/* * Copyright (C) 1989-94 GROUPE BULL * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * GROUPE BULL BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Except as contained in this notice, the name of GROUPE BULL shall not be * used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings * in this Software without prior written authorization from GROUPE BULL. */ /**************************************************************************\ * * * HISTORY of user-visible changes * * * \**************************************************************************/ 3.4b (94/05/24) ENHANCEMENTS: - XPM can now be built under MS Windows. Yes, this is possible and this entirely comes from: - Hermann Dunkel See the README.MSW file for details. - building the shared library now depends on the SharedLibXpm variable and no longer on the SharedLibX variable which is private to the X Window System project. - patch from Stephen Gildea Other variables can now be set for the various locations needed. - lib/parse.c does no longer use a 256x256 array in the stack but malloc it instead. - The Copyright notice which has been re-written from the X11R6's one should be clearer and is now present in every file. BUGS CORRECTED: - lib/xpmP.h does no longer define a Boolean type which conflicts with the Intrinsic definition. Instead the type Bool defined in Xlib is used. - neumann@watson.ibm.com (Gustaf Neumann) 3.4a (94/03/29) BUGS CORRECTED: - passing NULL as shapemask_return to XpmReadFileToPixmap and similar functions was leading to a bus error. - Dean Luick 3.4 (94/03/14) IMPORTANT NOTE: This version is not compatible with 3.3. Fortunately most people should only need to recompile. I apology for this but CDE/Motif have put heavy pressure to go that way. The point is that I designed and released Xpm 3.3 in order to let OSF include a clean version of Xpm in Motif 2.0. This new version was not fully compatible with 3.2 but I thought it didn't matter since this was going to be the first version used within Motif. Unfortunately CDE was already using xpm-3.2 internally and requires both source and binary backward compatibility. By the way I must say they didn't drop us a single line to let us know they were using it and thus were expecting stability. All this could have been avoided... However, since I had to go for a not compatible version I took this as an opportunity to modify the lower level API, which was new in 3.3 and which was somewhat clumsy, in order to provide yet a better API. The library has been modified to have both source and binary backward compatibility with xpm-3.2. This implies it is not either source or binary compatible with 3.3. The fields related to the 3.2 XpmInfos mechanism have been put back into the XpmAttributes structure. The new 3.3 XpmInfos struct has been renamed as XpmInfo to avoid conflict with the old 3.2 flag which is back too. All the semantic related to the XpmAttributes infos fields is back as well. So this new version provides a high level API which is fully compatible with 3.2 and still provides the 3.3 lower level API (XpmImage) with the XpmInfos struct renamed as XpmInfo. This leads to some redundancy but this was the best I could do to satisfy both CDE/Motif people who needed the backward compatibility and myself (who always tries to provide you with the best ;-). Tests have been successfully performed with pixmap-2.1, pixmap-2.4, and sxpm. ENHANCEMENTS: - The colorTable member of the XpmAttributes structure is now an (XpmColor*) in order to be compatible with an XpmImage colorTable. However in order to be backward compatible this field is cast to (XpmColor **), which is equivalent to (char ***), when it is used with the old flags XpmInfos and XpmReturnInfos. To handle the new type the new flags XpmColorTable and XpmReturnColorTable have been defined. - The XpmInfo struct has been extended to avoid having to deal with an XpmAttributes at the lower level. The idea is that all the data stored in an Xpm file can be retreive through both an XpmImage and an XpmInfo struct. See the documentation for details. - XpmUndefPixel is defined and exported by xpm.h in order to let clients providing their own colorTable when writting out an Xpm file. See the documentation for details. - in sxpm/sxpm.c, set attribute XtNinput to True on toplevel widget. Windows that don't "take" input, never get focus, as mandated by the ICCM. patch from Henrique Martins - lib/Imakefile modified to build the shared library under IRIX 5. patch from simon@lia.di.epfl.ch (Simon Leinen) NEW FEATURES: - a new funtion and a new define should help client figuring out with which Xpm library version they are working. These are XpmIncludeVersion and XpmLibraryVersion(). 3.3 (93/12/20) NEW FEATURES: - XPM1 files are now supported. - a new function is provided to get an error string related to the returned error code. - suggested by Detlef Schmier ENHANCEMENTS: - gzip and gunzip are called with the -q option (quiet) - patch from Chris P. Ross - the parser is again more flexible about the way the strings are distributed on lines. Actually a single line XPM file can be read. - the documentation should be clearer about shapemask generation and XpmAttributes valuemask. BUGS CORRECTED: - reading some binary file was leading to a bus error. - patch from Detlef Schmier - the ? character is no longer used when writting an XPM file in order to avoid possible ANSI trigraphs. 3.3alpha (93/08/13) NEW FEATURES: - a new level interface is provided to allow applications to do either icon editing or data caching. The XpmAttributes has been changed but most applications will just need to be recompiled. - new structures are provided to deal with the new lower level: XpmImage, XpmColor, XpmInfos. - a separate distribution called xpm-contrib is available. This includes the converters which used to be part of this distribution plus: two new appplications: * nexpm to draw a pixmap in *any* existing window from Ralph Betza * xpmview to display a list of Xpm files from Jean Michel Leon a hacky string to pixmap converter, provided by Robert H. Forsman Jr. The Xpm editor called pixmap will also be part of this contrib. This does not mean it is the best pixmap editor one can find but it is the only one that I know of which tries to handle all the features of this format. ENHANCEMENTS: - the code to build XImage data has been optimized by jules@x.co.uk (Julian Gosnell) the old code is still available when compiling with the -DWITHOUT_SPEEDUPS flag. - closecolor code was not re-entrant - dbl@visual.com (David B. Lewis) - fix gzip filename (*.gz and no longer *.z). - Jason Patterson - sxpm has 2 new options: -nom to do not display the mask if there is one -cp to override a color value with a given pixel, i.e. sxpm plaid.xpm -cp red 4 also the '-s' adn '-p' options have been renamed to '-sc' and '-sp'. - xpm.h defines XpmFormat, XpmVersion, and XpmRevision numbers. BUGS CORRECTED: - closecolor minor fix - Jason Patterson 3.2g (93/04/26) ENHANCEMENTS: - much faster close colors - piping from/to compressed files now handles GNU's gzip (.z) format - added XpmColorKey attribute - ability to specify which visual's colors to use (ie: now it's possible to read in a pixmap in a color visual, but use the colors specified for monochrome). - added -mono, -grey4, -grey and -color options to sxpm to demonstrate the XpmColorKey attribute. - Jason Patterson BUGS CORRECTED: - fixed bug where redefining "None" as a pixel stopped mask generation - minor SVR4 defines for - fixed annoying closecolor bug related to read/write color cells - fixed minor bug in color value -> pixel overloading - manual updated to include new red/green/blue closeness attributes - Jason Patterson - the top Imakefile was missing the depend target - sxpm/Imakefile fixed so that -L../lib is set before the standard library location. - Vivek Khera - lib/xpmP.h now defines bcopy as memcpy for VMS (required by recent versions of VMS) - J. Daniel Smith - the lib/Imakefile didn't work with X11R4. 3.2f (93/03/17) NEW FEATURES: - the library provides four new functions to deal with Xpm files loaded in memory as single character strings buffers: XpmCreateImageFromBuffer XpmCreatePixmapFromBuffer XpmCreateBufferFromImage XpmCreateBufferFromPixmap - in addition, as a convenience, two functions are provided to copy a file in a buffer and to write a file from a buffer: XpmReadFileToBuffer XpmWriteFileFromBuffer ENHANCEMENTS: - Files are now dispatched in the following sub-directories: lib, sxpm, and doc. - Imakefiles will let you build a shared library as well as the static one (with either X11R4 or X11R5). - The documentation has been ported from LaTeX to FrameMaker and is now included in the distribution in its PostScript form (doc/xpm.ps). Source files are available on request. Also the documentation has been reoreganized and includes a table of contents and an index of the functions (the number of functions increasing this became a requisite). BUGS CORRECTED: - Many warnings have been fixed - patch from Daniel Dardailler daniel@osf.org 3.2e (93/02/05) ENHANCEMENTS: - use XpmMalloc, XpmRealloc, XpmCalloc, and XpmFree which are defines in xpmP.h. This should help people wanting to use their own functions. BUGS CORRECTED: - Intrinsic.h is no longer included. - bzero is defined as memset on SYSV and SVR4. - some memory initialisation bug concerning XpmAttributes. 3.2d (93/01/27) ENHANCEMENTS: - compile on Solaris 2.0 - patch from Clint Jeffery BUGS CORRECTED: - shape masks are now set correctly for LSBFirst (Decs). - pixmaps are now set correctly for 2 bit displays (Nexts). - patch from Josef Leherbauer - isspace was called on getc which fails when EOF is returned. - Marelli Paolo 3.2c (92/12/29) ENHANCEMENTS: - parsing optimized for single and double characters color - patch originally from Martin Brunecky marbru@build1.auto-trol.com BUGS CORRECTED: - XpmFreeExtensions was calling free on some argument without checking it was not NULL. - strdup was not correctly defined for systems which do not provide it. - Hans-Peter Lichtin - some bug in XpmCrDataFI.c - Sven Delmas garfield@avalanche.cs.tu-berlin.de NOTE: - there is still a bug with the creation of the clipmask on display of depth 2 but I can't find a fix because unfortunately I don't have such a rendering system and nobody gets the time to investigate for me. 3.2b (92/10/19) ENHANCEMENTS: - Create XpmReadFileToData and XpmWriteFileFromData - Dan Greening - added "close colors" support and ability to redefine color values as pixels at load time, as well as color names - Jason Patterson - errors while parsing or allocating colors now revert to other visual defaults, creating pixmap/image as expected, and returning XpmSuccess. The old behaviour of XpmColorError being returned and no pixmap/image being created can be retained by setting the exactColors attribute. - Jason Patterson BUGS CORRECTED: - SVR4 defines for including instead of - Jason Patterson - attributes->extensions and attributes->nextensions fields were not set correctly when no extensions present in file. - Simon_Scott Cornish 3.2a (92/08/17) ENHANCEMENTS: - use the mock lisp hashing function instead of the gnu emacs one, it is faster in some cases and never slower (I've not found any case). BUGS CORRECTED: - function prototypes for ansi compilers. - some memory initialization bugs (purify is just great for this). - empty strings in extensions are now correctly handled. 3.2 (92/07/06) NEW FEATURES: - both format and functions handle extensions data. This allow people to store additional data related to a pixmap. See documentation for detail. - sxpm supports the new option '-c' to use a private colormap. This is useful when displaying pixmaps using a lot of colors. - sxpm supports the new option '-v' (verbose) to get possible extensions print out on standard error. ENHANCEMENTS: - most of the code has been reworked to be improved and thus almost every function is faster. It takes less than 6 seconds of real time on a sun4 to display, with sxpm, a 487x635 pixmap using 213 colors, while it takes 32 seconds with the old library! It takes 18 seconds to display a 1279x1023 screen dump using 14 colors while xwud takes 10 seconds. Of course performance improvements are not always that great, they depend on the size and number of colors but I'm sure everybody will appreciate ;-) I know how to improve it more but this will require changes in the architecture so this is not for now. Some optimizations have been contributed by gregor@kafka.saic.com (gregg hanna) and jnc@csl.biosci.arizona.edu (John N. Calley). - the Imakefile is modified to let you install sxpm - Rainer Klute - xpmP.h declares popen for Sequent platforms - Clinton Jeffery - XpmWriteFileFromImage/Pixmap rather than truncating the pixmap name to the first dot changes dots to underscores to get a valid C syntax name. BUGS CORRECTED: - there was a bug in the image creation function for some 24 bits displays. It is fixed. - allocated color pixels are now freed when an error occurs - nusser@dec1.wu-wien.ac.at (Stefan Nusser) CHANGES TO THE DOC: - the documentation describes the new XpmExtension structure and how to use it with read and write functions. 3.1 (92/02/03) ENHANCEMENTS: - sxpm now have more standard options (mainly suggested by Rainer Sinkwitz ): Usage: sxpm [options...] Where options are: [-d host:display] Display to connect to. [-g geom] Geometry of window. [-hints] Set ResizeInc for window. [-icon filename] Set pixmap for iconWindow. [-s symbol_name color_name] Overwrite color defaults. [-p symbol_name pixel_value] Overwrite color defaults. [-plaid] Read the included plaid pixmap. [filename] Read from file 'filename', and from standard input if 'filename' is '-'. [-o filename] Write to file 'filename', and to standard output if 'filename' is '-'. [-nod] Don't display in window. [-rgb filename] Search color names in the rgb text file 'filename'. if no input is specified sxpm reads from stdandard input. - Xpm functions and Ppm converters now deal with multiword colornames. patches from Rainer Sinkwitz . 3.0 (91/10/03) Functions name and defines have been modified again (sorry for that) as follows: XpmReadPixmapFile XpmReadFileToPixmap XpmWritePixmapFile XpmWriteFileFromPixmap XpmPixmapColorError XpmColorError XpmPixmapSuccess XpmSuccess XpmPixmapOpenFailed XpmOpenFailed XpmPixmapFileInvalid XpmFileInvalid XpmPixmapNoMemory XpmNoMemory XpmPixmapColorFailed XpmColorFailed To update code using Xpm you can use the included shell script called rename with the sed commands files name-3.0b-3.0c and name-3.0c-3.0. Old names still valid though. NEW FEATURES: - four new functions to work with images instead of pixmaps: XpmReadFileToImage XpmWriteFileFromImage XpmCreateImageFromData XpmCreateDataFromImage ENHANCEMENTS: Algorithms to create and scan images and pixmaps are based on the MIT's R5 code, thus they are much cleaner than old ones and should avoid any problem with any visual (yes, I trust MIT folks :-) BUGS CORRECTED: Imakefile use INCDIR instead of ROOTDIR. CHANGES TO THE DOC: - the documentation presents the four new functions. 3.0c (91/09/18) In answer to request of people functions, types and defines names have been changed as follows: XCreatePixmapFromData XpmCreatePixmapFromData XCreateDataFromPixmap XpmCreateDataFromPixmap XReadPixmapFile XpmReadPixmapFile XWritePixmapFile XpmWritePixmapFile XFreeXpmAttributes XpmFreeAttributes PixmapColorError XpmPixmapColorError PixmapSuccess XpmPixmapSuccess PixmapOpenFailed XpmPixmapOpenFailed PixmapFileInvalid XpmPixmapFileInvalid PixmapNoMemory XpmPixmapNoMemory PixmapColorFailed XpmPixmapColorFailed ColorSymbol XpmColorSymbol Generally speaking every public name begins with 'Xpm' and every private one with 'xpm'. This should avoid any possible conflict. Some files have also be renamed accordingly. NEW FEATURES: - support for VMS and two new options for sxpm: icon and hints (see manual for details) Richard Hess - DEFINES in Imakefile and Makefile.noXtree allows you to set the following: ZPIPE for un/compressing piped feature (default is on) NEED_STRCASECMP for system which doesn't provide one (default is off) - xpmtoppm.c has is own strstr function which is used if NEED_STRSTR is defined when compiling - Hugues.Leroy@irisa.fr (Hugues Leroy). BUGS CORRECTED: - many bugs have been fixed, especially for ansi compilers - Doyle C. Davidson (doyle@doyled.b23b.ingr.com) and Clifford D. Morrison (cdm%bigdaddy%edsr@uunet.UU.NET) - parser is again a little more improved 3.0b (91/09/12) This is a complete new version with a new API and where files and structures have been renamed. So this should be taken as a new starting release. This release should be quickly followed by the 3.0 because I'm planning to send it for X11R5 contrib which ends October 5th. NEW FEATURES: - support for transparent color. - support for hotspot. - a new function: XCreateDataFromPixmap to create an XPM data from a pixmap in order to be able to create a new pixmap from this data using the XCreatePixmapFromData function later on. - a new structure: XpmAttributes which replace the XpmInfo structure and which leads to a much simpler API with less arguments. - arguments such as visual, colormap and depth are optionnal, default values are taken if omitted. - parsing and allocating color failures don't simply break anymore. If another default color can be found it is used and a PixmapColorError is returned. In case no color can be found then it breaks and returns PixmapColorFailed. - for this reason the ErrorStatus codes are redefined as follows: null if full success positive if partial success negative if failure with: #define PixmapColorError 1 #define PixmapSuccess 0 #define PixmapOpenFailed -1 #define PixmapFileInvalid -2 #define PixmapNoMemory -3 #define PixmapColorFailed -4 - sxpm prints out a warning when a requested color could not be parsed or alloc'ed, and an error when none has been found. - sxpm handles pixmap with transparent color. For this purpose the plaid_mask.xpm is added to the distribution. BUGS CORRECTED: - I've again improved the memory management. - the parser is also improved. - when writting a pixmap to a file the variable name could be "plaid.xpm" which is not valid in C. Now the extension name is cut off to give "plaid" as variable name. - reading multiple words colornames such as "peach puff" where leading to non readable Xpm files. They are now skipped to have only single word colorname. Lionel Mallet (mallet@ipvpel.unipv.it). - parser was triggered by the "/" character inside string. Doyle C. Davidson (doyle@doyled.b23b.ingr.com). This is corrected. - sxpm maps the window only if the option "-nod" is not selected. CHANGES TO THE DOC: - the documentation presents the new API and features. 3.0a (91/04/10) This is an alpha version because it supports the new version of XPM, but the library interface is still the same. Indeed it will change in future release to get rid of obsolete stuff such as the type argument of the XWritePixmapFile function. ******************************* WARNING ********************************* The format is not anymore XPM2, it is XPM version 3 which is XPM2 limited to the C syntax with the key word "XPM" in place of "XPM2 C". The interface library has not changed yet but the type argument of XWritePixmapFile and the type member of XpmInfo are not used anymore. Meanwhile the library which is now called libXpm.a is backward compatible as XPM2 files can be read. But the XWritePixmapFile function only writes out XPM version 3 files. ************************************************************************* NEW FEATURES: - the library doesn't use global variables anymore, thus it should be able to share it. - sxpm has been rewritten on top of Xt, it can be used to convert files from XPM2 to XPM version 3. - xpm1to2c.perl has been upgraded to the new XPM version and renamed as xpm1to3.perl - ppmtoxpm2.c and ppmtoxpm2.1 have been upgraded too and renamed ppmtoxpm.c and ppmtoxpm.1. In addition the xpmtoppm.c and xpmtoppm.1 of the pbmplus package have been upgraded too. xpmtoppm can thus convert XPM version 1 and 3 to a portable pixmap. These files should replace the original ones which are part of the pbmplus package. See the ppm.README file for more details. - the library contains RCS variables which allows you to get revision numbers with ident (which is part of the RCS package). The Id number is an internal rcs number for my eyes only. The official one is found in Version. BUGS CORRECTED: - the memory management has been much improved in order to avoid memory leaks. - the XImage building algorythm has been changed to support correctly different visual depths. There is special code to handle depths 1, 4, 6, 8, 24, and 32 to build the image and send it in one whack, and other depths are supported by building the image with XPutPixel which is slow but sure. - similar algorithms are used to read pixmaps and write them out. CHANGES TO THE DOC: - the documentation presents the new XPM format. 2.8 (90/12/19) ******************************* WARNING ********************************* Since the last release two structures have been modified and have now bigger sizes, so ANY CODE USING THE libXPM2 NEEDS TO BE RECOMPILED. ************************************************************************* NEW FEATURES: - the ColorSymbol struct contains the new member 'pixel' which allow to override default colors by giving a pixel value (in such a case symbol value must be set to NULL), - the XpmInfo struct contains the new member 'rgb_fname' in which one can specify an rgb text file name while writing a pixmap with the XWritePixmapFile function (otherwise this member should be set to NULL). This way colorname will be searched and written out if found instead of the RGB value, - Imakefile originally provided by stolcke@ICSI.Berkeley.EDU, - the old Makefile is now distributed as Makefile.noXtree and presents install targets, - the demo application is renamed sxpm (Show XPM), creates a window of the size of the pixmap if no geometry is specified, prints out messages instead of status when an error occurs, handles the new option -p for overriding colors by giving a pixel value (not really useful but is just here to show this new feature), handles the new option -rgb for specifying an rgb text file, and ends on keypress as buttonpress, - defines for SYSV have been provided by Paul Breslaw , - the distribution includes a new directory called converters which contains xpm1to2 and xpm1to2c perl converters and a ppmtoxpm2 converter provided by Paul Breslaw who upgraded the original ppmtoxpm written by Mark W. Snitily . CHANGES TO THE DOC: - this file is created and will give old users a quick reference to changes made from one release to the next one, - documentation is changed to present the new ColorSymbol structure and the way to override colors by giving a pixel value, and to present the new XpmInfo structure and how to use it, - a man page for sxpm is added to the distrib, - the README file talks about sxpm and no more demo, and have reference to the different converters. 2.7 (90/11/12) NEW FEATURES: - XReadPixmapFile reads from stdin if filename is NULL, - XWritePixmapFile writes to stdin if filename is NULL, - the demo application handles the new option -nod for no displaying the pixmap in a window (useful when used as converter). CHANGES TO THE DOC: - documentation about the new feature. 2.6 (90/10/29) NEW FEATURES: - from nazgul@alphalpha.com (Kee Hinckley): changes to make the library usable as C++ code, and on Apollo without any warning. BUGS CORRECTED: - from nazgul@alphalpha.com (Kee Hinckley): the xpm include files was declaring XWritePixmapFile as taking in arg a Pixmap pointer instead of a Pixmap. 2.5 (90/10/17) BUGS CORRECTED: - XWritePixmapFile was not closing the file while ending normaly. 2.4 (90/09/06) NEW FEATURES: - XReadPixmapFile reads from a piped uncompress if the given filename ends by .Z or if filename.Z exists, - XWritePixmapFile writes to a piped compress if the given filename ends by .Z. BUGS CORRECTED: - demo now deals with window manager. CHANGES TO THE DOC: - documentation about compressed files management. 2.3 (90/08/30) BUGS CORRECTED: - handle monochrom display correctly, - comments can be empty. 2.2 (90/08/27) BUGS CORRECTED: - when reading some invalid free was dumping core on some machine. 2.1 (90/08/24) First distribution of XPM2.