Lindsay Mathieson Email : <> This is prelimanary stuff - the controls need extra methods and events etc, feel free to email with suggestions &/or patches. Tested with wxWindows 2.3.2. Built with MS Visual C++ 6.0 & DevStudio Minor use of templates and STL ----------------------------------------------------------- This sample illustrates using wxActiveX and wxIEHtmlWin too: 1. Host an arbitrary ActiveX control 2. Specifically host the MSHTML Control wxActiveX: ========== wxActiveX is used to host and siplay any activeX control, all the wxWindows developer needs to know is either the ProgID or CLSID of the control in question. Derived From: - wxWindow Include Files: - wxactivex.h Source Files: - wxactivex.cpp Event Handling: --------------- - EVT_ACTIVEX(id, eventName, handler) (handler = void OnActiveX(wxActiveXEvent& event)) class wxActiveXEvent : public wxNotifyEvent int ParamCount() const; wxVariant operator[] (int idx) const; // parameter by index wxVariant& operator[] (int idx); wxVariant operator[] (wxString name) const; // named parameters wxVariant& operator[] (wxString name); Members: -------- wxActiveX::wxActiveX(wxWindow * parent, REFCLSID clsid, wxWindowID id = -1); - Creates a activeX control identified by clsid e.g wxFrame *frame = new wxFrame(this, -1, "test"); wxActiveX *X = new wxActiveX(frame, CLSID_WebBrowser); wxActiveX::wxActiveX(wxWindow * parent, wxString progId, wxWindowID id = -1); - Creates a activeX control identified by progId e.g. wxFrame *frame = new wxFrame(this, -1, "test"); wxActiveX *X = new wxActiveX(frame, "MSCAL.Calendar"); wxActiveX::~wxActiveX(); - Destroys the control - disconnects all connection points HRESULT wxActiveX::ConnectAdvise(REFIID riid, IUnknown *eventSink); - Connects a event sink. Connections are automaticlly diconnected in the destructor e.g. FS_DWebBrowserEvents2 *events = new FS_DWebBrowserEvents2(iecontrol); hret = iecontrol->ConnectAdvise(DIID_DWebBrowserEvents2, events); if (! SUCCEEDED(hret)) delete events; Sample Events: -------------- EVT_ACTIVEX(ID_MSHTML, "BeforeNavigate2", OnMSHTMLBeforeNavigate2X) void wxIEFrame::OnMSHTMLBeforeNavigate2X(wxActiveXEvent& event) { wxString url = event["Url"]; int rc = wxMessageBox(url, "Allow open url ?", wxYES_NO); if (rc != wxYES) event["Cancel"] = true; }; wxIEHtmlWin: ============ wxIEHtmlWin is a specialisation of the wxActiveX control for hosting the MSHTML control. Derived From: - wxActiveX - wxWindow Event Handling: --------------- - class wxMSHTMLEvent - EVT_MSHTML_BEFORENAVIGATE2 * url = event.m_text1 * event.Veto() to cancel Generated before an attempt to browse a new url - EVT_MSHTML_NEWWINDOW2 * event.Veto() to cancel Generated when the control is asked create a new window (e.g a popup) - EVT_MSHTML_DOCUMENTCOMPLETE * url = event.m_text1 Generated after the document has finished loading - EVT_MSHTML_PROGRESSCHANGE * event.m_long1 = progress so far * event.m_long2 = max range of progress - EVT_MSHTML_STATUSTEXTCHANGE * status = event.m_text1 - EVT_MSHTML_TITLECHANGE * title = event.m_text1 Members: -------- wxIEHtmlWin::wxIEHtmlWin(wxWindow * parent, wxWindowID id = -1); - Constructs and initialises the MSHTML control - LoadUrl("about:blank") is called wxIEHtmlWin::~wxIEHtmlWin(); - destroys the control void wxIEHtmlWin::LoadUrl(const wxString&); - Attempts to browse to the url, the control uses its internal (MS) network streams bool wxIEHtmlWin::LoadString(wxString html); - Load the passed HTML string bool wxIEHtmlWin::LoadStream(istream *strm); - load the passed HTML stream. The control takes ownership of the pointer, deleting when finished. void wxIEHtmlWin::SetCharset(wxString charset); - Sets the charset of the loaded document void wxIEHtmlWin::SetEditMode(bool seton); - Sets edit mode. NOTE: This does work, but is bare bones - we need more events exposed before this is usable as an HTML editor. bool wxIEHtmlWin::GetEditMode(); - Returns the edit mode setting wxString wxIEHtmlWin::GetStringSelection(bool asHTML = false); - Returns the currently selected text (plain or HTML text) wxString GetText(bool asHTML = false); - Returns the body text (plain or HTML text) Lindsay Mathieson Email : <>