. Return // wxNullIcon if no provider provides it. static wxIcon GetIcon(const wxString& id, const wxString& client = wxPyART_OTHER, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- %{ #include %} class wxFileHistory : public wxObject { public: wxFileHistory(int maxFiles = 9); ~wxFileHistory(); // Operations void AddFileToHistory(const wxString& file); void RemoveFileFromHistory(int i); int GetMaxFiles() const; void UseMenu(wxMenu *menu); // Remove menu from the list (MDI child may be closing) void RemoveMenu(wxMenu *menu); void Load(wxConfigBase& config); void Save(wxConfigBase& config); void AddFilesToMenu(); %name(AddFilesToThisMenu)void AddFilesToMenu(wxMenu* menu); // Accessors wxString GetHistoryFile(int i) const; int GetCount() const; %pragma(python) addtoclass = "GetNoHistoryFiles = GetCount" }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxEffects: public wxObject { public: // Assume system colours wxEffects(); wxColour GetHighlightColour() const; wxColour GetLightShadow() const; wxColour GetFaceColour() const; wxColour GetMediumShadow() const; wxColour GetDarkShadow() const; void SetHighlightColour(const wxColour& c); void SetLightShadow(const wxColour& c); void SetFaceColour(const wxColour& c); void SetMediumShadow(const wxColour& c); void SetDarkShadow(const wxColour& c); void Set(const wxColour& highlightColour, const wxColour& lightShadow, const wxColour& faceColour, const wxColour& mediumShadow, const wxColour& darkShadow); // Draw a sunken edge void DrawSunkenEdge(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int borderSize = 1); // Tile a bitmap bool TileBitmap(const wxRect& rect, wxDC& dc, wxBitmap& bitmap); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxSingleInstanceChecker { public: // like Create() but no error checking (dangerous!) wxSingleInstanceChecker(const wxString& name, const wxString& path = wxPyEmptyString); // default ctor, use Create() after it %name(wxPreSingleInstanceChecker) wxSingleInstanceChecker(); ~wxSingleInstanceChecker(); // name must be given and be as unique as possible, it is used as the mutex // name under Win32 and the lock file name under Unix - // wxTheApp->GetAppName() may be a good value for this parameter // // path is optional and is ignored under Win32 and used as the directory to // create the lock file in under Unix (default is wxGetHomeDir()) // // returns FALSE if initialization failed, it doesn't mean that another // instance is running - use IsAnotherRunning() to check it bool Create(const wxString& name, const wxString& path = wxPyEmptyString); // is another copy of this program already running? bool IsAnotherRunning() const; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- %{ #ifdef __WXMSW__ #include #include #endif %} %inline %{ void wxDrawWindowOnDC(wxWindow* window, const wxDC& dc, int method) { #ifdef __WXMSW__ switch (method) { case 1: // This one only partially works. Appears to be an undocumented // "standard" convention that not all widgets adhear to. For // example, for some widgets backgrounds or non-client areas may // not be painted. ::SendMessage(GetHwndOf(window), WM_PAINT, (long)GetHdcOf(dc), 0); break; case 2: // This one works much better, except for on XP. On Win2k nearly // all widgets and their children are captured correctly[**]. On // XP with Themes activated most native widgets draw only // partially, if at all. Without themes it works just like on // Win2k. // // ** For example the radio buttons in a wxRadioBox are not its // children by default, but you can capture it via the panel // instead, or change RADIOBTN_PARENT_IS_RADIOBOX in radiobox.cpp. ::SendMessage(GetHwndOf(window), WM_PRINT, (long)GetHdcOf(dc), PRF_CLIENT | PRF_NONCLIENT | PRF_CHILDREN | PRF_ERASEBKGND | PRF_OWNED ); break; case 3: // This one is only defined in the latest SDK and is only // available on XP. MSDN says it is similar to sending WM_PRINT // so I expect that it will work similar to the above. Since it // is avaialble only on XP, it can't be compiled like this and // will have to be loaded dynamically. // //::PrintWindow(GetHwndOf(window), GetHdcOf(dc), 0); //break; // fall through case 4: // Use PrintWindow if available, or fallback to WM_PRINT // otherwise. Unfortunately using PrintWindow is even worse than // WM_PRINT. For most native widgets nothing is drawn to the dc // at all, with or without Themes. typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PrintWindow_t)(HWND, HDC, UINT); static bool s_triedToLoad = false; static PrintWindow_t pfnPrintWindow = NULL; if ( !s_triedToLoad ) { s_triedToLoad = true; wxDynamicLibrary dllUser32(_T("user32.dll")); if ( dllUser32.IsLoaded() ) { wxLogNull nolog; // Don't report errors here pfnPrintWindow = (PrintWindow_t)dllUser32.GetSymbol(_T("PrintWindow")); } } if (pfnPrintWindow) { printf("Using PrintWindow\n"); pfnPrintWindow(GetHwndOf(window), GetHdcOf(dc), 0); } else { printf("Using WM_PRINT\n"); ::SendMessage(GetHwndOf(window), WM_PRINT, (long)GetHdcOf(dc), PRF_CLIENT | PRF_NONCLIENT | PRF_CHILDREN | PRF_ERASEBKGND | PRF_OWNED ); } } #endif } %} //---------------------------------------------------------------------- %init %{ wxPyPtrTypeMap_Add("wxDragImage", "wxGenericDragImage"); wxPyPtrTypeMap_Add("wxProcess", "wxPyProcess"); wxPyPtrTypeMap_Add("wxArtProvider", "wxPyArtProvider"); %} //----------------------------------------------------------------------