Mark Johnson, Berlin Germany

 DBBrowser : Used Pictograms (*.png)


Stand: 2000-01-23.01-mj10777

The real meaning of the used Pictograms in these help files
All Pictograms are .PNG Files (Portable Network Graphics)
I use Paint Shop Pro 5.01 to make them.
 imbau.pngUnder construction : Page is not compleated
 gnu.pngGNU Logo : gcc 2.95 Compiler
 gtk.pngGTK Logo : a Graphic Library in Linux
 kde.pngKDE Logo : Graphic System in Linux
 linux.pngLinux Logo : Linux (in General)
 motif.pngMotif Logo : Graphic Library in Linux (is the Logo correct ?)
 msvc.pngMicrosoft VC++ Logo : VC++ 6.0 Compiler
 odbc.pngODBC Logo
 remstar.pngRemstar Logo : Remstar ODBC-Classes (http://www.remstar.com)
 redh.pngRedhat Logo : Linux Distribution (http://www.redhat.com / .de)
 suse.pngSuSE Logo : Linux Distribution (http://www.suse.com / .de)
 server.pngServer Logo
 wins.pngWindows Logo : Windows (in General)
 winnt.pngWindows-NT Logo : Windows-NT specific

All other Pictograms are PNG-Copies of DBBrowser-Icons.