# Modified for use with Microsoft Developer Studio V6.0 # Bob Techentin, February 10, 1999 # # Makefile for producing SWIG runtime libraries. # # The SWIG runtime library consists of the pointer-type checker # and other support functions. Multi-file SWIG modules # generally link with these libraries. # # The Windows version of the runtime libraries are static. # Note the "-" command prefix ignores errors during compiles # and links, because you might not have all languages. !include <..\make_win.in> SWIG_RUNTIME = $(prefix)/lib dSWIG_RUNTIME = $(dprefix)\lib AR = lib.exe all: tcl_lib tcl8_lib py_lib perl_lib install: @echo "Installing runtime libraries" @if not exist $(dSWIG_RUNTIME) mkdir $(dSWIG_RUNTIME) if exist swigtcl.lib copy swigtcl.lib $(dSWIG_RUNTIME) if exist swigtcl8.lib copy swigtcl8.lib $(dSWIG_RUNTIME) if exist swigpy.lib copy swigpy.lib $(dSWIG_RUNTIME) if exist swigpl.lib copy swigpl.lib $(dSWIG_RUNTIME) install95: @echo "Installing runtime libraries" @if not exist $(dSWIG_RUNTIME) mkdir $(dSWIG_RUNTIME) if exist swigtcl.lib copy swigtcl.lib $(dSWIG_RUNTIME) /Y if exist swigtcl8.lib copy swigtcl8.lib $(dSWIG_RUNTIME) /Y if exist swigpy.lib copy swigpy.lib $(dSWIG_RUNTIME) /Y if exist swigpl.lib copy swigpl.lib $(dSWIG_RUNTIME) /Y clean:: del /f *.obj del /f *.lib del /f *.c del /f *.swg del /f core # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tcl runtime library # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TCL_INCLUDE = -Ic:\apps\TclPro1.1\include # Tcl 7.x library tcl_lib: -..\swig.exe -tcl -co -o libtcl.c -I..\swig_lib swigtcl.swg -$(CC) -c -DSWIG_GLOBAL libtcl.c -$(AR) /out:swigtcl.lib libtcl.obj tcl8_lib: -..\swig.exe -tcl -co -o libtcl8.c -I..\swig_lib swigtcl8.swg -$(CC) -c -DSWIG_GLOBAL $(TCL_INCLUDE) libtcl8.c -$(AR) /out:swigtcl8.lib libtcl8.obj # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Python run-time library # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PYTHON_INCLUDE = -Ic:\apps\python-1.5\Include -Ic:\apps\python-1.5 -Ic:\apps\python-1.5\PC # Python library py_lib: -..\swig.exe -python -co -o libpy.c -I../swig_lib python.swg -$(CC) -c -DSWIG_GLOBAL $(PYTHON_INCLUDE) libpy.c -$(AR) /out:swigpy.lib libpy.obj # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Perl run-time library # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # These are for Perl5.004 PERL_INCLUDE = -Ic:\apps\perl\lib\CORE PERLFLAGS = /DWIN32 /DMSWIN32 /DWIN32IO_IS_STDIO # Uncomment the following if you are using ActiveWare Perl for Win32 #PERL_INCLUDE =-Id:\perl315 -Id:\perl315\inc #PERLFLAGS = /DWIN32 /DMSWIN32 /DPERL_OBJECT # Perl library perl_lib: -del /f libperl.c libperl.swg -..\swig.exe -perl5 -co -o libperl.swg -I..\swig_lib perl5.swg -copy perlrun.h+libperl.swg libperl.c -$(CC) -c -Dexplicit= -Dbool=char -DSWIG_GLOBAL $(PERFLAGS) $(PERL_INCLUDE) libperl.c -$(AR) /out:swigpl.lib libperl.obj