# File: makefile.vc # Author: Julian Smart # Created: 2001 # Updated: # Copyright: (c) 2001, Julian Smart # # "%W% %G%" # # Makefile : Builds Plot class library (MS VC++). # Use FINAL=1 argument to nmake to build final version with no debugging # info # Set WXDIR for your system WXDIR = $(WXWIN) GIZMOSDIR = $(WXDIR)\contrib\src\plot GIZMOSINC = $(WXDIR)\contrib\include\wx\plot THISDIR = $(WXDIR)\contrib\src\plot DOCDIR=$(WXDIR)\contrib\docs LOCALDOCDIR=$(WXDIR)\contrib\docs\latex\plot !include $(WXDIR)\src\makevc.env OBJECTS = $(D)\plot.obj LIBTARGET=$(WXDIR)\lib\plot$(LIBEXT).lib all: $(D) $(LIBTARGET) $(D) : mkdir $(D) wx: cd $(WXDIR)\src\msw nmake -f makefile.vc FINAL=$(FINAL) cd $(THISDIR) wxclean: cd $(WXDIR)\src\msw nmake -f makefile.vc clean cd $(THISDIR) $(LIBTARGET): $(OBJECTS) -erase $(LIBTARGET) $(implib) @<< -out:$(LIBTARGET) -machine:$(CPU) $(OBJECTS) << $(D)\plot.obj: plot.$(SRCSUFF) cl @<< $(CPPFLAGS) /c /Fo$@ /Tp $(*B).$(SRCSUFF) << clean: -erase $(D)\*.obj -erase *.sbr -erase *.exe -erase *.res -erase *.map -erase *.pdb -erase $(LIBTARGET) DOCSOURCES=$(LOCALDOCDIR)\plot.tex \ $(LOCALDOCDIR)\bugs.tex $(LOCALDOCDIR)\changes.tex\ $(LOCALDOCDIR)\classes.tex $(LOCALDOCDIR)\intro.tex\ $(LOCALDOCDIR)\topics.tex $(LOCALDOCDIR)\sample.tex html: $(DOCDIR)\html\plot\plot.htm htmlhelp: $(DOCDIR)\htmlhelp\plot.chm htb: $(DOCDIR)\htb\plot.htb hlp: $(DOCDIR)\winhelp\plot.hlp pdfrtf: $(DOCDIR)\pdf\plot.rtf ps: $(DOCDIR)\ps\plot.ps touchmanual: touch $(LOCALDOCDIR)\plot.tex $(DOCDIR)\winhelp\plot.hlp: $(LOCALDOCDIR)\plot.rtf $(LOCALDOCDIR)\plot.hpj cd $(LOCALDOCDIR) -erase plot.ph hc plot move plot.hlp $(DOCDIR)\winhelp\plot.hlp move plot.cnt $(DOCDIR)\winhelp\plot.cnt cd $(THISDIR) $(LOCALDOCDIR)\plot.rtf: $(DOCSOURCES) cd $(LOCALDOCDIR) -start $(WAITFLAG) tex2rtf $(LOCALDOCDIR)\plot.tex $(LOCALDOCDIR)\plot.rtf -twice -winhelp cd $(THISDIR) $(DOCDIR)\pdf\plot.rtf: $(DOCSOURCES) cd $(LOCALDOCDIR) -copy *.bmp $(DOCDIR)\pdf -start $(WAITFLAG) tex2rtf $(LOCALDOCDIR)\plot.tex $(DOCDIR)\pdf\plot.rtf -twice -rtf cd $(THISDIR) $(DOCDIR)\html\plot\plot.htm: $(DOCSOURCES) cd $(LOCALDOCDIR) -mkdir $(DOCDIR)\html\plot copy *.gif $(DOCDIR)\html\plot -start $(WAITFLAG) tex2rtf $(LOCALDOCDIR)\plot.tex $(DOCDIR)\html\plot\plot.htm -twice -html -erase $(DOCDIR)\html\plot\*.con -erase *.con -erase $(DOCDIR)\html\plot\*.ref cd $(THISDIR) $(DOCDIR)\htmlhelp\plot.chm: $(DOCDIR)\html\plot\plot.htm $(DOCDIR)\html\plot\plot.hhp cd $(DOCDIR)\html\plot -hhc plot.hhp move plot.chm $(DOCDIR)\htmlhelp\plot.chm cd $(THISDIR) # An htb file is a zip file containing the .htm, .gif, .hhp, .hhc and .hhk # files, renamed to htb. # This can then be used with e.g. helpview. # Optionally, a cached version of the .hhp file can be generated with hhp2cached. $(DOCDIR)\htb\plot.htb: $(DOCDIR)\html\plot\plot.htm cd $(DOCDIR)\html\plot -erase plot.zip plot.htb zip plot.zip *.htm *.gif *.hhp *.hhc *.hhk -mkdir $(DOCDIR)\htb move plot.zip $(DOCDIR)\htb\plot.htb cd $(THISDIR) $(LOCALDOCDIR)\plot.dvi: $(DOCSOURCES) cd $(LOCALDOCDIR) -latex plot -latex plot -makeindx plot -bibtex plot -latex plot -latex plot cd $(THISDIR) $(WXDIR)\docs\ps\plot.ps: $(LOCALDOCDIR)\plot.dvi cd $(LOCALDOCDIR) -dvips32 -o plot.ps plot move plot.ps $(WXDIR)\docs\ps\plot.ps cd $(THISDIR)