Notes about plugins

 I have users that want to visit my pages with tclets, but they do not
    have the plugin. What can I do?

	Add a pluginspage= name=value
	pair to the embed statement. This will cause Navigator to find
	the plugin for your user and suggest they install it. The user
	is then prompted to download and install the plugin, and then she
	has to restart the browser and revisit your page. Very inconvenient
	and only slightly better than giving your users the broken image
	icon. Netscape says they are working on a more automatic solution.

14. Your demos work just fine, but when I visit my own pages with tclets in
    them, at, I still get the
    broken image icon. Why doesn't it work for me?

	This is likely because your web server -- the program that sends
	the pages to your browser when you click on a URL -- is not
	sending the right mime-type when it sends the '.tcl' file. You
	can work around this by adding a type=application/x-tcl name=value
	pair to the embed statement, which will cause Navigator to infer
	that it should use the Tcl plugin anyways. A better solution is
	to ask your system administrator to configure the web server to
	send the mime type application/x-tcl when it sends files with a
	'.tcl' extension. Nearly all web servers in the world nowadays
	are already configured to do this, the only ones we are aware of
	that do not are some older versions of Apache.