The collection of scripts in this directory are an attempt to fully automate the build of the wxPython source and binary packages on all build platforms. It does this through creative use of ssh and scp commands to the remote build machines, so this will likely only work in my somewhat unique environment. The goal here is to be able to start a build on one machine and have it take care of all the steps, including moving the source tarball to the other build machines, initiating the build there, and collecting the results. Depending on the type of build, (see below) the results may be copied to a public server for others to play with. Types of builds: dryrun Nothing extra is done with the build, this is just for my own testing. daily The version number is temporarily adjusted to include a datestamp, and if the build is successful the results are copied to a daily build folder on starship. release The results are uploaded to the previews foler on starship if the build is successful. The master script in this folder is build-all (written in Python) which will setup and control the whole process. The other scripts (using bash) are launched from build-all either to do specific tasks locally, or to run on each individual build machine to manage the build process there, usually by calling out to other scripts that already exist. The build-all script uses the and subprocess Python modules.