********************* TODO list for wxWindows 2 ****************************** The items are grouped by platform (generic, MSW, GTK...) and inside by subject. The first 2 columns containg the following codes: Priority classification: Amount of work expected: 9 next point release q quick fix 8 next release s small change 7 as soon as possible l a little work 6 soon w some work 5 should be included b big change 4 nice to have m major change 3 consider including ? don't know how to fix 2 maybe not - unclassified 1 probably not - unclassified After the subject the name in brackets indicates the person who is going to do it. =============================== common ======================================== 4w wxString optimization (VZ) allocate more memory than needed to avoid reallocation each time when operator+ or += is used. 6b stream classes (VZ) =============================== generic ====================================== 7s wxTreeCtrl root item (RR) root item is not shown currently (unlike in MSW version) 5w wxImageList it's not implemented currently, to do (assuming that all images have the same size - no resizing should be done to simplify the job) ================================ MSW ========================================== 7w consistent keyboard interface and focus behaviour (VZ) currently, the focus is lost all the time (after a MessageBox, for example) and sometimes TABbing through controls doesn't work ================================ GTK ========================================== 9m keyboard interface (RR) TAB traversal, Alt-letter accelerators for the controls and accelerators for menu items - TODO. 3b wxTreeCtrl native implementation? GTK has a GtkCTree widget which seems to be quite close to the Windows standard control - what about writing a native wxTreeCtrl based on it?