# # File: makemsc.env # Author: Julian Smart # Created: 1993 # Updated: # Copyright: (c) 1993, AIAI, University of Edinburgh # # "%W% %G%" # # Include file for MS VC++ makefiles # Arguments: # # FINAL=1 argument to nmake to build version with no debugging info. # DLL=1 builds a library (wxdll.lib) suitable for creating DLLs. # # Set WXDIR to the wxWindows directory if env. variable WXWIN not set. # From your specific makefile, set EXTRAFLAGS to add flags to CPPFLAGS, # such as extra include directories or defines. WXDIR = $(WXWIN) WXINC = $(WXDIR)\include WXLIB=$(WXDIR)\lib\wx1.lib $(WXDIR)\lib\wx2.lib $(WXDIR)\lib\wx3.lib # Suffixes OBJSUFF=obj SRCSUFF=cpp INC=/I$(WXDIR)\include # Set this to nothing if using MS C++ 7 ZOPTION=/Z7 !ifndef FINAL FINAL=0 !endif !ifndef DLL DLL=0 !endif OPTIONS= !if "$(FINAL)" == "0" OPT = /Od /Gy DEBUG_FLAGS= /Zi $(ZOPTION) LINK_DEBUG_FLAGS=/CO !else OPT = /Od /Gy # Note: /Ox or /Os crash the compiler or samples DEBUG_FLAGS= LINK_DEBUG_FLAGS= !endif LIBS=$(WXLIB) $(EXTRALIBS) oldnames libw llibcew commdlg ddeml shell mmsystem $(WXDIR)\src\msw\ctl3d\msvc\ctl3dv2.lib !if "$(DLL)" == "0" PCH=WX.PCH PRECOMP=/YuWX/WXPREC.H /Fp$(WXDIR)\src\msw\$(PCH) CPPFLAGS= $(DEBUG_FLAGS) $(OPTIONS) $(INC) $(EXTRAFLAGS) /DWXDEBUG=1 /D__WXDEBUG__ /AL /Gt4 /Gx- /W4 /G2sw $(OPT) /D__WXMSW__ $(PRECOMP) CPPFLAGS2= $(DEBUG_FLAGS) $(OPTIONS) $(INC) $(EXTRAFLAGS) /DWXDEBUG=1 /D__WXDEBUG__ /AL /Gt4 /Gx- /W4 /G2sw $(OPT) /D__WXMSW__ LINKFLAGS=$(LINK_DEBUG_FLAGS) /NOD /SEG:512 /ONERROR:NOEXE DUMMY=dummy !else PCH=WX.PCH PRECOMP=/YuWX/WXPREC.H /Fp$(WXDIR)\src\msw\$(PCH) CPPFLAGS= $(DEBUG_FLAGS) $(OPTIONS) $(INC) $(EXTRAFLAGS) /AL /Gt4 /Gx- /W4 /G2s /GD $(OPT) /D__WXMSW__ $(PRECOMP) CPPFLAGS2= $(DEBUG_FLAGS) $(OPTIONS) $(INC) $(EXTRAFLAGS) /AL /Gt4 /Gx- /W4 /G2s /GD $(OPT) /D__WXMSW__ LINKFLAGS=$(LINK_DEBUG_FLAGS) /NOD /SEG:512 /ONERROR:NOEXE DUMMY=dummydll !endif